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September 14, 1969 - Image 3

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Synchronized Swimming
7:00 P.M.

n e stday
b'V he Aw tocab d Pres., and C oli';<c Press Service

Coed frats: Portnoy's solution?


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7:00 & 9:30
2:30 & 4:40
7:00 & 9:30


ministry sponsored by United Church of Christ,
Unitarian Churches?

(A campuss
Disciples andl

Monday, Sept. 15-Noon Luncheon 25c
"The Future of the University"
(Series: "The Future")
Tuesday, Sept. 16-Noon Luncheon
Assistant Director, Center for Research and Conflict Resolution
"Conflict in Urban America"
Sunday, Sept. 14-7 P.M.
Meetinq of Student Religious Liberals
Refreshments and Social Hour
7:30 & 9:30
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This Strange Passion
The classic eroto-masterpiece by the maker of "Belle
de Jour" and "Virdiana." One of the most revolu-
tionary, mystic, and perverse films of all time.

HUNDREDS OF SAWISS YOUTHS demonstrated to protest
the visit of U.S. Army Chief of Staff William Westmoreland
Carrying Viet Cong flags and portraits of Ho Chi Minh, the
youths frequently disrupted traffic in'downtown Bern on their way
to the defense ministry building where speakers denounced West-
moreland as a "war criminal."
Arthur Villard, a Social Democratic member of the Bern
Cantonal Parliament ,also charged that the visit meant a violation
of Swiss neutrality because the Swiss government had earlier barred
representatives of the National Liberation Front from entering the
CZECHOSLOVAKIANS arrested during last August's dis-
orders are reportedly being punished under retroactive laws and
losing foreign travel privileges.
. Three "rowdies" who attempted to pull down the statue of a
Soviet soldier during an August 15 disturbance were convipted under
provisions of the federal extraordinary police measures enacted
August 22, the party newspaper, Rude Pravo reported yesterday.
In addition, Czech sources said, although many young workers
and students were being released without formal charges, many of
those released were being forced to give up their passports and
thus their right to visit foreign countries.
The right to travel abroad had been one of the most cherished
privileges remaining from the 1968 reforms, most of which have
been wiped out by the government following the Soviet invasion.
SEN. ROMAN L. HRUSKA of Nebraska announced his can-
didacy to succeed Everett Dirksen -as Senate minority leader.
Stressing loyalty to President Nixon and playing down ideology
in his announcement, Hruska joined Sen. Hugh Scott of Pennsyl-
vania and Sen. Howard Haker Jr. of Tennessee who had entered the
race earlier.
Although Hruska, the most conservative of the candidates in
the race, now claims he can count on enough of the conservative wing
of his colleagues for victory, his chances may be hurt if Sen. Gordon
Allot becomes a fourth candidate.
Allot has said he will announce his decision of whether or not to
rune tomorrowv,
ROMAN CATHOLIC LEADERS in Northern Ireland met
yesterday to decide whether street barricades in two cities should
be leveled.
Although no formal decisions were made at the meeting, Catholic
leaders admitted afterwards they would agree to allow British mili-
tary police to handle civil crime in Catholic areas sealed off to police
and military personnel since last month's violence.
It is hoped by Northern Irish officials that new agreements may
relieve tensions in Belfast and Londonderry which have spurred Bel-
fast officials to consider building an eight foot steel wall between
Protestant and Catholic sections of the city.
DESPITE A WALKOUT by opposition parties, Chung Ilee
Park's ruling party passed a constitutional amendment allowing
the president to seek a third term.
Without the knowledge of newspapermen and opposition party-
members, the National Assembly passed the bill 122-0, a spokesman
for the government party announced yesterday.
Opposition leaders contend that the bill is designed to keep Park
in office for life, while Park's supporters claim his leadership is need-
ed due to economic pressures and a continuing threat from the north.
U.S. NEGOTIATORS at the renewed Paris Peace talks made
a new plea for better treatment of war prisoners again yesterday.
U.S. chief negotiator Henry Cabot Lodge reported no signs of any
change in North Vietnamese policy following the death of North
Vietnamese leader Hi Chi Mihn, however.
On the other hand, Lodge did inject a faint hope of optimism
in summation of the 33rd plenary session of the talks for newsmen.
Although he said disagreement persisted over whether in fact
American prisoners were being mistreated and Hanoi refused to
agree to international inspection of prisoner camps, he did say
"It was one of the few times that we have had a real exchange. So
often we just seem to be talking past each other.

