---everybody knows this is nowhere T4P MEidligan Daily Seventy-eight years of editorial freedoin Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan What about these goddamn kids? by john gray ' 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mut be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: JIM NEUBACHERI The self-destructive progress of the anti-ROTC disruptions THE ROTC class disruptions at North Hall yesterday were not only futile but actually destructive to the building of a mass base for student activism on cam- pus. Not only have the disruptive tactics alienated the campus in general but they have splintered the ranks of the left it- self. The "creative disruptions" are no longer creative but self-destructive. The elimination of on-campus ROTC, even if accomplished nationwide, will not destroy the American military or in any way herald the coming of the Messiah. The importance of the action is in the base it builds for future actions and its significance for a campus-wide student power movement. Any actions without these ends in mind are senseless sacri- fices taken for ego gratification, or to be more charitable mere conscious-easing. Disruptive tactics in themselves can be legitimate and effective. Radicals have every right to use non-violent means of civil disobedience against institutions which have no moral justification for their presence on campus. In seeking to disrupt such institutions, radicals should not feel automatically bound by the con- sent of the majority of students. Nevertheless, maximum student s u p- port should be solicited before disruptive tactics are used. To deliberately scorn the opinions of the majority and utilize tac- tics which do not encourage mass support is useless. Only if ROTC were literally a life or death issues - which it is not - could radicals justifiably disrupt it without any concurrent attempt to build student sup- port. MANY RADICALS had been reluctant to initiate disruptive tactics without an intensive effort to explain to students the purpose of miliant action. They had sup- ported the actions Thursday only to pre- vent a badly splintered left from further fragmenting itself. The movement's own steering commit- tee Sunday night voted to discontinue dis- ruptive tactics unless a significant num- ber of students - the number 200 was arbitrarily chosen - participated. The disruptions yesterday were carried out by the same hard core of 50-60 people who have proved incapable of gaining a mass following in the past. They are repeating past mistakes. From the movement's inception, the anti-ROTC campaign has deliberately alienated stu- dents who, while opposing the military and the war, have not made a mental commitment to the practicality or legiti- macy of disruptive tactics. No effort has been made to attract these people; they have simply been ignored. INSTEAD THE movement is dominated by those who proclaim the dangerous illogic that individuals acting militantly for their convictions would inevitably strengthen the movement, and by their sacrifice and devotion would push t h e revolution inexorably onward. If the dis- rupters were totally honest in adhering to this philosophy, which they are not, they would blow the building sky high, assassi- nate the entire ROTC staff and complete their exemplary action by immolating themselves on Fleming's doorstep. To legitimize this illogic by calling on the world's oppressed peoples for sancti- fication while ignoring the student com- munity is further evidence of the moral pretensiousness which is destroying the movement. EVENTUALLY rational people must forego a commitment which evokes a repressive response while accomplishing no earthly good. The failure of SDS' tac- tics is evident. These methods must be temporarily abandoned until a serious effort is made to enlarge the mass base, hopefully assuming that the University community has not already been com- pletely alienated by yesterday's blunders. -TOBE LEV THIS SUMMER, university and college presidents from all over the country got together at meetings and conventions and over the phone and through the mails and asked each other one simple question: "What are we gonna do about these goddamn kids?" According to the straight press, they de- cided that the thing to do was to get a little tougher, to be out front with their threats and to stop treating students and faculty as if they were somebody special. And apparently our own Robben Fleming was paying attention. LAST WEEK our president: 1P implied that the faculty, perhaps, have the same status in the eyes of the administration as their stenographers. "Traditionally in this country, people are not paid while on strike," he said in a conversation about a proposed one-day class boycott protesting the War. 2) abandoned, perhaps, the idea that in- ternal student demonstrations can be han- dled internally. "Our attorney advises us that there may be violations of the statu- tory law involved, but that the law would have to be applied equally against students and non-students," he said in a statement about last week's extraordinarily tame demonstrations in North Hall. 3 indicated, perhaps, that he wasn't go- ing to put up with this kind of crap from students any more. Not only did he threat- en ROTC disruptors with University disci- pline, but with criminal prosecution and civil suits for damages. Not only did he warn SGC not to lead a march on the Re- gents over a student bookstore, but in a thinly veiled threat implied that the Re- gents might take unfavorable action on un- related issues as a result of such a march. Anyone who has been here for the past two years