GRAD LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS See ditorial page -MINNOW I (t4r Sjit 43u 4E3Aitl SUNNY High-65 Low-45 Warming trend, 10 per cent chance of rain Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 11S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1967 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES Voice Plans Draft Center Protest Rally To Picket Fort Wayne During Member's Physical Examination By AVIVA KEMPNER Voice Political Party voted last night to organize a demonstration at Detroit's Fort Wayne Induction Center Friday morning. The ac- tion was taken at the request of Jim Russo, a Voice member, who has been ordered to report for a pre-induction physical at that time. Formerly a University student, Russo took his file from his lo- cal draft board office in Wayne, Mich., last week. He was one of the 200 youths who burned their draft cards during the peace march in New York last month. Voice's plans consist of pick- eting, passing out anti-war and draft leaflets, and talking with male. who are reporting for their physicals. MSU Health Director Predicts Legalizing of Marijuana Soon By PAT O'DONOIUE The director of Olin Memorial Health Center at Michigan State University predicted last week that marijuana would be legalized within two to five years because it is less harmful than alcohol. The director, Dr. James S. Fue- rig, added that it is a legal prob- lem, not a medical problem. He made the statement to two repre- sentatives of the Marijuana Study Committee of the Associated Stu- dents of MSU (ASMSU). He said he thought the drug would be re- classified by the federal govern- ment from an addictive drug to an intoxicant, and would subsequent- ly be legalized. He added that marijuana could be legalized with- in five years, but "there will cer- tainly have to be some controls established." It will take about two years to "educate conserva- tives," he said. "There are some people ' in- volved in making laws who will not change with the times," he added. When marijuana is legal- ized, Fuerig said,. it will be "less of a problem than it is now." Improved Product He compared the present illegal- ity of marijuana to prohibition days, saying that "Bathtub gin wasn't pure alcohol. Today people who use marijuana are smoking The ASMSU fact-finding com- Fuzak told Sink that the uni- has discussed the establishment of mittee which is studying the grow- versity will occasionally handle a similar committee but have done ing problem of marijuana will be student marijuana cases to pre- nothing as yet. conducting open hearings for stu- vent students from having a po- The University has no standard dents before the end of their lice record. procedure for handling student term. Fuzak said students would not use of marijuana. In fact, Uni- The committee, headed by be suspended from school for us- versity officials denied that there James Sink, former ASMSU mem- ing the drug, except in extenuat- was widespread use of LSD and ber-at-large, is seeking to clarify ing circumstances. marijuana on campus in response the MSU administration's posi- Fuzak added, however, that the to a claim by Prof. John C. Pol- tion on the use of marijuana. police would be brought into a' lard, a psychiatrist in the Mental The MSU Vice-President for case if student safety or addiction Health Research Institute, that Student Affairs, John A. Fuzak, were involved. "enormous amounts of marijuana told members of the committee Those police records which do . . may be used on the campus." that MSU has no specific pro- go to the dean of students office Pollard made this statement in cedure for handling student use do not ordinarily become part of January to the Washtenaw Medi- of marijuana. He said that MSU the student's permanent record, cal Society. does not seek information on stu- Fuzak said. Vice-President for Student Af- dent use of marijuana but that Sink said that his committee fairs Richard L. Cutler said at it sometimes receives such infor- will be conducting open hearings that time, "We attempt to keep mation from the police. on marijuana this term at which our ear to the ground but we just Sink said, "Fuzak made it quite doctors, lawyers and state legis- haven't picked up any such in- clear that the university is only lators will be invited to speak to formation. We may be stupid or concerned with students safety students. blind, but I think this office would and that it does not keep files on Student Government Council know if the use were as wide- students who use marijuana." I members here indicated that SGC spread as Pollard said." Anticipates No Curtailment Of Federal Research Projects -Associated Press DEMONSTRATORS DRAGGED OFF Twenty demonstrators were arre yesterday. The demonstrators,S pension of nine Negro and five Russo, who is facing possible federal charges for interference ACLU IEETS- with Selective Service procedures, ACLU _ ______ Is scheduled to distribute material, inside the Center, where he has c Asks Co been asked to report for a physi-! cal examination. An FBI spokesman informed the Detroit Free Press last Thursday that "it is investigating Russo and may ask the U.S. district at-bt torney to file charges" against him. Russo is currently classified as a# By JILL CRABTREE conscientious objector by his 10- The American Civil Liberties cal board. On May 8, he entered Union (ACLU) recommended in a his draft board and asked to ex- five-point policy statement Mon- amine his draft files. Russo then day that colleges and universities proceeded to leave the building in "cease, on their own, to make possession of his file. The same available to 'Selective Service in- day FBI agents questioned Russo formation on grades and class at his home, rank." The statement specified Russo has had