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September 11, 1969 - Image 3

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Militant mother meets

radicals at


Remember Last Year?
There are still some
1969 Michiganensions left.
$7.00 at Business Office,
Student Publications Building
,- ,

A noon Diag rally yesterday against
the forces of repression surprised the
radicals who staged it when a middle-
aged mother of two, a history major
in her sixth and senior year at the
university took over the microphone
and read to the crowd from Willam
James, the 19th century pragmatist.
It had been the usual Diag rally
"Some excitement for the freshman."
a jaded junior sighed.
A crowd of about 150 students and
curiousity seekers gathered between
classes as Victor Grayson, minister of
information for the Black Berets, a
nascent Black Panther group, opened
the rally.
Grayson protested the political ar-
rest of five Berets at their headquar-
ters last week, and predicted more viol-

ence in Ann Arbor soon between Berets
and police. He urged people to con-
tribute to the "financial spirit" of the
Berets as two small buckets were pass-
ed through the crowd.
Following Grayson was"Pun Plamon-
don, minister of defense for the Ann
Arbor White Panthers. Plamondon.
wearing a John Lennon-Voko Ono T-
shirt, explained that the Panthers have
met with Congressman Marvin Each
to secure the release of anyone who is
being held without bail. not jusu.
Panther John Sinclair.
"Arrests for marijuana are a fascist
tactic. a tool to take the people off
the streets." he said.
Plamondon says that he is facing
20 years to life imprisonment for "giv-
ing a roach to a cop."
Amidst. shouts of "Right -on!" Plam-
ondon relinquished the platform to

Jerry Goldberg of SDS. Goldberg at-
tacked President Fleming for his role
in repression, and concluded his dia-
tribe by urging support for toc'a's dis-
ruption of ROTC classes.
"Power to the people," he cried.
"Power to the people," the crowd
chanted back, and Goldberg bgan
edging away from the microphone. un-
aware that an annoyed middle-a_ ed
mother, Mrs. Marion Ward. was de-
sc!nding on him.
"I want to know the criteria for
speaking," cried Mrs. Ward .as she de-
manded to see a permit for the rally.
and insisted she had been ceni d he-
right to speak.
Someone produced a crumpled paper
that he identified as work order No.
9164, a rally permit from the Student
Activities Building, and Goldberg tried
to explain to her that only Black

B r,ts. Whig e Panthe! s. and SDS
people who had organired the rally
had a right to speak.
But th c: owd at the ants i iession
ally was not anxious to watch Mrs.
Ward's fi cedom of speech repressed
by the racicals.
Goldbe.g acquiesced and M.s Ward
c inbed to the platform. To murmurs
of "Who is sh: ?" and "Who's William
Jamt s?" she began to read from
J mes.
'''Conscript the youth to works of
hard labor,'" she quoted. Radicals
shou'd forget their oratory and go into
the world and work "to get this child-
ish muck out of their systems." she
The crowd cheered and clapped as
she stepped down.
Goldberg grabbed the microphone

amain. and interpreted Mrs. Ward's re-
marks as support for the disruption of
ROTC classes. "That's right, conscript
the youth, and disrupt ROTC" he
However, he was still contending with
Mrs. Ward who. even without the
microphone, was attracting a large
c, owd as she argued with the radicals
nearest her of the folly of disrupting
the educational system.
Rich Feldman. an SDS member who
admits "I'm a white middleclass
elitist." introduced himself to Mrs.
Ward as "Stephan Fleming" and be-
came the focus of arguments for the
"The U.S. military must be resisted
as Hitler had to be resisted. "ROTC is
killing Vietnamese people."
See MOTHER, Page 6


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Gov. urges
selection of
MSU head
LANSING 0)-- Gov. William
Milliken said today the Michigan
State University board of trustees
should name a president for the
university as quickly as possible.
Milliken refused to comment on
reports that Democratic party and
labor leaders are urging the board
to name former Gov'. G. Mennen
(Soapyi Williams to the post.
"I think the reports of these
pressures have been expanded out
of proportion," Milliken said at a
news conference. "I only hope they
the board) will do a good job a id.
frankly, as quickly as possible.
At a separate news conference
Francis E. Ferguson. Alumni rep-
resentative to a campus selection
committee, said. "Anyone who has
been through the political path
former Gov. Williams has.is bound
to be a controversial figure.
"There is a question whether a
controversial figure of this kind is
a proper person to be the presi-
dent of a university."
Jack Kinney.iexecutive director
of the MSU alumni association.
said he thought students Nwould ob-
ject to the board's going ouside
the selection procedure agi'eed
upon in May.
"From the student standpoint,
this is a test of the establishment,"
Kinney said. "They would think it
a breach of faith if the established
procedures were bypassed."
MSU faculty members, mean-
while, were being asked to sgigsin
open letter calling on Williams to
withdraw from consideration for
the post.
The Michigan Daiy, edited and man-
d 1)-y- students at tie University of
MIichigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
1gm, 420 :Maynard St., Ann Arbor.
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day through Sunday morning Univeri" y
year. Subscription rates: $9 by carrier.
$10 by mail.
Sumnner Session published Tuesday
hrough Saturday morning. Subscri)-
tion rates: $2.50 by carrier, $3.00 by

