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September 17, 1969 - Image 1

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If you had to raise $200,000 in one year
with no concrete idea of where the money
would come from, where would you start?
The question presently is baffling a num-
ber of student leaders and administrators
as they consider the possibility of financing
a University bookstore solely through $200.-
000 in voluntary student contributions and
outside gifts.
The plan was presented at the July
Regents meeting by President R o b b e n
Fleming as an alternative to Student Gov-
ernment's proposal to fund the bookstore
through a $1.75 per student fee assessment,
bolstered by outside gifts.
The SGC proposal was rejected 8-0 but
Fleming's plan was narrowly defeated in a
4-4 deadlock..
And if there is any regental action on
the bookstore this week, it is likely to come

from a change of suntiment by one or more
of the regents who voted against the Flem-
ing proposal in July.
Nonetheless, there remains widespread
doubt about the workability of the plan.
SGC President Marty McLaughlin says
University experts on voluntary funding of
projects have "indicated there was no reason
to suppose that the necessary funds could be
raised from contributions on the basis of
available evidence."
"This proposal would commit SGC to a
long and fruitless endeavor which would
serve to disguise the fact that regental
unwillingness to supply funds to a student-
initiated project is the root cause for the
lack of the bookstore." McLaughlin says.
Alan MacCarthy, director of the Univer-
sity's Development Council, which handles
this kind of funding question, admits he
would be "hardpressed to tell you who would

give the funds. I kind of have to do some
digging here."
MacCarthy says the University has not
launched a feasibility study to determine the
economic realities of the Fleming proposal
yet. Such a survey would probably take
about a month to complete, MacCarthy adds.
"We cannot say even privately to the Re-
gents whether it is practical without making
the feasibility study," says Vice President
for University Relations Michael Radock.
Radock adds that alumni, local mer-
chants, corporations and students would
have to be sounded out on giving contribu-
But the problem of large contributions
may not be the only difficulty with the plan.
Since none of the funds for the book-
store would come from a special tuition
assessment as l)roposed by SGC, bookstore
supporters would have to raise money in

small amounts through a drive for pri-
vate contributions.
"Ordinarily," says Radock, "student cam-
paigns don't go very far."
SGC Administrative Vice President Bob
Hirson cites a precedent which he feels goes
a long way toward proving the ineffective-
ness of private student funding projects.
Several years ago SGC helped start a
Student Book Exchange, Hirshon explains,
but it soon became interested in selling new
In 1965, SGC collected 11,000 signatures
in support of its plan, but the Regents re-
jected it. Council members then decided
to finance the store on their own, as they
would under Fleming's proposal, and ac-
cording to Hirshon, raised $5,000 out of a
necessary $150,000 and gave up.
Acting Vice President for Student Af-

fairs Barbara Newell, the only executive of-
ficer who has supported the SGC proposal,
is also skeptical of the chances for funding
a bookstore through contributions. "On the
whole, I'm betting the fee assessment is
the way that has to finance it," she ex-
Mrs. Newell believes a cooperative book-
store and the SGC plan are the only two
realistic methods of financing the book-
"I'm not greatly optimistic about raising
outside contributions for the bookstore," she
says. "I don't think it's the kind of issue
that would be productive there."
SGC member Robert Nelson says a drive
to collect an average of $5 per student -
about what would be needed to finance the
bookstore - would be impossible. "I would
find it highly unlikely that workers in the

Diag would come up with $1,000 a day for
the rest of the year to raise the $200,000."
he says.
SGC contends the sufficient money to
finance the bookstore is, in fact, available.
$60,000 would come from the special assess-
ment and $150,000 leftover from the old stu-
dent driving registration fee.
The responsibility for action clearly lies
with the Regents," says McLaughlin, "and
the administration proposal is an attempt
to sidestep that responsibility at the ex-
pense of the interest of the students."
The motives of the Regents remain, of
course, a matter of speculation. But clearly,
the feasibility of Fleming's voluntary fund-
ing plan looms as a large question mark
in the minds of many students and admin-

a -4c


Eight Pages



Vol. LXXX, No. 1 2

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 17, 1969




to sever


lie ies
Regardless of what recomnmen-
lations the faculty finally makes'
the Regents are unlikely to ap-
prove drastic changes in the re-
lationship between the Reserve Of-
ficers Training Corps and the Uni-
Recent interviews with five of
the eight Regents indicate they
are under strong pressure from
alumni to maintain the present
status of ROTC and that they are
peirsonally disinclined to sever ties
with the program.
Most of those interviewed also
stressed, however, that they would
like to see more information on
ROTC and that their present p~osi-
tions were subject to change.
"I'm for ROTC with the facts
I have at home at the present
time," said Regent Paul Goebel
'R-Grand Rapids). "I'm certainly
opposed to the methods they're
using now," he added, referring to
the recent disruptions of ROTC'
classes. "They'll never get any-
thing that way."
Regent Robert Nederlander (D-
Franklin) said he received "con-
s siderable amounts of literature on
sesy the subject sent by supporters of
nel ROTC-hundreds of letters from
Nonetheless, he said, he has "no
preconceptions" about ROTC, al-
though other Regents indicated
that they were aware of the ques-
tions about ROTC, giving it vary-
ing degrees of support.
Regent Otis Smith said he
doesn't "really view ROTC with
alarm." He cited the role ROTC
graduates played in World War II
as "one of the decisive factors" in
the allied victory.