knows that this is not Flem- ing's style. When black students locked themselves in the old adminisrtation build- ing. our President strolled on over and met their demands without so much as a word about discipline. When a couple of hundred students were arrested last fall for taking part in a sit-in in the county building, Fleming's good right arm Barbara Newell was right there with bail money. SOMETHING MUST have happened to make our President change his mind on the way he's running this University. And the only thing I know of that could have done that is fear. Fleming is afraid of something or some- body. It could be as simple as the fear that the old, easy-going methods of handling radical students are not going to be ade- quate to keep the campus quiet this year. It could be as reasonable as the fear that the state legislature will screw the Uni- versity on funds even more than usual if they think the administration is catering to long-haired socialist weirdoes. Or it could be as deep as the fear that Sheriff Harvey will bring his friendly deputies on campus and really start some fires on the plain. In any case, he has changed his style. and he has changed it to conform to the kind of tight-lipped, hard-fisted adminis- trative style that's sweeping the nation. AND THIS might just be the campus that proves that this new style leads straight down the road to San Francisco State. Say twenty-five students are arrested and sent to jail over the ROTC demonstra- tions. Say another twenty-five get bagged for disrupting a Regents' meeting if he gets the ROTC demonstrators, his recent rhetoric will impel him to get the others. Siy only fifty students sit in in support of the welfare mothers this year and get busted. In a month or so there will be a hundred students in jail or on county work crews or on probation. These students are going to learn fast that the mild form of disruption that's be- come traditional at Michigan since the stu- dent power movement of 1966 is no longer going to work. They will learn fast that the token violence involved in lunch-hour sit- ins and "creative disruption" of classes is only going to net them ninety days in jail. These students are not going to be hap- py. AND WHEN token violence doesn't work, there are only two ways to turn: to the "established procedures" so dear to the hearts of the bureaucrats of the adminis- tration and the academicians of the fa- culty, or to the actual violence that is be- ing urged on the campus by Detroit SDS and constantly threatened by our own Sheriff Doug. Whether Fleming realizes it or not, by taking this new attitude he is laying his idea of the University, and perhaps his job. right down on the table. He's building himself a castle of commitments and dis- trust that will ultimately make him either a strong leader of a touchy campus or the target of violent confrontation after vio- lent confrontation. He is gambling that the students will move to the "established pro- cedures" and let him live. And that's not impossible. President Fleming, it's not impossible. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Pursuing the orderly process on To the Editor: IN RESPONSE to the editorial which appeared in The Daily on rhursday, September 11, the Aca- demic Affairs Advisory Committee of t h e University Assembly be- lieves that the University com- munity should be apprised of these facts, not all of which were recognized by the editorial: 1. Our Committee has had un- der review since last spring the question of the relationship be- tween the University and the ROTC programs. Extensive fact- ual investigation has been made. open meetings have been h e l d plus one public hearing, and a preliminary report issued indicat- ing that modification of the re- lationship will be recommended. That report is on the Assembly agenda for September 15. 2. The final report will be sub- mitted to the Senate Assembly by October 1, and will be debated by that group. 3. Our committee membership includes student representatives. one of whom has attended regu- larly. We continue to welcome student participation in our de- liberations, although SGC has un- ilaterally declined to send a rep- resentative. 4. Although the Senate Assem- bly is a faculty g r o u p, student groups are encouraged to submit to it any recommendations which they desire when the subject is of mutual interest. Such a submis- sion in this case would be wel- come. 5. The Assembly will make its recommendations to the Regents who have responsibility for the final decision. If those recommen- dations are not satisfactory to any student. group, such groupgcould and should submit through the President an alternative s e t of recommendations to the Regents when the matter is considered by them. We have every confidence that a request for a hearing before the Regents would be granted. 