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Cloudy and cooler;
possibly drizzly

Vol LXXX, No. 18 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 24, 1969 Ten Cents

Eight Pages


Bookstore rally




demonstrator s;

today on


Students will meet on the Diag at noon today to consider
what action to take on the Regents' decision to esablish an
adminisration-run University bookstore.
If 200 students reject the plan and are ready to take the
Administration Bldg., Student Government Council President
Marty McLaughlin says he will encourage them to go ahead.
"We feel the bookstore decisions should be made by a
board responsible to the consumers, mostly students, whom
the store exists to serve,," McLaughlin says.
However, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Wilbur Pierpont --empowered by the Regents to run the store
-disagrees with McLaughlin



Study Vdeotape films
to identify protesters
President Robben Fleming acknowledged last night the
University "will-prosecute anyone we can identify" from Mon-
day night's ROTC building takeover, but top administration
officials otherwise kept a tight lid on their plans.
Conspiracy to commit a felony, which carries up to a ten
year prison term, was among the possible charges considered
yesterday by University and city officials, City Attorney
Gerald Lax said.
Breaking and entering, a felony, trespass and malicious
destruction of property were other charges considered yester-
day, he said.
Police are currently studying videotape films taken of at
least some of the 50-60 demonstrators as they fled North Hall
through a back door at 2:45
a.m. yesterday, Police Chief
Walter Krasny said yesterday. '

to mneet oil
food osts
A mass meeting has been
called for tonight to organize
an ad hoc committee for stu-
dents, families, and "anybody
who buys food and is angry at
the ridiculous prices they have
to pay'.~
One of teeullimittee's orgat -
izers saidl la t night the purpose
of the meeting is to "get people
together and let them decide how
th ir food heeds can be satisfied
Plans tentit at ively have been
made to boycott several strategic'
An Arbor stores in an effort to
orce food lics down to -where
they belong." According to the
totlirt te's publicity hand-out,
. toresv wich ight be boycotted
in clutde f"ood Mart. White Market.,
and Ralph's Market.-
Long-term plans may iclude
negotiating with store owners to
lower food prices, busing people
to discount food stores, buying
large qcuaintities of food staples at
wholsaleprices, and establishing
a food cooperative.
The meeting will be held at 8
p.m. tonight in the Student Gov-
ernment Council offices on the
first floor of the Student Activi-
ties Building.
Last spring, SGC, Student Con-
sumer's Union, and other student
organizations were successful in
forcing Haikaz Stephan, owner of
Stephan's on South University. to
lower prices on patent medicines
sold in his store.
Students back
'Biafra week'
The Committee to Keep Biafra
Alive last night held its initial
meeting and pledged support to
the activities of Biafra Week.
Biafra Week was proclaimed in
Ann Arbor by Mayor Robert J.
Harris from Sept. 22-28, in asso-
ciation with the local chapter of
the Biafra Association in the
Activities for the conmemora -
tion include a painting exhibit by
Mrs. Nne K. Ita in the Michigman
Union and a nationwide bucket
A folk mass at St. Mary's
Church on Sunday will also be
held to observe Biafra Week.

and discussed his interpreta-
tion of the plan in an inter-
view yesterday.
He said he will actively seek
student advice to determine store
policy but believes he should have
final decision-making power. He
stressed he will "take seriously
into consideration" student recom-
mendations for bookstore man-
ager, but indicated the final de-
cision would rest with hint.
He emphasized that policy is
determined on a day-to-day basis
and not by votes of a particular
He also cited the serious finan-
cial problems of the student-fac-
ulty operated Michigan Union as
a danger of student control of a
venture like the bookstore.
The University decision-making
process is an informal one, he
added, saying that discussions with
students would play a large part
in his determining policy.
He said that students could help
determine what inventory to main-
tain, the price levels to charge and
any price discount.
Pierpont stressed he would make
every attempt to sell items "at the
lowest possible price," but he would
not comnmit himself on any across-
the-board discount.
He added, though, that there
could very w~ell be lower prices at
the University sto'e than at the
Ann Arbor bookstores.
"The volume of business and the
efficiency of the manager will de-
termine discounts," he said. "We
will certainly attempt to give dis-
counts wherever possible depend-
ing on the store's financial posi-
tion." he continued,
Pierpont saido the bookstore
would operate on a non-profit'
basis with the store--and not the,
University--paying expenses.
Any profits, would be funneled
back into bookstore operations he
The meeting was originally
scheduled for noon yesterday by
the 400 students who remained
in the Michigan Union Assembly
Hall following Friday's debate
with the Regents.
However a previously scheduled
rally by Young Americans for
Freedom at the same time resulted
in a delay of the mass meeting
until today.
Student Government Council.
in a special session Sunday night.
declined to back the mass meet-
ing, arguing that more students
should be gathered before taking
any action.
The Regents, in approving a
University bookstore, reversed an
earlier position in July when they
rejected a University-financed
bookstore. 8-0.
The Regents then also defeated.
4-4, a plan to funddthe store
through voluntary funds.
The key change in vote came
from Lawrence Lindemr R-
Stockbridge) who voted last week
for a University bookstore.

