See Editorial Page
:43 a i1y
fair to cloudy
Vol. LXXX, No. 8 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 12, 1969 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Regen ts
President Fleming last night agreE
effort" to arrange a meeting next wvee
Government Council and the Regentso
count bookstore.
He also indica ted it was likely that
mat ter' with student representatives wou
Regents agenda for next Friday's moni
Flemin- was responding to SGC's ac
"of his offer
for' report
0on Berets
A leader of the campaignl to
recall Washtenaw C o tt n t y
S h er i f f D)ouglas H ar v ey
charged Ann Arbor Police
Chief Walter Krasn y withIi "a
lack of sensitivity " to the
black comnunity.
Zoology Prof. Robert BEcta
miemnber of the steering comm;.ittee
of RECALL. made a formal coi-
plainit to M\ayor Robert. Harris
ye st er day over thle ''impartiality''
of aniviaon conducted by
Krasni, of ain incident last mionth
inwhc five members of the Ann
Arbor' Black Berets were arrested,
anid the RECALL off ice a1( -raided.
Beyer, who beliieves tie police
staged the i%.(idntii i order to
harass the Beret- and searchi the
RECALL office w~hich is located
in the sa.<<in (buiidig)said certahn
>t at ent- s made by K i' a sniiv
''deinoost ratIc to ine that Walter
tKrasi y does inot. pJossess the
good seinse and ne'cessary sensiti -
vity wh ich]ou001comm uinlit v ic-
qu0 ies.
Iliiils coniplainit, B~eyer said hie
had "'lit tie doubt abotit Krasny's
ability to adjust facts to fit his
coiicepts of wh'at should have been
propel"1)o1ice' procedure in any
plarticula r mt ter)'
Krasny could 1n01 be leached
last nlight for commn t.
'1lie incident occturred 01 the
night. of Aug. :31 when two p~olice
officers triied to arr('st David
Hutntecr in front, of the RECAL L-
Beret office.
Two conltradictory stories have
been brought forward as to what
einsued, but a light did br'eak out
dturing which one officer was htirt
an imc efive Berets ar'rested.l
' lee Berets claim they resiste d
he Police bec'ause a search war-
rantwasnot prodticed when the
officer-, tried to cuter the buildin g
to are,,t. Thtiitio
Tileicpolice. lhowevernia in in
It'ey pad a legal rir lit to t llr
he builiig-, withiotut a wa'alt.
Ki'asnv sid lill his invesuga~lltioli
repor't. '''You a rrest he iacid
\it'ie \ti lii i i 1lie lperk,:ol
lT'ycr crtcise ii,"; jtisstteinie Ii
as uresonibl .ay ig"Suichlinal
<at it tde cW'ontiues toward the
a liena t in of our black popula t on
fro11 tilie 'w iniltlliit y atlre
Ot hers .hio were tt l:le t'n i
of the arethet idaty after thel
Inicidienit On c. 1 city cotunc(il-c
mali said latiighit that ''the:
pn dice used i crd dl ooir d
miin in rvlii. to a{i lest liiter
mii tir tile cqc.;t; ic! w1 Iic
existedclthat Sin dav;i.iit1
in g betwe
council a]
issue be l
to Council
,a l]lanned
ing to arr'as
thle Regent:
inl a laI'gei
viewinlg of
If 1the]
Hrhn"tto a few i
tremne of t
btut to a ci
tire studen t
Hi rsholl;
Friday, illt
the student:
discuss their
At the smi
ed awray fi'
An 0amem1
plicit ithrew
The anel
Exectutive Vi
Der' Hout. s
proposal at
talking aboi
clot allow t
thieir busineu e Ct
it shouldt
rally andId
miake thed
Others x',
opin 015Opel
''11 we ci
course of ac
ings'?" aske
Van IDer
Cotucil hac
and( this Nv
clone to :,e
'd to mlake every RO0T C
e k between Student
)nl a Univer'sity dis~-
at discussion of the l c r
ld be placed on the - ff er
thly meeting.
.ceptance last night -
r to arranige a meet- I~ I~L
een the two grouips.