no contact with that it is "within the university's the FBI since May 8. If the FBI right to make decisions affecting! should arrest Russo at the induc- the academic process, regardless tion center Friday morning, Voice of Selective Service regulations." members have decided to appear The statement, adopted by the at his arraignment and ask for Board of Directors of the ACLU his release, on the recommendation of the un- "In order to complete my with- ion's Academic Freedom Commit- drawal from the Selective Service !tee, climaxed a six-month study System, on May 8 I removed my by the committee on the impact draft file from my local draft of academic cooperation with Se- board," Russo explained. lective Service regulations on civil "Draft boards have no right to liberties. keep a file on anyone with the The statement was released by intention of using it to coerce him Prof. Samuel Hendel, of the po- into fighting in an unjust and litical science department, at the immoral war," he continued. City College of New York, chair-, Other draft card burners at the man of the Academic Freedom New York spring mobilization have Committee. He warned that ty- L,., ling military deferment to student sted at the Northwoods Junior High School in northeast Houston who were charge d with unlawful assembly, were protesting the sus- white students for fighting. Jleges To Cease By WALTER SHAPIRO ting -Ciw, special tests given to college stu- dents. Selective Service Director Gen. Lewis B. Hershey announced last Wednesday that such tests would be dropped. Within Institution's Right The ACLU statement went on to say that student's civil liberties are not infringed upon "when an5 institution of higher learning de- cides as a matter of educational policy to cease calculating class standing, or to do so and not re-, port such data to the Selective Service." The ACLU feels that the decision not to cooperate with Selective Service is within the in- stitution's right to make educa- tional decisions" intimately af- fecting the academic process." The statement said that if edu- cational institutions continue to compile class ranking for the Selective Service as well as for academic purposes, such informa- tion should be made available to a student's draft board "only on request of the student." The final point of the policy statement dealt with recent action ._.,, ,' grass, rope and mohair off rugs. The University has not yet been Q f'~f 13When marijuana~ is legalized and! seriously affected by the tighten- tY ..K a4'n ' subject to government regulations ing-up of government grants duer users will have an improved pro- 'primarily to the Vietnamese War, duct." according to A. Geoffrey Norman, by professors at some colleges to Elaborating on the medical vice-president for research. give all their students A's or no problems of niarijuana, he said, Norman reflected a prevailing grades in protest against their in- "There are no adverse physical view among faculty members when stitution's policy of releasing class effects other than possibly caus- he said yesterday, "We anticipate standing to Selective Service. "If ing personality changes and de- no reduction of federal funds for an institution has a known policy creasing motivation of the user. research, although a slower growth of grading, either written or im- Alcohol produces many more ad- rate may be expected." plicit in terms of employment, and verse effects, such as liver ail- A similar view was expressed by if a teacher decides on his own ments than does marijuana." Robert E. Burrough, director of not to submit grades, his action Fuerig indicated that like alco- research administration, who said, is not a matter of civil liberties hol, marijuana has a definite "We are not seeing the results of concern." the statement said. place in society because it relieves the war dollarwise, although our In another recent statementI tension but doesn't have the bad rate of increase of federal research prepared by the Academic Free- side effects that alcohol produces. funds may not continue. The .ni- dom Committee and aproved by Little Progress ersity's research effort is under- its Board of Directors, the ACLU Fuerig said that research will goiny'sorsgrificant s.'- voiced disapproval of student pro- have to be done but that so far gong no significant cutbacks." test demonstrations that "disrupt there has been little progress be- Saturated Facilities the legitimate educational or in- cause of the illegality of the drug. Norman explained that a level- stitutional processes in a way that He added that use of the drug will ing off of Federal research money interferes with the academic free- have to be restricted by age, as is had been expected by the Univer- dom of others." liquor. But "I think the present sity. "We are almost saturated in Hendel indicated that the Com- laws are being handled in a very ! regard to facilities and space. For mittee's concern had been aroused poor way. Present controls should more research money we would by several recent incidents on be taken off," he added. need a larger faculty and more1 colege .campuses in which demon-! "It would be naive to say no research associates as well. And{ strating students had "disregarded one is smoking it on campus. It ' the number of research personnel the rights of others to free ex- is probably used extensively, but here has been expanding rather pression and shown a lack of re- is not a medical problem here," slowly," he said. gard for democratic procedures." Fuerig said. Burrough predicted a slowerj __._. growth rate of 'esearch funds, noting the government's efforts to distribute their funds more equita- bly among geographical regions and educational institutions. The University received approx- imately $52 million for research