news today
b)1 T he Assoiat I Press nd / eye Press Sri h

Black students protest


mnstruc tc

FUNERAL SERVICES for Sen. Everett M. Dirksen were held
yesterday in Washington's National Presbyterian Church.
Among those attending the half-hour ceremony were President
Nixon. Vice President Spiro Agnew. Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower. and
many senators and congressmen.
Eulogizing Dirksen, Senate Chaplain Edward Elson gave thanks
for "his massive mind, his matchless speech. his powers of persuas-
ion, and his parliamentary skills."
Dirksen's rose-covered casket was carried to the church from the
Capitol Rotunda after lying in state for 24 hours. The Senate minor-
ity leader, who died Sunday. will be buried today in his hometown of
Pekin. Ill.
A NUCLEAR EXPLOSION was detonated underground in
western Colorado yesterday in an attempt to free trapped natural
The 40-kiloton blast, known as Project Ruilson, was an experiment
aimed at jarring loose gas held by deep, underground sandstone for-
mations. The explosion, which occurred 8443 feet below an unin-
habited mesa, was felt 180 miles away.
Conservationists attacked the blast as potentially dangerous.
At least five suits seeking to stop the experiment were rejected by
federal courts, including the Supreme Court.
The Atomic Energy Commission has estimated over 317 trillion
cubic feet of natural gas are trapped underground in the West.
THREE MEN were arrested in Mississippi as police investi-
gated a plot to assassinate Charles Evers,
One of the men, identified as a former Ku Klux Klan leader, had
a submachine gun in his possession. The arrests were made by the
Treasury Dept.'
Evers is the first black mayor of Fayette. Miss
THE OIL COMPANIES of the world began bidding yester-
day for leases on vast oil deposits in Alaska.
The bids, which are expected to reap more than $1 billion for the
state, are for oil rights in the arctic North Slope. The rights are be-
ing offered on 179 tracts.
J. Paul Getty offered a record high bid of over $28.000 per acre
on one 2,560 acre area as the first bids were announced.
SEN. WALTER MONDALE launched an attempt to block
construction of a new nuclear carrier for the Navy.
The Minnesota Democrat spoke on the Senate floor in favor
of an amendment he offered to trim $377 million for bie carrier from
the $20 billion military procurement bill.
!Mondale said efforts to curb Pentagon spending were hampered
by Congress' inadequte information about defense matters. "It isn't
a fair fight," he declared
THE ADMINISTRATION kept open the possibility yesterday
of a scaledown in U.S. operation in Vietnam.
A lull in the enemy offensive continuing beyond the three-day
cease-fire in honor of Ho Chi Minh "would be an important factor
in influencing our policy decisions." White House press secretary
Ronald Ziegler said.
Ziegler discounted reports of a rift between the U.S. and Saigon
over observance of the enemy-proclaimed cease-fire. "There has been
no deteriorations in relations," he said.
In Vietnam there were no immediate reports of renewed enemy
attacks although an enemy force carrying rockets was seen near
Da Nang.
DR. GEORGE WALD, a Noble' Prize winner, turned down
a government request to develop a blinding chemical weapon.
The biologist, addressing the American Chemical Society yester-
day in New York, claimed the director of medical research at the
Army's Edgewood Arsenal asked him to help create a temporary
blinding agent.
Wald is an outspoken opponent of the Vietnam war and the
uses of chemical and biological weapons.
JUDGE CLEMENT HAYNSWORTII is being asked for a
list of all his corporate investments and outside sources of
income since 1963.
The financial report was requested by two members of the
Senate Judiciary Committee, which will start hearings next Tuesday
on Haynsworth's nomination to the Supreme Court.
Senators Phillip Hart (D-Mich.) and Joseph Tydings (D-Md.)
asked for the information after a report that Haynsworth collected
almost $450,000 on a $3000 investment in a vending machine com-


