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May 18, 1967 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1967-05-18

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THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1967


sk Pro Ban on Rigged Delays
o Air TV, Radio Commercials

Track Records in Jeopardy
At Iowa City Championships


toms soccer game so that CBS, don't think he's around any more."I

Rep. Richard L. Ottinger said
sterday he is drafting legislation
.at would prohibit the rigging of
ofessional sports events to per-
it scheduling of radio or tele-
sion commercials.
He said his concern was prompt-
. by published reports that pro-
ssional soccer players "have been
dered to feign injuries or dis-
ites in order to allow the tele-
sion network to work in its com-
The New York Democrat said in
s statement that he hopes his
11 will extend to all professional
orts. He added he hopes the
'oposal will spark a full investi-
Ltion of the extent to which net-
orks are influencing sporting
ents "at the expense of the
fewer or listener."
Soccer refereePete Rhodes had
ade the disclosure earlier that
e had deliberately called 11 of
. fouls in the nationally televised
oronto Falcons-Pittsburgh Phan-

could air its advertisements.
Rhodes, a British referee im-
ported to handle games in the Na-
tional Professional Soccer League,
has an electronic receiving unit
straped on his back for televised
"I get three beeps on the radar
thing and then the producer tells
me 'a commercial is coming up'
so stop the play," Rhodes claimed.
He said he visits the dressing
rooms before the game and tells
the players to lie down or pretend
to protest when he blows the'
"The players all cooperate with
the networks because it gives them
a breather and at the same time
it's making money for the league,"
Rhodes claimed.
He said the maximum number
of commercial in a. game is 10.
He told of one referee who dis-
obeyed the orders.
"He was being booed by the
spectators and forgot to listen
to the receiver," said Rhodes. "I

warden Bars Puerto
!ican Main Events.

The NPSL denied the story, but
yesterday ruled that time outs will
be permitted in games to get in
the required number of commer-
cials, which is usually ten.
Ken Macker, the NPSL commis-
sioner said referees will signify a
delay for television by waving a
large red handkerchief over their
heads in a circular motion.
Macker said that referees may
now allow time outs after goals,
on goal kicks, following injuries
that require a trainer's attention
and before corner kicks and side-
line throw-ins.
"This new procedure," he ex-
plained, "has been designed to
provide needed time for our tele-
vision sponsors with a minimum
of inconvenience for our fans and
in a way that will be clearly visible
to all."
Rhodes also complained that the
television people made him buy a
.39 caliber starter's gun to replace
the .22 he was using because their
microphones couldn't pick up the
sound. "I bought the .38, but when
I put it in the pocket of my shorts,
the weight pulled them to my
ankles," he said.
Rhodes said he can hardly run
up and down the field with all the
equipment necessary.
Another official on the field
must carry similar equipment in
case the referee gets injured or is
unable to finish the game.
Net Finals
Begin . oday
Michigan's defending Big Ten
tennis champions will face tough
opposition in the 58th annual con-
ference meet beginning today on
Ferry Field.
Michigan leads the league going
into tournament action by one
point, with 71 compared to sec-
ond place Michigan State's 70.
The tournament singles begin
at 9 this morning, Michigan play-
ers will be in action as follows:
Dick Dell vs. Phil Ward (Pur-
due) 10; Brian Marcus vs. Dave
Holden (Illinois) 9; Pete Fishbach.
vs. Mike Nolan (Indiana) 10; Ed
Waits vs. Larry Lucy (Purdue) 9;
Bob Pritula vs. Bob Burkholder
(Illinois) 10.

Michigan's defending champion,
Jack Harvey, will attempt to break
his conference record shot put
mark of 58 feet, 6/ inches to-
morrow when the Big Ten's 67th
Outdoor Championship Track and
Field opens in Iowa City.
Among the competitors will be
well balanced Michigan State
which is favored to grab a rare
third straight team title, and a
half dozen individual champion-
ships-and meet records - may
fall in the Olympic attuned meet.
The 67th conference meet on
the University of Iowa's new $50.-
000 asphalt-rubber oval has been
swelled to 18 events with addition
of four tests aimed at the 1968
Olympiad in Mexico City.
The four new events, increas-
ing the already rigorous program.
include the triple jump, the 3000-
meter steeplechase, the 440-yard
relay and the three mile run.
Eight individual champions re-
turn, but most could stumble in
the two-day meet opening to-
morrow with preliminaries in eight
events and finals in the discus
and long jump.