Krasny reported tiehe fis-
which will be used to identify the
occupiers--are "fair."
Top University officials met
yesterday morning and afternoon
-including a session with Krasny
-to discuss legal action against
the anti-ROTC demonstrators and
contingency plans for future dis-
Students involved in the take-
over also will probably be disci-
plined under University regula-
tions, Fleming said.
County Prosecutor William F.
Delhey. meanwhile, said he is "re-
viewing evidence with the Ann
Arbor police and other police
agencies" to see whether he can

in 1ST
Close to 150 ROTC protesters
yesterday rallied in front of
North Hall at noon and about
65 marched to the Institue of

- Daily-- Eric Per_.
STUDENTS sit-in yesterday at the Institute of Science of Technology on North Campus to protest the Univ-rsity's ties with the
military. The sit-in followed a rally of 150 people in front of North hall protesting the presence of ROTC on campus.
Caucus leaves anti-ROTC group

but plans to continue


Radical Caucus last night dis-
associated itself from the Ad Hoe
Committee to Abolish ROTC say-
ing the committee's lack of disci-
pline "limits us politically and
makes us functionally incapable
of participating in the decisions on
the actions of the coalition."
Despite the formal withdrawal,
however. the Caucus also voted to
continue participating in the anti-
ROTC movement.
Concerning today's noon Diag
rally on the University bookstore'
fight, Caucus members decided

almost. unanimously "to urge that SDS and Resistance for their lack
disruptive action be taken at the of discipline in the coalition, cit-
Administration Building if 200 ing Monday's mass meeting as an
people are willing to participate." example.
Plans call for a disruptive sit- "The only purpose of the meet-
down someplace in the adminis- ing for SDS was to provide them
tration building directly after the with recruits," McLaughlin said.
rally if the Caucus has sufficient "SDS did not go into the meeting
support. A tactics meeting slated with the purpose of making any
to follow the rally will determine kind of a decision regarding the
exactly how to conduct the pro- mass action."
test. Caucus members said the peo-
Referring to Caucus relations ple round North Hall were mis-
with the anti-ROTC coalition, used by the coalition, citing the
SGC President and Caucus mem- de-emphasis on "political rap-
ber Marty McLaughlin criticized ping" and the fact that those out-

rro tests
side were concerned with pre-
venting police action, not ROTC.
Additional reasons cited by
Caucus members for the split with
the coalition were conduct of dorm
raps and the Radical Caucus
image on campus.

prosecute demonstrators. Sciencee and iTechnology to
There was speculation yester- protest war research.
day that the University and police The possibility of re-entering
deliberately let the demonstrators North Hall was brought up at the
inside North Hall escape, in order~ rally, but it was generally believ-
to avoid a bloody confrontation ed that such. action would bring
but still enable police to make on confrontation with the police
identifications. for which the demonstrators were
The back door through which not ready.

the demonstrators fled was the
only unlocked and least-heavily
guarded door at North Hall. Police
photographers were ready with
the videotape machine when dem-
onstrators rushed past the several
police guards.

Members pointed out that they Asked whether police expected
were burdened at dorm raps by the demonstrators to make the
having to defend SDS and Re- break, Krasny said last night, "I
sistance-oriented actions which would rather not comment on
they themselves do not support. t.hat." University officials also re-
In thinking of Radical Caucus fused to comment.
as part of the coalition, members Krasny added that a police de-
emphasized, the campus believes tail will guard North Hall around
they suport all coalition actions the clock "for an indefinite period
Caucus members pointed out the of time.
need for a separate identity and
so favored disassociation.
Some Caucus members preferred }
to continue working with the coal-
ition as individuals rather than as O Patoday' e
Caucus members.

Final presentations expected
in naval recruiter lock-in trial

Dennis Church, a member of
SDS, said the group was not large
enough to support a massive con-
frontation but "we can effectively
protest the related issue of war
research that goes on at the Uni-
Accompanied by TV camera-
men, the 65 people marched to
North Campus and entered the
IST building. The group occupied
the lobby of the building but did
not prevent anyone from enter-
ing or leaving.
Addressing the group. Fred
Miller blasted President Robben
Fleming for his avoidance of the
war research issue. Fleming made
a strong indictment against the
Vietnamese war, and he has said
that research is vital to the war
effort, Miller said, but when the
president is conducted with the
war research issue he backs down.
The group then broke into
smaller divisions for discussion on
the issue of classified research
and possible tactics. Dorm raps
to gain support for the ROTC
protest were planned for 1 a s t
SACUA chairman Joseph Payne
and Deputy Police Chief Olson
observed the sit-in.
At 2:30 th 25 people who still
remained got up and left with-
out more discussion.

