Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page three' THE MKHIGAN DAdLY Page Thre& LSA's Hays: Changing times By RON LANDSMAN Managing Editor COLLEGE ADMINISTRATORS generally do not consider these the best of times, and literary college Dean William Hays should be no exception. Hays' predecessor, William Haber, got along well by represent- ing the dominant moderate majority of the faculty. If Haber ever talked to students, it was cursory and terse. Students represented no particular interest in the dean's office and were accorded little recognition. But since Haber's retirement a year ago and the appointment of his associate dean as successor, attitudes in the college have changed drastically. Students are now a much more vocal, if not forceful, segment of the college, demanding that they be repre- sented as the faculty traditionally has been. This change, common in the academic world, has made Hays' job much more difficult than Haber's, adding a whole new dimen- sion of potential conflict and confrontation which it is the dean's job to contain. The situation is all the more volatile because the academic structure is in a state of flux. New power relationships between faculty and students may eventually emerge, re-establishing rela- tively tranquil practices. In the meantime, though, change is ex- acting its toll. The dean has traditionally been the arbiter of intra-faculty conflicts and the representative of professors to those outside the faculty. When he turns against the faculty-or even appears to- he runs the risk of alienating his constituency. T1E MOST CONTROVERSIAL action taken by Hays in his thus far brief, but active term in office, was a statement released last January. shortly before an important special LSA faculty meeting. The meeting was called because a previous one had been cut short by students' presence-faculty meetings were then closed -and there was the imminent danger of a recurrence. In an "open letter to students" released 10 days before the meeting, Hays said he supported some student demands, such as seating elected student representatives on the college curriculum committee and opening faculty meetings. Although the statement may have ameliorated the feelings of some students, it served only to anger the faculty. Professors were angry with Hays, not so much for what he said, but because he seemed hypocritical to them. One history professor, a leader o a potential insurgent move- ment, said Hays had taken the exact opposite position in previous closed meetings with the faculty. Facing the threat of a full scale revolt, Hays broke precedent by delivering a speech before the meeting was called to order. He was barred from speaking after that because he chaired the meet- in1g. In a carefully designed speech, he undercut faculty opposition by explaining that his letter represented only his own 'views, and although he urged academic innovation on the faculty's part, he reiterated strongly that it was in the faculty's power to determine academic requirements. THE SPEECH was a success. The opposition was defused and the threat of an overturned agenda was ended. But the incident, and Hays' apparent vacillation regarding college policy, say much about his performance as dean. Hays is a cross between the older style of administrator, like Haber, who ruled his fiefdom with an iron hand, and the new con- ciliatory brand of administrator, best represented by University President Robben Fleming. Hays' position is made all the more difficult by his apparent lack of a strong philosophical base in either education or institu- tonal structure. Thus, it seems that Hays tends to talk on both sides of many issues because all strike him as being equally valid. And with a slew of contradictory statements concerning a var- iety of academic issues on his record, Hays' real views-or if not views, then inclinations-are difficult to discern. IN LESS TURBULENT TIMES in academia, such an admin- istrator would have little difficulty in getting along. These, how- ever, are relatively troubled times for colleges, when strong aca- demic leadership might be able to solve many problems. Hays, like Fleming, can mediate and conciliate. But he has not -at least not so far-shown much determination to lead the col- lege in new directions and new experiments, His primary value to the school in this critical period can only be to smooth the path toward peaceful interaction between the in- terests of the faculty and the growing demands of students. The demands will be there, and Hays will be forced to react, The c By HENRY GRIX Editor Two assistant professors left the University last spring, but behind them remains a live con- troversy which will undoubtedly be revived in the fall. The controversy c e n t e r s around a fundarmental question: Who should be given almost guaranteed lifetime assurance of academic employment a n d which should be denied this se- curity? It is sparked by submer- ged accusations that depart- mental committees make tenure decisions -- at least two -- on political grounds. Julien Gendell and Thomas Mayer, assistant professors in chemistry and sociology who left after not being promoted and granted tenure by their depart- ments, have been the subjects of review by an ad hoc faculty group which recommended that the two men be asked to stay on. Although Gendell and Mayer both left anyway, the ad hoc committee members say they have just begun to fight. On the basis of their committee reports, the professors are arguing that the tenure procedure is inequi- table and unfair. One member, Psychology Prof Richard Mann, introduced four resolutions for consideration by the literary college faculty April 7 asking for revisions in the me- thod of granting tenure. And Psychology Prof. Robert Hefner feels the ad hoc committee should continue to press their demands for a review of tenure decisions until the college and University administration adopt a new tenure policy. Hefner, who heads the group studying the Gendell case, says the dispute began in February. 