-Associated Press
CHICAGO CUB'S outfielder Ted Savage was more than perturbed yesterday as umpire Al Barlick
called him out attempting to steal home on San Francisco's Dick'Dietz in the fifth inning. Leaping
into the air did him little good as the Giants won, 4-2.
TigrsSurge Bc ih8Ti
As Chsox Reds KeepU Pace

Thus far this spring, perform-
ances indicate that five Big Ten
meet records are in jeopardy, high-
lighted by the league's first seven-
foot high jumper in Michigan
State's Mike Bower.
The four other records threat-
ened include the one-mile run by
Larry Wieczorek of Iowa (4:10.7).
one-mile relay by Iowa (3:07.1
which also is an all-time record,
the shot put by Michigan's Har-
vey (58'64"), and the 120-yard
high hurdles by Mike Butler of
Wisconsin (0:13.9t.
In spring competition to date,
Michigan State produced ranking
performances in 15 of the* 18
events that will be held in the
Only two schools, Michigan and
Illinois, once the twin pins of
Big Ten track, ever won the out-
door title three successive years,
the last sweep by Illinois in 1958-
1959 and 1960.




NEW YORK (I)-Puerto Rican
fighters will be barred from main
events at Madison Square Garden
for a cooling off period, it was
learned yesterday following the
second riot within 10 weeks and
the third in 21 months at a fight
show in the famed arena.
Bottles, pieces of chairs and
other missiles were tossed into the
ring and the ringside sections
Tuesday night shortly after light
heavyweight champion Dick Tiger
of Nigeria was awarded a split
decision over Puerto Rican-born
Jose Torres in a very close return,
15-round title bout.
Edwin B. Dooley, chairman of
the New York Athletic Commis-
sion, had his men busy preparing
a report to Gov. Nelson Rocke-
feller about the incident.
The other two riots involved
fights featuring Puerto Rican-
born Frankie Narvaez, a New York
lightweight who lost both times.
In the first, Narvaez dropped a
split decision in a close fight with
Flash Elorde of the Philippines on
Aug. 4, 1965. In the second, on
March 10, 1967, Panama's Ismael
Laguna decisively whipped Nar-
vaez and was awarded a unani-
mous decision by whopping mar-
As a result of the third riot, a
proposed title fight between light-
weight champion Carlos Ortiz, a
Puerto Rican-born New Yorker
and Laguna may not be held in
New York or may be put off for
some time. The fight had been
considered a sure sellout
A Garden source, who asked not
to be identified, said, "We can't
go with that or any main event
with a Puerto Rican for some time
after this one."
But, Harry Markson, boxing di-
rector of the Garden, said he and
matchmaker Teddy Brenner were
going ahead with plans to pair
Tiger with Roger Rouse, the No. 1

contender from Anaconda, Mont.,
in the Garden in September.
Rouse had been promised a bout
with the winner within 90 days
but presumably would be satisfied
with a September date.
In the aftermath of the bottle-
throwing outbreak Tuesday in
which 11 persons were injured,
chairman Edwin B. Dooley of the
New York Athletic Commission de-
clared "the Garden owes it to the
public to give adequate protection
to the public if it is to remain
in the business of promoting fights
under the commissioner's jurisdic-
"If they cannot do that, maybe
they should close up the balcony.
They might need 20 to 40 extra
men at times up there and in the
mezzanine although the Garden
did strengthen its police staff for
the Tiger-Torres fight."
"We had extra police and we
thought this was adequate based
on 40 years of experience in the
Garden," said Markson. "But if
we need more then we'll add

By The Associated Press
Slugging dominated action in
both leagues last night as the
Orioles belted seven home runs in
their game while Detroit was com-
ing back strong with a grand slam
and two single blasts. St Louis
and Atlanta both took their games
on led off homers in the ninth
and the long ball took the Giants
over the Cubs as well.
Willie Horton belted a pair; of
home runs and Jim Northrup
crashed a grand slam following
three walks in the third inning
as the Detroit Tigers defeated the
Washington Senators 8-1 last
Joe Sparma won his fourth
game- without a loss, pitching a
three-hitter and striking out 10.
He gave up a leadoff homer to
Fred Valentine in the fourth.
Pete Rose drove in one run and
scored another and Tony Perez
drove in two as the National
League leading Cincinnati Reds
won their fifth straight game, 3-1
over the Pittsburgh Pirates.
Sammy Ellis, 4-2, yielded nine
hits, 'but the Pirates got to him
only in the second when they tied
the game at 1-1 as Bill Mazeroski
singled, advancedon a wild pitch
and scored on Donn Clendenon's
American League leading Chi-
cago White Sox bombed Jim Kaat,
who had beaten them nine
straight, in a three-run fourth
inning and went on to defeat the
Minnesota Twins 5-4.
Joel Horlen boosted his record
to 5-0 but needed help from Bob

