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September 20, 1969 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page


Sir i Au


High-7 0
Low-S I
Partly sunny
and warmer

Vol. LXXX, No. 1 5 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 20, 1969 Ten Cents

Ten Pages






























Fleming, Davis call for
unilateral withdrawul
Over 5000 people jammed Hill Aud. last night to hear
President Robben Fleming and Rennie Davis, a founder of
SDS, blast the war in Vietnam.
The presentations were the kick-off events of an "action
teach-in" weekend sponsored by an ad hoc group of students
and faculty, the Ann Arbor Committee to End the War. The
speeches were followed by six workshops to discuss and plan
ainti-war and other protest activities.,
"It is not a disaster for us if Vietnam becomes an ide-

Over 400 students marched into the Regents meeting
yesterday in a protest against what they called an unaccept-
able decision to establish an administration-run University
Shortly after the students entered the Administration
Bldg. the Regents recessed an hour to debate the issue with
them in the Michigan Union Assembly Hall. About 10
minutes after the discussion ended, the Regents adjourned
their meeting.
The students remaining in the Assembly Hall decided
overwhelmingly not to accept the Regents plan as it stood.
There was some discussion of disrupting the Regents

pendent communist country,"
Over' 350 people crowded into
Aud. A of Angell Hall last night
to learn about the specific plans
for how the Vietnam Moratorium
Committee hopes to dramatize op-
position to the Vietnam War on
Oct. 15.
Various activities are being
planned for the upcoming months,
and all are intended to bring maxi-
anum pressure on the government
to end the Vietnam War
Workshops for these actions
were held last night included:
meetings for a petition drive. the
Oct. 15 strike, a ROTC workshop,
a March against death, National
SDS Chicago action, and a Michi-
gan Mass Anti-War Rally.
In Ann Arbor, the comnittee is
planning boycotts of both high
school and University classes,
picketing of military research cen-
ters. a boycott of downtown stores
and banks, rallies and other a-
t ions.
Barry Cohen co-chairmanm of the
local mnoratorium committee, ex-
pects 80 to 90 per cent participa-
tion by students. faculty, and
teaching fellows.
Area churches, businessmen,
labor groups, third-world organ-
izations and other community
groups are also being encouraged,
to observe the strike.
The city will join over 400 other
college towns in the strike, whichl
is the kick-off in a nationally co-E
ordinated effort aimed at pro-
ducing over 500,000 protesters to
march on the White House Nov.
Planning and organization fort
the Ann Arbor contingent of thec
March on Washington action tookt
place last night as part of the Ac-c
tion Teach-In on the War. t
This contingent hopes to join
with contingents from other cities
to present the following political
" immediate and total with-
drawal from Vietnam.
* self-determination for Viet-
mam and Black America.
* halting of the ABM programn
and all other forms of militarism.
racism, and poverty
* free speech for GI's.
* freedom for all political pri-
The highlight of the Oct. 15
strike will be the Michigan Mass
Anti-War Rally. The rally intends
to fill the Michigan Stadium ort
the Special Events Building with
students and citizens from all
over Southeastern Michigan.
On today's
901)y hi eay

