CONCERNED PORNOGRAPHERS See Editorial Page 4 AW 4Au :4Ia it SUNNY High-80 Low-52 Sunny, then cooler; chance of rain Vol. LXXX, No. 17 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 23, 1969 Ten Cents Eight Pages 60 DE 0 STRATORS SEIZE ROTC BUILDI G" SHERIFF OBIUZES FORCE OF 200 DEPUTIES SGC declines to buc rally on bookstore By RICK PERLOFF Student Government Council, in a special session Sunday night, voted 4-2 against sponsoring a mass meeting tomorrow on the bookstore issue. However, several Council members are working on their own toward making the rally a success. The meeting was originally scheduled for noon today in the Diag by the 400 students who remained in the Michigan Union Assembly Hall following Friday's march and debate with the Regents. The meeting was called to determine the acceptability of the regents plan to create an administration-run Univer- sity bookstore. But a previously scheduled rally by the Young Americans for Freedom for the same time has resulted in a delay of the YDs Imaek Oct. 1 5 strik Two student. organizations, the Young Democrats and the History Student Association, last night voted to support the Oct. 15 Mor- a torimn against the Vietnam War. The executive board of' the YD's announced plans to organize the members in a community action program as part of the nation- wide anti-wear strike. The organizing will be dons' in coordination with the New Mobil- ization, which is leading the "Fall Anti-War Offensive," Door- to-door canvassing by the YD's will include distribution of a pamphlet on the war in Viet- namn and a statement of student concerns relating to Ann Arbor. The goals of the YD act ion will be to: ~-Stress to the citizens of Ann Arbor the necessity of ending the Vietnam War now: -Help identify and mnobilize anti-war sentiment in the comn- mnunity: and IAttempt to ease the hostility and tension between students and other Ann Arbor residents through personal communication. Further plans and organizat ion will be discussed at the YD's gen- eral membership meeting tonight at 8:30 in the UGLI Multipur- pose Room. The History St udent _As oeia- tion, a graduate student organiza- tion. also went on record 1 a s t night as recommenlding that a l I faculty members and teaching fel- lows in the department partici- pate in the striike. * mass meeting until noon to- morrow, SGC Executive Vice President Marc Van Der Hout and M a r y Livingston voted for sponsoring the meeting tomorrow because they feel SGC must honor the de- cision Friday to hold a meeting. Van Der Hout, Miss Livingston SGC President Marty Mc- Laughlin and members of Interna- tional Socialists and R a d i c a 1 Caucus are distributing leaflets which explain their opposition to the regental compromise. Since SGC, as a body, has not agreed to sponsor the meeting, however, the costs of leafletting must be assumed by the individuals in- volved. Roger Keats, Bob Nelson, Mike Farrel and Darryl Gorman voted against sponsoring the meeting be- cause, they wanted to wvait until more students are informed about the plan before taking any ac- tion. Keats says he favors accepting the plan now and working later toward giving students a greater policy-making role. SGC unanimously agreed t h a t Vice President and Chief Financ- ial Officer Wilbur Pierpont should not, as the regents stip~ulated, have final control over bookstore poli- cies. SGC wants students to con- stitute two-thirds of the policy- making board. "We feel," explains McLaugh- lin,".that the decisions on store policy, such as the decision to give discounts if a discount is fin- ancially feasible, should be made by a board responsible to the con- sumers, mostly students, who the store exists to serve." Council also insists that if a second student refsrendum is held to raise additional funds, SGC should run it. The Regens had agreed to supply half of the necessary S200,000 from money leftover from student driving reg- istration fees, but said the re- mainder must be gathered through a second refrendum in the in- dividual schools and colleges. See SGC, Page 8 2000 MASS OUTSIDE AS OFFICIALS CONFER By DANIEL ZWERDLING About 50-60 anti - ROTC demonstrators marched quickly to North Hall and barricaded themselves inside last night following a mass meeting in Angell Hall. Some 20 Ann Arbor police were on the scene soon after the takeover, holding back the over 2,000 people who had crowded around the building by 11 p.m. The crowd dwindled to 500 by 1:15 a.m. Meanwhile, more than 200 deputies from Monroe, Liv- ingston, Oakland and Washtenaw Counties began massing at the County Jail. They were equipped with full riot gear including face-masks, night sticks, and tear gas. Police spokesmen said they were waiting for instructions from President Robben Fleming and would not take action until he gave the order. "We're waiting for Fleming to give the word," Det, Lt. Eugene Staudenmaler of the Ann Arbor police department said. A number of high University and city officials were meeting at 1 a.m. in the Museum Annex nearby to determine what action to take. However, no decision had been made then on whether to call in the Ann Arbor police or on the extent of discipline to be taken against the demonstrators. Acting Vice President for Student Affairs Barbara Newell, hoA,- ever, acknowledged the damage so far had been a broken front window in North Hall and a number of chairs piled up closely together. Leaders of the ad hoc steering committee repeatedly urged the crowds over thv microlhone to sit tightly packed in front of the building, to block the expected efforts by police to charge the barri- cades. The crowds, which swllvd to a peak of over 2000, cheered as anti- R')TC leaders declared demonstrators would stay "all night." The demonstrators reached the decision to take the building after about 12 hours of debate by the 150 in attendance over various proposals including postponing action until today, when some be- lieved it would be possible to mobilize more people after a day of. organizing. However, at least 57 persons voted to seize the building last night. arguing that rapid, immediate action would raise more support. Most of the persons as the meeting voted to support those who moved to seize the building. After the protesters left, supporters spread throughout the dormitories, called lawyers, arranged for bail money and mobilized supporters throughout the campus. When they entered, demonstrators smashed a door window, opened the door, and immediately evacuated all ROTC personnel in the building. Within five