WALLACE AND THE 'LITTLE PEOPLE' See editorial page SAir 43ant :43 it WINDY High--70 Low-54 Cooler tomorrow, chance of showers Seventy-Six-Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 13S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1967 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAG Fiscal Reform Plani Get Senate Approval * * * * * * House Committee Passes Draft Bill Calling 19-Year-Olds, Deferments WASHINGTON (P)-The House! Armed Services Committee ap-' proved yesterday a bill to permit drafting 19-year-olds first. But four Democrats described its con- tinuation of college deferments as "unconscionable." Rep. Floyd V. Hicks (D-Wash) cast the only vote against the bill, which was approved 35 to 1. Chairman L. Mendel Rivers (D- SC) forecast no difficulty in pass- ing the bill next week. But Hicks, and Reps. Otis G. Pike (D-NY), Frank E. Evans (D- Colo) and Robert L. Leggett (D- Calif > filed minority views in which they contended that "in time of war student deferments are unconscionable." Continued Deferment The bill would permit continued the committee said some boards tical skills deferments, require have individuals over 90 on them. prosecutions under the act to get Hicks said he voted against the priority in court, make alien phys- bill primarily because it makes no icians admitted for permanent res- provisions for calling reservists idence liable up to the age of 35 to meet increased manpower needs. and revise the methods for deal- "I'm getting letters," Hicks said, ing with conscientious objectors. "from people whose sons are call- The latter change restores the ed up in May and killed in Viet- policy, in effect before 1941, of in- nam in October and they wonder ducting objectors first and letting why no Reservists are being call- them make their fight to avoid ed up." combat or service later.I He lost on a voice vote an ef- The Senate gave overwhelming fort to have reservists meet half approval to a four-year extension! the manpower needs after 240,000 of the draft last week. The vote} have been drafted in a year. The on the passage was 70-2. administration expects some 340,- Several of President Johnson's 000 to be called this year. proposed alterations in the draft Hicks said he probably would re- system would be possible under the offer his amendment on the floor. Senate measure which would per- The bill would establish a Na- mit the draft director to make tional Manpower Resources Board various changes at the request of to study graduate student and cri- the President. -Daily-Thomas R. Copi FORMER UNIVERSITY FACULTY MEMBER, H. Chandler Davis,.discusses the issues involved in the '54 dismissals in an interview yesterday. Davis was- one of two fired. LOOKIN BACK: Forme r''Fca ity Meme 0 " 0 Comments on '54 Dis-missals By PAT O'DONOHUE First of a Series "I made a mistake by not asking for public hearings at the time," commented H. Chandler Davis, former University faculty member yesterday. "But there were many people at the University who rep- HUAC was holding hearings there in order to investigate supposed Communist activities in the state of Michigan. 'They (HUAC) got my name as the treasurer of a faculty-student committee which had put out a pamphlet against the HUAC com- mittee. They then checked their resented, to me, proponents of in- tellectual freedom. And God help me, I believed in them." The time was the summer of 1954, as the nation was beginning to react to the McCarthy era. The University fired two professors, Davis, an instructor in thedmath department at that time, and Prof. Mark Nickerson, of the Medical School, far refusing to answer questions posed by the House Un- American Activities Committee (HUAC). The dismissals raised a storm of controversy and several critics contend that the act remains as a black-mark on the University's record. The debate centered around issues which have not yet been resolved - academic freedom and the freedom of association. It came at a time when defending anything related to Communism or socialism was "imprudent at best, and dangerous at worst." And, the debate put the Univer- sity right in the middle of the controversy where to say any- thing, one way or the other, was sure to bring repercussions from1 one of the two sides. It was a situation similar to the HUAC subpoenas, and the University's compliance with them, last fall. At that time three University faculty members were subpoenaed, Davis, Nickerson and Prof. Cle- ment Markert of thezoology de- partment. ,.All three notified the University of the subpoenas im- mediately and -went to Lansing to appear before the committee. N E CAPE KENNEDY, Fla.