.1 o moved that tie
puit onl the Regenlts Irotestelas
Fleming sent a1bt,.yJM EBCE
President Mart,, Mc- JMN B('It
autioning him againlst Some 60b anti-ROTC st u-
disiruption and offer- dents disrupted the three re-
n~ge the meting. gular ROTC classes scheduled
also "strongly ur 'ed" in Nor th Hall y esterdayv by en-
s to hold their lil in a iiin o,11debatexwith ln1Struct-
i' room for' a "public toirs and students.
ftheir deliberations."
The disruptions xx rcthe f ist
1efe-lts rcally believe of what organizeis pi'omiste will
'tig,'explainled Ad-. be continutal hari'assznent aimled
e V~ice Presidt'nt Bois at driiving RO'TC off camlpuis. Last
hey 'll open them. not night more t hani 200 anti- ROTC
iltilbe l'5 neit her eX'- stutdents voted to continue t It e
he p~olitical spectrumn,disrutitons tuntil Monday wxhen
'oss section of thle en- another mass meeting will be held.
tbody. No physical c'onflict mairred the
said hie felt a formial deinonstiations. Tnl each case of
with tile Regents oil cisrutptionl, the .protesters began x
addition to tile infor- a dialogue centering onl their per-
ig Thlursday, vould give ception of the r'ole of the miii-
s a greater c'hanic'e to tary ill U.S. foreigni policy'. Tile,
i' case. ROTC cadets and instructor's par'-
role tire, Cotuncil steel'- ticipated to varying degrees. A STUDEN'T
0111disuptng ridy's Thle fiirst disruption set ItIh e ti
several key wax's, tone foi' the day. By 10:45 am. a
group o1 abotut 830 persons had
dnieint to the meet lug gathered inl front of Nor'th Hall
ich included the iln- and began planniing stirategy ad
at of disrulpt ion was' passing ouit leaflets en titled "IniIi
-1. case of bust.'"
ndnen t.intriocduced by At. 11 a .11. i.arly 60 cisrtuptersI
ice President Marc Van eit o'cd NorthI Hall and made their mJ ii
toted that SGC shotuld way " up to!lte sec'oiic floor. Alf-
revote eon its bookstoi'e te' soiilu' ilitutesof conftusion,
the meeting an.1d if the th lyen~ttered the, classroom of By' ST'E~
>fuse ''people c'ontinuei Arinyv Maj. David Radike', whoi 0 'l'he aculty
tiut the, bookst or'e' ndwa s rttnlg a class of sev'en t i e relations]
Zi e R o di c ss 1 " 1n ln e rol d n M t a r nd t e n vScicncc(- 101. H e said he w otld be take a striong
tuncil member's arguecd tllir ins truc~t or. role of the prof
be the people at the Radike's greetilug was mocked ROT1C-Univec
1ot, SGC that should by Bari'y iBlttstone. Gracd.. one of either be sev
decisioiif heher to theicorr!LaIlizei's 01 the chsrupti l. strugeffntly. ex;
of"h 'Hello. go'ntlemnen,. I'll'Mr'. Prof. H oraice D;
Bltuest one.,IFin here withi a gr1oupin an of lhe Sen
:'it ~ e to ketuep SC " of per sois conc'eriecdabotut some deiic affairsc
,it i 1 tuttre. of t lit' activities going on here."' Thie pielinlil
isi'llpt at.tils melet inig Bitwstone colntinut'd to talk to commit tee. rel
g happens, whlat is our the cadets. and received thei' po- had presentedc;
etion at lie next melet - lit e at tent ion, eithel id' odifica
d Bob Nelson. ''Wee iit~irl, 1stop) ROTC,- with miost. of th
Hoot. cotntered that.Bituestone said. ''We wanlt to dlo miodifidcation.
id triied ot hem tact ics it inl a ieasonlable.,i'ationlal mlani- Ini a strawv
vas all thauot cotildi be nie' if wve can. Wet are willinlg tto votedci6-5 forI'
tact ionl. See DI MONSTRATIONS, Pate 3 t han severanco
Claims evidence of
criminal violations
President Robben Fleming warned last night the Uni-
versity will prosecute ROTC disrupters uinder statutory law if
it finds that yesterday's demonstrations violated "civil and/or
criminal law."
In a statement issued late last night, Fleming said ev I,-
dence "indicates that there have been violations of Student
Government rules, college disciplinary rules and statutory
law" and added "the matter has now been turned over to the
'e' 200t students were in attendance'~.