6. While we recognize the desir- ability of bringing the matter to a conclusion at the earliest possible time, there is no reason why a timely decision cannot be reached following orderly processes, with opportunity for all interested par- ties to be heard. It would be tun- reasonable to terminatedabruptly or modify drastically any program upon which students have em- barked in good faith, so that any proposed changes cannot be ex- pected to take effect immediately. OUR conclusion is that appro- priate orderly processes for get- ting a decision are underway. that there are avenues available to any person or group which wishes to present its viewpoint: and that these orderly processes should be pursued without tactics of disrup- tion. -HoraceW Davenports -'heodore V. Buttrey Co-Chairmen Academic Affairs Committee Sept. 11 Fighting r(IngOns 'Co the Editor: I AM DISMAYED by Mr. Lands- man's arguments concerning the Daily's publishing of the political cartoon which appeared in t h e Argus. If it was suggested that The Daily reprint the picture in question and the accompanying text, the entire page from the Ar- gus, the reasons given for not do- ing so are spurious. Mr. Landsman argues; The Daily would be prosecuted, The Daily would be closed, and there- fore The Daily could not contin- ue waging battles with dragons. The Daily might as well be pros- ecuted, but then so was the Vil- lage Boutique of Hammond, In- diana. AN EMPLOYEE of the Village Boutique was prosecuted and the owner was threatened with pros- ecution for selling the "under- ground" newspaper. Kaleidoscope. Rather than submit to persecu- tion the owner sued the chief of the Hammond police department, the prosecutor for Lake County. Indiana and others in the United States District Court. A t h r e e judge panel stated: "Political speech . may not be suppressed unless it falls within the "clear and pres- ent danger" a n d immediate incitement tests. In Roth v. United States ... the Supreme Court held that printed matter may not be found obscene unless it is ut- terly without redeeming so- cial importance. Political speech which is not deprived of its protection by virtue of its inciting nature is per se speech with redeeming social value." A result of the Village Bouti- que's assault upon repressive county officials is a bit more free- dom of press in Hammond, In- diana. The prosecutor does not determine what is fit to print. MR. LANDSMAN says: "The principle risk involved in such ac- tion (publishing the excerpt from Argus) would be prosecution for obscenity-an action all but prom- ised by Washtenaw County Prose- cutor William Delhey." I recall no suggestion by Mr. Landsman nor by any other letter of The Daily that the Argus excerpt is indeed obscene, non-political or apoli- tical. Yet, the editors and Mr. Landsman in particular by allow- ing the local prosecutor to deter- mine by default the content of The Daily urge us to accept Mr. Delhey's opinion as opposed to their opinion. PERHAPS Mr. Landsman is correct, by failing to publish the Argus excerpt The Daily will be able to continue to wage battles with dragons. Battles with drag- ons are important. However, only a press which is free can be a major weapon in such battles. Perhaps by publishing the ex- cerpt from Argus. The Daily might slay a dragon. Unfortunately, the content of Mr. Landsman's argument, the reasons The Daily has not pub- lished the Argus excerpt, suggest that the battle for freedom of the press might better be waged by boutiques in Hammond, Indiana, than by the easily intimidated local "free" press. -Don Koster, LSA '60 Attorney at law Sept. 9 Jiartial offensive To the Editor: DURING THE SUMMER, con- siderable controversy arose con- cerning the sound level of t h e high energy music being played in West Park rock concerts; as I re- member, the residents of the area were in part responsible, being as they were quite adamant in their charges that the music was, among other things, too loud and too offensive. As a resident of the area imme- diately adjacent to the I-M fields on S. Division. I would lik e to raise a similar complaint, t h i s time directed against the Univer- sity's marching band and its use of the grounds. T h e y practice there, and their music is quite loud, as is the guttural chanting of the marchers. "One-Two!" the ROTC bellow goes echoing, and I look out the window, wondering what country I'm in. To put my feelings more strin- gently: Take your goddamn mar- tial music elsewhere. It's too loud and too offensive. -R. Marokus, LSA '70 Sept. 12 Letters to the Editor should be mailed to the Editorial Di- rector or delivered to Mary Rafferty in the Student Pub- itions business office in the Mi .hizan Daily building. Let- ters should be typed, double- ,:naced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial D P-tors reserve the right to er'!t all letters submitted. "Just as I1thought... . PRINKER'S INK! . . The whole Santa Barbara channel oil spill was exaggerated by the press!" ~-, ~ Movement 101: A quiz SAY you're j u s t a normal student and you want to start a mass student movement with the final objective being making some changes in this rotten place. Would you: Call a rally on the Diag at noon and then move it to North Hall at ten past, leaving large groups of people wondering where the hell you are? Stand around for half an hour yelling at people in your crowd of supporters, ac- cusing them of being too liberal or too radical or just plain dumb? Decide that "We don't need martyrs at this point" even though the only mass student action in the past year was caus- ed by a small group of martyrs who got thousands of students out to march for the welfare mothers the next day? Stand by watching while a small group of people take over your issue and begin to disrupt the activity you have chosen for a target? Undermine your own position by mak- ing it clear that you, a leader of t h e movement, are only going to support these people half-heartedly? Get so hung up on your idea of demo- cratic procedure that you become blind to the reality that's going on around you, leaving your issue to the people you don't want to lead? Ego-trip about whether Melvin Laird will be quaking in his boots, or whether you were on the steering committee that made a decision that wasn't really bind- ing, but holy cow, we worked all night and you better do what we say? A: NO. -JOHN GRAY Vixon' marijuana rreform' - a very bad