Mlich. State . . 27 Washiingrton . . 11 Indiana .... 58 Purdn Kentucky ... 130 T CU , te . . . . 42 Washington St. 19 Oregon St. . . . 42 Notre Dame . .. : . 5 Illinois . . . . . 18 Iowa . . . . . . 14 Northwesteri '1 . 33 Oklahoma . . . 18 Slippery Rock 27 . 10 Wisconsin . . . . 21 Wayniesburg . . 7 PANORAMA OF PROTEST See Editorial Page ci C S i rA ~~IAit BALMY ligh-7, Low-50 Mostly sunny arnd warmer, cooler tonight Vol. LXXX, No. 16 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 21,1969 Ten Cents Ten Pages Wolverines smash defenseless Vanderbilt, By JIM FORRESTER Associate Sports Editor Politics and Tartan Turf were, at 1:30 yesterday the ma- jor attractions in the Michigan Stadium for the 70.183 not-so- screaming fans that c a m e to drink away a Saturday after- noon. But only two and a half hours later the focus had come back to football as Michigan w o r e down Vanderbilt f o r a 42-14 win. The 12,000 people that march- ed against the war w e r e not nearly as impressive as the Wol- verines' pounding running game which netted 367 yards for the contest, 209 in the first half. But despite the awesome of- fense, the Wolverines struggled to only a 21-7 lead early in the fourth quarter. "Then the pres- sure came off," said Michigan head coach Bo Schembechler. A low snap to Vandy punter Steve Smith gave Michigan's Mike Keller the time to move in and block the kick. Linebacker Marty Huff picked up the loose ball on the Commodore 31 and rumbled down the sideline, cut- ting back behind his blockers to plunge into the end zone for the score. "I felt a lot better after that," smiled Schembechler. Huff, though, was a bit sur- prised. "I was moving back to block for the return w h e n I looked around and s a w their man in trouble and then I had the ball." Then the Wolverines cut loose as they scored the n e x t two times they had the ball to de- molish Vanderbilt. Michigan fans got a lot to look at as the Wolverines came up with their own Rex Kern in the form of junior quarterback Don Moorhead. Moorhead prov- ed himself a magician as Van- dy continually went in one di- rection while he would sneak off for substantial gains down the opposite sideline. And the memory of Ronr Johnson faded quite a b i t as sophomore t a il b a c k Glenn Doughty rushed 15 times f o r 138 yards. Most of that total came on an 80 yard run off right tackle in the second quarter. Doughty flashed through a gaping hole, cut left at the 30, broke three tackles as he came across the field and outran the rest of the Commodores for the touchdown. Doughty, though, had plenty of help on that right side as all- Big Tpn tackle D a n Dierdorf and veteran Dick Caldarazzo mangled their opposition leav- ing only a linebacker in the hole. Garvie Craw took care of him. Dierdorf had nothing but praise for Doughty, "He g e t s through that h o 1 e fast. He's faster than Johnson." But if the offense h a d not thundered as it did, the defense would have stunned the crowd. Vandy could only muster a net 182 yards in offense. Henry Hill had a great day. dropping opposition ballcarriers 10 times, once for a nine yard loss. Hill. though, h a d his prob- leis with Vandy's quarterback draw. at least for awhile. "When their quarterback stood up to pass, our linebackers would drop back to cover. My man would usually block me outside, but instead he was drifting straight back. "Since I'm supposed to move outside, their quarterback could go right by me and I wouldn't even see him. But after awhile I would smack their guard and look around and then it didn't work any more." Most of what t h e Commo- dores tried didn't work as Hill, Cecil Pryor, Pete Newell, Mike Keller and others dropped Van- dy runners for 54 yards in loss- es. Schembechler w a s pleased with the defense. "They did a good job against their scram- blers. We went mostly with a four man front line as t h e y were sending out five receivers." Vanderbilt, though, had their moments of glory, or at least what had to pass for them. They opened the second half with a 65 yard drive for a touchdown that featured the passing and running of quarterback J o h n Miller. He passed for 54 of the yards and ran for eight more, the big play being a roll-out pass to flanker D a v e Strong. Tailback Doug Mathews capped the drive with a one yard plunge into the endzone. Vandy struck again, capital- izing on a bad punt and a fif- teen yard penalty that put them 42-14 on the Michigan 14 early in the fourth quarter. John Valput put plunged into the endzone four plays later for the talley. Michigan marched 71 yards for its first score as Moorhead continually faked the Commo- dore defense into moving to where the