-Associated Press
B omlprotest
Demonstrators claiming an underground nuclear test in Colorado
might poison the atmosphere interrupt an official of the Dept. of
the Interior at ceremonies prior to the blast. The experiment is to
free trapped underground natural gas,
Nixon blasts forml
waifelfare hearing

)rs for
A newly-created course in Afro-
American studies has run into
problems in its first week of ex-
Several black students have pro-
tested the hiring of white instrue-
tors for the course. Afro-Amer-
ican Survey: History From a Black
Perspective, claiming these in-
structors "lack the sensitivity nec-
essary for teaching the course."
A few have walked out of their
"ecitation sctions. but according
to Bev r'y Greer. a member of the
c'pss ad commmientions chair-
man of the Black Student Union
(BSU. the number of students
walking out was "insignificant."
"Our main objection is the hir-
ing of white recitation leaders."
she said yesterday. "but we
haven't walked out as a group and
we don't intend to. We will prove
the white teachers inadequate by
bringing out their attitudes and
inability to answer our questions
in class."
"We don't bekiive whites have
the senttivity to teach us the ma-
terial we want to learn." she add-
p. "Ob.iectivity has to be blended
with snsitivity, a ouality lacking
in the white instructors."
According to Ron Harris, presi-
dent of the BSU. the problem will
he discussed at a mass meeting of
the BSITtoniaht. He said a state-
ment of erevances will be pre-
sented to the mmbership for ap-
mroval, although he added they
would not recommend any action
in the statement.
Harris said sev'ral students
hive withdrawn from the cours
because of the preset ,C2of white
"The Unive'vil: hasn't made a
serious attemt to recruit b"rek
instru'tos" h c amed. "They
limited their search to black teach-
ing fellows already at the Uni-
The biek1- lcter for the
course. Visitinw Honrs Prof Ha-
old Cruse, tak"s a different sand
than the BSU members.
"I think ce-tain white instrue-
tors have a lot to say." he said
yesterday. "There's a lot a black
student can learn from a qalifid
white teacher."
"It reouires a eci-tin type of
personnel to teach this course," he
added. "Neither all whites nor
all blacks can meet the sensitiity
demands of black students."
In response to student objec-
tions, Cruse said the makeup of
the staff teachin4 the course iF
being changed from primari
white to primarily black. As of
yesterday. the staff has been re-
assien~d so that now the'e are
three black and one whit recita-
tion leaders instead of the pre-
vious one black and three whe

The DatIl-



1, 3, 5, 7, & 9:05
t >
{ a little
} future.

\VA,"HINGTON (A', --The Nixon
administration advised the 1u-
preme Court ysterday against
giving people on welfare the right
to have a formal hearing before
their benefits can be reduced or
cutt off.
Such a procedure could paralyze
operation of the federal welfare
program and reduce the amount
of money available for eligible in-
Hare to retire
after 7 terms
LANSING {:I-} Secretary of
State James M. Hare. who h a s
served an unprecedented seven
terms, will announce his retire-
ment from elective politics in a
few days,
Hare's decision is partially due
to two heart attacks he has suf-
fered. However, he also wants to
announce his retirement in the
near future to head off any aspir-
ing young Democrats interested in
his job and to give his assistant.
William N. Hettiger. time to be-
come widely known so that he can
run for the office.

dividuals. Solicitor Ge-eral E win
N. G iswold said in a brief.
As an illustration of the prob-
lems involved. lie said that in N-w
York City in one month alone
there were about 3 000 requests
for hearings on whither people
on welfare needed telephones.
Welfare is a privilege rather
than a right. Griswold said. and
while there must be protections
against "governmental capricious-
ness and arbitrariness." the gov-
ernment has an interest in making
sure the program does not become
unnecessarily expensive. time-con-
suming and cumbersome.
The gove'nment filed its views
at the court's invitation. Two
cases from California and New
York, already accepted for argu-
ment next term, test the consti-
tutionality of cutting a welfare re-
cinient's benefits before he has an
opportunity at a trial-type h~ai'-
ing to argue against the cut
Griswold said the proper ap-
proach is the one taken by the
Department of Welfare in rule
changes that took effect July 1,
Before aid is cut off, the welfare
recipient must be given notice and
also be given a chance to discwtss
the situation informally with a
welfare agency worker.

tending a
structor of1

have the option -f at-
section with the In-
their choice.

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