from the government in the aca- demic year 1965-66. This figure was second only to that of the Massachusetts Instittue of Tech- nology among the nation's univer- sities. Burrough estimated that the University will receive $57 million from the government in the 1966-67 academic year. Ac- cording to Burrough, about 78 per cent of the University's research funds come from the government. Of these federal funds, a little more than 40 per cent comes from the Department of Defense. Mission-Oriented Research Burrough noted a trend by fed- eral agencies toward mission- oriented rather than basic re- search. This was especially true of the Department of Defense. How- ever, he said that the University had offset this problem by ap- pealing to other government channels. "Within the University's re- search program, no one group is dependent on one segment of the federal government for its sup- port. We have had to turn to a greater number of sources within the government," he explained. Difficulties have been exper,. ienced as a result of the shift of emphasis away from basic re- search by the government. Grad Involvement Hansford W. Farris, chairman of the Department of Electrical Engineering, said, "The tendency for more support to be given for applied, rather than basic re- search has resulted in a shift in' the nature of graduate student in- volvement. "Agencies doing fundamental research have had changes in the overall level of their support. This change of commitments has resulted in a reduction of efforts in such areas, but there has not' been a major realignment." The effects of increased compe- tition for federal research money has had some repercussions at the University, however. Norman explained that the suc- cessive yearly increases in Uni- versity research money are "cre- ating an appetite which calls for more of the same. Research and developm'nt money has been pro- ducing people. And these people have to be fed. There is a squeeze for everybody. Often grants have been extended for shorter periods than pieviously." Professor James V. McC6nnell, psychology professor and resident . at the Mental Health Research In- stitute (MHRI), said, "The prob- lem is not being able to expand, rather than actual cutbacks. It is the marginal projecis and the younger staff members who are the most affected. In general the situation has been pretty good at MHRI." Lawrence W. Jones, physics pro- fessor, said, "While we in physics have done fairly well, we haven't been able to do as much as we would like. We may not have, for example, looked as vigorously as we might have for new people. But there has been no change of our research. And there has been no curtailment of research activ- ities." The Microbiology Department receives thebulk of Its research funds from the National Institute of Health (NIH) which had over- committed its research funds and has felt a squeeze on new research grants. Donald J. Merchant, professor of microbiology, said, "We have had to write grants more carefully than in the past. Our grant pro- posals have had to be more unique than in the past. Before, NIH had the money to fund just about any- thing reasonable. Now the com- petition is keener. But we're still not too affected." Burrough noted, "Agencies have narrowed their margins of accept- able research. However, marginal universities with weak projects are suffering much more than we are. The current situation has slowed down efforts to diversify federal research money." been contacted by the FBI, but as yet no arrests have been made. Investigations are currently be- ing conducted across the nation in an attempt to determine just who burned their draft card. Sup- posedly the FBI has color films of the draft burning incident, and 4 observers are confused as to just why arrests have as yet not been made. Penalties for draft card burning are not. definite under present statutes. In bther action. Vice-Chairman grades and class rank perverts academic values. Life and Death Significance In such cirdumstances, Hendel said, grades take on a "life and death significance which can only impair the whole educational en- terprise." He explainedthat stu- I dents select easy courses and in- stitutions to maintain high class rank and thus assure exemption from military service. The ACLU backed up its recom- ITR Consumer Attitudes Survey Reveals Increased Inclination To Buy During '67 By JENNIFER ANNE RHEA In April the Survey Research Center of the Institute for Social Gary Rothberger announced that mendation by urging that the Research released its quarterly the National Students for a Dem- Selective Service System itself survey for January 6 to March 6, ocratic Society Convention will eliminate clss ranking and grades 1967, on "Consumer Attitudes and not be held at Antioch College inmas standards for student df de-|Inclinations to Buy.'" June as originally scheduled. Voice ferments. A statement of "simple The heads of approximately has been asked to look into the good standing should be suffi- 3,100 family units, representative possibilities of holding the con- cient," the Union asserted. of all the families in the con- vention in Ann Arbor by the na- The ACLU had previously called tinental United States, were inter- tional office. on Selective Service to cease the viewed in the course of the survey. The surveys, directed by George --__Katona, program director of the 1967." The index includes five of these testing questions. "The fact that the replies to a variety of questions changed in the same way adds to the reliabil- ity of the conclusion that con- sumers viewed their own and the economy's situation in a more favorable manner in February 1967 than in -November 1966," the quarterly survey said. Two principal considerations are revealed by the survey