A LOOK AT THE PRESIDENT See Editorial Page Y 4 46F 411P .Ait t qqw, IMF r4 7I3a itj I iKENN"ARI Iligh1-85 Low -53 Slightly cloudy: no rain until tomorrow Vol. LXXX, No. 9 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 13, 1969 Ten Cents Eight Pages :-)'6-H(,-)U.It 1"A USE: ROTC Us. B 52 disrup Lins renews attacks SAIGON 1.- U.S. B52 Stratofortresses resumed their bombing of enemy targets in South Vietnam Saturday after a 36-hour halt ordered by President Nixon to test the intentions of the Communist command. The 36-hour period ended at midnight, Saigon time, and soon after the B52's were ordered to resume bombing mis- sions, military spokesmen said. The White House disclosed that Nixon had directed that the B52 raids be resumed after ordering the halt to see what the Viet Cong intended to do after their three-day cease-fire, called to mourn the death of President Ho Chi Minh of North Vietnam. CSJ as ks Normani to testify By JIM NEUBACHER The Central Student Judiciary yesterday drafted a letter request- ing nine University scientists and A Geoffrey Norman, Vice Presi- dent for Research. to appear as witnesses for the defense in the SDS "lock-in" trial. Th e names were selected from a list submitted to t h e CSJ by Kenmeth Mogill, legal representa- tive for the defendants, at a pre- liminary hearing yesterday after- noon. Counsel for both parties met with the CSJ to lay the ground- work for the trial, scheduled to begin Wednesday, Sept. 17. at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union As- sembly Hail. CSJ will also request that the witnesses bring with them "All re- ports, abstracts and agreements concerning military-related re- search" administered t h r o u g h their offices or conducted under the auspices of their laboratories. The CSJ c a s e involves three University students and SDS, as a student organization. They are charged with violating t h e Stu- dent Government Council ban on disruptive sit-ins during a dem- onstration March 25. At that time, a group of about 25 persons locked Augustin S. L'Etoile into a room in West En- gineering building for five hours, and prevented students and fac- ulty members from keeping their job interview appointments. L'Etoile was recruiting employ- es for the Naval Underwater Wea- pons Development Lab. Although the CSJ calnot coer- ce the witnesses to appear, failure to respond to a formal request will be noted, and may be taken, into account by CSJ in its deliberations on the case. Norman said last night he would wait. to receive the official com- munication from the CSJ before nakin a decision. He 1 int ed however, that. le was not inclined to attend, saying "The CSJ wil have- to convince me that what- ever I know would be relevant to the specific cha'gesat hand. Peter Forsythe appeared yester- day for the first time as the at- torney for the plaintiff, the En- gineering Placement A d v i s o r y Committee fEPAC 1. The EPAC, a student-faculty committee of the engineering college, was respon- sible for the recruiter's prsence last March. Forsythe was formerly the Ann See CSJ, Page 8 According to military spokes- men, Ihen the Viet Cong resumed the pre-truce level of attacks, showing no sign of an intention to de-escalate the fighting in South Vietnam, the B52's were ordered into the air again. The B52's had carried out no bombing missions in South Viet- nam during the three-day Viet Cong truce. They were resumed temporarily Thursday morning when in response to new attacks but the number of sorties was about half the normal level. Th? White House said the pause was to give the enemy "every benefit of the doubt." Sources in Saigon did not rule out the possibility that the B52 raids, while being resumed, might be scaled down. During the suspension in Viet- nam, the B52's still were hitting infiltration routes in Laos, mili- tary sources said. Air strikes by tactical fighter- bombers in South Vietnam con- tinued at about the same level as just before the cease-fire. The U.S. command said 390 tactical air strikes were flown Thursday. Since the order to halt t h e bombings was on the highest lev- el, it left many U.S. officers in South Vietnam in doubt as to what Washington had in mind. One military source had said he thought it "a gesture of de- escalation" to the new collective leadership in North Vietnam that succeeded Ho. .ADC talkS ruled out Bent