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September 11, 1969 - Image 1

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i[I 4c

Bk A.a


high--7 4
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Vol. LXXX, No. 7 Ann Arbor, Michigan--Thursday, September 11, 1969 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

An Editoria


. . .

THE SUBVERSION of the University by the Depart-
ment of Defense is no more clearly illustrated than
in its relationship with the Reserve Officer Training
Corps. For years ROTC courses have been granted aca-
demic credit, ROTC instructors have been endowed with
professorial status, and the ROTC program has con-
sumed vitally needed office and classroom space,
amounting to a $350,000 annual gift from the Univer-
sty to the defense establishment.
At a time when the United States is employing an
enormous military machine to enforce a policy of ex-
ploitation and repression throughout the Third World,
universities are providine assistance not only through
classified research and development, but by providing
a corps of indoctrinated young men the most basic
resource of a military state.
This unholy alliance is no longer tolerable within the
academic community.
j1ODAY. STUDENTS will be demonstrating their dis-
content with the use of the University to train and
prepare students as killers for the military.
The avowed tactic of today's action creative in-
tellectual dialogue is a good one, for it may, through
the serious questions generated, help to enlighten those
who are trapped by their ROTC contracts, as well as
the University community at large. If the outline laid
down by Barry Bluestone is followed, the "disrupters"'
will be more in the true spirit of the University than
ROTC is.
Even those students who do not want to partici-
pate in this intellectual disruption should use this
opportunity to demonstrate their convictions. A show
of support for the "creative disruption" will help to
hasten the end of ROTC as a University department, and
this is unquestionably the time for such a demonstration
of support.
HE DISRUPTION may present disciplinary problems
for the administration, in light of President Flem-
ing's statement Tuesday night cautioning students
against disruption of the academic affairs of the Uni-
versity. We find Fleming's statement highly misleading
and predicated on several false assumptions. It should
be made clear that:
* ROTC does not represent an academic activity
and should not be accorded the same "immunity"' guar-
anteed legitimate scholarly activities under the accepted
principles of academic freedom.
* ROTC instructors should open their classes today
to frank and honest debate on the purpose and direc-
tions of ROTC. They must not veil the content of their
courses from the scrutiny of the University community.
* The University administration should not disrupt
the ROTC protest by calling in the police. At least as
long as the demonstration remains non-violent, there is
no justification for police intervention. The sanctity of
the ROTC classroom is questionable and its momentary
interruption should not be used as an excuse for a police
Should the police intervene, however, students
should not afford them the opportunity to turn the
demonstration into a violent melee.
t The faculty does not have the exclusive right to
make the decision whether or not ROTC programs should
continue on this campus. The decision must be made by
the University community as a whole. Yet the faculty
had the audacity to delegate the responsibility for an-
alyzing the issue to a 13-man committee which included
only two student members. Furthermore, the committee
was directed to report its findings to Senate Assem-
bly, which has no student members.
Students should understand that any decision made
under such circumstanuce> -no matter how favorable is
nonetheless illegitimate
Y TURNING out todav, students are not only express-
in, their contempt for ROTC but are also demon
strating their disapproval of this decision-makug
Before the ROTC issue can be solved, the University
community must accept the fact that responsibility for'
the final deposition of ROTC lies equally with the stu-
dents and the faculty. To this end, we propose the im-
mediate creation of a joint student-faculty committee
with the power to determine the fate of ROTC on his
The question has been debated at this University
and elsewhere for a lon t ine. It is time for action.

-Iai' --Randy Edmonid
RESIDENTS OF E'I'ST QUAD discussed the ROTC issue last nihlit with a group of oranizers of
today's disruption of ROTC Eclasses. Organizers also held informal talks with residents in other