1968. when Gendell was told by the executive committee of the chemistry department that he would be allowed to finish his sixth year -- 1968-69 - at the University, but that his appoint- ment would not be renewed. Most departments, including chemistry, consider the position of an assistant professor after hie has been here six years. At that time they can promote him to a tenured associate professor- ship, renew his untenured posi- tion for one year, or decline to re-appoint him. The chemistry department chose not to re-appoint Gendell. At that time, Gendell asked to see the committee's report, but was told the report was confi- dential. However, Prof. Charles Overberger, chairman of the chemistry department, says he spoke personally with Gendell and explained why he had not been re-appointed. But Gendell later said he was "dissatisfied" with Overberg's explanation and wanted to see the executive committee's re- port. According to literary college guidelines, a faculty member must take his case back to his o w n departmental executive committee and wait for the committee to reconsider the case and issue a report. If the aggrieved person is still dissatisfied, he may take his case to Vice President for Aca- demic Affairs Allan F. Smith. The guidelines specify, says Dean William L. Hays of the lit- erary college, that "no ad hoc or other faculty body will be recognized as agents for such a oming review, nor as motivators for a review without the consent and participation of the affected In- dividuals. But Prof. Gendell was unwill- ing to allow his case to be hand- led primarily by the department. "If you leave all tenure deci- sions to the department, the de- partment remains in the control of a small group of prestigious faculty who look at the depart- Inent like an exclusive men's club." He refused to take his case back to the department's executive committee. Gendell, who was active in the 1967 controversy over classified Defense Department research conducted at the University, aired his grievances in a letter to The Daily on Oct. 23, 1968, and rumors began circulating that he had been denied tenure on political grounds. Overberger counters that the decision was made "with maxi- mum objectivity. Since this is an objective system, the committee remains anonymous and the re- port to the professors' commit- tee is not published," wrote Ov- erberger last November. "I do not know of any situa- tion treated more fairly and scrupulously than Prof. Gen- dell's," Overberger insists. But the interdisciplinary ad hoc group composed of four tenured faculty members began their own, independent review of Gendell and concluded last Fe- bruary "on the basis of the evi- dence that has become avail- able to us recently," that Prof. Gendell was eminently qualified for promotion to associate pro- fessor. The report cited major scien- tific works of Gendell published In the Journal of Chemistry and Physics and the Journal of the American Chemical Association, testimony of Prof. Richard fight: Control of tenure department of chemistry . . . If you believe the evaluation pro- cedures of the department were such that they were prejudicial to you, then that must be the substance of your grievance." Nonetheless, Hays feels the po- litical question should have sur- faced in the Qendell case for a satisfactory discussion. But Hays himself expresses dissatisfaction with the tehure procedure, and says the college will "very shortly clarify policy" on it. Although he said he was "troubled by the notion of ad hoc review," he says some of the questions raised by the group- such as the amount of outside service to the University--would have to be considered more fully in the future. But he maintains that "primary review must re- main with the faculty." Thus far, there has been only scattered evidence that students are interested in securing a firm voice in tenure decisions, al- though there has long been the feeling that successful research is over-emphasized at the cost interest and quality in under- graduate instruction. There were a few small dem- onstrations last spring staged by Students for a Democratic Society to protest handling of the Gendell and Mayer cases. But most students interested in reforming the academic power structure of the University were busy bending their efforts to- ward abolishing language and distribution requirements and securing a stronger say in basic departmental curriculum deci- sions. But with these other battles begun, if not won, and with the recurring nature of the problem of tenure, students will no doubt soon attempt to gain stronger influence over who their pro- fessors will be. Students rally on the Diag in support of assistant professors Mayer and endell Sands and community leaders. and impressive student course evaluations. The recommendation w a s signed by 14 professors includ- ing Philip Converse of the soci- ology department. Loren Bar- ritt of the education school and Arnold Kaufman of the philoso- phy department. "Since Gendell has been able to perform meaningful research while simultaneously playing a valuable role both as an out- standing teacher and as an in- tellectual in the University com- munity, it would seem to us that any department should be proud to promote him." Overberger responded simply: "The documentation presented to us by your committee did not change our appraisal . . . I re- spectfully suggest that our judg- ment on this question is sound." Meanwhile, a five-member in- terdisciplinary committee was taking the same route in the Mayer case and came up with a report which unanimously re- commended that Mayer be pro- moted. { But the sociology department was not impressed, and Mayer, a mathematical sociologist who had a bent on teaching students a popular course on revolution, prepared to leave for a new ap- pointment in Colorado. The ad hoc groups appealed to the dean to secure from the chemistry department a state- ment concerning Gendell's ap- pointment and a detailed pub- lic reaction from the depart- ment to the ad hoc report. But Dean Hays returned to department's-rights principles. "We have no evidence that you have asked for a hearing before the executive committee of the Black major integrates LSA program By LAURIE HARRIS While other schools erupted in confrontation over the need for black studies programs last year, the literary college quiet- ly -- and quickly -- developed the new Afro-American Studies major. The new interdisciplinary de- gree program will be offered be- ginning t h i s fall. Although black studies is not a separate department, the program con- sists of some specially-created courses along with selected re- lated classes in regular literary college departments. S i m i 1a r programs have been offered for some time in American and As- ian studies. Afro-American studies was devised by a student-faculty committee , including m a n y black members. The first black studies course, which Is offered this fall is a survey treating t h e dominant trends and personalities - from the black man's