T' discusses the role of' RO'TC( at the UnIiver'sity during last ntighit's mass meeting on
[ lty studly may reeoinmenid
is in g or m- odif yingRT
University attorney for evalu -
a tion.
"Because of thle involv'ement of
ion-students" in the demnstra-
tion, the president added "it may
be necessary to act against stu-
dents and noil-students alike un-
der statutory lacy"' in oirder to
tieat all demonstrators equally.
Meanwhile, ov'er 200 per'sons
voted by a large majority last
inight' to continue disrupting ROTC
classes until next Monday.
Fleming will take tile fin~al de-
cisionl if criminal action was in-
volv'ed, Vice President for' Acade-
milc Affairs Allan Smith said ear-
ly this morning.
Demonstrators could possibly be
prosecuted undeir a statute which
provides that "any person who
shlall excite any disobedience oir
contention in ally. . . public
building" shall be guilty of a mtis-
denmeanor' punishable by up to 90
days in jail and or $100 fine.
The disrupters hlave agreed to
leave the building if' police ar'e
called ill.
Bar'iy Bluestone, a member of
tile ad hoc comm~iittee against
ROTC, said early tis morning
that the disrupter's would decide
today if arr'ests ar'e imnminent and
act accoirdingly.
Police Chief Walter Krasny said
last night he was "waiting word
firoim the Piresident" on possible
police actions, and added the
police "will have someone tat the
demonstrations) watching t ih e
situation tonlolroxv.-
dcoimiittee stuicniig
lip between ROTC
ersity alpearted to
ystaned against, thle
ogram on camptus,
ersity vrielations will
v'eled or modified
Zplltilied phiysiology
nate Assembly's aca-
coimiit tee.
ila-yrep'dlorlt of tiht
leased last Friday,
alteirnate. planms for
-atioii 01'severance,
he i'eport Cdisc'ussinlg
v'ot e the commiit tee
inodifiea tioni iather'
ce. TI'wo 1memibers5
StudIeii t j'iieay prioceediiigs
Start on Na,~vy re r-t-iter Ioek-ill.
we're absent. but onie of tile twNo
reportedly favors e a e' h alterna -
tive, bringing the full (cimmittee
vote to 7-6.
D~avenipor't noted Ithatlt'ec'oiii-
mit teo''s fin~al r'epor't. wvhich will
pr'obably' be completed nlext week,
is only a reconimendation to the
faculty's Senate Assembly. A n dc
tile Assembly's, decision mutst also
go to the Regen'Its for filial ac'-
From yesterday's meiOetinlg it ap-
petai'td the comnmlittee will recomn-
mnid tile University end all fi-
nanicial suipport for' thle pr'ogr'am.
that ROTC be deprived of aca-
diemiic departmiental standing anld
that no academic credit be given
for ROTC courses.
Following the strawv vote yester'-
day tihose favoring sever'ance of
ROTC-Univeirsity ties began mov'-
ing toxvard a, colm'romise xwhich
wxotuld, one ROTC opponent ex-
plainled. "mnodify it down to thle
Those stupporting the complete
ending of ties w\airied that if the
disruptions of ROTC classes by
radical students continuled. or if
the disruptions led to violence, tile
climnate of faculty opinionl would
movt' against change omn the ROTC
qutest ion, as , Krell as on other is-
'The commit tee also criticized
ani ecditorial ini yesterday's Daily,
xvhich conltenldedi that tile faculty
comimittee xwas illegitimate be-
cause it has offered only two of 15
so'ats 01iltihe conmmittee' to stu-
"SGC has tunilateirally declined
to send a repu'esentative" to thle
commiilittee's delibeirations, t h e
stateenit noted, and studenits
wxere wvelcomne to stubnmit r'econm-
mnidations onl ROTrC to) the Fac-
tulty A ssembly or to the Regents
through Piresicdent Fleming them-
selves if theyv found tihe commlit.-
tee's or tile Assembly's work un-
sat isfact omy.
"It wxotuld be unreasonlable to
terminate abiruptly 01' modify dr'as-
ticalIly amny prcogl'ain upon xxhich
stutt~~ls have enmbar'ked in good
faith," the statemenlt continued,
"so that any prioposed changes'
c'annot be expected to take effect
Iiimilediatl v.