Student Government Council, in a special session yester-
day, unanimously agreed that President Robben Fleming's
proposal for voluntary funding of a University bookstore is
unacceptable and demanded the Regents vote on SGC's plan
at their meeting later this week.
Council said Fleming's plan to finance the bookstore
through voluntary student contributions and outside gifts is
unfeasible and an attempt to appease students.
SGC's plan to fund the bookstore calls for a one-time
$1.75 per student fee assessment - raising $60,000 -- with
the balance of the $200,000 to be made up by the University
and outside gifts.
Students voted 3-1 in favor of the fee assessment in a

-Daily-Eric Perge
MARC VAN DER HOUT, SGC executive vice president, discus
ROTC in a panel discussion last night at South Quad. The pa
also included history Prof. Gerhard Weinberg, and ROTCi
structor Maj. William Morgan.
YDs back radi c

Diiyi-ErHic Pergeaux
SDS s peaker
Bill Ayers, a national officer of Students for a Democratic Society speaks before a group in the
multipurpose room of the UGLI yesterday. Ayers, a former member of Ann Arbor SDS, discussed
the Chicago clashes during last year's Democratic convention.

campus-wide referendum last
In a 6-0 vote yesterday, SGC
asked the Regents to schedule
the vote on its agenda at 2:30
p.m. Friday, following the plan-
ned 2 p.m. rally in the Diag.
Yesterday 's meeting was initiat-
ed by Administrative Vice Presi-
dent Bob Hirshon to respond to
Fleming's refusal to put the book-
store discussion with SGC on the
Friday regental agenda and also
to discuss arrangements for t h e
Thursday meeting between Coun-
cil and the Regents.-
Fleming declined to place the
discussion on Friday's agenda, as
SGC requested last week, saying1
this is contingent on the outcomer
of Thursday's meeting. This meet-I
ing will be held in the MichiganE
Union Assembly Room from 1:30A
to 3:00 p.m.E
In related action yesterday,
Radical Caucus voted to encour-r
age disruption of Friday's Re-
gents meeting if the Regents faill
to take action toward the estab-
lishment of a University book-;
store. The proposal stated, how-
ever, they would encourage dis-
ruption only if 200 people are
willing to participate.
SGC members argued there is1
little chance the money necessaryj
to set up the bookstore can be
raised without a fee assessmentt
and University support.
"The Fleming proposal is noE
proposal at all," said Bob Nelson,.
adding "there is no precedent for
raising such a large amount of
money through voluntary studentF
SGC turned down a motion last
week, 6-1, which demanded a re-z
vote on its bookstore proposal ati
the Friday Regents meeting andI
threatened disruption if the Re-
gents refused.t
The motion was rejected pri-j
marily because many Council1
members opposed disruption. t

Pauth ers
plan rally
inl Lansing
The White Panther Party will
hold a national rally in Lansing on
Oct. 2 in behalf of John Sinclair,
imprisoned Panther minister of in-
The Panthers will present Gov.
William Milliken with "thousands
of petitions asking for freedom for
Sinclair and all political prison-
ers," said Skip Taube, Panther
minister of education, in a state-
ment yesterday.
A celebration for Sinclair's 28th
birthday on Oct. 2 will also be held
at the Grande Ballroom in Detroit.
Poet Allen Ginsburg is tentatively
scheduled to speak in behalf of the
John Sinclair defense fund, Taube
Sinclair has been denied appeal
bond by the State Supreme Court
after his third conviction for pos-
session of marijuana. He was sen-
tenced to 9'.: to 10 years.
"The sentence given Sinclair is
clearly 'cruel and unusual punish-
ment' and reeks of pre-determined
prejudice against the defendant,"
Taube said.
The statement also charged that
the denial of the appeal bond is
"the most blatant example of the
violation of a man's constitutional
rights witnessed in Michigan in
many years."
The Panthers also asserted that
the placing of Sinclair in Mar-
quette, the maximum security
prison was a "snub in the face of
the 'legal' process of this country."

By ERIKA HOFF Smith also said he would "pre-
fer' to see army officers get mili-
The executive board of the University t Young Democratic Lary training in a civilian atmos-
Club yesterday voted to support "creative" disruptive tactics phere."
aimed at forcing ROTC off campus while the Radical Caucus, Regent Gertrude Huebner sug-
one of the leading organizations in the anti-ROTC fight, gested that credit could be elimi-
called for mass action next week if enough support is avail- nated for ROTC courses, but said
able. she would probably not support
a move to throw the program off
The ad hoc coalition against ROTC last night announced campus.
it will continue "creative non-disruptive disruption" of ROTC Regent Lawrence Lindemer (R-
classes at 1 p.m. today along with separate liberation classes Stockbridge said he might sup-
inside North Hall. port a move to eliminate credit
for ROTC, but that he presently
The Young Democrats endorsed the 15-point program of opposed cutting financial ties.
the ad hoc coalition against ROTC and encouraged its mem-. ROTC will probably come up
bers to participate in anti-ROTC action. for regental action in October or
The Democrats' executive board, which sets policy for the November after the faculty's Sen-
ate Assembly makes its final rec-
club, also called for the elimination of academic credit for ommendation on the program.
ROTC and discontinuation of -
financial support from the
University. CONCER'TS, BA
The Radical Caucus, in its sec-
ond session of the semester, call-
ed for mass action against ROTC
followin ai mass 1meeting toh b
mass action might include taking
over North Hall, which houses By JUDY S
ROTC offices and classes.