-Ma program manager for the Nato ministration's Kennedy Space "personal reasons." NASA spokesmen said the fective Mav 31 was not cnnnec files and got practically nothing additional on me, not because I wasn't active in politics, but be- cause they didn't have very good information," Davis said in an interview yesterday. .I Regardless of the value of their information, HUAC conducted their investigation. Nickerson and Markert refused to answer ques- tions before the committee by in- voking the Fifth Amendment. Davis, however, invoked the First. "HUAC was attempting to fore- close questions of a certain type at that time, thus depriving the; pended ,them from the faculty. "I had gone to the administra- tion months ahead of time and told them what was going to hap- pen and they had told me what would happen," said Davis when asked if he had expected the sus- pension. "The only thing that was not expected in this procedure was the creation of a special com- mittee before the President recom- mended that we be fired. And the only reason that this happened was the unexpectedly strong fac- ulty and student opposition to fir- ing us," he added. The procedures had been estab- lished u p o n recommendations from the Faculty Senate, with Hatcher's concurrence. several months before, when HUAC an- nounced its plans for an investi- gation. Thus the administration had to investigate the three cases and decide whether the men to the three that "your refusal to ' answer the questions directed to you by a duly authorized commit- tee of the Congress . . . seeking to establish the facts about Com- munist activities in this nation raises serious questions as to your relationship to the University and to your colleagues, and places up- on you the duty to go forward toI explain your actions." The letter stated that the sus- pensions were "without prejudice to the final decision in their cases.," Hatcher had indicated in pre- vious statements, and in a tele- gram to the HUAC chairman at the time, Rep. Harold Velde (R- Il. that the University would "cooperate with HUAC's investi- gation to the fullest extent." In response to the suspensions, many petitions were signed and circulated among students and faculty in protest of Hatcher's act. TOMORROW: Protests and Responses deferments of college undergrad- ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ uates, making them subject to the draft after graduation. The com- 1 0 mittee also approved continuation R anl s i n l esearch of graduate deferments for the present.Eeferment policy was writ-Ex enditures for Last YearI ten into the bill,a contrast with the Senate-passed measure which gives the President broad author- By WALTER SHAPIRO the social sciences and the hu- ity to revise policy. The University ranks sixth manities is the University of Wis- The other major differences ainong the nation's educational consin. Other schools spending from the Senate bill is a provision institutions in the amount of over $3 million in social sciences permitting a congressional veto of money spent on research, accord- and humanities research are Co- any effort to install a lottery sys- ing to a recent study conducted by lumbia, University of Illinois, tem for selection of draftees. Industrial Research Magazine. Michigan State, University of Of college deferments, the four The University, which spent Kansas, New York University, dissenters said: $52,080,380 on research during the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- "What we are in fact saying to 1965-66 academic year, was sur- nology (MIT), and Cornell. this year's crop of high school passed only by the University of Engineering graduates and to every graduating Chicago, the University of Cali- In engineering the University is class for the next four years is fornia, Cornell University, Johns second only to MIT. Three other 'you may choose between going to . Hopkins, and Columbia University. schools each spend over $11 mil- war or going to college'." Robert E. Burrough, director of lion yearly on engineering re- News Conference research administration, noted search: the University of Illinois, Pike told a news conference that that "the $52 million does not in- Illinois Institute of Technology, an amendment will be offered on volve any lab managed for the and Pennsylvania State Univer- the floor to leave existing language government or any other agency." sity. on college deferment in the draft Government Role The University also ranked rela- law. But he noted, "Student de- The article notes that the gov- tively high in the amount of re- ferments are very politically pop- ernment provides 66 per cent of search funds committed to the ular." the research money for the na- physical sciences, medical sciences, Pike