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A I~irrIS4L Yo EARL.
See Editorial Page



Sunny, warmer,
clear skies

Vol. LXXX, No. 6 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 10, 1969 Ten Cents

Ten Pages


President says he will



make final VP selection

book store


ich(ardI Aistin

Roman ( -ribbs

Austin, Gribbs




DETROITIP A black Wayne County Auditor, Richard
Austin, led a field of 28 candidates for mayor of Detroit by a
substantial margin last night in returns from a nonpartisan
primary election viewed as the first test of the city's racial
climate since the bloody riots of 1967.
Locked in a close battle to become the second nominee in
the Nov. 4 general election were two white candidates-Wayne
County Sheriff Roman Gribbs, a moderate, and City Council-
woman Mary V. Beck, a staunch law-and-order advocate.
The election drew some 42 per cent of the city's 707,837
voters in a contest which listed 28 candidates for mayor,
113 for city council seats, 22 for city clerk and 20 for city
Elections director John Smith said the turnout was one

President Robben Fleming said
yesterday that he, and not t h e
special search committee appoint-
ed last spring, will make the final
selection or a vice president for
student affairs.
Fleming wrote Co-chairmen
Frank Kennedy of th2 law school
and Steve Nissen, Daily City Edi-
tor, that he expects the committee
to approve a list of several accept-
able candidates, and he will pre-
sent. one to the Board of Regents.
If the committee produces only
one name. Fleming said, he will
not accept it.
"The understanding should be
that the committee should ap-
prove sveral candidates, all of
whom are acceptable," Fleming
told The Daily. "This satisfies the
committee's interests. since any of
the candidates would be their
"But the vice president must
also be acceptable to me, so itis
someone whom I can work with
Fleming added. "If the commit-
tee gives m only one name I
won't have any choice."
Fleming's instructions conceiv-
ably could cause problems on the
committee-- if one of the stu-
dents holds true to an earlier sug-
gestion that he might "vote on one
candidate and refuse to approve
any others. That will force Flem-
ing to accept the committee's
Nissen said last night he is "un-
willing to recommend a list of
mediocre candidates just to give
Fleming a choice. I think if the
committee finds one person who
seems exceedingly well qualified
there is no reason to send other
names to the president." he said.
Fleming originally told Ken-
nedy and Nissen in March he
wanted the committee to approve
several candidates, but there was
apparent c o n 1 u s i o n recently
among committee members about
their precise function.
Kennedy said yesterday he ex-
pected the committee could agree
on several names-but added if it
didn't, Fleming might. conceivably
appoint another committee. or
take a candidate to the Regents
"without us."
But Norm Wilson, grad. charged
Fleming was "meddling with his
own committee. He should either
let us search independently for a
vice president, or make us an ap-
pendage of Fleming" Wilson said.
The committee, first appointed
by Fleming last March, has con-
sidered over 60 candidates for the
vice-presidential post. Committee
members, who will meet tomorrow
for the first time this fall, say
they are still far from reaching
any final decisions.
In the meantime Mrs. Barbara
Newell has been serving as interim
-vice president,, a position she has.
held since July, 1968, when Rich-
ard Cutler resigned.
The vice president for student
affairs is one of the five top ex-
ecutive positions in the Univer-
sity. The vice president. through
the Office of Student Affairs has
responsibility for a wide range of
University functions. including
the Health Service, non-academic
counseling. Office of Student Or-
ganizations, and student financial