in cit
An ad hoc committee studying
nolice-community relations in Ann
Arbor has released a report which
calls for the immediate implemen-
tation of seven measures designed
to ease hostility between police
and the community.
The recommendations are out-
lined in the committee's interim
report, which was presented to
City Council Monday. A public
hearing on the report has been
scheduled for next Wednesday.
The report recommends:
-That 12 police officers be hired
from the minority community "im-
mediately or within two years" as
ruber cod

urges reforms
police practices;
part of an active attempt for bility for enforcing parking reg-z
minority recruitment. ulations.
-That a "brief but explicit" re- -That the city authorize a pro-
port of any contact between pa- fessional survey and evaluation of
trolmen and citizens be furnished current police procedures in the,
to the citizens involved. field with a view toward necessary:
--That the police department alterations of present policy.
expand its program of training of- -That the city undertake a re-1
ficers to deal with factors that view of the offense provisions of!
generate hostility between police the city code in order to eliminateI
and certain segments of the coin- those that are not useful and
munity. The report also recom- clarify those which are retained.
mends that funds be appropriated -That the city distribute an in-
in order to initiate an "in-service formational brochure on police
training program" with similar procedure and citizens' rights.
goals. The study of police-community;
-That the police department be relations was authorized by City
relieved of the primary responsi- Council last June following two '
incidents between police and citi-
zens. The seven committee mem-
bers were chosen by Mayor Robert!
The seven recommendations are
designed to be an "initial attack"
uponecurrent tension between the:
mtunity, the report states.
hich the administration will send The more "complex and sensi-
uber committee include Inter- tive" issues will be dealt with;
Council and the Arts Chorale. na later repoui moreextensive
TDS and Radical Caucus. investigation and lengthier de-c
hough University administrators liberation than we have yet beent
ey will be frustrating Huber and able to devote to them," the re-
ttee, the senator's special assist- port adds.r
Potter, claims, "The more in- These issues include:e
the better. If they think they're ---The need for a more satis-

As investigation of
county welfare budget


Representatives of the Caucus
to the anti-ROTC steeing con-
mittee, chosen last night, were
instructed to pr'ess for nondisrup-
tive talks in University classes,
organizing in dormitories to build
support and writing and distri-
buting political leaflets.
See YDs, Page '>
I OntPdg T(Iy j

University Choral Union members be-
ware--the ears and eyes of Lansing are omi
Cooperating fully with State Sen. Robert
Huber's investigating committee on cam-
pus unrest, University administrators will
submit reams and' reams of information
concerning campus activities --including
such controversial items as programs for
chamber music concerts and ballets.
"Our approach is to try to swamp them."
says Acting Vice President for Student Af-
fairs Barbara Newell. "They sent an in-
credible list of questions-they want to
know every activity on this camous."

izations w
to the Hi
long with
But alt]
believe the
his commni
ant, Don

A resolution calling for
investigation of the Cou
cial Services Board's bud
introduced yesterday at
ular meeting of the B
IRepublican Supervisor
Byrd, said ie introduced
olutions to find out "why
welfare mothers have had
national organizations to
more relief money." Byrd
ed he had heard a report
Social Services Board was

N among the supervisors' Welfare
r a state Committee, the welfare mothers,
ant sat and the Social Services Board to
dgnt s consider the question more closely.
the reg- Byrd was hopeful that this
oard of procedure would accomplish some-
thing, but said that "if people
rDavidwant a session directly with the
the res- supervisors, then I would draft
so many a petition calling for a general
d to join meeting. I don't think it will come
o receive to this," he added. "The super-
explain- visors appear cooperative at this
that the point.,
sending Byrd added that the county was
not the only possible source of
welfare money. "According to
the Cit- laws, rules, and statutes that I
School have studied, a city can supple-
attempt- ment what the state is doing."
ation of He also pointed out that the
,or school
county. possibility of a federal grant un-
._ der the Model Cities Program

going to swamp us, they're wrong. We wel-
come floods of information,"
Potter also welcomes the concert pro-
grains and other more mundane material.
Such material, he claims, would indicate
if there is a "cultural breadth" at the Uni-
versity which mnight cause unrest.


factory system of handling citi- money back to the state.
zen complaints about police ac- Welfare mothers and

--The need for additional man-
power within the police depart-
-The need for increased con-
1 1, 'n ,,tm ,.ct an ,rlinr ha a -

izen's Committee for
Clothing are currently
ing to increase the alloc
$27.50 per child provided f
f clothing by the state and

, ;'

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