F. Nielsen, chairman of the County Board of Supervisors, said yesterday he would not call a special meeting of the Board to discuss the school clothing al- lowances with the Welfar: Rights Committee WRC). Nielsen's action came in response to a request by the WRC, which is acting as a bargaining agent for the ADC mothers, for a special meeting with the Supervisors to discuss. "the inadequacy of this years ADC clothing allotment.'' The WR'C letter said '"Such a meeting is dsi'rable at this time to avoid the necessity for the type of confrontation which occured last year. However, Nielsen said "A meet- ing won't solve' their problems. We haven't got the money for more clothing allowances and I don't know where it will come from." Last year the County provided a $70 emergency supplement for each school age child. This year, the county Social Services Board allotted $16.50 as a supplement to the S11 amount which the state provides. rescheduled M_~onida y aft By DANIEL ZWERDLING Leaders of the anti-ROTC movement cancelled sched- uled disruptions -of ROTC classes yesterday but called for a mass disruption at North Hall Monday at 1 p.m. The action, announced at a noon Diag rally of over 300 per- sons, came in response to a warning by President Robben Fleming Thursday night that the University may l)Iosecute demon- ~ strators under statutory law. Acting Vice President for Stu- dent Affairs Barbara Newell.add- ed further yesterday morning that more disruptions would probably result in the prosecution of Thurs- day's demonstrators even if they .i not return to North Hall again. ''At the moment we have had an incident," said Mrs. Newell. "But we cannot tolerate a continued affair.' Mrs. Newell added that "pres- sures for prosecution are extreme- ly heavy - we (the administra- tion) cannot say yesterday's ac- tions have been excused." Barry Bluestone, Grad, one of the organizers of the ROTC pro- tests. charged the administration 750 STUDENTS marched thr is blackmailing demonstrators by protest against the ROTC' pro holding Thursday's demonstrators "hostage." At one point Bluestone asked Mrs. Newell "if people go to North Hall Friday. will it add to the jeopardy of people who gent yes- terday, even if they never go again?" "That's right." she replied. p rts Mrs. Newell said the administra- tion has not yet accumulated suf- ficient evidence to determine whether proecution of demonstra- By MART tors under statutory laws is pos- Several hundred demo sible. The University mny prose- campus last night and stag cute non-students and students intr circuit court, and also discipline the ROTC classroom and students under University re-ula- opl)osition to the existence tions, Newell said. Starting at the Diag wi Chief of Police Walter Krasny swelled to 750 as the noisy1 said he awaits word from the Uni- on central campus and on th versity on possible police action At North Hallwith0t Monday. "If things look like they D atMNor Ha.Mwi . will develop into disorders, then "Donald Miller Co. Mecha we will prepare for them. But un- Several of the groups spons til that happens, the police will ing the ROTC protests emph treat Monday like any other day," sized the major themes KraSny 'said, icrtcn of np hioo for ~rii Ii >2 2 d. r. Max. . }j C ( Sc a l D;kilr- Erie Per4eauv Mirticiprrnts in Yeslerda.v^s rrrrti"IiOU. rtrllY SHlAW WHFI NEY (A SE: 0 New controversy rises over judicial boards' authonty By JIM BEATTIE If the proposed new Regents bylaws on University judicial practices are not approved soon, a student court and a faculty board may find themselves wa'- ing pieces of paper at each other, each claiming to have decided a student's fate. On the other hand, the two groups - Central Student Judici- ary and the literary college ad- ministrative board--may just ig- nore each other and hope the problem goes away. The University's disciplinary process is and will be unclear un- til the new bylaws are approved by the Regents. Under the pro- posed bylaws, whose drafting be- gan in the wake of the 1966 stu- dent power movement.. CSJ will judge all students accused of vio- lating any University rules except in strictly academic cases But util the new bylaws take effect. the University's schools and colleges are functioning un- der' a set of itterim rules. An d. pointing to the LSA faculty code. the administrative board claims full authority to