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September 24, 1969 - Image 3

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MONDAY, SEPT. 29 8:00 P.M.

%41k(olll f hrollt paug




NEWS PHONE: 764-0532
BUSINESS 11I1ONE: 764-0551

Wednesday, September 24, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three

Urban ed struggles


growing pangs


Ann Arbor

Radical Film Series
-"One of the most extraordinary documents of our
--"A love letter to the Bill of Rights."-N.Y. Post
".. the most impressive movie to come outin a long
time."-N.Y. Herald-Tribune
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A powerful documentary film. The most dramatic
and memorable events of the "Army-McCarthy hear-
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The University's urban education
program-aimedsat providing for the
educational needs of the ghetto comn-
munity--is experiencing growing pains,
project director Prof. Tony Milazzo
said yesterday.
Speaking at a special meeting of
the education school faculty, Milazzo
said the program was having difficulty
coordinating the work of the principles
involved-the University, the Detroit
Public Schools and the city's com-
The $6 million, federally-funded
program included work with three-
man teaching teams, resource centers
and work at training teachers to teach
other teachers for the development of
complete "learning environments."
"The program had problems getting
started," Milazzo told the faculty. "The
time to prepare-the time for begin-
ning-was insufficient."
The program was intended to have
equal participation by the University,
the school district and the community
in teacher training, but has been at-

tacked specifically for being geared
more to teacher training rather than
serving the needs of inner-city stu-
Milazzo doted three other basic
-Not everyone who could, would or
should have participated had a chance
-The University admissions policy
posed difficulties in enrolling people
who normally would not meet the
University's standards.
--Professors in contact with the
program were not informed what ap-
propriate courses should be.
The enrollment problem was solved
by "putting people on the spot," Mi-
lazzo said, but he did not elaborate
on the subject.
Communication was another major
"We're asking people to work to-
gether when they were previously on
their own," Milazzo explained. The
problem was especially acute in cases
of communities that are wary of be-
ing guinea pigs in research projects
and tended not to be too helpful.

Milazzo said schools must be con-
cerned about the communities in which
they are located to fulfill their goals
of interaction.
In terms of the University, Milazzo
said, "To be successful there must be
interest and communication and ac-
tion involvement in the School of Ed-
ucation for those who are qualified."
"A policy-making board is being
established" to provide guidelines for
the program and create a sounder
interaction between the school, com-
munty and University, he said.
The board will include three repre-
sentatives from each of the seven
school communities, three representa-
tives from the Detroit Public Schoo'
system and three from the University.
Milazzo explained, "Each school
community is holding an election to
choose representatives for the board."
Previously the project itself had
chosen key people from the com-
munity who were known to have con-
tacts. Milazzo admits that "initially
the people were narrow in terms of
the community."

However, he adds, people have been
pulled in since the initial 25, making
their numbers reach about 80, and
there is better representation.
Milazzo said the teaching teams be-
ing instituted in the schools were led
by a local experienced teacher, aided
by both an inexperienced teacher and
another who has had no training in
Milazzo added that efforts were
made to pull all these people from the
communities themselves.
However, he said, "We didn't get the
full proportion out of the seven com-
munities, but it is better than we ex-
For the four subsequent years of the
program, all participants would be
from the communities which are being
directly affected, he said.
Both Milazzo and Education Dean
Wilbur Cohen have requested that
suggestions, criticism or help for the
program be submitted to the education
office. They believe the program can
only be efficient if a high amount of
interaction is maintained on all levels.

Wilbur Cohen

Wednesday, Sept. 24

7-9-11 P.M.

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LANSING OP) - Two consti-
tutional changes expected to
be part of Gov. William G.,
Milliken's plan for reforma-
tion to the state's educational
system likely will require the
state to operate for the next,
three years at current financ-
ing levels.
That estimate is contained in a
detailed memorandum being cir-
culated among House Republicans
by Rep. Martin Buth, assistant
minority leader.

n ews tday
b) The Assoc IiatPesand/ (oIleLe P.,t itSrrritt

-Dallr--Sara Krulwich
Lener akvsn sturessesoug Dets
evi aU sks students to

PRESIDENT NIXON will ask Congress for $662 million to
develop a controversial supersonic transport aircraft.
At a White House briefing yesterday, Nixon said he will ask for
$96 million in new funds this year in addition to $99 million in un-
used carry over appropriations. "I want the United States to continue