If Alexander Portnoy were to join Phi
Epsilon Pi, he might find the solution for
his personal sexual hangup - t h e
coed fraternity.
But he might remain a little frustrated,
since Phi Ep plans to concentrate on eas-
ing interpersonal hangups rather than in-
dividual sex problems through a unique
program in supervised "sensitivity" train-
Phi Ep is the first local chapter of
a national fraternity to have coed hous-
ing. The radical housing plan was ap-
proved earlier this year by the University's
Student Housing Association and the na-
tional office of Phi Epsilon Pi.
Fourteen girls occupy the new section
of the Phi Ep house and twenty-three
boys are living in the old section. T h e
female residents now living in the house
rushed last winter semester.
Phi Ep's rush this year will coincide

with normal fraternity-sorority rush, with
the Phi Ep coeds participating.
Mark Frankel, . '71, president of Phi
Ep, has planned a new rush technique
for the coeds. "We plan on having coed
rushees fill out an application. We will
judge them on their enthusiasm as shown
through the application and talks with
us," Frankel says. "Of coarse, if the num-
ber of applicants exceeds the house's ca-
pacity, we will have to use our normal
rush technique of hazing and so forth."
Coed fraternities may become a neces-
sity for the fraternity system in the fu-
ture because of steadily declining r u s h
figures. Signaling what perhaps may be
a trend, Phi Sigma Sigma sorority re-
cently obtained permission from its na-
tional to go coed.
"There is a freshman attitude about the
fraternities stifling freedom," Frankel
says. "They seem to feel that what was
formerly obtainable only through frater-

second fI-1-01111t page
Sunday, September 14, 1969 Page Three

nities is now obtainable outside and with
less restriction."
"The advantage here." Frankel con-
tinues. "is that a person can make a signi-
ficant number of close, understanding
relationships, rather than just one or two,
as would be the case without coed learn-
Jane Smith, '71, a pledge living in, said.
"I feel more relaxed after living here. I
get along better with others, and of
course they do with me."
Despite all the advantages, Saul Di
Ponio, '72, a freshman planning to rush
this year, pointed out what he considered
to be a few disadvantages. "Coed fraterni-
ties may become a haven for maladjusted
people. And of course, if the Mafia ever
infiltrates them they could become na-
tionally recognized and legal brothels.
What the Phi Eps are really concerned
about, however, is what they will call the
new coed arrangements. Frarorities?



draft reform,



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The motion picture to be seen again and again~-
v . YOU

If you have survived the weekend of protest, you may be able to confront this less formidable op
ponent, "The UP," one of three bands playing a free concert from 3-6 this afternoon in Rectos
Park. Also on hand will be "The Bad Experience" and "Passion."


Sorder stalls
SW A S H IN G T O N !:4 1 - - P r e s i-
dent Nixon's anticipated ex-
ecutive order on the draft
probably will avoid such major
changes as a lottery or a re-
quirement that younger men
. be drafted first, White House
sources reported Saturday.
In making the announcement,
the sources explained that t h e
present Selective Service Act ex-
piring June 30, 1971, bars a lottery
and added that complications
garising fr'om the institution of a
youngest-first selection system far
outweigh its advantages.
Such a decision, which t h e
sources said is about 90 per cent
certain, would mean a frustration
of hopes of major, early changes
in the draft, although some reduc-
tion in draft calls is likely if fur-
r ther troop withdrawals are made
from Vietnam.
The indications that Nixon's
order will be a li flted one makes
more remote the likelihood of any
action on the proposal last week
by Sen. Mark O. Hatfield. R-Ore..
that Nixon set Jan. 1, 1971, "as
the target date for establishment
of a voluntary military,"
He said "the institution of a
temporary lottery. reduced draft
calls in November and December
of this year and, most of all, a
commitment to a voluntary mili-
tary by 1971 will reduce the alien-
ation of our youth, and have a
rejuvenating effect throughout
the nation. in my opinion."
Nixon's announcement of pro-
posals has been expected since
September 1. when he said, "We
shall have some directives that
will be issued in the very near fu-
ture that will limit the long per-
iod of uncertainty which n o w
hangs over the lives of millions of
our young people."
But, the sources added. the
1967 law bans a lottery if the
present oldest-fisrt selection sys-
tem is changed, and other oldest-
first selection systems favor those
born at the end of a month, or
the end of the year. and some are
just considered administratively
"For the moment," one said,
"we've pretty much decided we're
not going to go with them. Our
hope is that Congress will realize
there is substantial sentiment for
change, and will decide to move.
"But," he conceded, "at t h e
moment they haven't."