girds for


ROTC off icers calm

A coalition of radical groups
and unaffiliated individuals
met last night to discuss tac-
tics and set basic guidelines
for today's planned disruption
of ROTC classes.
Affirming previous plans to en-
ter ROTC classes and contradict
instructors, the over 150 radicals
also agreed to guidelines designed
to maintain the group's political
control of the actions.
Those at the meeting voted to -
designate four people in each
classroom confrontation group to
judge when and if the coalition
had lost political control of the
disruption. They generally agreed .
to end their participation in thedi c'
disruptions it control is lost.
They also decided to limit to a
"reasonable amount" the number
of people in each classroom.
The radicals then split up into
three groups, each of which was
ass:ignedl to confront one of the
three ROTC classes which meet
The remainder of the two-hour
meeting was occupied with a gen-
eral discussion of tactics which
would be employed during the
confrontations. z
After the meeting, many of the
participants visited various dor-
mitories to discuss the ROTC issue
and planned confrontations with
residents. Pun P
Among the problems discussed politic
at the meeting was the possibility
of a clash with police, and there repress
was general agreements that the
disrupters would leave if police
were called in. D)St
"There are many kinds of spec- -
ulation of possible police action,"
paid one coalition member. "If the
police should come, we should
split. This should not yet be an
end movement. We should not
wait around for a bust. It is not
the time."
The guidelines for maintaining
control of today's activities were
prompted by the fear, expressed
by several coalition members, that
reactionary groups, or other left-
wving organizations mlight gain As
control of the confrontations and dent r
use the "movement" for their own Council
ends. -fCou
"If we allow disruption to get they ar
carried away by a minority," said
Student Government Concil P'es Sept. 19
ident Marty McLaughlin, a Rad- ,support
ical Caucus member, "We will have signify
problems relating to students sity fun
about the event, and will have to Last w
defend the actions of a group of the stud
which we don't even aprov e." a way th
During the discussion of con- nore" B
frontation tactics, the point was define
stressed that all students be al-diht
lowed to speak, including ROTC ight.
students. "The key is what is said It also
in the classrooms." said one stu- Mike Fa
dent about the success of the from the
disruption. cussionI
The coalition members spec- day's dis
ulated on the possibility that the Therei
doors to North Hall would be cision am
blocked by an opposing organiza- which w
tion. No plan of action for this store act]
event was firmly accepted, and SGCr
one member stated that a binding seem to f
decision on the group would be RegentsI
impossible, if adjour

Participants in the disruption of vote occ
the first ROTC class today will the meet;
meet at 10:40 a.m. at North Hall. If, how
the ROTC classroom and office Executiv(
building. Van Der
Protesters in the coalition who meeting
do not participate directly in the decide he
classroom actions are expected to He say
attempt to involve the University sit in at
in the dispute through dormitory because
discussions, (lass discussions and vigil in 1
the distribution of leaflets. office ov
The coalition of radical groups ment -
includes members of SDS, Radical just let
Caucus, and Resistance. over the
-- laugh it(
CF Van D
(A su >orts should di
happen 4
s1~. the build
ADC mothers tHe say;
the' mak
Graduate Assembly votad last Regents
night to endorse local welfare versity d
rights organizations in their ef- Van Der
forts to gain a greater children's Regents
clothing allowance for mothers S
in the Aid to Dependent Children

A request from President Rob-
ben Fleming for a special meeting
of Senate Assembly's Student Re-
lations Committee i+SRC> )ester-
day climaxed a flurry of adminis-
tration activity in preparation for
the slated beginning of disrup-
tionis of ROTC classes today.
Act ing Vice Presiden t Ifor Stui-
de'nt Affairs Barbara Nowell call-
ed the committee meet i after
talking to Fleming.
"I was very interested in far-
ulty and studet opinion as to
what would be an appropriate re-
spon'se.' to t RU (disrution, she
The I etingIfollowed sral
other actions by Fleminw in md-
vance of the RO'T'C protests . i
cluding a letter to students wr
ing against disruption and a meet -
ing with the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs,
the top faculty body.
Mrs. Newell said her role in
handling the expected disruptions
was indefinite.
"I may just be advinig Presi-
dent Fleming." she cx)lainted.
Mrs. Newell questioned SRC on
appropriate University response to
'arious possible types of protest
and towards protestei's who are
not members of the University
She also broughlt up the ues-
tion of techniques of ideitilying
protesters in connection with pos-
sible judicial action. and which
judicial body should hear any
eases resulting from the protest.





'he delay i approval of the
proposed revised regental bylaws
on a Uniiversity jtudicial system
has clouded the question of juris-
diction. A complaint now can be
taken to Central Student Judi-
ciary. the appropriate bodies in a
student's school or college. or to
tlr>. Newvell declin ed to comn-
t .it oi possible action the Uni-
versity might take. saying. "The
response to the protest is a deci-
sion that President Fleming will
have to make.'' She added that
suich a decision could onily be
ma after the protest.
S IZ. however, strongly expres-

ed the view tiha plice should not
be called in.
Members i SDS. Radical Cau-
eus and Resistance, as well as
other students. plan to bein dis-
rupting ROTC classes tocay in an
effort to force the military offi-
cers training program off campus.
Organizers of the protest have
said they aim for ''creative dis-
ruption" by nt"r wing ('lasses and
contradicting what the ROTC in-
structors say.
Three ROT1C cla 'e sched-
tiled for regular class meetngs
While top tUniversity ificials
See 'I" GIRDS, Page 10

A nai-repre-sio cralla
Plamondon, White Panther minister of defense, attacks
al arests of street people. He spoke at a Diag rally against
ion yesterday. See story, Page 3.
lookstore move
eries of complex and far-reaching questions on stu-
Wes and on disruption faces Student Government
when it meets tonight to discuss the bookstore issue.
ncil members are planning to define just how far
e willing to go in their march on the Regents meeting
For example, will SGC -- as sponsors of the rally --
a disruption which, if intentionally planned, would
a violation of SGC's own ban on disruption of Univer-
ctions? -


Tyne rebels

Central Student Judiciary ruled
last night that dormitory h o u s e s
may not impose "rules, regula-
tions, officials and dues" unless a
substantial portion of the stu-
dents affected are allowed to
ch'loose representatives ili the
house governmtetnt.

