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September 17, 1969 - Image 6

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Page Six


Wednesday, September 7, 1969



towards second


By PETE KENT no big surprise to anyone. Rex scored 17 touchdowns for 102
Spring has sprung .fall has Kern will be back as the number points, far ahead of second place
fell . .. Ohio State is back to play one field general, scrambling,'Kern with 48.

football. Fresh from their victory faking, and walking over his op-
at Pasadena nine months ago, the ponents. Last year the Super-Soph
Buckeyes are set to do it all again. was second in rushing behind full-
Little needs to be added about back Jim Otis; he gained 641 yards:
last season, certainly one of OSU's in 131 carries to 992 in 219 tries'
finest. Losing only three, starters, for Otis. Kern also received the
it is no surprise the pollsters pick distinction of being awarded the
Woody Hayes' national champs Most Valuable Player award in
head-and-shoulders above the lot. the 27-16 victory over Southern
Most predict that 1969 will be Cal.
"cake." Taking the slot as Kern's back-
The undefeated season was Ohio up man is another junior, Ron
State's seventh and the third since ! Maciejowski, code-named "Super
Hayes has been coach. The 1968 Sub" by the press. He was in-
Buckeye team started no fewer strumental in three of Ohio State's
than 12 sophomores regularly (six ten victories, and gained 253 yards,.
on offense and six on defense) and averaging 4.5 yards per carry.
four others started at one time or Fullbacks Otis and John Brock-
another. ington and halfbacks Dave Brun-
Versatility was displayed as 14 gard and Ray Gillian should also
different Ohio State players scored make the backfield click. Otis
touchdowns. A total of 12 different
Buckeyes caught passes as the
team completed 55.3 per cent of its
passes. The offense rolled up an
averaged of 440 yards per game,
scoring a total of 323 points.ay.J 10' 1
"But," appraises Coach Hayes

Injuries have hurt the Buckeyes
already, as halfbacks Larry Zelina
and Leo Hayden have recently
been sidelined. Zelina is probably
the most gifted halfback on the
squad. His sideline, "tightrope"
running was one of the features
of last season and gained him an
average of 8.7 yards in 39 carries.
Although the team does have
forty lettermen returning and
depth in almost every position,
they will sorely miss their two
All-American tackles Dave Foley
and Rufus Mayes. They were the
only two Buckeyes from the 1968
squad to be donned with national
honors. Gone, too, is place-kicker
Jim Roman, who booted 21 extra
points in 28 tries and five field

goals. two of them in the Rose
Bowl. in seven attempts.
The strong defensive unit, which
yielded only 150 points last year,
will be headed by Jack Tatum,
top All-American prospect. Only
one member of the starting 1968
defense will not be coming back.
Deep in the offensive backfield
and weaker on defense a year ago.
Columbus, Ohio
C6och: Woody Hayes
Coach's Record: 117-41-7
1968 Conference Record:
7-0-0, 1 st
1968 Record: 10-0-0
Lettermen Lost: 11
Lettermen Returning: 40

Hayes converted Tatum to a de-
f,,nsive back. Last year he was the
fastest man on the squad, and, at
one point was heralded as both
Lineman of the Week and Back
of the Week by the two wire serv-
So everything seems toabe set
for t h e home opener in eleven
days against the Horned Frogs of
Texas Christian. Another pre-sea-
son "warm-up" game against
Washington t h e following week
will set the stage for the confer-
ence opener against Michigan
State's Spartans, slated to be one
of Ohio's toughest matches.
Then come Minnesota, Illinois,
Northwestern, Wisconsin, a n d
Purdue. Should the Buckeyes still
be undefeated at that point, they
will close the season against Ann
Arbor's finest, and try to put the
icing on the cake.

Ldents could decide SEC finish

-Daiv-Eric Prgeiux
LARRY ZELINA (16), OHIO STATE HALFBACK, follows his blockers and heads for daylight in last
year's contest with Michigan. Zelina averaged almost nine yards per carry last season, tops on the
team, and was the team's second leading pass receiver with 18 catches. He returns, along with the
rest of Ohio State's top two backfields, and is but one of the reasons that his team is favored to
retain the national championship.

196j8 if we are to win tne .Big Ten
capsip agatowinan eigTen By SANDI GENIS former greats as Steve Tensi and
championship again and we will .. .Kiln Hammond.
go all-out to win it. We won't be "If there is a better quarterback 'Ki Hammon.
in te contry hes go to e a If there is one reason why the
able to sneak up on anyone this i out, hes got t b Seminoles must be considered a
year." 'combination of Sammy B a u g h S oendrrole nuse otenieds
The best the Buckeyes can do is Y. A. Tittle and God." Rex Kern? contender for one of the nation's
extend thehk winning streak from Chuck Hixson? Would you believe top ten spots, Cappleman is it.
tnBillCappleman.True, Ron Sellers has gone and
fourteen to twenty-three games.BilCpemn taken his 1,496 yards and twelv2
They haven't lost since Illinois Florida State coach Bill Peter- touchdowns with him, but Cap-
knocked them off, 17-13, in Oc- son wouldn't have either at the be- pleman's ability and a group of re-
tober of 1967. Of course, even if ginning of last season, but after ceivers Peterson admits "might
they do go undefeated this year ten games, eight victories, twenty- catch a pass or two," could raise
they cannot repeat in the Rose five touchdowns, and 2,410 yards, havoc with opponents like SEC
Bowl (after all, you can't have he became a believer. Indeed, he contenders Mississippi State and
your cake and eat it, too). has become Cappleman's biggest Florida, and tough independent
The offensive attack should be fan, ranking him with such FSU Houston, also nationally ranked.
The game with Houston, Florida
" State's last of the season, could
turn out to be one of the m o s t
exciting of the year as the two in-
den endents battle for national