Central Student Judiciary's sec-
ond session of the recruitei lock-
in trial will convene tonight at
7:30 in the Architecture Audito-
rium as the prosecution and de-
fense expect to wind up their
The appearance of the prosecu-
tion's last witness. Augustin S.
L'Etoile, a naval recruiter. is un-
certain. He was supposed to have

been flown in to testify, but a
heavy schedule may make it im-
possible for him to attend, ac-
cording to Peter Forsythe, the at-
torney for the prosecution.
The four students on trial are
charged with violating a Student,
Government Council ban against,
disruptive sit-ins. These students
were identified from photographs
as being among the 25 students


Group says recall election sure

that locked L'Etoile in a West En-
gineering room last March.
Even without L'Etoile, Forsythe
expects little difficulty in proving
his case. "So far we've just put
the facts forward," he said. "Now
it's up to CSJ to deliver the ap-
propriate decision ...," he con-
Defense lawyer' K. Mogill hia al-
ready conceded that the students!
violated the ban, but contends the
political significance of the act is'
the important consideration.
"There are some occasions when
the strict enforcement of the law
would be unjust," he said last
week. "We submit that this is one
of those times.."
Neil Bush, another defense
lawyem', has declared their strategy
is a "defense of justification."
The students, he explains, were
justified in their action because
they were protesting the Univer-
sity s involvement with military
research, the Pentagon, the Viet-
nam war and the Reserve Officer
Training Corps.
To strengthen their case. Bush
and Mogill have requested nine'
University research scientists and
Vice President for Research A.
Geoffrey Norman to appear as
witnesses for the defense.
According to CSJ chairman
Marc Wohl. these men ar unlikely
to appear. "I have heard that Nor-
man might ennnir the nrnfs-

ROTC officers keep calm

In other action last night, the
Caucus elected as its new officers:
Jim Forrester, convenor (chair-
man): Gary Baldwin, press sec-
retary: Sue Sasser, treasurer;
Ruth Bowman. secretary; and
Guna Spacs and Dick Englund,
steering committee members-at-
Press secretary Baldwin was
selected to piesent the Caucus'
position' on action on the book-:
store issue at the rally today on
the Diag.

0 Goy. Milliken plans re-
forms in funding for state
* State Senate Minority
Leader Sander Levin urges
students to work toward
changing the American
political system.
* The University's urban ed-
ucation program experienc-
es problems of growth.

"We're sure that we will get enough
signatures for a recall election of Mayor
Harris and six Democratic councilmen,"
says Norman J. Randall, public relations
director for the Concerned Citizens of Ann
The Concerned Citizens of Ann Arbor
have been circulatin po(titions since the
middle of Jul. seki"g the recail of Mayor
Robert La'ris and six l)emocratic council-
The citizens group stateimit cites live
reasons for the recall:
'They (the mayor and the Democratic

ership necessary to create confidence in the
city government.."
In order to hold a recall election, t h e
citizens group must have a petition with
the number of signatures equal to 25 per
cent of the number of people from the city
official's constituency who voted in the last
gubernatorial election.
The group needs 6,546 signatures calling
for Harris' recall: 1.006 for John Kirscht, of
the first ward: 760 for Robert Faber and
Len Quenon, second ward: 1,891 for Nicholas
Kazarinoff, third ward; 1.503 for LeRoy
Cap aert and Henry Stadler. fifth ward.
Constantine Novitsky, ward cooirdinator

Jack Garris, chairman of the group, says
"we want. to get at least the necessary num-
ber of signatures so as to place the recall
vote on the November 3 ballot."
"We would like to present many more
signatures than necessary," says Novitsky.
Last weekend, the group sent out an all-
city mailing which included copies of the
Black Panther 10 Point Program, the White
Panther 10 Point. Program, and a White
Panther .statement.
Garris explains these statements were in-
cluded "to bring to their <citizens) attention
the White Panther Statement which had
hben asod n ot to children at the nihlie

over su
"Let's go up to the office,"
suggested an ROTC officer to his
companion late Monday night.. "I
hear we can't get in."
He was, of course, telling the
truth since approximately 60 anti-
ROTC protesters had beat him to'
the desk in Monday night's sur-
prise lock-in at North Hall. De-
spite the protest. though, North'
Hall seemed very calm yesterday
morning and most personnel in-
side were unruffled about the pre-
vious evening's occurrence.
Even the four policemen leisure-
lv anardina the main entranr nl

trpis occupation
Hannah. "This should not be tol- money would be better spent
erated any further. Somebody elsewhere. But they're going about

should take action-it has gone
beyond the stage of exercising
freedom of speech."
Although the decision to call the
police Monday night was made by
President Robben Fleming because
only University property was in-
volved, Hannah said "If U.S. Fed-
eral Government property were
damaged, we do have recourse to
go directly to law enforcement
Whether disgruntled or not with
Monday night's events, some
RO(TCe nonnl have their oivn

it in - what's the right word
an infantile, naive way."
"I think there were some sincere
people-some very idealistic peo-
ple out there," Lett added. "This
speaks well of the University."
However, Lett also said he believes
there are "alot of disturbed kids"
involved in the protest. "This is
the only type of organization
where they can be successful." he
One army offcial said it appear-
ed that the protesters "took pains
not tn damne recnrds" or to do

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