ball wasn't. After a fifteen yard pass to Jim Man- dich, Moorhead faked to Dough- ty moving left and then skirted the right sideline for a 33 yard gain to the Vandy 11. After Moorhead rolled left for seven m o r e yards, murderous Garvie Craw pounded the line three times for the score. Then came Doughty's run in the sec- ond stanza to give the Blue a 14-0 half-time lead. The third period was sterile for the Wolverines, but then came the fourth quarter explo- sion, a 28 point scoring spree. Late in the third stanza Michigan began a 75 yard drive that rap into the fourth period. Moorhead mixed his plays well, passing to Mandich and Paul Staroba and handing the ball to Doughty, Craw, and John Gab- ler as well as running himself. See 'M' OFFENSE, Page 9 -Daily--Larrx Roubins GlIean,Doughty (22) Ibrewls foro1 tho wn ci(~i'1 s jIalidich. leads the tray SCO le new bo By RICK PERLOFF Daily News Analyis When Student Government Council decided to confront the Regents over t he book- store issue several weeks ago, few Council members were sure what would happen. Council had called for a rally and march on the Regents meet- ing to "make the student voice heard in such a way that the Re- gents cannot inore." This w a s SGC Executive Vice President Marc Van Der Hout's motion, but neither Van Der Hout nor other Council members were quite cer- tain of how loud that voice would be. Onl Friday they found ou. Over 1000 students marched from a ral- ly on the D i a g to the Regents meeting and discovered jtw Re- gents had reversed their deisin on the bookstore. They fur ed the Regents to explain their propuosal during an hour-long debate. The students were not saiti' (1 with the Regents' decision to cre- ate an administration-controlled University bookstore and they communicated this to the Pgent s Iin no uncertain ti ( ru4. And while it now seems doubt- ful the Regents will change their minds a second time, it is equally clear that the student. mic ea not be ignored by them. The Regents are no w ilin to create a University boowI ore. a proposal which they rejectedi overwhelmingly in July. SGC Administrative Vice Pr - ident Bob Hirshon says "the hreat of a rally and student 0- position made the Rgents chage their minds." Council member Joan Shemel adds "the rally was good. the kids were great and I think the Re- gents were shocked. We demon- strated our determnation for H store cogently "'Miss Shemnl , - lieves the Re nt> xx II0 1 cii their minds during i: l wOctobe meeting over tvo conm itcr.irsal provisions in the compromie hich students coisidered miac- ceptable. The first objection lies with the Regental stipulation that the Uni- versity vice president and chief financial officer ett Otils .Slt-ilh speg> Ott ksit~rPAnn Arbor City Councilman Len Quenon kicked off the rally by calling "overcommitment to the military and racial injustice" the aiideftou prOtestnds IrIi rom S ET-"twin evils ofour time." He emphasized that "these evils can be found S ' ( I iSTRICT- not only in Washington but right here in Washtenaw County." Quenon drew enthusiastic response from the crowd with comments rotest m ovem ent lea critical of Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas Harvey. S 11 V111 arvey ciMain speaker was well-known peace activist David Dellinger, one of the "Chicago Eight." He drew on a conversation of two years ago with Ho Chi Minh who, Dellinger said, "is probably loved by more Ihong eSSon l s tAmericans than either LBJ or Richard Nixon. Ho Chi Minh has givenoiiiwasnndsecondcnigut us the strength and determination with which to continue our struggle." By SHARON WEINER Chicago conspiracy trial, spoke By JAMES McFERSON Saying Nixon is "part way down the slippery slide which drove More than 700 people last night from the perspectives of specific Sheriff Douglas Harvey may seek the Democratic nomi- LBJ out of office," Dellinger predicted that the November march heard David Dellinger, Andrew movements within the revolution. nation for United States Congress. on Washington "will finish the job." Pulley and Howard Zinn speak on The speeches were part of the Rumors that a group of county Democrats have pledged Dr. Sidney Peck, steering committee member of national Mobil- "The War and American Society" "Action Teach-in" weekend spon- Harvey their support for the August primary in the second ization, demanded "immediate and unconditional withdrawal from in Trueblood Aud. sored by the Ann Arbor Commit-; congressional district are circulating. According to an article Vietnam and the dismantling of all our bases there." He predicted Zinn, a professor of government tee to End the War-an ad hoc in Friday's Ann Arbor