trip By LEE MITGANG THE WORD "marijuana" does not conjure a pretty picture in our President's mind. As a part of his program to put the youth of America back on the paths of righteousness, Nixon has made a series of proposals to Con- gress which will make smoking mari- juana, or selling it, harder and more dangerous than ever. His bill, pre- sented to the nation in mid-July of this year, asks Congress to p a s s heavier penalties for drugs like mar- ijuana and LSD. Its provisions include: 0 A law allowing an enforcement officer. after getting a warrant from a judge, to break into the house of a suspect, w h o m he is reasonably sure has drugs. using any means of entry necessavry Furthermore, to prevent the sus- pect from disposing of his d r u g s once aware of the officer's entry, he * A "fast-moving Federal investi- gation unit" would be established to stop "illicit traffic." * To plug the hole in the federal laws as they stand, specifically to prevent a recurrence of the Supreme Court reversal of Dr. Timothy Leary's case, Nixon would make the posses- sion or transferal of marijuana with- out the proper state research license and federal registration a federal of- fense. * The penalties for sale of mari- juana would be raised to ten-to-forty years, with a $20-25,000 fine for first offense, and up to $50,000 for econd offense. * The states will be presented with a recommended "model state bill" which would parallel the proposed federal law. * Marijuana should be classified and penalized as a dangerous, addic- tive, criminogetic drug if prices go up due to scarcity, the high cost will be prohibitive to high school and college students. While this may be true, it has also opened the way for increasingly poor-qual- ity grass, and in many cases, dan- gerous substitutes - which in turn can lead and hai led to tragedy. There are several legal and con- stitutional questions that should be raised. In particular, the "no-knock law" might well be viewed as a vio- lation of t h e Fourth Amendment. which provides that the home should be secure a g a i n s t unreasonable search. Can an officer then consti- tutionally search a man's home with- out first explaining the cause and the authority of his search? FURTHERMORE, might not the penalties for sale or possession of marijuana be considered cruel, un- usual and excessive under the Eighth Amendment? Two leading figures in based as it is on either unscientific data or no data at all. Representative Claude P e p p e r, Democratic chairman of the House Select Committee on Crime asked the Public Health Service to supply it with information on the nature of marijuana Is it a dangerous drug? Is the progression from marijuana to "hard drugs" inevitable or very us- ual? Are there organic or toxic side- effects. or are there side-effects on intellectual ability? Does marijuana hamper driving ability? Are there criminogenic effects? THE ANSWERS to many of these questions were indeed available to President Nixon before he proposed his anti-marijuana bill, but he eith- er chose to ignore the answers or he didn't know of them, making him either irresponsible or ignorant, or a th i r d possibility: he is pressured. Nixon knows, and everyone knows, whatsoever on the level of blood su- gar. THE RESEARCHERS, Drs. Zin- berg and Weil, working under the auspices of the Federal and the Mass- achusetts State Drug authorities, an- swered far more serious charges against marijuana use, and proved conclusively that legislation concern- ing this drug has no basis in scientif- ic fact, and must therefore have been turned into a political, moral and economic issue by Nixon, the lobbies, and other interested groups. The research by Drs. Zinberg and Weil was conducted using the same scientific methods of drug testing that are applied to all drugs, making this the first time marijuana re- search had been conducted in an ac- ceptable scientific manner. Without going into the methodol- ogy of the experiments, except to say that eighteen neople were involved. other major effects (physiological) will be found," and "in terms of med- ical dangers only, marijuana is a rel- atively harmless intoxicant." The psychological tests yielded equally interesting results. The sub- ject's sense of time was impaired t so one bit of pot folklore stands un- challenged, at least), but it seemed clear to the researchers that mari- juana has elusive, if not negligible, psychological effects. Indeed, t h e y said that "it is hard to tell psycho- logically when a person is high un- less he tells you that he is." A person's mental powers and his ability to function are not affected adversely, the tests showed. More- over, regular smokers actually im- proved in the areas of cognitive func- tions. attention span and muscular coordination. All this was demonstrated by two of the test subjects before a panel of intoxication depends greatly on the smoker's expectations and his imme- diate environment. There is no gen- eral stimulant or depressant effect on the nervous system. Thus it seems possible to ignome, adapt to,tor control any effects mar- ijuana has. A stoned p e r s o n can compensate one hundred per cent and behave as if "straight." According to a report conducted by the Department of Motor Vehicles of the State of Washington, e v e n driving ability is not impaired. In fact, there is still no clear way to tell t h e difference between a straight person and a stoned person, although there may o f t e n be a change in speech patterns. Drs. Zinberg and Weil h o p e to study such changes, and also want to observe any long-range effects of marijuana, a field which has never been studied.