TheIn trialI tioc'c(dilv-its ai !,Iii- t
St utde n ts lot ai D e mnoc rla tic' Scuo'it- a d f ur U i e s t\su e t c
ctisc dlof xiolati lug t he Stutdent
Gove'r'nentI Counc'il bani on dis-
ruptlive sit -ins xxill bte re-opo'nied
T odlay at a prethliiniary heamiiig be-
f0)10't he Centri'l Stutde'int Ju(:i-
ciaryICS TI.
'11ec trial is >ci ittuled IorI 'N
The ehiarlg, arainst the tur
X41tclant s andolSIBS, as a studiitnt
action plan
Over 200 students last night
voted by a substantial major-
ity to continue disruption of
ROTC classes through M o n-
day of next week.
Definite planis we're formulated
to disirupt all ten ROTC classe-
!at North Hall today, while organ-
izationl of Monlda ys disruptions
was delegated to a inewly formed
steerinig comnmittee conmposed of
r'epr'es~mtatives firom Radical Cau-
cus, Students for' a Democratic
Society, Resistance, and othe'r
"interested people."
People' at tile nieecting also ap-
proved tihe scheduling of- a Diag
rally foir Monday noon, and .a mass
meet ing fom' Monday night and
voted to issue an "immediatc
challenge to Pr'esicdent R o b b e n1
tFleming on a public debate" con-
ceri'ng ROTC.
Tile continuation of the ROTC
disr'uptions wvas a]proved in light
of tile effects of yesterday's de-
"Given the r'esponse of Flemli-
inlg, given the response of Col-
onel Reynolds, given tile response
of the Navy and Air Force people.
it is absolutely necessary that we
go back tomlorrow with even mnore
people than we had today," s a i d
Barr'y Bluestone.
"WeIhave tile opportunity of
really breakinlg the. University
down on a v'ery inmport ant issue.
The tiling xve have' to learn to
do is to take o11e issue anld fol-
low it thlroumgh to its nlatural con-
clusion," Bluestone said.
Other students questioned the
usefulness of conltinued disrup-
tions. "All xvcpr'oved is that we
could walk in there and talk1::,for
an hour," said omne miemlber' of the
"I think xve iave a tendency to
say that our tactics ar: inot coml-
plete unltil wecevoke a totally r'e-
pr'essiv'e res"poilse." said M a r' t y
McLaughlinl, president of Student
Government Council and a memn-
beir of Radical caucus.
Tile mass mleeting Monday nighlt
will discuss further ,ictionl againlst
the nillitary oiln mps
.egd part icipat~ioninil a ''lock- iii
ofl a Naval ieC'iut'!M' \arint'l25.
Atliha t time11, a - lttiof a bout
25 personis locked rcrui iter August-
iln S. L'Etoile intc ia room iii West
Emieering Bldg. lot tive Ihouris.
In addition.,Ithey preventetd sttu-
dent Isfrom t'nt ering theiroomOtoIl t
ktetp job inlter'viewxx appointm Ients.
Charges'xw'ere tiled wxith CSJ by
lie Fmigin't'iin r Placem'ient Officeo.
April 1. A 1ieliininary ht'arin g wxas
held April 14 butt xas reot'ed tin-
til t oday becaust' CSJ dti t'i'iiined
that, it haclbe'en too close o'c the
eindo of' tilexw'iteterom utoocatry
otit a u tll trial.
At the ihearin today. Kenni~ethl
Mociiil amid Neal Btush. at tor'neys
for the studient. and SDS, are ex-
pectedc to) pre -('ml a list of names
anid diocthuleIt thex' wish thle CSJ
to "subpoeina."
Althoumgh CSJ has 110o)tpower'to
c'oer'ct anyonle to appear. failure
to ap~pear' xwheni r'equested wxill be
akenin lto) conisicder'ation by tile
CSJ immber's wheni they mlake a
r'tliing oin th1ecast'.
Among those to be "subpoenaed',
by the d (efense air' Unix'ersitv Vice
President for Researmch Geoffei'v
Norman. and Rumne Evaldsofn. ci-
rector of the Unix'ersities Willoxx
Run restear'chilaboratories.
The defense xwill ask thlat Nor'-
manlilbrinlg wxit hI him''all retpor'ts,
abstracts. documents anid all othler
mateIrials. both classified anldtin-
classified. peritaiing to m~ilitar'y
an 6ud deense research c'oncducted by
or ini ossociatioll with tile Univer'-
sity of Michiganl fromlJamnuary 1.