Warns on
of Regentsf
University President Robben
Fleming cautioned Student
Government Council yester
day against disrupting the
Sept. 19 Regents meeting over
the bookstore issue and offer-
ed to arrange a meeting be-
tween SGC and the Regents to
discuss the mat ter'.
SGC has planned a rally and
then a march on the meeting to
prot.est the Regents refusal in
July to establish a University
bookstore. Some SGC members
have indicated they wxill disrupt
the meeting.
In a letter to SGC President
Marty McLaughlin, Fleming wrote
"If members of SGC or others
wish to discuss the bookstore issue
with the Regents I shall be glad-
to arrange a time for this to be
cone, It is not necessary to inter-
r'upt one of theii' meetings to get
their attention."
Fleming also noted "The Chap)-
tei VII bylaw discussion is sched-
uled for Friday afternoon. I as-'
sume you agree that this is an
important discussion. It would'
seem to me unwise to prejudice
that discussion by an unnecessary
interruption of the Board's pro-
ceedings on other matters."
The Regents plan to discuss the b a c k
regental bylaws submitted by SGCI
and Senate Assembly on the role
of students in University decision By ROBERT ShEAR
Key provisions of the joint re- Ann Arbor Students for a Dem-
port call for creation of a Uni- ocratic Society will march through
versity wide student-faculty-ad- University dormitories tonight to
ministration council, with author- encourage residents to parti-
ity for determining non-academic cipate in tomorrow's anti-ROTC
conduct standards to rest with demonstrations.

-- -"..-- /

Calls for
'U' foruni
President Robben Fleming
warned last night that stu-
dents who disrupt ROTC
classes may be disciplined un-
der either University rules or
civil law and offered Hill Aud.
for a mass debate on the issue.
"There are clear rules against
disruption of classes," the presi-
dent said in a statement. These
include "Student Government
Council rules, which are enforce-
able in the student courts .,
their'counterparts in every college
of the University . . (and) civil
laws which may be violated."
"There is no pleasure for the
University in having to enforce
disciplinary rules against ,s t u -
dents who disrupt classes," Flem-
ing added. "But if it has to be
done, it will be done."
Members of SDS, Radical Cau-
cus and Resistance, as well as
other students, plan to begin dis-
rupting ROTC classes tomorrow in
an effort to force the military of-
Sficers training programs off cam-

'rSesitRob be i11". Flemn ing

nS dorm mar

of the largest in Detroit


The ufinaldininerNov. 4 will
succeed Mayor Jcirome P. Cay-
anagh, who did not seek a third
sour-year term. Eighteen nom-
inees for council seats will be re-
duced to nine winners at that
Austin. a certified public ac-
countant by trade, was a member
of the convention that redrafted
Michigan's constitution in 1961-
62. He was endorsed by the United
Auto Workers Union and most of
the city's black leaders.
Blacks make up about 40 per
cent of Detroit's population.
Oribbs. 4', is a self-decribed
moderate: Councilwoman Beck,
61, an avowed law-and-order con-
.servative, and Shamie. 48, also
campaigned on a law-and- order
Both Austin ad dGribbs re-
ceived backing of the city's two
metropolitan daily newspapers
and the Civic Searchlight, a non-
partisan organization which rated
them "preferred and well quali-.
Some black nmilitamns voiced
displeasure with what they viewed
as Austin's too close ties with the
white establishment.
The primary will also narrow
down a huge field of candidates
for vacancies on the city's com-
mon council, as well for as treas-
urer and city clerk
The election has beeii marked
by a bitter controversy over al-
leged abuses of the ''name game,.'
a provision in city election laws
which allows candidates with siu-
ilar names to use ballot designa-
tions to distinguish them.

City Dems
T I' Ann Arbor Democratic
Party lashed out last night at
Sherifi Douglas Harvey's methods
of law and order and set up a
watch dog committee to report on
his actions.
The Democrats voted 41 to 2 to
establish the committee, whose
purpose will be in effect to tin-
cover e n o u g h legal evidence
against the sheriff to indict him.
At tile same ine, the party re-
jerted, 29-14. a motion to support
the Recall Harvey campaign. The
consensus was that if a recall vote
took place, the sheriff would be
overwhelmingly victorious.
"Sheriff Douglas Harvey disre-
gards most of what is known to-
day about how to contain the
threat of public disorder," the
resolution stated .and with over-
reactive displays provides those
fewe who seek to pi'ovoke violence
exactly what they want a battle
im which the distinction bet ween
te innocent imd the gtilty dis-
appeams amd where law enforce-
ment. in the true sense is impos-
Earlier in the meeting. Sander
Levimn, State Senate Majority
leader, called oi Democrats to
work with the Republicans on such
issues as education. tax reform
and urban problems.
Levin added that "we should
pursue the Governor. and make
him say what lie means. We should
make him stick his neck out.'

