MAYOR HARRIS See Editorial Page C, 4c Inkrligau 43Iat SMASHING Hligh--68 Low-3 8 Cloudy over North Hall Vol. LXXX, No. 13 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 18, 1969 Ten Cents Bookstores: Almost everyone has one bb EDITOR'S NOTE: The Regens will mcet below list price, a sampling of bookstores year. This represented about one-third of But the Minnesota stores do not offer Indiana's bookstore offers students and is a four per todi su ntposa e-rneecteint uly-tfor at Big Ten and other schools shows a the store's total profits, with the other two- a discount. Instead, profits ar used to faculty a five per cent discount on all text- cueeas a University discount bookstore. sUc has general trend of financial stability and thirds used for taxes and reinvestment in sponsor student scholarships and to pro- book sales, roughly a $3 annual saving. The Univer called for a mass march to the Regents the capacity, in some cases, to offer moder- the store. vide a fund for future remodeling of the The bookstore, begun in 1890, is self-suf- store in St. L meeting tomorrow to express studnt senti- - ste'firdnt othyiietyexmin ment on the issue. This article, the third ate savings. If such a five per cent discount could be stores. ficient, not relying on the university for exemption of of a series, is a report on the status of book- The University of Wisconsin bookstore, offered by a bookstore at this University, The bookstore at the University of Wash- subsidies. reinvested in t sore:atohrfschoolsfor example, last year listed a net profit it would be in addition to the four per cent ington at Seattle, like Wisconsin, gives re- Both the Indiana and MSU stores, un- versity first pa By ALEXA CANADY and of $250,000. Although the store initially automatic discount students would receive bates at the end of the academic year when like Wisconsin's, are run completely by but is later re RICK PERLOFF gave a 10 per cent discount only to pro- because Michigan educational institutions profits are calculated. Students have minor- the managers with students serving only by universityt Although considerable controversy has lessors, students received a five per cent are exempted from the state sales tax. ity representation on the store's controlling in advisory capacities. The same is true Washington, been generated at this University over rebate on their purchase. The cumulative nine per cent discount board. at Northwestern and Illinois, though at stores discuss proposals for a discount bookstore, a large The store is 100 per cent self-supporting. would then lead to annual savings of about Although bookstores in the Big Ten are Eastern Michigan University students play tion to books, majority of the nation's colleges have been "It receives no University subsidy in any $14, based on the estimate, made by the generally successful, the stores at Michigan an important part in operating the store. and pencil su quietly and successfully operating book- way, shape or form," says John Shaw, the University administration, that students State and Indiana have recently experi- The store is run by the McKenny Union of the sales d stores for some time. general manager. The store Is controlled spend an average of $150 on books an- enced a decline in profits. Council, composed of four students, one Despite occ Russell Reynolds, general manager of the by a board of two faculty members, two nually. As a result of rising costs, the MSU book- alumni representative, a student affairs economic pic National Association of College Stores, alumni, three students and the general Like the Wisconsin bookstore, the six store profit margin has steadily decreased administrator, a professor, and an official around the co estimates about 80 per cent of American manager. stores run by the University of Minne- for the past five years. Last year Indiana's from the business and financial affairs bookstores see universities presently own and operate Although the textbooks are sold at list sota also stand on firm financial grounds. store lost money, but the bookstore's finan- office. sound-with s their own bookstores. price, and there is no sales tax exemption, There is no subsidy but the store has vial condition is still strong enough so that Eastern's bookstore is self-sufficient and counts to stu And while Reynolds adds that only 10 the 60 per cent of the students who collect consistently listed substantial profits over the school is now planning the construction has earned profits for the last five years. or even funds per cent of those stores offer a discount their 5 per cent rebate saved about $5 last the past few years. of a larger store. Its books are sold at list price but there jects. Eight Pages t us cent sales tax exenption, 'sity of Washington book- , ouis also gives a sales tax 3 per cent. All its profits are he store. Each year the uni- Lys the costs of the bookstore Imbursed. It also is operated administrators. , like all, the other book- d, sells other items in addi- such as jackets and paper )plies. However, the majority o come from books. asional problems, the general Lure for college bookstores untry looks bright. University m on the whole financially ome of them providing dis- dents and faculty members for other educational pro- THOUSANDS EXPECTED: !SGC to Anti-war teach-in, rally scheduled this weekend By PAT MAHONEY and LEE MITGANG Football and politics will com- pete for support this weekend as the Wolverines meet Vanderbilt and local opposition to the Viet- nam war sponsors a teach-in