said he also would reoffer tion's universities. According to and the biological sciences. an amendment, beaten 23 to 10 in Burrough approximately 78 per The University was seventh committee, that would require cent of the University's research among the 12 universities which draft boards to be representative funds come from the government. spent more than $7.5 million on economically and sociologically of The areas of research in which research in the physical sciences the community. the University ranks highest in during 1965-66. Among the 13 in- The committee put some limits the amount of money spent are stitutions which spent over $7 mil- on draft board service. Persons the social sciences, humanities, lion for medical research the Uni- would be able to serve for 25 and engineering. versity ranked ninth. Among the years or until they reach the age The only school which surpasses 15 schools whose reported research of 75. the University in the amount of in biological sciences totalled $3 There are no limits now and ! funds committed to research in million or more, the University was fifth. Among the areas within the par- ~ ., ~ m~- A~,'~ -i U-u~xi~ Iticipating institutions in the study, .z1Y' Y1- 1Y - *' - 7 1l 1 -T Passes with No Change In Wording Bill Sent to House; Floor Cleared for Appropriations Action By WALLACE IMMEN The state Senate approved Gov. George Romney's income tax bill yesterday, although its backers en- countered more difficulties than they had anticipated. The bill was exactly the same r the bill which emerged on the floor from caucus yesterday, eX- cept for the addition of a provision claiming the legislature "will not hinder attempts to bring the plan to referendum." The compromises made in cau- cus had lowered the prime tax rates below Romney's original re- quest. T.e personal income tax rate was cut down to 2% per cent (against Romney's 3 per cent). The corporate income levy was shaved from 6 to 5/2 per cent. When the Senate convened yes- terday afternoon, majority leader Emil Lockwood predicted a final votes on the bill would be made during the session. But he was worried, and said it might have to be debated until midnight be- fore he could bring it to a favor- able vote. Democrats held fast to their cynicism of the bill's effect on the lower income brackets an. it ap- peared as debate began that tht six Democratic votes necessary for passage would be lost. A resolution declaring that a income tax imposed by the state must not exceed 5 per cent had been introduced in the morning session. The vote came early, however, and Lockwood had more than con- vinced even more Democrats than he had previously claimed. The bill will now be sent to the House, which must pass the pack- age in similar form in order so it may be sent to Romney and signed into law. Romney has already claimed that the compromise package is acceptable to him. The Senate is now free to work on its backlog of bills, all labeled appropriations measures, because time had run out on their calendar for all but appropriations bills. Their main concern will center around the appropriations budget which must be prepared by July L, The main portion of the appropri- ations is for higher education, It is expected, however, that a nume- ber of important miscellaneous bills will be cleared up first. Bud- get talks will begin in about tw weeks. The House will most likely delay its second round on the fiscal package until Monday, and its leaders have indicated that they want to make some adjustments in the bill before it goes to the governor. It is estimated the package would raise an additional $23S million a year to add to the state's budget. If the bill goes into effect, the appropriations budget would be increased by this amount. electorate of the right to know. I should be recommended for rein- pleaded the First Amendment on statement or dismissal. the grounds that this type of Hatcher explained in a letter activity was depriving me of my - - constitutional rights as guaran- Davis explained. teed bynte Frst Amendment," AAUIP Ilep The University, prior to the hearings, had officially held that orts Facult ,' u"llipumsitti"ll UN a faculty member had an obhga- By JENNIFER ANNE RHEA tion to tell the investigating com- mittee (UC bu i lee In April the American Associa- membershipAC) about his alleged Communistion of University Professors re-i mebrhpiIteCmus ported in its annual survey on the j party and about his political be- p"Ec nmit atusurve oe liefs. This was in accord with a "Economic Status of the Profes-n statement issued by the American Sion" that faculty compensation Associationl of Universities (AAU) rose 6.8 per cent in 1966-67. a year earlier, in 