judge students until there are i ew all-Universit rules made by the prop~osed Un i- versity Council. The current controversy centers around Shaw Whitney, the first LSA student convicted of a non- academic offense by the LSA board. And with more disruption a distinct possibility in the ROTC and bookstore actions, the prob- lem has become more critical. Whitney, now a senior, is a Re- sistance member who was placed on disciplinary probation for one year after he took part in an un- announced guerrilla theatre skit during a political science 'lass. A nuiber of student leaders say Whitney's punishment by the ad- ministrative board was illegiti- mate however, because the board is not a student court but a fac- ulty body. Whitney, they say, should appeal the decision to CSJ. which they feel could overturn the decision. ''11 you take into account the Student Government Cotncil bill of rights and all of SGC's legisla- tion on judicial matters in the last four years. then the board did not have the right to hear the Whit- ney case," says Michael Davis, Grad, a former SGC member and one of the members of the com- mittee which drafted the proposed bylaw\s. "If Whitney had appealed his case. CSJ would undoubtedly have reversed the decision and issued an order enjoining the LSA clean to destroy th' n cord. " aDavis coiitenids. But LSA Assistant Dean James Shaw is very clear in his percep- tion of the administrative board's atthority. "The faculty code gives the board responsibility for executing the will of the faculty in cases' like this, and until the Regents bylaws are passed. I would assume ve should abide by those rules,", he says. In addition. he believes CSJ does not have the authority to overrule a decision of the admin- istrative board. 'The administrative board could act, as an appeal board if a stu- dent wished to appeal a decision of CSJ. but in my opinion CSJ does not have the authority to overrule the board.' he says. So far, Whitney is not planning See DISPUTE, Page 8 --D 'oughout the ca mpus i am. IN IIIRSCIIAN ktlt- Z:,rr1 obI.iis last itight in a 01TC onstrators marched through the ed an 11 p.m. rally at North Hall, office building to express their of the program o caiinpits, th about 250 marchers, the crowd procession swept past dormitories he Hill. he backdrop of a van owned by nical Contractors." speakers from or-' 2a- in 1 Recall Harvey cami1paign mounts Offensive for lee led signatures By SUSY DICKSON With 8000 signatures still need- ed. the d r i v e to recall County, Sheriff Douglas Harvey is mount- img an intensified campaign this weekend on petitions asking for a recall election. RECALL workers will t a k e to local shopping centers in an at- tempt to collect signatures of 15.- 000 registered Washtenaw County voters by Oct. 8. At. an organizational meeting this week for what RECALL calls i s lirst "offensive." Charles Thomas, one of the drive's organ- iers. explained that state law re- quires collection of 15.000 signa- tures within a 90-day period to force a recall election. The current petition drive be- gan July 7 shortly after the South University disorders. But even if it fails, Thomas said, "We'll keep on trying. We'll go back to the first people and ask them to sign again." Thomas said the group hopes to 4 Cafe teria iving atthe By LINDSAY CHANEY Lil -'in the dormitories is notoriously bad, as every resident and former resident knows. How much worse, then, could life in a dormitory cale- teria be? Some 200 students have been living in "tem- poi'ary housing since school began this semes- ter, and dormitory life hasn't left them exactly enrapttred, although, a sense of camaraderie is quickly d"eveloping. Radios blare, a hall dozn girls wander around. and card games spring tup spontaneously. That is the normal fare. "It's like this every night.' explains Richard Glatzer, "i.3 a resident of West Quad Cafet'ria No. 4. On the one hand. Caf eeria No. 4 is a lousy place to study. But on the other hand. it's a "nobody steals dowi'- anything or burns the place collect about. 