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Ink A6
Partly sunny and warm;
Possible rain
Vol. LXXX, No. 1 0 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 14, 1969 Ten Cents
school: Student power an the comn
By BARD MONTGOMERY Although it was initially under- pressed student members of the says Mrs. Sprague, "so we ap- "If he had indicated that he Der Hout from the faculty corn- sues w
"The Executive Committee of stood that the student represent- search committee with his open- proached other faculty committees thought it inappropriate" corn- mittee investigating academic operat
the Education School shall consist atives would leave committee ness to an expanded student role and they all agreed to seat stu- mented Beach, "the members credit for ROTC. really
of the Dean and six members of meetings when specific students or in policy decisions. dents." might well have made another Cohen points out that "people ideas,
the faculty to be appointed by faculty members came under dis- "Cohen met with the executive "We waited for the idea of stu- decision." don't usually vote on this commit- Sim
the Board of Regents on recom- cussion, they have not yet been committee right after he came." dents being around to soak in. "The reason I supported their tee, but make suggestions and presse
mendation by the President." asked to leave a meeting. recalls Mrs. Sprague, "and a week taking the more receptive com- being on the committee," explains countersuggestions" (and Nancy ner's p
The foregoing portion of the Mrs. Sprague and Terteling. later we were seated." iittees first," relates Bennet. "We Cohen, "is that a lot of questions Sprague agrees that the present BotI
University bylaws is a provision whose successor will soon be The committee's acceptance of went last to the executive commit- come up concerning courses, and status "is not a token thing"). numbe
similar to those found in the chosen, were selected last March student representatives climaxed tee where they were touchiest." questions of emphasis in other "But just putting them on the ex- icy co
charters of every school and col- by a Students for Educational In- a long campaign which former The renewed petition was sup- areas in which students have a ecutive committee is not the be- suppor
lege at the University. novation (SEI) committee. SEI president Stan Bennet, Grad, ported by testimonials from mem- valid interest." gining and the end of the matter." ed ove
But Dean Wilbur Cohen's en- They were not immediately ad- interprets as a victory for grad- bers of the graduate and under- Unwillingness to see students Cohen adds. were t
couragement of student represen- initted to the committee, and were ualism. graduate committees who cited participate in decisions of fac- There is, of course, the problem And fa
tation-without vote--on the ex- asked by some of its faculty mem- "We went to the executive com- their "positive experience" with ulty promotion, tenure, discipline of revising the bylaws if students basis o
ecutive committee has left the old bers to await the arrival of Dean mittee a year ago about getting student participation and joined and assesment has been a major are to have full membership, notes mittee
formula obsolete. Cohen before a decision was taken. students on it," he says, "and they Cohen in supporting its extension block to student admission to the Beach, who also says that "some The
Nancy Sprague, Grad, and Terry "The students told us they felt invited us to a meeting to talk it to the executive committee top committees of other schools. faculty members may question the spur s'
Terteling, '69, were appointed to it was just a matter of procras- over, but they were worried about Mrs. Sprague recognizes the in- There is still uncertainty in the wisdom of student participation." once
the committee at the beginning tination," explained Associate Dean students attending to questions of fluence of these recommendations education school about the sub- But part of the uncertainty ness o
of Cohen's term two months ago. Lowell Beach, "but the real reason scholarships, faculty discipline, as important, but sees the unani- sequent issue of student voting comes from surprising quarters. democ
They became the first students in was that we had a lame-duck and promotion. They also chal- mous vote of the six faculty mem- rights on faculty committees--a "I'm not yet sure I want the tion p
the University to sit on the top dean." lenged our representativeness and bers for admission as "a con- matter which elsewhere has pro- vote," remarks SEI President Jack efficie
policy committee of any school or SEI did not press the issue, but. asked to see our membership list." sequence of Cohen's clear state- yoked battles such as the walkout Eisner, "It entails a lot of diffi- comm
college. chose to wait for Cohen, who im- "We knew we had been put off." ment that he wanted us seated." by non-voting member Mark Van culties. We've approached the is- S
Eight Pages
vith an eye to faculty co-
ion, and they have been
cooperative with most
he declared.
ilar reservations are ex-
d by Bennet, who was Eis-
i strategists fear that out-
red student voters on pol-
mmittees would be bound to
t committee decisions pass-
r their disapproval if they
o retain faculty confidence.
aculty confidence is now the
f their effectiveness in cbm-
voting issue would also
ome instructors to challenge
again the representative-
f SEL. Bennet feels that the
ratic foundation of selec-
rocedures, as well as their
ncy in producing active
ittee members, is assured by
ee ED SCHOOL, Page 8
Students who disrupt ROTC
classes will be both prosecuted
in circuit court and disciplin-
ed under University regula-
tion if evidence justifies it,
President Robben Fleming an-
nounced yesterday.