intensifies attack on drug traffic


WASHINGTON t) - Mustering
the forces of several agencies, the gov-
ernment is mounting a new attack of
stiff border inspections and radar-
equipped pursuit planes to halt the
growing smugglers' trade in drugs from
Deputy Atty. Gen. Richard G. Klein-
dienst announced Saturday that "Op-
eration Intercept" - an open secret
for a week - had already begun. Its
goal: To stop the flow of drugs across
the border, then eradicate its spurce
in Mexico.
The program is aimed primarily at
marijuana, most of which is grown in
Mexico, but will not neglect such "hard"
drugs as heroin and cocaine, which
either originate there or are smuggled
through from other countries.
"Our entire objective is to get to
the source of the problem," Klein-
dienst said, "not to make thousands
of arrests,"
The Federal Aviation Agency already
has stiffened its rules to make it more
difficult for small planes to smuggle
dope in, and several agencies will have
new radar-equipped pursuit planes that
can seek out, then follow suspected
smugglers to their landing strips.
Coast Guard and Navy ships will

also intensify surveillance of small
ocean-going craft that might be smug-
gling and Customs and border patrol
inspections along the 2,500-mile border
will be stepped up to include occasional
"blitz" inspections.
In addition, command posts will be
set up in Houston and Los Angeles to
exchange information among the
smuggler hunters.
In an effort to cut off the flow at
its source - fields of marijuana or
opium poppies tilled in remote corners
of Mexico - the Mexican government
is being urged to increase its inspections
of northbound traffic on highways 15
and two which lead to Arizona and
California. U.S. researchers are workin;'
on sensors that can sniff out mari-
juana fields from airplanes.
Recommendations for carrying out
the anti-drug campaign President Nix-
on promised before his election w e r e
spelled out in a 35-page report written
by a task force headed by Kleindienst
and Eugene T. Rosuides, the assistant
secretary of the treasury for enforce-
The report went to Nixon on June 6
but was kept secret until early last
week, when it leaked out. The Justice
and Treasury Departments already had

called in reporters for a "confidential"
briefing on Thursday, but changed to
an on-the-record Friday news confer-
ence when its secrecy vanished.
Operation Intercept apparently
went into effect before the end of Aug-
ust, for by then marijuana users were
faced with a famine attributed to stiffer
border controls and burning of the
fields in Mexico.
Kleindienst said one sure sign of suc-
cess would be an increase in price when
the demand for marijuana outstripped a
dwindling supply. Users in California
reported in August that prices had
climbed while duality had declined as
Mexican imports dropped and less po-
tent domestic marijuana went on the
But the ultimate objective, Klein-
dienst said, is "meaningful coopera-
tion with the Mexican government to
have a significant control drive in that
To accomplish that, he said, the U.S.
government has already had a series of
meetings with Mexico and will have
at least one more, and is willing to
lend its resources to help Mexico.
The task force said it was impressed
with the possibilities of killing the mari-

juana crop with chemicals delivered by
anr, especially in view of the difficult
terrain and occasional armed resist-
ance encountered by destruction teams..
The task force also dealt with the
controversy over whether marijuana is
a harmful drug, and concluded it was.
Kleindienst said he didn't think mari-
juana smoking was a direct cause of
crime, but the task force concluded
that "the use of marijuana or danger-
ous drugs is related to increased crim-
inal activity."
The task force advocated more flex-
ibility in the marijuana laws. Their in-
flexible minimum penalties sometimes
make it necessary to bring other tech-
nical charges or to drop the charges
altogether to be sure justice is done,
it said.
In July Nixon proposed new federal
narcotics laws that would put LSD in-
to the same class as marijuana and
heroin and set a penalty of 5 to 20
years in prison for illegal manufacture
or sale.
Kleindienst said he was in favor of
keeping marijuana illegal because it
detracts from the nation's vitality. The
fact that some people drink too much,
he said, is no reason to adopt another





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