20.000 signatures. since a percentage of the names is likely to be invalidated. All the signatures must be val- idated by t h e County Board of Supervisors. At the meeting, RECALL organ- izers explained how further plans to "educate the electorate" have been delayed and modified by a fund shortage. Some 50.000 leaf- lets - instead of the originally planned 72,000 -twill be printed and mailed to voters. RECALL has already distribut- ed a reprint of a Detroit F r e e Press editorial criticizing Harvey's tactics on South University as well as fliers charging him with in- competence in crowd con'y '.'l andi on-prof essionalism i n it'cst d 1 ing the murders of i''en young women during the last to years in the Ann Arbo, zusi!ati irea RECALL's e1ungs a Niig held at a locai cffe iOlts2 he- catise the x'rzu_ i 1r has oemn e'.icted from rs fc' o I i C w hien tiri' .a'I 'iih P he blipek Berets-, Aside from the inconvenience of being without an office, RECALL organizers say they are missing files as a result of a highly dis- puted incident between police and members of the Black Berets at the former headquarters. Members of RECALL charged the police raid was used to harass the Berets and to obtain files of t}r t-a n 11A .va NIO"3 vn - r f- a 1 t l 1 S 1 { j l r ciiscuwi1s1ons of ROTC this il, - _.' a rr - c'*'*r Barry Bluestone, Grad, Nvho first pressed the radical coalition to take on the ROTC issue txNvo VO L weeks ago, told the demonstrators that the fight against ROTC is only part of a struggle against the military and "imperialist' action a lofbtejUnied Stt1s.V He attacked the concept that ROTC is bad only "because it is Students at the University's inappropriate to a university." Dearborn camupuis "ill vote next "ROTC is wrong," he said, "be- week on he question of whether cause it is part of the Pentagon the campts should remain an in- and part of the var machinte t-egral art of the Uiversity or which is killing hundreds of thou- b-'come an indlependent school. sands of people in Vietnam and The roests of the balloting will that is waiting for the time when not b bini upon the admin- it caii kill htundr'eds of thousands istrat io. but will be submitted to of people in Latin America." the Dearbori campus administra- He then broadened his attack tion and the Regents for coti- to include the influence of large ideration. U.S. corporations on foreign policy The aut onomnv lprotio.al was otie and the internal affairs of under- of a number f recmn dations developed countries, in a fairly 0. anumbr oi_ cmn lat ions stndrdraicl nayss f. h of a special eight-man study coim- standard radical anal- of temission conr'ed with the fu- situation. ture of the Dearborn Canpus 'The military is only one part Thi commislii which submnt- of the military-industrial-univer-cut- S ed its:irep)or to the rXcecutive of- siy complex which is stopping f'ic'r of te University last June people from livcing the lives they choose to live,"lie said. ' a, I'recommended 'ulri)t'n-,et B l u e s t o n e emphasized that o anrohore ROTC exists because of "asofftrtegrad- ions whosent1having uat Prr :is. i rea oiof a more ionwos m.e'tiflexible admissions policyo:d coi- a military.i tion of the OSsibilit of "ROTC is a tool for securinge resources and cheap labor which tui'ni the Dearborn campus iito the U.S. military needs to make auunomoit edictial i- large profits." he said. Fred Miller. a member of SD=. TIh refemidumwhih is sched- outlined the results of Thursday u rber 8 arid 19 disruption of ROTC classes. "One xi ude P folune (ue,- is that all you people are here." he said as the crowd cheeired. 0 Should tle1;- r ci- ''A lot of peolle in the t tuni I:be a rour-y 'ar ustituton? sit ys admi nistrdon mot upt i '' 0 Should acmisios standards he added. "We have to keep thmi b lowered or left unchanged? uptight. * Should acadmic standads ''They said they 'wee : !0n o e lowered or left un'hanged? blackmail ts," Miller said, refer- imn to a statemeit Thursday b' * W°hich budid proram is President Robben Femin inI- most urgent fo thesnipus? t'Iin thf,- , 7'Ipr-i ; 3 zIRih S ). i l a da ?' t e vrl nm- Social groups being what they are, Cafeteria No. 3 has its own self-selected social director, one Frank Begun. His major activity so far was a canipus- wide hunt for pop cans, used to build a structure" reaching to the ceiliig, but it col- lapsed wheti someone turned on a fan and blew the works, The general consensus around cafeteria No. 4 known as Stalag 4 to its residentsi. is that, it wouit not be nice to live there more than a couple of weeks. Ti e maximum I could stand living h e r e would be a week or two' says Lance Bughardt. but he is realistic about it. "I expect to be here