Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, September 19, 1969 ......,. .. .:. . .x:: . S..... . . . .... ..^v. . ..n^.. .:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..h~a~lt">ri?~i a .. .t . . ....+ r~ki+: rF ....." ..-m ...../ r ..x ......................"n.. t:2t::r:..... t.t.. :. n .... "f. ..,. ..,i..+':..., -. :..''......:.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: :; }::.:}-:: }:i. .. .+...... .... .,t,91..R .;t... Ct+.. .. x2 . , ' '".'ct ..X" ...... .... ..... ......... ....5.... t.... .. .....,. ' av .. . ..... ... _. . .. ..R:".', .. ,,...... . .................................................. . . . . . . . . . . ... :::: r: :... . DIYOFFICIAL kDAL BULLETI N VO0' r~.,7% "0 Official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN f or m to Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before 2 p.m. of the day preceding publi- cation and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only. Student organizations notices a r e not accepted for publication. For more information, phone 764-9278. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 Day Cal endar Intenatinnal Symposium on Blood and Tissue Antigens: Dow Auditorium,f Towsley Center for Continuing Medical Education, 9:00 a.m. -. 4s ORGANIZATION NOTICES South and Southeast Asia Club Brown Bag, Sept. 19, 12:00 Noon. Lane Hall Commons Room, Speaker: F r a n Nitzbwer, Dept. of Anthropolotv, "Peoples of the Himalayas.", U of Al LIbermanriArl LeAguv *duiuay, Sept. 22, 7:00 p.m., 3Z of the Union, Policy Meeting: decisions on organiza- tion and action for the year. "Instant Help", a Christian Science Lecture by Jules Cern. 8 p.m. Monday, Sept. 22. UGLI Multipurpose R 00o m. Sponsored by the Christian Science Or- ganization. U of M Judo Club First Meeting Sept. 18 New Members are requested to come to the wrestling room of the I.M. Bldg. at 7:00 p.m. with clothing suitable for exercising. Class begins at 7:30 pm. Bach Club meeting Thursday, Sept. 18, 8:00 p.m.; 1236 Washtenaw. Speak- er: Ronald Byrnside, "How Bach Han- dels Rhythm". Refreshments and fun afterwards. Everybody welcome! "Instant Help", a Christian Science Lecture by Jules Cern. 8 p.m. Mon- day, Sept. 22. UQLI Multipurpose room sponsored by the Christian Science} Organization. U of M Scottish Country D a n c e Society Wednesday 8-10:30 p.m., W.A.B. Instructions given, beginners welcome! - - * Physical Therapy Club Meeting, Sept. 17, 7:30 p.m., Physical Therapy Dept., University Hospital, 3rd Floor. Patient Demonstration. Everyone welcome. Order Your Subscription Today 764-0558 Thomas Ml. Cooley Lecture: Politics, Engineering Placement feeting No. 3: The Constitution, and the W a r r e n "Employment Interviewing and PlantI Court, Philip B. Kurland, Professor of Visits." What to expect and how to Law. The University of Chicago, "The act. during employment negotiations. Problems of a Political Court": 100 Third of four meetings. Professor J. G.; chins Hall, 3:30 p.m. Young. September 22, 1969, 4:00 p.m. Astronomical Colloquium: Dr. Dennis and 7:30 p.m. in Room 311 West En- Walsh, Nuffield. Radio Astronomy Lab- gineering Building. (Afternoon a n d oratories, Jodrell Bank, "Recent Re- evening meetings will be the same.) search at Jordell Bank"; 807 Physics- of these advisory committees policy boards. Approved: That SGC co-sponsor a Viet Nam Teach-in on September 19th and 20th. Approved: Technical amendments to SGC Constitution. Accepted: Resignation of Council member, Shelly Kroll. Approved: That SGC reaffirm its WHEREAS, a number of University professors have expressed the inten- tion of calling claes off on October 15. 1969. in conjunction with the na- tionwide strike on university campuses as a demonstration against the in- volvenent of the United States in the war in Vietnam, WHEREAS, President Fleming h a s threatened to discipline these profes- sors for such participation in a boy- cott on classes on October 15, Astronomy, 4:00 p.m. Stearns Collection of Musical in- struments Lecture Series: Gwynn S. McPeek, lecturer, "Fiddlers and Pip- ers: Medieval Musicians in Beverly, Yorkshire": Rackhain Amphitheater, 8:00 p.m. General Notices Bursley Council is sponsoring a card section at Saturday's football game. Make the card section a success. Meet in section 32 at 12:45 p.m. The University of Michigan, Student Relations Committee. Monday, Sept. 22, 1969. at 7:30. Council Room, SAsB Building. 1. Consideration of the Min- utes of the September 15 meeting. 2. Report on the Housing situation. 3. Review of SGC Bail Fund Policy. 4. Student Input into University decision- making. 5. Report of the I-M Commit- te,. Plaemnent erttce 3200 S.A.B. Career Planning: 764-6338, under- classmen planning majors, srs. and grad. students making career plans. Li- brary of occup. info and counseling. Geneal Division: 764-7460, seniors and grad. students. Interviewing, director- ies, Iterature and job openings from government, non-profit, business and industry. Education Division: 764-7462, seniors and grad students. Placement in pub- lic, private, overseas; elem., secon., col- lege, univ. positions in teaching and adminstraton. Summer Placement: 764-7460, Room 212, Lower Level. Underclassmen, srs., grad, married, and foreign students. Positions in camps, resorts, parks. business, gov't, nationwide and abroad. SUMMARY OF ACTION TAKEN BY position on abolishing ROTC o nthe STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCILI University of Michgan campus. AT ITS MEETING SEPT. 11, 1969 Defeated: To amend the SGC