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September 23, 1969 - Image 8

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Page Eight


Tuesday, September 23, 1969

Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, September 23, 969

S GC declines to back
r°ally for Ibookstore


Ftreign Visitors
. . . ii o : :.. ' pl ne 64- 148.
:dir. Nripendra P 1. Sen. Princ'ipal, Ad-

(Cont inued from Purg I)
".I'liey are denying the right of
SGC to hold its own referendum,",
say s Farrell.
144eaadds that if SGC must co-
duct the referendum completely
over again, this destroys the valid-
idity of the initial vote in March.
6,500 students voted, 4-1, at
that time to finance the bookstore
through a one-time $1.75 Per stu-
dent fee assessment.
T1he Regents argued the March
referendum would force students;
who did not favor a bookstore to
pay for it.
Farrell canters that most stu-
dents want a bookstore and adds'
P'lainond on,
Kelley face
CliiCcgo trials
Pun Plamnondon, White Panther
minister of defense, and Ken Kel-
ley, editor and pubsher of the
Ann Arbor Argus, were arrested
Sunday in Cihica go.
Plamnondoni w a s charged with
possession of marijuana and ar-
rying a concealed weapon and re-
leased on SI.500 bond. Kelley was
picked up oni charges of disorderly
conlduct- a misdemeanor - and
released on $2:5 bond.
"We were just walking along,'
and this pia car screeched to a
stop beside uts," Plamondon said.
..Y \V( gigs got out and said some-
oneI hati reported t ha t we were
crteatinig a disturbance."
Plamndon said t he police
wouldn't say who had made the
report. "Ie just frisked uts down,;
found a jacknrife and some green
leafy mat erial onl me, and pulled
me in,'' le said.
Also arrested with Kelley and,
Plamondon was Al Rosenfeld, a
st aff member of t he newspaper,
the Chicago Seed.
Plamondon said he and Kelley
\Vnt to Chicago to see Rosenfeld,
but added hre didn't. know if the
police knew= they were in town.Plmnosadlltrehv
hearings set foi' Oct. 15.
Dec. 27-Jan, 3
~$219) at Freeport inn
$229 at Holiday Inn
* Round Trip Jet Air Fare
0 7 Nights Accommoda-
® 7 Great Happy Hours
* Gala New Year's Party
$25 Holds Your Reservation

most schools in the University do
not have govei'nments to conduct
a r'eferendum anyway.
He also believes a second refer-'
endum may not even be neces-
sary. $147,000 remains in the driv-
ers registration fund, he says, and
this coupled with $60,000 ac-:
cumlated from the March refer-
edum would pay for the store.
Regent Robert Nedeilander has
argued that about $30,000 from
the fund was reserved for security
purposes. Farrell, acknowledges
that about $8,000 was planned to
finance the Nite Owl Bus Service,
but says this would be paid
through accuntulated interest.
William Steude, director of stu-
dent-community relations, es-
timates the amount remaining as
about $135,000 which, when cou-
pled with the $60,000 might fi-
nance the bookstoi'e without the
additional funds raised through
a referendum.
But if SGC does not hold a sec-
ond referendum- and instead relies
on funds accumulated from the
March vote, it is questionable
whether the Regents will collect
this money at all.
Feder'al Communications Com-
missioner Nicholas Johnson will
speak on "The Media Barons Up-
dated" at 4:10 p.m. Thursday,
Sep.t 25 in Trueblood Aud.
Johnson. youngest member of
the FCC, was appointed to a
seven-year term by President
Johnson in 1966.
His speech is sponsored by the
department of journalism and the
Lawe School.

official publicationi of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
sent in T1YPEWRIT'TEN f o r in to
Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before
2 p.m. of the day preceding publi-
cation and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; lDay
Calendar items appear on1ce only.
Student organizations notices a r e
not ;acceptedl for lpublication. For
more information, phone 764d-9270.
General lNotices
F'lu Shots: "~Flu Shot'' Clinic, Health
Servic'e, Wednesday, September 24,
Thursday, October 2 and Wednesday,
October 15 fro m8:00 - 11:30 am, and
1:00 - 4:30 p.m. $2.00 for students and
si udent spouses and $3.00 for facuilty.
staff and their spouses. Persons who
have had a flu shot since 1967 need'
only one shot at this time. Others
should receive two flu shots at an in-
terval of two weeks or more.
'T'heC oniputing Center announces a
one-hour short course on "The Use of
Sequtenitial Files and the Data Cell in
MTS". Prerequisite is a basic knowv-
led,,e of the use of MTS. Participants
wiil be exp~ected1 to have read Comnput-
ing Center Memo No. 89 - Introduc-
tion to Sequential Files and the Data
Cell in MXTS. 4:00 p.m., Wednesday. Sep-
teniber 24, 1969, Room 1024 of the
East Engineering Building. Questions
Should be directed to Gary Pirkola at
the Computing Center, 114 North Uni-
versity Building, 764-2410.
Statistics Seminar: Professor H-ill,
"oundations for the Theory of Least
Squares": Wednesday, Sept. 24. 435
MJason Hall, 4:00 p.m.
Russiant and Fast European Studies
L~ectutre: Nadej da Gorodetzky, Professor
Smneritus of Russian, University of Liv-
erpool, " Problems of the Youth in
Recent Soviet Literttre'', 200 L a n e
Hlail, Wednesday, Sept. 24, 4:10 p.
The Comnputinig Center announces a
one-Hour short course, on Project Ac-
count to be held 'rhturday, September