to- morrow night and a rally Satur- day. Thousands of persons from throughout the country are ex- pected to participate Saturday in a march from the football sta- dium to a rally on the Diag. sponsored by the Coalition and the local New Mobilization. Demonstrators will start to gather at gates 8, 9 and 10 at the stadium at 3 p.m. and march down Hoover and up State St. to the Diag immediately following the game. Speakers at the rally will in- elude David Dellinger, one of eight people indicted for con- spiracy at the Democratic Na- tional Convention demonstrations in Chicago last year: Sid Peck, chairman of the November march on Washington; Barry Cohen, a leader of the October anti-war strike in Ann Arbor: and Coun- cilman Len Quenon. Police Chief Walter Krasny said in a press conference yesterday that policemen will watch the march, but said he expected it to be "an orderly, non-disruptive demonstration.," Anti - war activities will be launched tomorrow night as Pres- ident Robben Fleming and Rennie Davis-who recently returned from' North Vietnam after leading a delegation that brought back three American prisoners-talk in Hill Aud. at 8 p.m. After the speeches, seven work- shops in Angell and Mason Halls will focus on anti-ROTC activi- ties, mobilization for the Oct. 15 strike and the Nov. 15 march on Washington. The workshops are sponsored by the. Ann Arbor Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Saturday night the teach-ins will move into the Frieze Building, I while Dellinger, Howard Zinn, au- thor of Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal and Andrew Pulley, a member of a GI organization op-: posing the war, will participate in a panel discussion in Trueblood Auditorium at 8 p.m. After the discussion, eight work-, shops will discuss the draft, the civil rights of GIs, the conspiracy and other topics. confront Regents Plan to discuss controversy over lbookstore funids Student Government Coun- cil will confront the Regents over the bookstore issue today at the first of its two-day monthly meeting. SGC plans to argue for its pro- posal, rejected by the Regents in July, which would fund the book- store by a one-time $1.75 levy on students, bolstered by gifts and funds raised by the University. At the same time, says SGC President Marty McLaughlin, stu- dent representatives will "debunk" the administration proposal call- Ing for $200,000 raised by volun- tary student contributions and gifts. SGC argues there is little chance that the $200,000 estimated nec- essary to establish a bookstore could be raised without a fee as- sessment and University support. If the Regents fail to act in favor of a bookstore. SGC plans call for a rally tomorrow at 2 p.m. on the Diag and a march to the Administration Building. In addition, some of the Regents are expected to raise opposition to the SGC Discount Store, which President Fleming and acting Vice President for Student Affairs Bar- bara Newell have charged has "broken its original trust." The store, which originally re- quested permission from the Re- gents to sell specific academic items, "has gone far afield" by -DIly- Jy Cassldy The flow of anti-ROTC demonstrators into North Hall during the past week apparently hasn't phased ROTC personnel - at least, not face-to-face with the opposition. Yesterday's 'batch of protest ers even managed some pleasantries with their enemy. Making friends at North Hall I 'NIVERSITY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY addresses Central Student Judiciary during last lock-in trial, -Dail--Jay Cassidy Peter Forsythe, night's recruiter heCgii before CS 'J By JAMES McFERSON The Central Student Judiciary proceedings against four students and SDS for violating a Student Government Coun-1 eil ban on disruptive sit-ins got off last night to an unortho- dox start. As 200 people watched, defense lawyer Kenneth Mogill predicted prosecuting attorney Peter Forsythe will "prove everything he says, because we did it, and we're proud of it." The students and members of SDS locked a Navy re- By DAVID SPURR A group of military officers; passed some anti-ROTC protesters on a stairway in North Hall yes- terday. "How's it going today, Barry?" Army Maj. William Morgan good- naturedly asked protest leader! Barry Bluestone. "Oh, not too badly," replied the graduate student in economics. "Say," he added, "I notice you've got the Navy and the Army on the same floor here. Whatever happened to good old service rivalry?" The officers laughed. The ten or so disrupters, accompanied by an entourage of plainclothed police- men, reporters, and photographers, cracked jokes on the way to the next ROTC class disruption. Nearly a week of class disrup- tions and protest over the mili- tary training program has bred familiarity between protesters and soldiers despite the contempt they hold for each other's viewpoints. By yesterday the anti-ROTC students had settled into a routine. They would enter a class and politely take seats near the rear of the classroom. Occasionally they would try to engage someone in a discussion, until they were ordered to leave under thleatof criminal and University prosecu- tion. Bluestone yesterday led his band into a freshman air science classj while a blond, mustached instruc- tor was drawing a diagram of the' Air 'Force ROTC hierarchy on the blackboard. The instructor continued his lec-: ture unabashed as the "disrupters" took their seats. A University-hired photographer followed them in identify-he just had to look for the ones with hair growing