Fleming added that he has ask-
ed University attorneys "to explore
the possibilities of civil damage
suits against non-students for in-
tentional invasion of the privacy
of the classrooms."
Organizers of the anti-ROTC
movement planned meanwhile to
go ahead with the scheduled dis-
ruption of more ROTC classes to-
morrow at 1 p.m.
Fleming's statement, which re-
peated two previous warnings that
disrupters would be prosecuted
under criminal statutory laws, was
the first official admission that
the University will also try to dis-
cipline students before University
boards, and sue non-students un-
der civil laws.
Fleming added that 15 of about
60 persons who entered ROTC
classes Thursday have already
been identified. He did not dis-
close any names.
esters to
-Daily-Randy Edmonds
Liberated Unidentified disciples of Uncle Ho have liberated the Forest Street overpass with a sign honoring
the late Communist leader of Vietnam There was no immediate word wheth theUnivesi d -
bridge mnistration will ask the Regents
Faculty abuse
o. ay te name officl.
to make the name official.
-Mnd fLdtlE o!nd
-Da il
< ,r ii-ROT(; protfest eis (lisril pt North. Hall classroomii
rU' libraries
ROTC stand:
A graduate student, John Wil-
helm, went to the General Library
recently to obtain the only volume
there of a journal he needed for
his dissertation work. However,
Wilhelm was unsuccessful because
the journal was being held, al-
though it was far beyound the
proper time limit, by a University
Wilhelm was not. the first per-
son to ask for the journal--library
staff had called for it several times
before but the riofessor informed
them not to bother him because
he would return it when he wanted
The head of the circulation de-
partment of the General Library
R. Anne Okey checked her files
and discovered that the professor
had at least 34 overdue books in
his possession.
The library staff insists that on-
ly a small minority of the faculty
is irresponsible and "totally con-
temptuous" of other users of the
library. But, this small minority is
responsible for over 3,500 books
that have been overdue for at least
two months. This accounts for
from one sixth to one tenth of the
General Library circulation .
The hard core abuser is quite
different from the occasional ab-
sent minded professor, teaching"
fellowx. oir research assistant., notes
Miss Okey and Wilhelm.
Many swear at Miss Okey and
her staff when they are requested
to allow others the use of the
overdue books. Although some -
but not all--cooperate with other,
professors. students invariably
receive a worse response, Wilhelm
"Most students now believe it's
a hopeless situation and don't try
to pursue the books," says Wil-
Chemistry Prof. Peter Smith, a
member of the Student Relations
Committee which heard the com-
plaint from the library staff, says
he was personally affected only
once but his wife, a research as-
sistant, and several of his students
have had considerable trouble ob-
taining overdue books.
"It is not often that you have
any trouble getting a book, but you
remember the few belligerent re-
sponses." says Smith. "You can
always forgive someone who is
just forgetful and is willing to
cooperate, but not the unrenpet-
ant cavalier who treads on other's
Smith believes "the extreme, ar'-
rogant cavaliering of books should
be taken into account" when a
faculty member is being consid-
ered for tenure or promotion.
But, as the situation stands now,
there are no sanctions against fac-
ulty members who have overdue
books. And library director Fed-
erick Wagman and Miss Okey be-
lieve, the situation is critical.
Wagman went before SRC to
request the committee to recom-
mend to the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs that
sanctions be created.
"I assume any other students
mendations which it can pass on who were acting on principle (in
to SACUA. One likely proposal the disruptions) would want to
will be equal library privileges- add their names to the list," Flem-
which includes book renewal-with ing told The Daily.
students. University officials said they
It is no source of comfort to expected to announce definite
Wagman, or the faculty and stu- plans concerning prosecutions
dents who are inconvienced, that during "the first part of the
universities all over the country week."
are encountering the same prob- County Prosecutor William F.
lems. Wagman hopes that if sanc- Delhey refused to comment on re-
tions are made the number of ports that administration officials
overdue books will decrease con- have already discussed prosecu-
siderably. tion plans with him.
