4 4 I * 4 Outside the "In' Mu51C from Inside Out, by Ned Rorem. George Braziller. $4.00. The Sense of an Ending, by Frank Kermode. Oxford University Press. $5.75. Ned Rorem made the best-seller lists a few months ago with his Par- is Diary, a book widely admired for its candor-which is to say Rorem did not hesitate to reveal his sexual virtuosity. It was a non-book, though interesting for its gossip and for Rorem's presentation of himself as an accomplished, if now well- known, musician able to move easi- ly in artistic and aristocratic circles. The price for this social success was, paradoxically enough, that his music was ignored. But Rorem was probably encouraged by the recep- tion of his last book; so this new one, Music from Inside Out, may be an attempt to win the reputation his social forays could not achieve. Frank Kermode, on theother hand, enjoys a well-established rep- utation as a literary critic. He had arrived long before Rorem began mucking around in Paris. He is list- ed in Bateson, and this new book, The Sense of an Ending, was origi- nally written for the Mary Flexner Lectureship at Bryn Mawr Col- lege-a series which has in the past included such thinkers as Breasted, Whitehead, Richards and, most re- cently, Henri Peyre. Kermode and Rorem are clearly out to prove dif- ferent things. In one sense, however, Kermode and Rorem think alike. There is the obvious difference in subject mat- ter, and the fact that one book is the product of a skilled and widely experienced critic, while the other is not; but both writers work from a single critical assumption. Conse- quently, the discussion of music or of literature, of the hard fate of the novel or the art song, expresses a single aesthetic. Kermode's procedure is to work from a discussionof fiction in gen- eral to a more particular discussion of the novel, and finally to offer his judgements and prophecies on the future of the novel in English. It is a logical progression, but it ob- scures Kermode's real subject: the function of the novel (to "mitigate our existential anguish"), and the failure of most contemporary fic- tion, especially French fiction, -to fulfill its obligations. This is a rath- er lengthy argument, perhaps the definitive English answer to the nouveau roman and the heresies of Robbe-Grillet, but it can be briefly summarized. 'a 44 A V, .A- 41 Fiction is defined in terms of its producer and its audience, and Ker- mode gives a peculiarly modern twist to this old neoidealistic formu- a. Placed in the context of a con- emporary audience, fiction be- comes a means of soothing our col- .ective anxiety; it is a consolation prize for "the utter difference, the utter shapelessness, and the utter inhumanity" of the world; its para- digms are to be found in the Chris- tian Bible, in Genesis and Revela- tion, in the form that can be given reality by the imposition of begin- ning and "the sense of an ending." Of all fictions, the novel is both the modern apocalypse and the re- sponse to a prevailing apocalyptic mood. It is a way of controlling our "eschatological anxiety." And since these are the uses of fiction, there are two specific abuses against which Kermode argues. Fiction must not degenerate into the rigidity of "myth," nor must it fall into the pure formless- ness "of the cut-out writers, and the card-shuffle writers." Any attempt to impose a coherent form on an essentially incoherent reality will produce a fiction. The novel, howev- er, -must always attempt to achieve "concordance," defined as an orga- nization of reality in terms of a be- ginning, middle and end. The mythical novel, apparently, assumes that its fiction is literally true. It takes its formalization of reality (the foundation for its own existence) as reality itself, and con- sequently becomes "false" either by explaining too much or by imposing (Continued on page tent Sophisticated Primitivism The Savage Mind, by Claude Levi. Strauss. University of Chicago Press. $5.95. There are apparently only two re- quirements for reading this recent contribution to the field of philo- sophical anthropology: first, to have read the author's preceding work on Totemism (1963) and Sartre's Critique de la raison dialectique (1960) and second, to keep an una- bridged dictionary on hand at all times. The former is, in effect, rec- ommended by the author himself, who warns in the preface that "the reader should know what is expect- ed of him. . .: that he acquiesce in the negative conclusion which the first volume reached in regard to totemism; for, once it is clear why I believe that the anthropologists of former times were prey to an illu- sion, it is time for me to explore totemism's positive side." He con- tinues with an illusion to Sartre's view of the "philosophical funda- m e n t s of anthropology"-with which he disagrees. The second requirement stems from the author's extensive use of terms relating particularly to his topic, or having obscure anthropol- ogical