,join An
"It is time for students to decide
if they really want to commit
themselves to student power and
obtaining their political rights
through the existing political sys-
tem," State Senate Minority Lead-
er Sander Levin D-Berkeley told a
group of 50 Young Democrats last
"If they do." he added. "they
1Continueci from Page 2)
9-12 .ml. in Room 429 Mason Hall All
students should be there at 9 a.mr.
Please consult your instructor and then
sign the list in the History Office, 3601
Haven Hall.
Regents' Meeting: October 17. Coin-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands no later than October 2.
The English Department announces
arrangements for juniors and seniors
concentrating in English who wish to
receive credit by examination for re-
quired courses in English. The exam-
inations, each lasting four hours, will
be given on Saturday, October 18th.
Students must sign up for lteexams
in 444 Mason by 5:00 p.m. Friday, Sep-
tember 26th.
The Department began this program
last year on a trial basis ani is making
a further trial of the program this fall.
On the basis of last year's experience,
examinations are being prepared in
English 231, 350, and the surveys (371,
372, 373, 374) although examinations
in other courses (except writing cours-
es) will be offered if there is sufficient
The grade on the examination will be
reported in a letter to the student; if
he wishes to have the credit and the
grade entered on his record he should
take the letter to a concentration coun-
selor. Special counseling times to make
any necessary adjustments for students
who have already preclassifled will be
arranged as soon as the results of the
examinations are known.

The most crucial and controver- to lead the world in air transport," the President said.
sial constitutional change - even Nixon said his decision on the 1,800-mile-an-hour, 300 passengcr
among Republicans - is a plan airliner came after a "spirited debate within the administration."
e to abolish local operational mill- To meet a major objection from some opponents, Secretary of
ages, replacing them with a stateTo m e a mao obeto fr m s e op n ns, S c try f
property tax based on the state's Transportation John Volpe said the SST would not be allowed to fly
policiansandwor." fficye.t hm total property value of $35 mil- over population areas until the noise factor comes within acceptable
politicials and work." office.lion. limits.
Levin, speaking in the UGLI "Do enough students feel strong- The second constitutional amend-
Multi-Purpose room. stressed stu- ly enough about changing their ment would call for elimination
dents' exclusion from the estab- lack of political power to join the State Board of Education 39 SCHOOL DISTRICTS in nine Southern states have gained
lishedpolitial pi'ceosf You'rStapolticiandinowokingcfrtitn
lished political process. "You're politicians an orkingfor itstt 'he and would make the superintend- an additional delay in cutoff of federal funds.
more left out than blacks; you asked. He said the state Demo- ent of public instruction subject The delay stems from a directive issued last week by Health, Ed-
can't even be a precinct delegate." cratic party has established a to gubernatorial appointment as ucation, and Welfare Secretary Robert Finch to hearing examiners in
He attributed students' difficul- Political Reform Committee to are other major department heads. Atlanta, Ga.
ties in voter registration to clerks the state's political process Under the present system, the The examiners ruled that no cutoffs are imminent.
who view students as enemies who superintendent serves at the be-
Specifically, the committee is hest of the board.
working toward increasing student Also suggested is a five-cent in- THE SOVIET UNION will reply "soon" to President Nixon's
Lierarycol xtsstuderegistration and giving 18 year crease of the state's cigarette tax. offer for U.S.-Soviet disarmament talks.
suing this opton to do so in addi- olds the right to vote. Currently seven cents per pack- However, the message - relayed yesterday from Soviet Foreign
Lion to carrying a full academic load. The committee is working to in- age, the tax netted the state $80.8 Minister Andrei Gromyko to Secretary of State William Rogers -
St udents wil be linmped to a miaximnumn ueta vr tdn vr2 mlinfrtefsa eredn
of l5 hours of correspondence and sure that every student over 21 million for the fiscal year enuin indicates a further delay on the already - postponed parley the two
credit-by-examination credit within can register in the city where he June 30. countries have agreed to hold
the 120 hours required for an LSA de- attends school. Levin pointed out Additional state tax hikes un- " duriniathhld
rec that students are vital to Ann Ar- der consideration are on personal Gromyko did not specify what he meant by "soon, during a three
7 bor's economic welfare. and corporate income. Buth's hour conference with Rogers in New York. U.S. officials expect further
Placemfen£t Ser rice It is irrelevant, he added memorandum gave no specific de- word from the Soviets in several weeks, though.
3200 S.A.B. whether a student is a permanent tails but noted that a one per cent Disarmament talks were originally slated for late July. Nixon
GENERAL DIVISION resident of the city. increase in the present 2.6 per renewed his appeal for taws in a speech last week at the United
-r"There are three reactions to cent personal income tax would Nations but in a speech next day Gromyko did not answer the Presi-
"lianatwement Intern Orals M r FSEE political change," added Levin. increase state revenues by $180 dent's offer.