I ant
TIt Iii

Shate, a CSJ member. said
a substantial portion'
at least a majority.

The actioll came in respotnse


by C SJ
to the attempts of 32 students
to secede from Van Tyne House
in Markley Hall last spring. The
students charged the decision-
mtakintg pros was out of the
control of most house residents.
However. Eric Sponberg, Van
Tyne judiciary chairman last year,
has indicated he will ask for a
review of the case in order to pre-
sent new evidence.
The s cssionists charged that
the house government had been
el(cted in the spring before they
and other new Van Tyne residents
entered the house.
But, Sponberg explained late
last night that, the house govern-
ment had been elected in Decem-
ber, after a new constitution was
approved by the house, and said
he would ask for another hearing.
Even if the Van Tyne case is
upheld, CSJ chairman Marc Wohl
said. the judiciary may still issue
a r'uling that dorm government
must be representative of all house
Wohl said last nmght's ruling
or a similar judgment could be
used by dorm residents who have
withheld dues from houses they
believe to b2 undemocratic a n d
mig-ht face a hold credit from the
University. In such cases, W o h I
said. CSJ would most likely issue
an injunction to bar the hold
credit on grounds that the assess-

'eek SGC voted to "make
ent voice heard in such
at the Regents cannot ig-
ut Council is expected to
his resolution further to-
will consider a motion by
irrell to abolish ROTC
campus, with some dis-
likely to center on to-
is disagreement and inde-
nong Council members on
ay to act on the book-
members, at this point,
favor a dialogue with the
at the meeting and then,
rinent or no satisfactory
urs, some action to halt
'ever, a sit-in does ensue,
e Vice President M a r c
Hout argues that a mass
should be called later to
w to proceed from there.
s it would not be wise to
the Administration Bldg.
- as during last year's
LSA Dean William Hays'
er the language require-
the administration might
the students stay there
weekend again and
er Hout adds that SGC
efine, in part, what is to
once the students enter
s that SGC should initiate
ing of speeches to the
on the need for a Uni-
iscount bookstore. Then,
Hout adds, a vote by the
should be demanded.
ee SGC, Page 10

Some 300 students gathered in
the Michigan Union last night
and set in motion local participa-
tion in the fall anti-war "offen-
Fall protests in Ann Arbor will
coincide with several major na-
tion-wide demonstrations which
seek "immediate, unilateral with-
drawal of all American forces
from Vietnam."
During the hour-long organiza-
tional meeting, representatives of
the New Mobilization Committee
to End the War in Vietnam pre-
dicted that the anti-war activity
this fall will "more than compen-
sate" for the peace movement's
decline since the inauguration of
President Nixon.
"The demonstrations this fall
will be the largert, most wide-
spread anti-war action this nation
and this city have ever seen.'
said Gene Gladstone, a member
of the national steeming commit-
tee of New Mobe.
But the leaders stressed that
the demonstrations will not be
disruptive or violent.
"We are seeking maximum sup-
port from the community." ex-
plained Barry Cohen. '"'0, a local
leader of New Mobe. "And I don't
think that the 30.000 people on

City may probe Beret arrests
By STUART GANNES a ''"Olice-clOmltlity relations boat'd'" on
A second investigation of the incident the g.ounds that 'the police should not
leading to the arrest of five Black Berets be allowed to investigate themselves"
last month may be initiated by Mayor Rob- Two contradictory stories have been
ert Harris. brought forward since the incident.
The arrests took place in the Beret office According to Ann Arbor Police Chief
when police attempted to arrest a Beret Walter Krasny. two policemen, on routine
member for violation of parole. The office latrol noticed David Hunter. wanted for
was shared by the recall campaign aimed parole violation, on the corner of Fourth
at Contty Sher'iff Douglas Harve. amd Ann near the RECALL office. After
After hearing RECALLS side of th' verifying that there was ai ottstandiig
story at the City Council meeting Monday. warrant for his arrest. Chey attenipted to
a long uith "i'tl'i ional 1I-iivi orn_ arrest him.

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