25, 1969, at 4:00 pin. in room 1024 of
the East Engineering Building. The
library program Project Account enab-
les project directors and instructors to
monitor and vary the maximum money,
disk and data cell space, terminal and
liotting time, and the expiration time
tot' NITS signon ID's assigned to their
p~roject or course. An elementary know-
ledge of MTS will be assumed. Ques-
tions should be directed to Charles F.j
Engle at the Computing Center, 116
Northx University Btuilding, 764-2410.
'ThIe History Make-up Examination
will be held on Saturday, September 27,;
9-12 a.iii. in Room 429 Mason Hail. All
students shotuld be there at 9 a.m.
Please consult yotrir nstructor and then
sign the list in the History Office, 3601
Haven Hail.
President's State of the University
Address. President Fleming will give
the annual address to the faculty and
staff on Monday evening, September
29. at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. The meetinig will be open
to all members of the University com-
mnunity. The five Distinguished Fa-
culty Achievement Awards, the six
Disting4uished Service Awards for In-
struct or-, Assistant Professors, a n d
Jutilor Associate Professors, and the
t'iiersity Press Book Award for 1969
will be presented at this meeting. A
recep'tioin will be held in the Michigan
League Ballroom immediately after the
conclutsion of the meeting.
Elizabeth- Sargent Lee Medical His-
tory Prize: Established in 1939 by Prof.
Alfred 0. Lee, a member of the faculty
from 1908 to 1938. -The income from
the bequest is to be awarded to junior
or senior premedical students in the
Collette of Literatture, Science, and the
Arts for writing the best essay on some
topic concerning the history of medi-
cinie. Freshmen in Medical S c lh o o l
whio are oii the Joint Program' in
Liberal Arts and Medicine or who were
admitted after their junior year in
LSA are il:so eligiblie. Judges: Profes-
sors Frank vWiouse, Jr., Chairman,
Carlton F. Well- ttnd Frederick H. Test.
Consult at ion with committee members
by appbointmnent. Prizes of $150 and $100.
I\Ltutscripts. 3,000 to 5,000 words
should be typed, dotuble spaced on
oie ie cof the paper on regular manu-
scrip~t siz~edipaper. Submit two copies
at 1220 Angell Hall by December 1, 1969.

Ti.he Etnglish Department announces'
arrangements for juiiior~s and seniors
conicentrating~ in English wvho wish to
receive credit by exaniinat ion for re-
quired courses iii English. The exaim-
inations, east lasting four hotirs, will
be given on Saturday, October 18th.
Students must sign tip for the exams
in 444 Mason by 5:00 p.m. Friday. Sep-
temnber 26th.
The Department began this p~rod,!-imn
last year on a trial basis and is mnaking
a further trial of the program th'.i aIl.
Oil the basis of Ist year's experience" .
examinations are being p~repared Ii
English 231, 350, and the surveys 1371,
372, 373, 374) although examinations
Iin other courses (except writing cours-
es) will be offered if there is sufficient
The grade on the exaininat ion w~ill be
reported Ii a letter to the student; if
lie wishes to have the credit and the
grade entered on his record he shouild
take the letter to it concentraiton coun-
selor. Special counseling times to make
any necessary adjustments for students
who have already preclassified will be
arranged as soon as the results of the
examinations are known.
IThe Administrative Board of the
Literary College expects studenits pur-
suing this option to do so In addi-
tion to carrying a full academic load,
Students will be limilted to a imaximtum
of 15 hours of correspondence and
credit-by-examnination credit within
the 120 hours required for an LSA de-


in ni1!utr:ative StallColl eeof1India, Hy-
dle: 1),(1 IIxtii cteiir2
Mr 'vid li ., .-,iina :Einlishi
Teaher. M~nxiit iia l~u SSchoal.
I .)k .JapanT . ' t~i3b 23-2.
Phaceie it Servrice
3?00 4...
C'urren t Posit ion OIpentin gs recei vedi
by mnail and phone, not interviews oni
cmucall1 764-7460 for apxplicattion
sl ate of North (4a rolina: Into and
coiii'.int o , Pecrwithcol-iiissioit for
bind, public re'atins. journalism,
Engi'., bckriid with 2 yers exper in
couinlttliic-plitv-Pri R wvork.
U~ocal Legal Agency:Csevr Sup-
ervis~or, MSW MA in behaviorl sci and
I year supv exper tor 2-3 years agency
Personal Products ('o. Wilmington,
Ill.: MIE's for process. mill cngrg. eqtilp-
11'.eti t.
State of Alaska: Speech Pathologist
Audiolot ,in l Jun:eau, major in speech
pathi, sp & hea r, or audios, either 2
eartcs exper or g.1adui14te studiv.
0. IP. rother :and Co., Advertising,
Detroit - oppoIrtiiias in advertising
wvith dixision ,of Leo 'urnette.
,,, ems Resea;rch La:boratories, Inc.:
Dayton. Ohio: Re search physicists, sci-
elitand ngne r adoinetrics. op-
tics. photo-r-J'cidIiigc jmptiter !logic
and hardware eighi vacuum. mnterg
cir cuiits, lasers ::or i,:r Iflow, and other

Taro 215/ . S mxii . T.l.2nJtr{oo
10 It) ..N ,:3o l'.\l '(,91 58~3
SGC Offices in the S.A.B.


'? H ,
A T t=
( ' :

All the Friendly Colors
Hedge and Donna

Forever Is a Dream

Il I 1ISQ it
t1 C Wfkli

Hurt So Bad
Lette rmen




1st Floor, Michigan Union


The Utnivrersity of Mieluiga II
Cen ter for ltussuuuqad East Euro pean Studies



Professor of Russian (Emeritus)




because iOt costs a lot of bread
The Great Subversive Put-on by Stanley Blacker, $70.00
Matching coat for men and ladies; $250.00
Many other do-your-thing hats from $8.00

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