If a particular unidentified de- Meanwhile. the Senate Advis-.
partment was fined for the over- ory Committee on University Af-
due books held by its faculty, the fairs deplored the ROTC disrup-
bill would be $2,760. But the money tions, saying "deliberate disrup-
is unimportant to Wagman: "We tion of classes in a University is
don't want to sell books, we avant completely antiethetical to its
them back." See 'U,' Page 8
ougher ii
Daily News Analysis sity dis
In just five days last Nv e e k, Flem
President Robben Fleming: the day
-suggested faculty members shrewd
who strike against the Vietnam and th
war may be disciplined and denied For F
a day's pay: ROTC
t o 1 d Student Governmentbluffs.
Council it had better foget plans have m<
to disrupt the Regents meetin versity
- made it clear that he, and enogh
not his search committee, w i11 and prs,
make the final choice of the nev nd
vice president for student affairs: If Ux
- and warned ROTC protesters evidenc
they will be both prosecuted in the dicate,
ine on
and slapped with Univer-
ing's actions suggest t h a t
ys of quiet persuasion and
negotiations have ended-!
e heavy hand has begun.
leming's threats against
demonstrators are no idle
Administration officials
ade it clear that the Uni-!
needs only to amass
evidence to prove demon-
violated statutory laws--
osecution will begin.
"iversity officials gathered
e as effictively as they in-'
they should h a v e little
trouble building a case. Already,
says Fleming, "approximately 15
individuals have been identified
as having participated in the
ROTC incidents Thursday" -ap-
parently by photographs taken by
Chief Security Officer R. Gains-
ley and employees in the Office of
Student Affairs. supplemented by
ROTC a n d Engin Council pic-
tures. So far, these represent "on-
ly the ones on whom we have firm
identification," said acting Vice
President for Student Affairs Bar-
bara Newell yesterday. "I assume
we'll go aftei everyone we can
get," added Nice President for
Academic AffairsAllan Smith.
To faculty, students. and ad-
ministrators w h o have watched
Fleming build a national reputa-
tion as a mild mediator since he
first took office two years ago,
his crackdown on ROTC den>
onstrators seems a sudden break
to the clenched fist response of
S. I. Hayakawa. When black stu-
dents seized the LSA building last
year, Fleming called them into his
Soffice to talk. A f t e r the engin
building recruiter lock-in. I a s t
March the University pressed the
case in the Central Student Ju-
diciary, SGCs o w n disciplinary
board. But suddenly. Fleming
may take his case to the circuit
Fleming condemns the disrup-
Congress I)attles over
I)a1lk loans to students
Proj ect Outreach comes o age
WASHINGTON -- Goverimnm -
guaranteed loans to students are
being jeopardized by pressure on
Congress from foes of high in-
terest rates and student dissemt.
Banks across the nation are
pouring out loans to students on
the promise of a hi-lh interest
return, but the Congressioxnal bill
that would allow the high interest
is under a two-sided attack.
{ D-Ky}. chose to bring it up Mon-
day under rules prohibiting any
amendments. The price of such a
procedure is a requirement for a
two-thirds majority for passage.
Supporters of the anti-riot
amendment hope to team up with
the high-interest opponents and
prevent a twro-thirds majority.
They feel Perkins would then be
forced to bring the bill up under
Neil S. stood against the wall
of a dark room. A girl stood
facing him at the other end.
Without signal they began walk-
ing toward each other, and be-
fore Neil knew it. she was sit-
ting on his shoulders.
It was an encounter. Each
person thought about his own
thoughts, how he was reacting
The project was once a part
of Psychology 101, but is now
run separately. After five years
as part of Psych 101, Outreach
eliminated most d i s c u s s i o n
groups, leaving the program out-
side the boundaries of the in-
troductory psychology class.
Outreach coordinators are
now trying to give the program
ordinator for his sect ion, with
certain traits being sotght
"We are looking for normal,
intact people, stressing personal
growth." says Cytrynbaum. "If
you have a hang-up with your
girl friend. it won't be solved
Outreach attempts to find
(uestions and inspire interests
own mind that he will want to
The best known of Outreach's
projects is the t-group, or sen-
sitivity training. Learning about
oneself, relationship, groups and
others in an open atmosphere is
the sought-after goal.
Feedback is the key to t-
groups. With reaction to what