Fleming declared, calling the
war a "colossal mistake."
Fleming Proposed the U.S. an-
nounce a unilateral decision to
withdraw from Vietnam and re-
move all but 100.000 forces by the
end of 1970.
The president offered the use
of the 15,000 seat University
Events Bldg. for anti-war protests.
Davis, recently returned from
North Vietnam, projected the fu-
ture strategy of President Nixon
in Vietnam and in the United
"What has to take place this
fall is to defeat Richard .Nixon on
his strategy in Vietnam and de-
feat Richard Nixon in his strategy
for law and order," Davis said.
Davis sees Nixon's future Viet-
nam policy -s one of "permanent
saturation bombinm " The in-
creased use of elecr'onic devices.
he continued, would allow a de-
crease in U.S. manpower involve-
mnent while continuirig the devas-
tation of Vietnam.
Nixon is trying to "calm stu-
dents down" by promising troop
withdrawals. Davis said, and try-
ing to prove to students that the
administration is attempting to
de-escalate the war.
In the U.S., Davis explained.
Nixon will take on a "strategy of
repression." Davis cited his own
upcoming trial as one of the
"Chicago 8" for leading last year's
pr'otest at t he Democratic National
Davis proclaimed an 'end to t he
sy, t emn that produced the war in
Vietnam," and an end to this Uni-
vEraity's "contribution to imper-
Near the end of Fleming's
speech about a dozen members of
Detroit SDS heckled the presi-
dent, calling him a murderer and
saying he had no right to speak
in Hill Aud.
A few fights developed as meni-
bers of the audience near the
exits, including members of the.
Ann Arbor Black Berets, strug-
gled with the hecklers and event-
wally threw them out.
There was little damage, al-
though one phot ographer had his
camera smashed when an SDSer'
threw it across the lobby. appar-
ently in ai attempt to stop pic-
tures from being taken.
Det. Lt. Eugene Stauderjn eier
of the Ann Arbor Police Depart-
See FLEMING, Page '

STUDENTS CLOSE IN on the Regents meeting yesterday to protest the board's new bookstore decision.
President Robben Fleming sits at the head of the table, and Regent Lawrence Lindemer is on the right.
Regents spi t 5-2 aon

At left is Regent Otis Smith;

meeting but when it was an-
nounced that they had already
adjourned, the -s t u d en t s
scheduled a mass meeting on
the Diag at noon Tuesday to
make a milore definitive judg-
ment on the proposal.
Specifically, the students object-
ed to a provision of the plan which
gives the vice president and chief
financial officer control of the
store. They argued that since the
store operates for students stu-
dents should largely control its
They also opposed the condi-
tion in the Regents proposal that
schools and colleges hold a second
student referendum to approve
a fee assessment to fund the store,
The Regents reasoned that the
$1.75 per student fee assessment
students approved in a referendum
this spring would not provide suf-
ficient funds for the bookstore,
and that students of all schools
and colleges be asked again whe-
ther they were willing to pay ad-
ditional fees.
Student leaders emphasized that
the second referendum would
destroy the validity of a student
referendum held last spring when
6000 students voted 3-1 to fund
the , store partially through the
$1.75 assssment. They also
claimed that a vote from different
students in the .schools would
have a divisive effect.
Over 700 students massed on
the Diag at 2 p.m. and marched}
to the meeting in the Administra-
tion Bldg. with close to 200 pack-
ing the room and hundreds of oth-
er's in the hallway and outside.
Shortly after the regents voted
on the bookstore, the students en-
tered their meeting precluding a
scheduled discussion of University
by-laws on the student role inI
University decision making.
The Regents adjourned close to
10 minutes after the end of the
Assembly Hall discussion andI
agreed to meet with representa-
tives from SGC and the Senate
Advisory committee on University
Affairs during their October ses-
sion to begin the by-law discus-
sion interrupted by students yes-
Whan the students first de-
manded a discussion of the com-
promise plan, the Regents balked,.
arguing that they had already fin-
ished their discussion.
But when it became clear the;
students would not leave, they
See STUDENTS, Page 6