point of view- in the United States from the sixteenth century to the pres- ent. Two other introductory level courses will be offered during the winter term. One will deal with the essentials of black cul- tural development in the United States. The second class w il1 discuss socio - economic prob- lems of the contemporary black community, including family. religion, community organiza- tion and the influence of white racism. In cooperation with Michigan State University, the program will also allow students to study African languages, including Hausa and Swahili. Some 20 hours of already ex- isting advanced-level courses in several departments have been integrated into the program. They involve constitutional his- tory and civil war of the United States, the'literature of the Ne- gro. American music courses and a course in race and cul- ture. Several new courses have been proposed for black studies, al- though they have not yet been formally instituted. These cours- es include a study in the social psychology of Afro - American expression in the arts and an examination of economic prac- tices and institutions of black and white communities, in an attempt to find alternate solu- tions to the economic problems of the black community. Another proposed c o u r s e would study the black in Ameri- can political and legal institu- tions. This would include ana- lysis of black power, black cau- cuses and new politics. In psychology, a course is pro- posed to investigate American racism, with special attention to segregationist a n d separatist rationales and to liberalism, both in the north and south. A second psychology course would offer a comprehensive an- alysis of factors associated with inferior experiences of black students in educational sys- tems. Seniors in the program will be able to set up their own sen- ior seminars for group discus- sion or individual research on specific topics. Black students would like to see the Afro-American studies program expanded and they have proposed creation of an Afro-American Studies Center to coordinate all aspects of black studies, including research, fac- ulty recruiting, degree-granting and financial aid to blacks. They would also like the aca- demic program to expand quick- ly to the graduate level. Brendon Hudson, a member of t he Black Student Union, which formulated the center proposal, explained t h a t a "pool" of qualified people must be built up in the field. The BSU proposal w a s ac- cepted by the University in Feb- ruary, and President RTobben Fleming has named a committee to study possible programs. BSU members favor the cen- ter idea over creation of a de- partment of black studies be- cause they believe an autono- mous administrative unit would be more efficient than a depart- ment in handling the Afro- American concentration pro- gram. Get ACTION with Daily Classifieds I ",!' JUMBOV M-M-m-m-m, yummie! A giant hamburger of a lb. U.S. Govt. pure beef topped with let- tuce, tomato, mayonnaise, onions, oickles and ketchup . r West of Arborland Reform begins in depts. (Continued from Page 1) tion would convince the fac- ulty to grant a voice in tenure. They soon discovered, how- ever, that participation in the curriculum committee was get- ting them nowhere. Both grads and undergrads, incensed by the non-reappointment of popular assistant professor T h o m a s Mayer, demanded a restructur- ing of the entire tenure-granm - ing process. Students and faculty in so- ciology ended last year at an impasse when 15 students at- tempted to attend a faculty meeting in April. Sociology fac- ulty meetings have always been closed, and the faculty reacted to the student presence by sim- ply ending the meeting. No busi- ness was conducted, although the students had asked and are still asking for open meetings. Open meetings and a few curriculum changes were the only net change in the English department last year. where stu- dents organized a cautious, con- servative steering committee. Perhaps because they knew the degree of opposition they would run into, English students worked slowly, hoping to estab- lish their credibility as serious members of the department. The faculty was just slightly cooper- ative. When major curriculum changes were proposed to the English students did win seat- ing of three students on both graduate and undergraduate curriculum committees, and they also convinced the faculty to open their meetings, which was a major breakthrough for the English department. "There was plenty of hesita- tion and plenty of doubt," ad- mitted Fraser, who said the fac- ulty had agreed to open the meetings on his urgent recom- mendation. At the end of last year, Eng- lish students began to feel the necessity to press for more vot- ing rights, especially on tenure. Tvo steering -committee repre- sentatives, Frank Crantz and Ann Munster, explained, "Stu- dents want to be assured that their interests will be taken into account in tenure decisions. As of right now, there is no sat- isfactory means for achieving this." Political science students ran their movement for academic rights in a much more militant manner, demanding parity deci- sion-making rights on all facul- ty units, including the executive committee. The situation was, of course, fairly bad in political science, For example, there were students on the undergraduate educa- tion committee-but they were grads. The real crisis came when a members and ten grads in the group. The undergraduates in politi- cal science blasted the report and demanded student voting rights on the executive commit- tee. They called for a teach-in and encouraged a boycott of all political science classes during the protest. After the teach-in, the grads re-interpreted the report and decided it implied voting repre- sentation for students would be granted on the executive com- mittee. However, no further ac- tion resulted because finals be- gan. The political science con- troversy will probably resume in the fall. While political science grew more active, the history student movement virtually disbanded after a strong start. In fact, it was the initial history forum, which attracted 150 students, that started the entire depart- mental movement. The History Student Associa- tion did win creation of a stu- dent-faculty curriculum com- mittee, but student members never pressed their original de- mand for two co-equal commit- tees, one on student and one faculty affairs, which they had hoped would replace the execu- tive committee. Most of these movements tended, of course, to fade as fi- 1