Here'swhat your first ye ar
or two at IBM could Le like.
You'll become involved fast.
You'll find we delegate responsi-
bility-to the limit of your ability.
At IBM, you'll work individual-
ly or on a small team. And be en-
couraged to contribute your own
ideas. You'll advance just as fast
and far as your talents can take you.
Here's what three recent grad-
uates are doing.

ranking. At any rate, Florida State
figures to be one of the South's
and the nation's toughest indepen-
dent teams this season.

figure, either directly or indirect-
ly, in the balloting for the year's
top team.
Sophs, sophs, and more sophs
is the word from Georgia Tech
these days, where coach Bud Car-
son is trying desperately to come
up with enough talant to stop
teams like Southern Cal, Ten-
nessee, and Notre Dame. If o n e
can believe the publicity one reads,
then rookie quarterback Charles
Dudish, the local glamour boy,
1968 Records
Florida State 8-2
Virginia Tech 7-3
Miami 5-5
Georgia Tech 4-6
Tulane 2-8
could be the key to sucess that
Coach Carson has been looking
for. At any rate, amazing tailback
Brent Cunningham seems a cinch
to give the Yellow Jackets some
offensive punch. Cunningham is
considered by many to be Georgia
Tech's best runner in years.
Even if Dudish and Cunningham
pan out, chances are Tech still
will not be a major power in the
south, but, they could pull an
upset or two.
Down at Virginia Tech, chances
are that Tech President Hahn will
have plenty reason to lead the
cheers. Coach Jerry Claiborne in-
sists that this year's Gobblers are
the best he's fielded in his career
at Tech. Again this year, an ex-
cellent crop of sophomores is
available to fill the spots vacated
by the graduation of 15 seniors.
THE DEFENSE, as usual. led by

outstanding linebacker Mike Wid-
ge', should be among the best in
the country. If quarterback Al
Kincaid and his mates fulfill Clai-
borne's expectations, the Gobblers
should make the trip to the Liber-
ty Bowl again this fall.
The race is on at Tulane, as
Wayne Francingues and Dave
Abercrombie battle for the start-
ing quarterback spot. Francingues
has to his credit 1376 yards total
offense last season-100 yards
short of a Tulane record-while
Abercrombie had a sensational
career at Mississippi Junior Col-
lege. The defense, which yielded
more than 180 points last season.
is Coach Jim Pittman's biggest
problem. Composed mostly of
sophomores, the Green Wave de-
fense is speedier and larger this
campaign. Paul Ellis, a sophomore
safety, is a budding superstar. For
the first time in Pittman's four
years as coach, the outlook for the
season seems less than grim.
The Michigan Rugby Club has
changed its practice schedule to
6 p.m. on Tuesday and Thurs-
day at Ferry Field for new
members and from 9 to 11 pm.
on Tuesday and Thursday at
Wines Field for the regulars.
This weekend's games against
the Sarnia Saints will begin at
4 p.m. on Saturday at Ferry

ANOTHER southern independ-
ent, Miami, could win top honors
if they don't pull last season's
stunt again, dropping the final
four games of the season after a
rip-roaring start. Coach Charlie
Tate says it all, when he calls his
defense "rough as hogs". Probable
All-American safety Tony Sta-
wartz, who has made ninety-nine
tackles in his last two seasons in
the secondary, typifies Tate's rug-
ged defense and succeeds former
All-American defensive end Ted
"Mad Stork" Hendricks as the
team's star.
Stawartz and his cronies will be
severely tested by a schedule that
includes games with SEC stalwarts
Alabama and LSU, and tough in-
dependents Houston and Florida
State. The Hurricanes could play
a big part in determining the SEC
championship and promise to

Wouldn't you really rather have a

Doug Taylor, B.S. Electronics
Engineering '67, is already a senior
associate engineer working in large-
scale circuit technology. Aided by
computer design, Doug is one of a five-
man team designing integrated
circuits that will go into IBM
computers in the 1970's.

Soon after his intensive training
course, IBM marketing representative
Preston Love, B.S.'66, started helping
key Iowa commissioners solve
problems. Like how to introduce
school kids to computers, without
installing one. His answer: share one
in Chicago by phone cable.
rNf'T n A EAn1 Tv

Soon af ter his IBM programmer
training, John Klayman, B.S. Math '68,
began writing programs used by a
computer system to schedule every
event in the Apollo tracking stations.
And when the finished programs were
turned over to NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center, he was responsible for
making them work.


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