Con- situation by in Article VIII, Section A. Approved: To amend Article VI, Sec- deleting "three-fourths of the whole tion 2 of the Operating Procedures by number of voting members" and in- deleting the entire present section and serting "two-thirds of the whole num- inserting, "2. The nominating commit- ber of its voting members." tee shall be composed of five members D : H :l p of SGC selected by the Council." Defeated: WHEREAS: A small group Appointed: Mary Livingston. M i k e1of students and non-students acted Farrell. Bob Nelson, Mark Van Der today to disrupt classes in a university Hout and Al Warrington to inteview accredited subject, candidates for the three vacant Coun- MOVE: That the Student Govern- cil seats. ment Council censure in no uncer- Approved: Petitioning for the three tain terms this breach of academic vacant Council seats will open Mon- freedom which kept a university fa- day, September 15 and close Thursday, culty member from teaching students September 25. who have voluntarily elected his cur- Approved: To run a Daily ad up to riculum. FURTHER MOVE: That SGC the amount of $80 to advertise peti- remind all those students who partici- tioning for vacant Council seats. pated that, if charged, they are sub- Approved: The SGC agree to meet ject to the discipline of CSJ. with the Regents for discussion and4 * definitive action in regard to the book- SGC will debate and vote on the store issue on or before Thusday after- following motions on September 18, non. Q-tembr 18, 1969. 1969 in room 3540, SAB. Interested per- Approved: MOVE: That SGC conduct soils are invited to participate in the a rally and march to the Admnistration debate personally, by petition, or by Building to confront the Regents with some other means.. the bookstore issue. * FURTHERMORE: That SGC demand' MOVE: That SGC appropriate up to that the Regents include a discussion $75 to the New Mobilization Committee of the bookstore issue with student for publicity'. representatives in their formal agenda of September 19, 1969, and WHEREAS, an intergral and vital as- FURTHERMORE: That SGC strongly pest of a University community is the urge that the Regents hold t h e i r academic freedom to which students meeting in a larger room to allow for and members of the faculty are en- full public viewing of their delibea- titled, tions. Approved: That the time of the rally on the bookstore be changed from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. on September 19, 1969. Approved: That the deadline for re- moving recognition of OSA Advisory Committees and recalling appointees to them (motion of Jne 26, 1969) be changed from September 15 to October 1 so that Council can examine the role WHEREAS, Student Council adheres to the academic freedom, and jdissent, and supports pies, Government principles of the right of these princi- 3 r THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that SOC draft a letter to President Flem- ing expressing support for any mem- ber of the Univesity faculty who calls off classes for October 15, and con- demiing any disciplinary action which might be directed at these members. MOVE: That SGC co-sponsor with the New Mobilization Committee the October 15th strike. RESOLUTION adopted by The Office of Student Organizations Policy Com- mittee at its regular meeting on Aug- ust 14. 1969. MOVE: That SOC ask Off Campus Housing not to distribute the pam- phlIt '"Student Apartments, R i g h t s 3rd Dimension is here! stay tuned for 4th and Responsibilities" and distribute in tts place the "Tenant Unon Guide." MOVE: Constitutional change in ventral Student Judiciary Constitution IX, A. 1 to read: "1. Each member of the Judiciary shall serve for a term of one year, five appointed at the be- ginning of the fall term and five ap- pointed at the begininng of the winter term. No one shall be a member of Council during his term of office. No one shall serve more than three terms in succession." * * 4 MOVE: That SGC formally close its store on October 15 in support of the nationwide strike. MOVE: That SGC restrict the use of its mimeo paper and supplies to SGC members and committees for SGC pur- poses only. MOVE: That SGC increase the num- ber of at-large Council seats by 4, all to be elected in November, and that SGC encourage campus organiza- tions to run candidates for Council under their specific tickets. MOVE: To accept changes in elec- tion rules and a code of election rules. PAUL CAMELET MASTER TAILOR for Men and Women alterations and remudeler specialties in shortening ladies coats, slacks, and skirts. No longer with Comelet Bros. in business for himself 1103 S. University above the drug store 663-4381 740 PACKARD J a { a i i ' ; (/ ; Y 4. ' nWith Hangers Dry Or Cleaning Packaged 4C Order HOURS PHONE Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m. 662-4241 Saturday 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. 662-4251 CO-OP LAUNDROMAT--730 A.M.-11 :30 P.M. Is your dollar shrinking to about the size of a Volkswagen? HOWARD COOPER VOLKSWAGEN, INC. 2275 s. State St. Phone 761-3200 AUTHORIZED DEALER VIETNAM Time's Up Action Teach-In with anti-war action workshops September 19-20 44 Wouldn't you really rather have a MICHIGANENSIAN? '.4 V ,. Isa Bell getting a little hippy? Depends on how you-look at it. We aren't blowing grass in the rack room and wearing beads, if that's what you mean. . -In fact we sit at desks and wear neckties a lot. Q But if you think that gives Ma Bell a passion for the status quo, you aren't with it. People intent on maintaining {II