students. Now, such power lies'
with the governing faculty of the
schools and colleges.
McLaughlin expressed his will-
ingness to meet with the Regents
but deferred an official decision
until Council meets tomorrow.
ie added that he might favor
cancelling the rally if the Regents'
comnmitted themselves to support'
of a University bookstore in prin-
ciple, with the University paying
See'U'. page 7

of ROTC mA.ructors prestnts be-
lore the class.
The march through the dorms
Neill take place following a tacti-
cal meeting on the ROTC action
called for 8 p.m. tonight in the
Student Activities Bldg.
Thre was scattered opposition
to the decision.
"I'm opposed to the drive to re-
move ROTC friom campus." said
Tom Wieder, '72, "because t h e
mnilitary will just create new meth-
ods of training. or expand t h e
existing institutions of military
Don Rotkin. a member of the
SDS steerine committee. defended
thi decision to join -forces in the
ROTC dis-uption because "the

The action was passt d by nearly
200 who attended SDS's first o'-
ganizational meeting last night in
the Union Assembly Hall.
SDS will join several other
campus organizations including
members of Radical Caucus and
Resistance and Internatinal Soc-
ialists Club in their planned dis-
ruption of three ROTC classes.
The coalition will pr'oceed to "cor-
rect and interpret" the stat ents

Caucus sets guidelines

tary a
part o
join R
tend t
U.S. P
tion ii
split it
"II yol
said on

Organizers of the protest have
said they aim for "creative dis-
ruption" by entering classes and
contradicting what the ROTC
instructors say.
Students participating in the
disruptions will meet tonight to
are part of the U.S. mili- set final plans for tomorrow's ac-
nd the military, in turn, is tions.
f U.S. imperialism." In his statement, Fleming urg-
:in added, "The kids, in ed student to avoid "angry con-
aren't our enemies. Many frontations which accomplish lit-
OTC because they need the a tIe," and proposed instead the use
scholarship in order to at- of Hill Aud. for "a full-scale de-
he University." bate.
Miller contended that "The auditorium seats 4,000
Muppier cont2 enedfthatpeople, a much larger audience
supplies 85 p r cent of the than can be reached by a disrup-
Army's second lieutenants, tive classroom incident," he said.
per cent of its first lieuten- "If there is a desire to have me
do so, I will chair the debate."
ral Detroit SDS members SGC President Marty McLaugh-
ing the meeting also de- lin, a member of Radical Caucus,
d Ann Arbor SDS's partici- said that, "as planned, the ROTC
in the national confronta- - actions do not violate SGC rules."
II Chicago Oct. 8-11. Al- McLaughlin also argued that a
discussion of the recent debate on ROTC would be fruit-
n the National SDS move- lss because "the administration
was not permitted at, the cannot be converted to adopting a
g. the ,rout quickly divided position which is contrary to its
e value (f the Chicago "at- interests, The University i stied
to the military and won't drop
oit SDS mnenbers said the ROTC unless it has to."
o action would "incite na- SGC Executive President Marc
and international revolu- VanDerHout, who plans to parti-
Those opposed to the dem- cipate in the ROTC disruptions,
ion felt 'The methods to said last night he did not believe
oh" the Chicago police'Fleming's statement would con-
h force would meet with nce radical students to abandon
.1 dlestrmuct ion." their present plans,
VanDerHout said the purpose
SDS members, at certain of the disruptions is to "bring
in the meeting, engaged in focus to the ROTC campaign, at-
shouting matches with tract more people to it and lead
rs of the Ann Arbor SDS. to larger action at a later time."
u won't go to the Chicago Barry Bluestone, Grad, who first
we'll get Detroit greasers," proposed the ROTC action last
me, in the middle of the ses- week at a meeting of radical stu-
dents from several campus groups,
Arbor police Lt. Eugene declined to speak for others, but
mnaier showed up miidway said the statement would not in-
h th? meeting and was fluence his plans. "I will be at
told to leave. When the ,ROTC on Thursday." lie said.
a Bluestone said he would prob-
an indicated members 'ably participate in a debate lik.
"help" if necessary, Stat- the one suggested by Fleming, but
ier consented. See FLEMING, page 7