Delay rent
Circuit Court Judge William
Ager yesterday delayed presenta-
tion of pre-trial summary state-
ments in the rent strike conspir-
acy trial until Feb. 5.
The conspiracy proceedings in-
volve both a conspiracy suit by
landlords against the Tenants Un-
ion, and a counter-suit by tlh e
union against landlords.
The landlords, who claim the
ultimate goal of the rent strike
is an attack on the concept of pri-
vate property, are seeking $10,000
in personal damages and $300,000
in exemplary damages and recov-
ery of all unpaid rents.
T h e Tenants Union, charging
the landlords have violated leases
and antitrust laws, are asking ov-
er $1,000,000 in damages.
Ager acted yesterday on a mo-
tion by plaintiff's counsel William
Barnes. Barnes requested the de-
lay to give landlords time to ap-
peal to the State CourtofeAppeals
for a summary judgment against
the Tenants Union.
Ager denied an earlier request
by the landlords for a summary
judgment this summer. A sum-
mary judgment can be granted by
a judge if he rules that even if all
defense contentions in a case are
true, they do not constitute a le-
gitimate legal defense against the
charge presented.
Defense counsel Ron Reosti
I made no objection to Barnes' re-
questdfor t h e delay. Reosti de-
clared the landlords have virtual-
ly no chance for winning a sum-
mary judgment in appellate court.
"We welcome an appeal," sa i d
Reosti, "they won't gain anything
from it."
Rent strike spokesmen declared
the move was another attempt to
delay the conspiracy proceedings,
and that the move for a summary
judgment had little hope of suc-
"This move undermines the ar-
gument the landlords have been
using that they're suffering irre-
See DELAY, Page 2

The Regents yesterday reversed
a decision made two months ear-
lier and approved by a 5-2 vote a
compromise proposal for the es-
tablishment of an administration-
run University book store.
Tie plan approved tyester-
day's meeting was gg r-
lier yesterday at a closed morning
meeting of the Regents where
there was apparently 'ery sharp
disagreenient over th? f i n a l de-
Some 400 students who inter-
rupted the meeting after a rally
on the Diag also announced they
could not accept some of the pro-
visions of the proposal.
Under the terms of the proposal
the store would be financwd with
$100,000 from the "Student Vehi-

F' -operated


ties Fund." and another $100,000
from a "compulsory one-time as-
sessment on students of the var-
ious schools and colleges of the
The Student Vehicle Fund re-
presents money raised by collect-
ing fees for student parking stick-
ers for the purpose of construct-
ing student parking facilities.
Since the driving regulations were
relaxed about two years ago, the
money has reniained as a student
fund not used for any purpose.
However, according to the Re-
nts' new plan, the approval of
the students of each separate
school and college will be neces-
sary before the money can be
assessed against them.
Approval of each college is to
be ascertained either by the gov-

ermng student body of the col-
lege or through a referendum of
the school's students. SGC would
conduct the referendum where no
government exists.
Management of the bookstore
would be the rsponsibility of the
Office of the Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer, with an
appropriate advisory group con-
sisting of faculty and students.
The students who interrupted
the meeting objected to both the
call for a new referendum and the
provision dealing with the man-
agerial structure of the store.
Students, they argued, should
not have only an advisory role,
but should instead actually deter-
mine the nature of the operation
pursued by the bookstore.
The Regents, however, defend-
ed their proposal, saying that a
high University official should be
in control of the bookstore be-
cause the Regents would be liable
for its 1ot, (,.
"However," countered SGC
president Marty McLaughlin,
"management decisions do n o t
necessarily concern matters re-
quiring expertise, but those of the
interests and priorities of t h e
The students at the meeting ob-
jected to the proposal for a new
r'efer'ndumn on three grounds.
First, they were against the cur-
rent proposal because they felt it
did not recognize the legitimacy of
the referendum conducted 1 a st
March in which 600 students vot-
ed for a $1.75 assessment by a 3-1
The Regents have argued that
since the $1.75 assessmornt will not

dum is a imtter which concerns
only the students, and therefore
the administration and Regents1
have no right to dictate to the
students what they should do.
"It's just like something that
concerns only the faculty assen-
bly," said Mike Farrell, an SGC
member. "We don't try to tell,
them how to handle it." -
Thirdly, the students objected
to having the schools and collegesa
vote separately because it could'
easily divide the students on the
"Unless we have a campus-wide
vote, then a lot of people could7
find a way to enjoy all of the
berlefits of the store without hav-
ing their school pay for it," said'
one student. "All students should

.. e

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