Page Eight FHE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, September 1 3, 1 969 Page Eight I HE MICHIGAN DAILY N SIJA W WH-ITNEY: DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Dispute over a csJ powers ('oltirntett fro:]!} :-;i the str'uggie against the jurisdic- to appeal the decision, and as tion of the board, he says. Davis exp;lains. "We have no way "I have' no idea what would hap- of tesiting this until we, get an p~en if Whitney appealed t~o CSJ," appeal" Shaw admits, "but I assume noth- Whitney says tihe board treated ing would result." CSJ and the hime fairly and does not "deserve board would thus be left facing vengeance." each other, each declaring it had "If I make a stink now, it. would made the final decision. just be anl insult to the board." ."This is an issue on which every Whitney explains. He reportedly student from the frats to SDSers lo)oks on the disciplinary probation agrees," says Davis. "If Shaw is alittle more than a slap on the overturned by CSJ and does noth- w1,rist, a minor punishment he is ing, he's going to get torn apart, i-ot w~oieid about. :because hie's going against bothi Shawr agrees that the status of the present and the tide." a person on prlobation is quite Marc Woli, chai'man of CSJ, vague. "It is both symbolic and foresees the possibility of the two real." lie says. "Symbolically it ex- groups ignoring rather than con- presses5 disappointment but in a fronting each other if they should real sense it could also result in a rule on the same case, but finds' student's expulsion or suspension it the best possible arrangement. if his behavior does not improve." "The real problem comes not; But Whitney also admits that when the administrative board until shortly after his hearing be-'makes such a ruling, but w~hen its tore the board hie was unaware tries to implement such punish- of the jurisdictional problem. And ment." hie says. 'What the boar'd hie is also angry about the pos- has actually done is just establish sibility that Shaw may use his 'a history to show that It (does case as at precedent for hearing have the power to discipline stu- other CaIses. dents." "If 91hawi~ claims my case as a "Until we get the bylaws passed precedent for p~unishinlg peole in and the power definitely goes to! the futu'e, then I, too, will join CSJ though, the best we can real- ly hope for is to have the two - sides walking a tight-rope and not asksI-~ really doing anything," he says. C k)J But some students wanit a chance to clear the issue of juris- diction now. N o rrn aiiJ "I'm sure that in the next case over disruptioins, there wxill be. couple of students who will appeal, 1 to t "and all the guns on campus willI 11 tC', 1 )' be pointed at Dean Shaw," Davis official publication ofthen Univer- sity of :Miiganl. Notices shoulid be sent in 'iYPEAWITIN fo~r m to Room 35248 L.S.A. IBLg., before '2 p.m. of the day prece'ding publi- cation and by 2 pl.mU. l'riday for Saturday and Sunday . General Notices may be published a mnaxi- mum of taco times on re~lie',t;lDay Calendar items appear once oniy. Student organizationis inoties 1it re not accepted for p~ublicat ion. For moure iformnation, phone I76.1-9270. ", TL 1(1 V, SETEI 1MBER~ 13 Day (Jalen,dar Foot bal: nt er-sqluad S iii. e Michigan Stadium, 2:00 Imn Getneral Notices .ssenublIy Nonday.Set aler15, . 1.. sORGANI A T I() 7NOT I CE C ontcrt DanceOrganization: Meet ing and Coed Moderni Dance Thn ie Class; September 16, 7:1,5;).:m:.,B bour Gym Dance St udio. ' "'.1ii:,,i_ .,nd art st udents invited. India Students Associamtion, Au nAr bor, anniounces file vi :lof i r0 e- 'knownued Swami lPcina ti,!il :on September 16, 1969. He,>oigI le his thoughts on 'Scienc, ('u n :rid 1( Relig ion'" at 7 :30 pm. iii Rckh Aimphithe'ater. Exvervbody . :;('Oiiet Physical Tihlerapy ('tub leetiig: .iep- teniber 17. 7:30 PTI Dept.. Univer- sity Hospital, 3rd floor. Patient De- mionst ration. Everv'oine wlcomie, U.-11 Oceanological Socielte: t~I meeting 'Tuesday, Sep~tembiier I .,7.3 pmn., roomi 10,40 Natutral It, ,o;iret >s 13 nilding. our speake- ill be Pro- fessor John Bardac h, nthr of llarve'st of the Sea. All intere'.t-d in anyv as- pect of water resourc e,