1953, "a state- However, the AAUP noted that ment which the American Civil the increase "represents a con- Liberties Union (ACLU) properly siderable drop from last year's thought worth attacking . it record figure of 7.3 per cent," and proscribed the relationship be- that the inc'ease "will not suffice tween universities and HUAC," 'for the achievement of the said Davis.s H doubling goal"-the 1957 recom- Within hours after the hearings, mendation of President Dwight: in which the three refused to co- Eisenhower's Committee on Edu- operate with HUAC, University cation Beyond the High School President Harlan Hatcher sus- ! that faculty incomes be doubled' within a decade. The 1966-67 year. is the third time in the ten year selected per- iod that the growth rate has come M jwithin half a percent of the 7.2 per cent annual figure necessary to attain the doubling goal. How- ever, the report states that "with the exception of last year, not since 1959-60 has the rate of growth in compensation reached ts current level." Slowdown However, the slowdown in the j Gen. John G. Shingkle, Apollo growth rate, in comparison with j Ge. Jon G Shigkl. Apllo last year, was enough to cause a nal Aeronautics and Space Ad- reduction in the percentage growth Center, resigned yesterday for rate of compensation in every area except that for the heterogeneous group termed "the lecturers." resignation, which becomes ef- The report notes, though, that it eter with the Anaoln 1 fire but it alwavs "misleading" to make lays and percentages: professors, $1,024, up 6.9 per cent; associate professors, $746, up 6.7 per cent; assistant professors, $598, up 6.5 per cent; instructors, $438, up 6 per cent; and lecturers, $1617, up 20.1 per cent. In addition to rising compen- sation, a general leveling trend continued to eliminate the dif- ferences in remuneration levels among various types of institu- tions. "Average compensations of full professors drop steadily from $19, 700 in the private universities to $13,000 in the church-related lib- eral arts colleges," stated the re- port. "But, relative rates of in-j crease vary in precisely the op- posite direction . . . . At the pres- ent rates of increase, then, the public universities will catch up to their private counterparts in about a decade, while in less than twenty years even the church- related liberal arts colleges will outpay the private universities." The AAUP report continued its study of average salaries by sur- veying those increases for indivi- duals already on the faculty. In this analysis it is noted that the report generally understates the corresponding economic gains of such faculty members. However, all that this situation confirms is that "promotion tends to raise the income of the in- dividual somewhat more rapidly than the rate of rise of the insti- tution's scale of remuneration." The University ranked 21st on the list for the institutions with average salaries of $10,000 and above for full-time faculty mem- bers. Its average figure was $13,236. The average can be depressed by the "expansion of the institu- tion which brings new faculty members in from the outside, either predominantly at the lower ranks or at the minimum salaries for their ranks." }physical sciences r e c e i v e the greatest share of research funds. They are followed by the medical sciences, engineering, agriculture, biological sciences and the social sciences and humanities. The magazine estimated that at least $2.1 billion was spent last year in university-research re- lated research, with an additional $600 million going for 19 univer- sity - administrated federal con- tract research centers. For ex- ample, the University of Chicago operates the Argonne Laboratory, the University of California man- ages Los Alamos, and Johns Hop- kins directs several research in- stallations for the Navy. HEW To Finance State Study of Students' Race By DAVID DUBOFF Eighty to 85 per cent of the students enrolled in Michigan's in- The Michigan Civil Rights Com- stitutions of higher education re- mission received a $9500 grant turned the questionnaire. Mezei from the U.S. Department of said. Health, Education and Welfare The primary purpose of the yesterday which will make it pos- sible for the commission to pro- k study is to determine the future ces daa o te rcia bckgoun Imakeup of the labor force, Mezei cess data on the racial background indicated. He said that as a civil of students at the state's colleges rights agency the commission is and universities, 'interested in determining the Processing of the data has been areas in which there will be too ""X v ^.1. y: 'A. :}':$:;R '{;'"":>i": i:'.'r ..i<'<4 ::?;:S'i::yYr:::i x};: '+'::r 'vi: . i.