Locker in the eighth after Har-
mon Killebrew blasted his fifth
homer and Bob Allison and Zoilo
Versalles singled. Another run
scored before Locker put out the
fire by striking out Earl Battey.
The Baltimore Orioles crashed
seven home runs, four of them in
a nine-run seventh inning, and
outslugged the Boston Red Sox,
The Red Sox belted three
homers-two of them a pair of
two-run shots by Carl Yastrzem-
ski-and the total of 10 was just
one shy of the major league record
for homers in a game by both
teams. This was set by New York
and Detroit June 23, 1950.
Joe Torre's leadoff homer in the

ninth inning powered the Atlanta
Braves to a 4-3 victory over the
New York Mets.
Hank Aaron tied the score 3-3
in the sixth inning with a two-
run blast after Denis Menke slap-
ped a solo homer in the fifth in-
ning for the Braves' first run.
Leon Wagner's grand slam home
run and a two-run shot by Fred
Whitfield staked Cleveland to an
early lead over New York and the
Indians held on for an 8-7 victory
over the Yankees.
Behind 8-2 in the seventh, the
Yanks scored five times on a
three-run homer by Tom Tresh,
a solo shot by Mickey Mantle and
a pinch single by Charlie Smith.



Major League Standings


W L3

Kansas City
New York



Pct. GB
.704 -
.643 114.
.500 5?.
.481 6
.481 6
.464 6zt
.448 7
.448 7
.429 7
.424 8

St. Louis
San Francisco
x-Los Angeles
New York
x-Late game


WV L Pct. GB
24 10 .706 -
17 11 .607 4
16 12 .571 5
16 13 .552 5/2
16 14 .533 6
16 15 .516 6/
13 16 .448 8%
11 18 .379 10/-
10 17 .370 10 t
9 22 .290 131/2
not included.

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Baltimore 12, Boston 8
Cleveland 8, New York 7
California 7, Kansas City 3
Detroit 8, Washington 1
Chicago 5, Minnesota 4
Baltimore at Washington (n)

San Francisco 4, Chicago 2
Atlanta 4, New York 3
Cincinnati 3, Pittsburgh 1
St Louis 3, Philadelphia 2
Los Angeles 7, Houston 0 (5th)
Cincinnati at Philadelphia (n)
Pittsburgh at Atlanta (n)
Sain Francisco at Houston (n)i

The Dascola Barbers
Near the Michigan Theatre

Only game scheduled Only games scheduled

Purdue Favored as Big Ten Golfers
Meet Here for 72-Hole Tournament


Purdue will be a favorite when
Big Ten golfers gather for the
Conference championships which
begin tomorrow over the tough
Michigan golf course, but Ohio
State and the host Wolverines will
be important factors in the pic-
ture, too.
The test run of the second an-
nual Northern Collegiate 72-hole
tournament here, proved to be
even more than that it is shaping
up into a major collegiate tourna-
ment which top college teams will
be eyeing closely in the future.
The Boilermakers won the rug-
ged two-day test of a difficult test
and cold weather, with Florida, a

top southern team, as runner-up
and the Buckeyes and Michigan
Although Dave Oakley of Flor-
ida won the individual honors
with a 78-77-74-71-300, the Boil-+
ermakers showed remarkable con-
sistency in fashioning a team
score of 1,539. Coach Sam Voinoff
commented at the conclusion of
the meet, "We won because we
were consistent. We didn't have
any bad scores." And then he
added, "It was a pleasure to beat
a strong southern team-it will
give Big Ten golf a real boost."
Purdue's team effort ran 389-
401-381-378 for its 1,539 total with

Florida just seven strokes away
with 384-404-386-372-1,546.
Although Jeff Parry of the
Buckeyes made a hole in one on
the 175 yard fifth hole, last year's
champions couldn't catch the
leaders as they finished 388-398-
Michigan grabbed an early lead
as John Schroeder, last year's co-.
champ with Alex Antonio of the
Buckeyes, fired a 70 first round
and his teammate John Richard
came in with 71, but they, too,
fell off the gruelling pace. Mich-
igan State, another strong con-
tender in the Conference meet,
turned in a 1,570 mark.







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* It does all the work,
but on Saturday night which one goes to the party?
Once upon a time there was an ugly little bug.
It could go about 27 miles on just one gallon of gas.
It could go about 40,000 miles on just one set of
tires. And it could park in tiny little crevices no big-
ger than a bug.
It wag just right for taking father to the train or
the children to school. Or for taking mother to the
grocery store, drugstore, dime store and all the
enchanting places mothers go when everyone else
is working.
The ugly little bug was just like one of the family.
But alas, it wasn't beautiful.
So for any important occasion the poor ugly
little bug would be replaced. By a big beautiful
chariot, drawn by 300 horses!
Then, after a time, a curious thing 'happened.
The ugly little bug (which was made very sturdily)
never got uglier. But the big beautiful chariot didn't
exactly get more beautiful. In fact, in a few years
its beauty began to fade. Until, lo and behold, the
ugly little bug didn't look as ugly as the big beautiful
chariot! The moral being: if you want to show



[. nl~ A" phVSiC[E a > t <It Ow-i. _


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