connotations. This vocabu- lary can be distracting (not to say maddening) to the uninitiated, but its value lies in precise expression of otherwise vague or illusory ideas. For example, in concluding a dis- cussion of familiar animal names, he says, "If, therefore, birds are metaphorical human beings and dogs, metonymical human beings, cattle may be thought of as meto- nymical inhuman beings, and race horses as metaphorical inhuman beings." (p. 207) The logic of the statement is supported by preced- ing paragraphs, but its purport is nonetheless amazing. Levi-Strauss's bold appropriation of concepts from ordinarily unrelat- ed subjects for the formulation of his own intricate ideas demands close attention. In learning to un- derstand his unusual usage, howev- er, we are exercising our mental faculties for the more difficult task of penetrating the construct he makes. The question is this: having arrived at the weighty pronounce- ment of the metonymic and meta- phoric relations between animal and man, do we know why and how a hound came to be called "Rover" instead of "Jonathan Jo"? Perhaps after a second reading. The organization of The Savage Mind is designed to frighten away all but the most hardy (stubborn?) readers. After making the ominous remarks about the two other books upon which this one is based, Levi- Strauss plunges into a chapter of philosophical groundwork that can be overcome only with utmost per- sistence. The process of getting into it is rather like jumping into a swimming pool-the initial shock is deterring, but after a short time the "cold" becomes "cool" and stimu- lating. The middle chapters are more concerned with "case histo- ries" which are, predictably, more interesting, or at least a trifle eas- ier to read. Throughout the book, the author copiously illustrates his theories. Unfortunately, these ex- amples are sometimes less pertinent than they might be, and trying to understand their relevance is a problem. In his discussion of the "mind in its untamed state as distinct from mind cultivated or domesticated for the purpose of yielding a return," the author explores the problem: "to what extent thought that can and will be both anecdotal and geo- metrical may yet be called dialecti- cal." (p. 245) Without some back- ground in anthropology or psychol- ogy, the arguments are difficult to follow. Even a novice in the field, however, could find the book fasci- nating, if only for some of the inci- dental comments. After an unemotional description of the individuality of personalities, for instance, Levi-Strauss con- cludes: "When the loss of someone dear to us or of some public person- age such as a politician or writer or - artist moves us, we suffer much the same sense of irreparable privation that we should experience were rosa centifolia to become extinct and its scent to disappear forever." (p. 214) Can he be serious? And his footnotes, strangely enough, are especially interesting and often amusing. Perhaps as a relief from his sometimes stilted style, he lets himself go at the bottom of the page with an ironic or divergent remark. Simplified references are made within the text and expanded in a bibliography in the back, so tedious numbered notes are avoided with no loss of accuracy. The method is very efficient and not at all distract- ing. If the first part of the book may be instructive for an amateur, it be- comes painfully obvious in the final chapter that at least a passing ac- quaintance with Sartre is necessary to understand the basic concepts. The language is technically philo- sophical, and the content is a refu- tation of previously stated argu- ments. The last page, reached with only the greatest endurance, is-- incredibly-just a place of depar- ture. Mary Sue Leighton Miss Leighton is a second-year stu- dent in Russian Civilization at The University of Chicago. Merrill Poems (Continued from page seven) Merrill is concerned with the dilemma of Psyche, to whom he often refers and compares himself as poet. Man's character is the only related meaning .that cannot be per- ceptively divided; it remains color- less and black even in Merrill's -glassy and shimmering world. If he, like Psyche or any human soul, should light the lamp on this seem- ingly unequivalent union with body and mind (or Eros); if there were any light capable of penetrating the prism of man's personality and re- leasing the spectrum of humanity; if we were to see truth apart from the obstacles and obscurity-the "gilt wash"; might we, like Psyche, not also despair at the curiosity and i........................ Enlightenment Christian orientation dominated every phase of society. Philosophers like Rousseau and Condillac main- tained that medieval thought was hostile to the advance of science. The preservation of Christianized classic literature in Medieval times permitted the Renaissance examina- tion of classic antiquity. The Re- naissance was viewed by the En- lightenment as a transition period when the critical mentality could be revived as Christian institutions were questioned. Although even such admired figures as Locke and Newton were identified as Chris- tians, the age represented a move toward the realistic, eclectic men- tality so highly valued by the En- lightenment. The tension between Christianity and the philosophical mind became more apparent as ele- ments of Stoicism became associat- ed with Christian thought. Scholars such as Grotius and Locke attempt- ed to place Christianity on a ration- al basis, preserving some central tenets and discarding peripheral, su- perstitious elements. In tracing the historical trends which made the development of modern paganism possible, Peter Gay displays a sympathy for those in every age who tended toward the critical mentality and rejection of myth. Yet he admits that the Eight- eenth Century philosophes in their criticism of Christianity were often excessively harsh, and guilty of mis- reading history, Mr. Gay's extensive bibliography not only lists his sources but dis- cusses them in a bibliographic es- say. The basis of organization for the book is also treated in the final essay. Gay, an admitted liberal in his teaching of the Enlightenment, takes care in his analysis of Chris- tian history and classical literature to observe the objectivity so highly prized by the critical minds of the period. Marjory Woods Miss Woods is a second-year student majoring in philosophy at Loyola Uni- versity. virtuosity that prompted us to ex- pose the cold, drab colors worn be- hind the artist's thin varnish? Is it too late to study ignorance These fitive lives these loves of the comedian so like so unlike ours which hurt and heal are what the gods know You can feel lust and fulfillment Eros no more thian ocean its salit depths or uranium its hot disintergrative force or I our fable My interest like the rain grown feeble a film of sorrow on my eyes they shut I may already be part god Asleep awake some afterglow as of a buried heaven keeps flickering through me Merrill replies in the negative. The world is too in love with its reflec- tions and divisions. Like Psyche, we love the colors we remember in the prism of human imagination even though we may be disillu- sioned by the colors we see. Eventually, as one delves into the shadows and glimmerings of Nights and Days, Merrill's poems assume the task of viewing cold existence with creative imagination and skill capable of remembering the colors when they were part of a brilliant, clean whole. BucklUng, heights, depths, Into a pool of eac'h nigt's rain? But you were everywhere beside me, masked, As who was not, in laughter, pain, and love. Life's purely deceiving lights, as we penetrated into their truths and obscurities through these poems, are eventually united into a feel- ing, as the poet describes it, "vaguely satis-" Bonnie Birtwistle Miss Birtwistle is a first-year student in arts and sciences at Valparaiso Uni- versity. DIRECT FROM PEKING The original 'little red book' QUOTATIONS FROM MAO TSE-TUNG 800,000,000 people -1/5of the world.- live according to the tenets of this official handbook ofnthe Red Guards. Shouldn't you know what's in the origia, official English version of what has become the world's bestselling book? c C The J The :Jour The Mod( Pers a :The Te ch The, The EL James Dickey Poems 1957-1967 Poems 1957-1967 presents the major work of the man whom critics and readers have designated beyond any other as the authentic poet ofhis American generation. The book includes sixty-eight pages of forceful new poetry - a book in itself - that demonstrates significant change and stylistic maturity. For this collection, James Dickey has also selected from his four pub- lished books those poems that reflect his truest interests and his growth as an artist. "Masculine, compassionate, essentially conservative, Dickey's poems are incarnations-of remembered joy and pain, a quietly intense celebration of the senses, an acceptance of the inherently fragic yet wonder-awakening landscape of man -the qualities, in short, of a good national poet circa the sixties." -Kirkus Service "The new poems are stronger and darker in mood than the earlier ones... ." - Publishers' Weekly 315 pages. $6.95 Comments on James Dickey's Buchdancer's Choice winner of the National Book Award in Poetry for 1966: James Dickey is one of the first-rank poets of our time..... Surely whatever poetry of our time is remembered, this will be a part of it." - MILLER WILLIAMS, Shenandoah "Buckdancer's Choice is the finest volume of poetry to appear in the sixties. . .." - CHARLES MONAGHAN, The Commonweal NAME ADDRESS I certif ..name (profes "An invaluable antidote to the official rhetoric of goverm ment."-mAX FrANKEL, front page, N. Y. Times Book Re- view. Cloth $4.95; intage Boot paperback $1.95. Now w your bookstore. ! ou 4 w i HE 57$ .. . of A t ' May, 1967 * MIDWEST LIT, 4 MIDWEST LITERARY R1 R E Y I E W 9 May,.1947