over their collars. A tape machine re- corded everything that went on in the classroom. "After going through this ex- planation of the ROTC hierarchy," the instructor was saying, "we'll go over the procedures of saluting and the Air Force uniform." When the.blackboard diagram was completed he asked, "Are there any questions?" Bluestone thrust up his hand. "Yes," he said. "As a beginning ROTC student myself I wonder if you could tell me if I would be able to see the Group Commander without having to go through this flow chart you've made on the blackboard." "Well, you might be able to get N " r ii different guys all can't go see the Group Commander at once, so this is why you're advised to talk to ther man immediately above you." The and began snapping pictures of an appointment if you had an! them. They were mostly easy to immediate problem, but you see 201 instructor was taking Bluestone in selling such items as refrigerators, stride. television sets and electrical ap- Bluestone thanked him for an- pliances, Mrs. Newell said last swering the question and asked nightk another one about the relationship It's more a question of break- between the Arnold Air Society, ing agreements reached rather an ROTC club, and the defense than the sin in the sales them- department. selves," she said. The topic has not officially been At this point Capt. Lyle Jones' scheduled on the Regents agenda, who described himself as being in but Mrs. Newell said she expects charge of the class, walked up the Regents to discuss it. the blackboard and began reading In otertationdtomouowith a University statement ordering In other action tomorrow, the the protesters out. Regents will debate the possibili- ties of appealing to the State Su- all persons not enrolled in preme Court a Court of Appeals the class leave the room . .. un- decision this summer requiring the authorized continued disruption University to negotiate with the . . SGC rule . . . criminal tres- American Federation of State, pass . . ." Fragments of the state- County and Municipal Employees. ment droned over the commotion The Court of Appears upheld an as protesters filed out of the room, earlier decision by the Washtenaw And that seemed to be that. The County Circuit Court. next stop was the office of Army University officials have argued Col. H. K. Reynolds, who was on they should be exempted from a long distance phone line when state laws requiring negotiations Bluestone walked into the office with labor unions because they without knocking and requested an impinge on university autonomy appointment, not because of the labor issue In the next instant Reynolds itself. cruiter in his West Engineering March 25. The prosecution was unable to complete its examination of wit- nesses and the trial has been re- cessed until next Wednesday. The trial's informal atmosphere was heightened by a large amount of audience l)articipation. Marec Wohl, chairman of the CSJ, said he hoped relaxing the rules would help the trial proceed easier. In his opening statement, proe- cuting attorney Forsythe asked the CSJ to deliver the maxinmn penalty, to punish "the violation of University rules governing dis- ruptions." Mogill resp-on:ded ill his t)pen - ing statemn,.'It's obsene that ve're ot trial here. No court can Judge it, the dis'uption because it was a )olitical act,' he added Neil Bush, the defendants' se- cond lawyer, decla red in his onnnin(- e tatement that li + . Bldg. interviewing room last SECOND FLOOR MOSHER-JORDAN Coed living: It 's not what you think it is By ALLISON COOKE "Instant, pregnancy." That's what one student's father calls the new coed floor in Mosher-Jordan dormitory. But despite such fears - and perhaps the hopes of others the second floor of Mosher--Jordan more closely resembles an experiment in fan- ily living than The Ilarrad Experiment. Most of the students living on the floor say they chose the arrangement because they felt the more natural liv- ing situation would make it easier to form friendshins with members of thr, living there by choice -- the housing of- fice stuck six girls and three boys in the hall to fill up the vacancies. All but one freshman girl, however. have decided to stay. "I think I'm going to like it because of the kids. not the idea," says a junior transfer student, "they're so friendly." Another freshman says her parents finally decided to let her remain on the floor because they figure "if I haven't been trained in 18 years, .. . "Besides, it's more natural." she adds. "It's affected us, sure it has," declar- ed one boy. "It makes everyone more considerate - like toning down on swear- ing and noise." "The boys are a lot friendlier," adds one girl who agrees, "because they 'real- ize we'll be living together. They're real sweet because they know we'll be put out more." And rather than promote more sexual relationships, the arrangement apparent- ly is making them almost taboo. While there have been several casual dates, only appeared in tile hall. "Major! Major! Can't I have a little pri- vacy around here? I'm trying to make a phone call and these peo- pie are just barging in on me." Maj. Morgan scurried up and stood for the next thirty minutes in front of the colonel's office door as a girl protester chattedf with him and pointed out his pic- ture on the wall to every passerby. Bluestone, meanwhile, had gain- ed entrance to the office of the Ot today's Page Three . * Defense Secretary L a i r d hints at reductions in draft calls soon. 0 The Tenants Union and landlords prepare for what