find- ings: "Bad news has become less salient during the last few fonths"; and 2) "Satisfaction with favorable income trends has con- tinued unabated." Habituation to News Katona, in his book "The Mass Consumption Society," discussed hn a hly the nhenomenon of By utilizing both changes in the Index and changes in income, SRCj data indicated the prolonged up- swing "in durable expenditures from 1962 through 1965. The de- cline in the Index, following an all-time high reached in fall and winter of 1965, indicated in ad-, vance the easing of expenditures on durables in 1966 and their drop in the winter of 1966-67. Gains and losses of the Index in two con- secutive quarters appear to have greater predictive value than a gain or loss in one quarter only. The SRC's last report, issued toward the end of 1966, conclud- ed that "a further deterioration of consumer sentiment appears to be dependent on new bad news." However, income trends remain- ed very satisfactory.t According to the present SRC report, "to sustain the improve- ment in consumer sentiment ob- served during the last few months, absence of bad news may not suffice. Good news is needed to revitalize consumer optimism,." i -N NEWS WIR'E THE STATE SENATE yesterday approved a resolution cre- ating a committee to promote a Flag Day March June 14 to demonstrate support for American soldiers in Vietnam. Sen. Basil Brown (D-Highland Park), chairman of the seven-man com- mittee, said, "This has nothing to do about sentiment on the war. This is just to show our soldiers doing their duty in Vietnam we are supporting them." Brown said he hoped other large.cities such as Lansing and Grand Rapids would also plan rallies or marches. GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY has approved an economic oppor- tunity grant of more than $296,000 for a legal services demon- stration and research project in Detroit. Detroit was one of two cities selected for the pilot project. Chicago is the other. The project provides for legal council to groups of poor or grass roots organizations composed of indigent Survey Research Center, and Eva Mueller, also a program director at the SRC, are designed to: 1) measure consumer expectations and intentions to buy, and 2) ex- plore the reasons for" changes in, attitudes. HOUSE PASSAGE LIKELY: State Senate Votes To Establish Extra Community College for Wayne County Two Measures The SRC uses both an income habituation to bad as well as to and a "willingness to buy" meas-{ good news. This factor has been ure in its surveys. Discretionary! frequently observed in the past spending by consumers depends twenty years A upon both people's ability to buy ers into contact with a variety (chiefly their income) and their oers venopentswthavretd willingness to buy (as measured by of developments that created changes in the Index of Consumcr' doubt and uncertainty in their Sentiment device). Each without minds. Sizable price increases were the other is only half the story. resented and led to the postpone- According to the SRC report, ment of some purchases; rising aferding in eh qartert, ofinterest rates were thought to after declining in each quarter of hamper business activity; an ex- 1966, the Index recovered some lost perusines ivity; an es- ground during the last three. pected increase in income tax rates monds de was seen as reducing purchasing The survey indicates that the power: the influence of the war en suimrve ntint sumat rin Vietnam on domestic business recent improvement in consumer was increasingly viewed in terms sentiment was "more pronounced of inflation and higher taxes rath- among upper income people than I er than of growing employment. in middle and lower income brack- In the 1966 quarters, the SRC ets." This was likewise true of the pointed out that there was not rif~inntr~ Hric 1 A TT,','r'_."-,- -_I.4 By HELEN JOHNSON problem: "The boundaries right reasons for supporting a single" The State Senate passed a bill now are not adequate." additional district: last week which allows for the In fact, Wayne voters decided -"It would better serve long- establishment of an additional in March to establish an addi- range interests and provide the community college district in tional district but failed to appro- best community college oppor- Wayne County. Action in the priate the necessary 1.5 millage. tunities; House is expected soon. Objection was reported to have __"It would make better use of 'The bill also provides that the come primarily from the Detroit the tax dollar; board of trustees for the college be area, and support from the south- -"In a highly urbanized area, elected from seven districts "as western portion of the county.-gd equal in population and area as The question then became this would avoid duplication of possible." whether to create one or two specialized programs and the Alex Canja, executive director districts. needed teaching personnel; of the State Board for Public and Last month the State Board of -"The resources of the High- Community College's, says that, Education rejected a Wayne land Park Community College and hopefully, the trustees will be County Intermediate School Dis- the Detroit Public Schools would ready to take office next Jan. 1, trict proposal to form two addi- be immediately available for use there is a higher percentage of Negroes in the Detroit area. Ap- proval of the separate southwest- ern district, she explained, would be officially recognizing de' facto segregation. House Acceptance Likely Edwin Novak, president of the State Board of Education, com- mented that his aides claim the bill "is progressing at a good rate" and probably would meet accept- ance in the House. Neither Novak or Brennon, however, express such optimism about its eventual reception by Detroit voters.