minutes, the demonstrators began erecting barricades at the door, using desks and chairs. An Ann Arbor police squad car appeared on the grounds within fiv2 minutes after demonstrators began barricading the door, A Sanford Security guard, who had been watching television when the demonstrators seized North Hall, said he had called police. He added that guards had expected demonstrators to act tonight after he saw two persons whom ie believed were anti-ROTC demon- strators "cased the building this afternoon." One ROTC officer told a policeman, "We're trying to get in to lock the files." Maj. William Morgan said, "There is nothing classified in the files," but a ROTC officer expressed concern to Morgan that demon- strators would.get into the files. However. Barry Bluestone, a leader of the anti-ROTC movement. denied demonstrators were destroying the files. Bluestone, who remained outside, talked with demonstrators through the barricades, and announced to be the crowd over a mic- rophone: "We've got the building, that's for sure. A lot of people are counting on you. "They know you're going to be here as long as they hold that building. As long as we're here, we can protect them and ourselves." declared Bluestone. The crowd cheered as Bluestone added, "I can tell you that Military Science 101, which is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 8 a.m,. has been postponed," Bluestone reported the demonstrators inside North Hall were holding liberation classes on ROTC and the war in Vietnam. He said they had requested some flashlights, and some food. By 1:30 a.m., there were only hom 20 to 30 Ann Arbor police on duty. Demonstrators who seized the building could be prosecuted for breaking and entering, trespassing, and other charges. Ii. Li; IIr;1 bhj PrIotesterIs Ima(ss5(outside :X oithl 11lii iin upoti o the buC1.1ildIinlg SwizI 1 RALLIES IN FIVE (ITIES. 'Black protest Yr 'rie Asoaed Pres "Black Monday" was observed yesterday by blacks protesting al- legd job discrimination in the building trades in five cities across the nation. Demonstrations and rallies were held yesterday in three of the cities, Chicago, Seattle, and Ok- lahoma City. In Chicago, 3.000 protestemrs met in the Civic Center Plaza. Many were young people who boycotted school. Except for one arrest, there were no major incidents. Monday' demonstrations discrimination in jobs In the crowd were large clusters of young black men wearing t h e various colored berets signifying the youth organization to which they belong. There also was a cluster of black men wearing construction helmets representing the blacks who have found jobs in the in- dustry. Several participants carried picket signs reading, "Dump Dal- ey" referring to Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley, and "Hire black men." Mlany white office worksrs on PETITION (A 14 C U 1, ATING" Pharmacy stud By JASON STEINMAN Students in the pharmacy col- lege are organizing a petition drive in opposition to the school's non-academic conduct rules. At a meeting Sunday. phar- macy students demanded that the regulations which bar dis- rupton of University functions and enforce professional ethical stanadrds be rescinded. "These rules were thrown at us without forwarning, presup- posing our acceptance," one pharmacy student said. "In the past we have accepted faculty he told me they were not meant to surprise or antagonize the students. As a matter of fact, he thought they'd be pleased with them.'' All the pharmacy students in- terviewed asked not to be iden- tified, saying they were afraid of being singled out and blamed for the activities of the group. Dean Tom D. Rowe declined to be interviewed concerning the regulations. The faculty-appi'oved code re- serves to the college the right to discipline students for acts of destruction, disruption, aca- ents blas to the Regents bylaws concern- ing student conduct and the role of students in decision- ,miak ing. Michael Davis, Grad, a mnem- ber of the committee which drafted the proposed bylaw re- visions, noted that a section which should have given the faculty the power to enforce professional conduct standards was omitted from draft of the bylaws approved this summer by Senate Assembly and Stu- dent Council. However, Davis said. "As long as students approved the rules rules their lunch break milled about as spectators while a number of speakers addressed the crowd from the base of the big Picasso sculpture which dominates t h e plaza. The base of the lifty-foot high steel sculpture was backed with rally participants and s o m e climbed on the appendanges of the rusty abstraction. Twelve speak- ers addressed the crowd and were greeted with cheers and the rais- ed fist symbolic of the Black Power movement. The Reverend Jesse Jackson, director of Operation Breadbasket sponsored by the Southern Christ- ian Leadership Conference, ap- peared at the rally along w i t h several others who had just been in cour't for a hearing concerning construction site arrests. "Why go to school and get edu- cated - to get knowledge y o u can't use?" he asked. "We don't work for the sake of work, we work for money," he added. "The union did not trust busi- ness in the thirties and blacks don't trust unions in the sixties," he said. Jackson called on the crowd to form an orderly line for a mnarch past a Building Trades Council office and back to the plaza. The march had an orderly be- ginning but soon poured into the street, slowing and halting traffic. One youth was arrested at Ran- dolph and Clark streets as police City Manager Robert Olbdland said he would speak to the Rev. Mr. Abernathy but not to 15 lead- ers of a garbage strike who helped lead the march. Abei'nathy rejected the offer' and called a rally to support the strike. In Albany. NY., a group called The Brothers sent telegrams to Gov. Nelson Rockefeller and to Eastern New York Construction Inc., asking for a discussion of hiring practices in the Albany area. The group said the talks would present an opportunity for bar- gaining before any direct action protests were undertaken. faculty members. The commit- tee would report its findings and decisions to the faculty and to the student involved. However, the finality of that report, and whether it could be overriden by the dean or any- one else is not mentioned in the rules. The studmnt can appeal to the pharmacy faculty but, again, whether' student actions can be overriden by the faculty or not is not stated. The petition being circulated among pharmacy students makes five points: ::.