for disruption



On T odaty's
Page Th~ree


Radical Caucus voted last night
to support the ROTC classrooni
disruption planned for tomorrow,
and approved strict guidelines for
the confrontation.
The meeting of over 150 also en-
dorsed participation in the march;
on the Regents meeting next week'
to protest the Regents refusal to
establish a university book store.
After lengthy debate in which
ROTC supporters participated,
Caucus voted "to abolish ROTC
Irom the campus." The proposal
demanded that ROTC break all
ties with the University.
The Caucus will participate in
the confrontation planned for to-
morrow in a coalition of radical

. Istael launches amphib-
iotrs attack on Egyptian bases,
0 Dean Wilbur Cohen calls
for sweeping reforms in his
first state of the Education
School address.

groups and individuals, who plan
to disrupt ROTC classrooms. This
action will be the first major ei-
fort made by coordinated radical
cams groups to abolish the cam-
pus military institution.
Meamwhile. President Robben
Fleming warned that students who
disrupt ROTC classrooms may be
disciplined under University regt-
lations or prosecuted for civil law
violations. Fleming tnged studemts
to meet in a campus-wide debate
in Hill Aud. on the ROTC issue,
The Caucus voted:
to maintain the confrontation
on an intellectual and moral level:
to make no effort to prevent
access to or exit from the class-
-and to disperse when and if
law enforcement agents should
Caucus member Marty Mc-
Laughlin emphasized that these
proposals would keep the demon-
stration essenitially non-disr'uptive.
He said hie did not advocate "enld-
img ROTC by dismuption" bt
rather "ending it by building a
movememt that would force lie
University to abolish it.'
The Caucus will urge that the
proposals be accepted at a mass
meeting to be held tonight as
general guidelines for the disrup-
A motion supporting the estab-

andis t xenvironment Defenders
of ROTC said this aided in the
education of a liberal military.'
Detractors of the military pro-
rain replied that a liberal mili-
tai'y is no less a military, and in
fact this same 'liberal' group was
responsible for get ing the U.S. in
the Vietnn wa i.
Another student said that the
army simply has no place on a
coiee campus, and that by sup-
porting the ROTC disruption the
people would be able to make the
military aware of this opinion-
Others claimed that the attempt
to discredit ROTC was futile, for
an army is necessary for the de-
fense of a nation.


Welfare motiers, supervisors
set meeting on school clothing

Voters defeat proposed law tax

Washtcnaw County voters defeated by
a 3-1 margin last night a controversial
millage proposal which would have ear-
marked nearly 83.5 million for the county
sheriff's departmentt The proposal was
defeated 8980 to 2978.

forcenient millage as a blow to the poli-
tical power of Sheriff Douglas Harvey,
Others maintained, however. that Harvey
was not directly involved.
''The key to the defeat of the law en-
forcement proposal was the vagueness of
the county Board of Supervisors, s a i d

"I think half the county was afraid that
Harvey would get all of the money, and
voted against it," the official continued.
"The other half wanted him to get it, but
were afraid it would all be spent on the
"administration of justice" part of the
program, so they voted against it.

I<<preseitatives of the Couity
Welfare Rihts Commiiittee amid the
Citizens' Committee for School
Clothing a middle class support
group - will meet with the county
Board of Supervisors at their reg-
ular meetm Tuesday to discuss

they believe a reasonable clothing
The mothers are exhausting all
legal channels in an effort to
avoid a confrontation like the one
last September in which several
hundred mothers and their sup-
porters sat in on the County Bldg.
About 240 were arrested.

Gov. Milliken told the Detroit w-l-
fare mothers yesterday that no
state funds are available.
In addition to their equests
for meetings with the superviso"s
the mothers will meet tonight with
U.S. Rep. Marvin Esch( R-Ann
Arbori) and the Cooperative Com-
munity Council. an ecumenical

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