1965. to tile pr'esent.'
Mlogill explained last mnight that
Ow liet'miat erials will be used to
hwthlit Univ'ersity's involx'enment
in war research.
'We p)lanl to snake a 'defense
o f jutstification' '' aid Mogill. ''We
xil attack thlis twvo wxays. Tiradi-
ionally, ill 0'i vi lIdisobedienlce
c'0off-, talepoinit 5islmadtethat uin-
10r ("Jincrcmtacs.t e- pecific iaxw'literally xwould
not be jutst. We' feel this xwas one
of Ithost' cases,
Flening statement
on ROTC disruption
Ev'idenlce on incidents involvinlg ROTC classes on Thursday
iindicates thia t, the re hlave been violations of student governmenlt
r'ules, college disciplinary r'ules, and statutory law. Tihenmatter
ihas noxv been ttur'ned oveir to tile University attornley for evalua-
ildications ot' that somecof1those involved in tile incdidenlts
are not sttmdents. Simice there'dis 110 interinal University discipline
available againlst. thecm, thle University attorney hlas been asked
to advise ooi )5sible violationls of the civil and/~or criinlal lawv.
Wile noi'mally we would prefer to hanldle these mnatters
xithi the University. because of the involvement of nlonsttu-
dents, in or'der' to treat all persons equally, it may be necessary
to act. against students anld inon-studenlts alike undeir statutory
la Wx.
Iiistrtictoi's ate being rectue.sted to inf~orml any unlauthorized
pei'sons in their' classes of p)ossible legal actions whichl may be
taken against. thenm.
housing continues
The10'200 WenlIliowx'livimig ill
t emlpor'ary Univer'sity hotusinig
hav'e no guar'anltee of movxinlg
inito i'egular dornmitory roomns. a
Unliver'sity housing official said
-'Tempor'ary hiotusinlg will be
openl all semeldster---if necessary."
said John Finl,.lplacemlenltcli-
rector for University hlousing.
Thle 200 students are ill suc'h
t emiporary quarters as dormlitory
libi'aries amnd cafeterias because
of mliscalctulations by thle Ihous-
it fi ' r) nrvimrina fl 04flR'flP
Ye'stemday Sout h Quad had
31 "nio-showvs.- Markley ilad
seven. Fourteenmen lilai'e moviing
out. of West Quad's dining r'ooml
Before anyone maIy mIove 11110
a r0011. 1110' housiing office mlust.
locate the person already hold-
hegtit ioo's ilcon'ract, If tile
per'isonl verifies tihat he 'istlnot
comnlig back to tih' dormitory.
the Unliver'sity imay o1pen1tile
7-00111 to someon el0dse.
Menin lltemplor'ary ilousinig
xvill be lace'd in dorml rooims
ao'co: dimit to tihe date thley paid
tempor'ar'y housinlg wxill get back
then' $45 if they mlove off -cam-
ptus. He said ienl in temnporar'y
hlousing have not signled con-
tracts and are thlere on~ly 0o1 a
day to day basis.
One student liviilg in South
Quad's Sinitty's, llowev'er. inl-
sisted tha1t h e lad signed a conl-
tract, He said lie was told if lie
miov'ed out lie could nlot get hip
m~oneCy back. Per'sons witih con1-
tracts are supposed to be in
irooms,5converCited or otilerxvis.
accordinlg to Feldkanip.
Finnl pointed out that aftem' a
I,o' tray wr',itte'n Ato temt .:s
--While sex'en per' cen,,,ofthe
i ncomliing fmeshnlan vere XcI-
ed to live off-canlmpus , based rton
a simlilar' situa tion at 01h10 Stat:e
last yeai', when residency rules
foi' freshmlan Nvere abolishled),
only one0'an~d one-half per cenlt
chose to do.
-I'The series of mur'de0rs itlthe
Ann Airbor area scared many
people into stayinlg in t ilesdorum
~Thlecityhasnl't beer: buildl-
21iig <ilpa'i:llits as fast as the
U iveryi' las been 'C'1 inclfrasi
it, t'lltUi,:lldIt
Fe' l :ikanl)p Nsai h xouLcl ';l