n , lu , n ai or i.L ta
ings, You will be notified by Wash- These are-"I won't get into the
ington of your eligibility, and the ar- system until it changes, I will get
rangements, The Orals will be held in in to change it," and "I don't give
Room 3524 on Thur day, Sept. 25, If a damn. If people don't work with-
you have any questions about your
standing call Miss Webber at 764-7460. in the system," he goes on, "they
Current Position Openings received will use power outside the polit-
by mail and phone, not interviews on ical arena. They don't see the
campus, call 764-7460 for application open door."
details: Levin added that "it was a mis-
Midwest Keseareh Institute, Kansas take to set up Senator Robert;
City, Mo.: Lanrd Use and Recreation ub'sCm iteoin sige
Economists, chemists, Statistician, Op Huber's Committee t investigate
cra tions Research. campus activities. It was a waste
State of Michigan: Industries Pro- of money and maybe worse.
duction Specialist, ME IE and 5 yrs. "Bob Huber is wise in one sense
Vocational Rehabilitation Agent, BA -he refuses to come on college
or MA for different levels and 1-3 years campuses-he'd probably be ar-
exper. Apply for these before Oct. 13. apssh' prbly ea-
State of Connecticut: Director of rested for investigating a riot."
Occupational Therapy, 4 years exper. Levin also said that while ROTC
Investigator, degree and 1 year work- demonstrations may give some
with welfare agency or mgmt, or ammunition to conservative state
financial exper.amtocneviesae
State of Maine, Education Specialist legislators, they would have trou-
masters in educ. and teaching o' ble criticizing the University's
supv. exper in a special educ. pro- handling of the demonstrations.
gram. :y "Fleming has such strong support
Local Firni: Business opportunity in in Lnsing, it would be hard to
sales training, educ. and exper, bck-
rnds not specified, lots of opportun- shake. They respect his intelligence
ityv. and foresight."

On the question of Parochiaid.
Buth said, "The governor seems
inclined to include some assist-
ance, based on a percentage of a
certified teacher's salary for . .
secular subjects." The estimated
amount in Milliken's plan, Buth
said, is $50 million.
House speaker William A. Ryan
(D-Detroit) leader of the once-
defeated Parochiaid backers, has
said the state would have to ex-
pect to pay some $250 million
more if a parochiaid grant were
not includied in the nroaram.

A JUDICIAL COLLEAGUE of Judge Clement Haynsworth said
he would have avoided Haynsworth's controversial stock purchase.
Testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday, Judge
Harrison Winter of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals indicated
that, if in similar circumstances, he would not have bought the stock
until court opinion had been filed.
Haynsworth - President Nixon's choice for Supreme Court
Justice - has come under fire because of a $16,000 purchase of Bruns-
wick Corp. stock while deciding on a case involving the corporation.
However, Winter added that the purchase had not in the slightest
degree impaired his belief in Haynsworth's integrity or ability

20th Century-Fox presents
in the Stanley Donen Production
a sad gay story
Produced and Directed by STANLEY DONEN'- Screenplay by CHARLES DYER Based upon ms play
a- -- i

Republican acquiesence to Mil- A POSTAL CORPORATION PLAN favored by the Nixon Ad-
liken's plan by no means has been ministration was rejected by the House Post Office Committee.
'assured. Buth ended his own me- In a unanimous vote, the 26-man committee indicated it would
morandum by noting "in a sub- accept an alternate postal proposal by committee chairman Thadeus
sequent letter it will outline some Dulski (D-NY).
of the shortcomings and omis- Under the Nixon plan a board of directors would run the postal
sions as I see them.' toperations, and would set postal rates; subject to congressional veto.
S20-mill state property tax was Dulkski's proposal would continue the Post Office Department's af-
blasted by Rep. Roy Spencer (R- filiation with the Civil Service but would give the department more
Attica) as politically unfeasible. business-like management.


_ - --



el 4b



DIAL. 8-6416
Wednesday Is Ladies Day

rG i -. 1- .








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