News' a committee has been formed that one and one-half million Americans will participate in the at Boston University and author group of students and faculty. , . . . November action in Washington. of Vietnam: The Logical With- The speeches were followed by which has made a "serious" overture to the sheriff, including Optimism regarding the success of the anti-war mo ement w drawal, discussed the revolution- workshops. a preliminary pledging of funds to be used for the primary expressed by Andrew Pulley, organizer of "GI's United Against the ary movement in general. Pulley, "America will remember Dell- ('ampaign. War in Vietnam" at Fort JSouth Carolina. one of the members of GI's inger, Pulley and Zinn long after CutDeortcofcasaeualtodrcl 01' WnVeta"losingrin Jackson, SuhCrln.United Against the War in Viet- Ishe forgets the pesent Secretary County Democratic officials are unable to directly con- "We are losing in Vietnam and losing at home ," said Pulley, who nam given an undesirable dis- ofDefense and perhaps the pres- firm the rumor, but seem to accept its truth. also pointed out that many servicemen are being won over to the charge for organizing, and Delling- ent President," began moderator "My guess would be that the group is outside of any side of those against the war. er, one of the defendants in a of the program history Prof. Rob- NUowI -Da iy- L (my Robbii Staliu m ers speak -of - teachin ert Sklar. "We are here not only to stop the war but also to build a new American society," he added. SZinnbasically pointed out tiit the war is only one manifestation of the "fundamental wrong in this society." This, he explained, is shown in the realization that the problem in Vietnam is "not that we are not winning, but rather, that we should not win the war." We must not continue to allow power and wealth to determine how much liberty one has, he continued. We must "change our consciousness as a nation," amid not only ceate a "type of educa- tion which will actually extend our knowledge," but also "join action with education," Pulley explained the mass move- nment among soldiers which was started in Fort Jackson aid which resulted in his undesirable dis- charge. "A soldier's job is to protect the constitution from all aggressors, both foreign and domestic." he said. "It just so happens the Es- tablishment is presently violating the constitution." Pulley said the mass movement among soldiers will not end the war, but the war will end "when the majority of Americans get out and act against the war." political organization," says' Walter Scheider, Ann Arbor Democratic chairman. Former county Democratic party chairman George Sallade concur- red. "Whatever group is pushing it is r'estricted to people who ar'e Democrats in name only." lie de- clared. Harvey himself has not issued a statement. He was quoted in the News article as saying. "I can't say I'm thinking of leaving office at this time.'' If he does run. Harvey will face opposition not only from the strong Republican incumbent rep- resent atiye Marvin Esch but also from liberal Democrats. CONTROVERSIAL PROGRAM Ed school: New ideas in ghetto teaching By BARD MONTGOMERY "If you hit once and strike out twice," says e d u c a t i o n school Dean Wilbur Cohen of the school's urban education program, "you're still a top- notch hitter in the big leagues." The ed school's first major ef- forts to tailor teacher training to ghetto service are faltering at the ntet. hut Cohen hones training and field experience rests at least temporarily un- attended. Seven D e t r o i t elementary schools are cooperating in the Milazzo-Trippe project, which aims to involve a spectrum of "semi-professional" and post- graduate personnel, while en- couraging the community" to move from a nassive /reactive "is a fraud perpetrated on Washington to get the money." Dr. Charles Stewart of the De- troit schools' department of con- tinuing education says that "we had hoped that the project would have been designed in such a way that after a year the children would be able to read better." programn and directions it should take." Milazzo also contends that children in the experimental classes would be benefited. "There are certain kinds of be- havior demanded in teacher- student interaction." he says, "and we would encourage train- ing programs to follow that course." cruited as teacher's aides. audio- visual managers, and adminis- trative assistants. The teachers confer with "child development consultants," who receive guid- '4nce training. The total effect is one of maximum division of labor. as recommended by a recent re- port of New York's Center for Trv ,At V in f i. iN A a virt ir