.._.. Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNWVERSITY OF MICMGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD TN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Big Bureaucracy Threat, to City Life ~. - Opl'ru lBW PTau F, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TURDAY, MAY 13, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: WALTER SHAPIRO U Thant's Prediction: Prologue to Destruction N SECRETARY-GENERAL U Thant expressed the fear of all the peoples of e world when he said in an address sterday that "the initial phase of World ar III" is being fought in Vietnam. Speaking before the United Nations rrespondents Association, Thant said at if present trends continue, a direct afrontation between Peking and Wash- gton could not be avoided. "If you recall the series of events ding to World War I and World W ar Thant explained, "you will realize at, the prologues were quite long; what nean is the psychological climate, the eation of .political attitudes, took some ne and. when conditions were ripe for ne plausible excuse, then the global .rs were triggered. "In my view tod.-v we are witnessing nilar conditions," he concluded. HE TRUTH of Thant's statements is painfully evident, for even as he was eaking, a British merchant vessel out Hong Kong reported that Communist inese ships in the port of Haiphong d fired on American] planes during a cent bombing mission. rhant's prediction of a world war is, )st assuredly a device to put pressure on the Johnson administration to cease the bombing of North Vietnam -- Thant's formula for the starting of negotiations. But UN Ambassador Arthur Goldberg's reply to-Thant's speech only more clear- ly illustrates the inflexibility of the Amer- ican position. Goldberg said he disagreed with Thant's assessment of the Vietnamese situation and that the U.S. reaction to Thant's March 14 proposals were "forth- coming and affirmative"; in contrast to what he termed Hanoi's "negative atti- tude." Goldberg also said that the U.S. would be most willing to engage in a conference "conducted in the spirit of the Geneva Agreements." THANT'S DIPLOMATIC skills have been to no avail. The bombing of increas- ingly large and more populated targets continue. The American troop commit- ment becomes larger. The U.S. position on the cessation of the bombing remairs intransigent. And the American position continues to be explained in the most self-righteous of terms. The prologue may be long, but it is un- deniably a prologue to destruction. --MARK LEVIN HOW COME YOU 600D &VS DON T FT A 600D A5 TK AD 6U" Letters to the Editor The Draft is Too Mneh Wih I T T LOOKS LIKE the present military draft system is going to be around for while. On Thursday the Senate passed a four- 'ar extension of the system with only inor changes. The bill is likely to have en less difficulty in the House. Many people had hoped that the in- eased death toll in Vietnam and dis- tisfaction with the war and the draft home would lead to major revisions the draft system-perhaps a lottery or Auntary -service.Bult this attitude rep- stents a naive view of the role that the ilitary plays in the American political id economic system. 'HE DRAFT does much more than pro- vide the manpower needed to fight e war in Vietnam. Through its system selective deferments, it also provides e manpower to staff the positions lab- ed as in the "public interest"-posi- ans within the military-industrial-edu- ,tional complex. Periodically, Pentagon officials meet .th leaders of big companies that manu- cture products necessary for defense. agether, they have worked out a sys- m that will provide deferments for lough people in certain positions in in- istry and research. This information is then passed on to the local draft boards, who defer people working in plants and research centers under contract from the Department of Defense. This policy of providing for the man- power needs of big business and the war machine is implicit in the name Selective Service System. And publications put out by the draft boards show that they are very proud of their role as the guardians of our economic system. President Johnson's proposed lottery system would merely substitute one evil for another. It would still provide the manpower needed to fight the ugly war in Vietnam, and would still make it pos- sible, through manipulation of the man- power pool, to defer those people in occu- pations defined as "vital to the national interest. A volunteer army wouldn't change this situation either. THE MILITARY DRAFT is a symptom of an American corporate network which relies on defense spending for its liveli- hood. Opponents of American aggressive policies which operate with manpower drawn from the draft should realize that to change these policies, they will have to eliminate the mentality that the Selec- tive Service has helped to create. -DAVID DUBOFF Booby-Trap Your editorial conment, "You Always Gotta Watch 'em (May 6) has a built-in booby-trap of which you may net be aware. Since dirt files are anathema and you ask why they should be kept in the first place, let us return toregis- tration forms of 20-30 years past in which students race and reli- gion were routinely requested. These provided legitimate statis- tical data for sociological evalua- tion. Discrimination! Bias! Undemo- cratic! These outcries resulted in elimination of any means whereby University administration could assemble data for future evalua- tion. Now the federal government be- rates the University for not hir- ing enough Negroes. Just how do you thing they obtained that in- formation in the first place? Don't be naive. There is one set of rec- ords for "civil rights" purposes, and another for "civil rights ma- nipulation." - WHAT A BIG fat joke! To elim- inate discrimination we must know the very facts about a person which cause the discrimination in the first place. To be certain of equal employment we must gath- er data which is forbidden by law. The one saving grace is that rebel-rousing students have a way of growing into middle-aging con- servatives. The shame is that a person can never outgrow his race, religion, or national origin. -Jerome S. Miller BS '47, MS '49, PhD '55 Michigan Alumnus' I was disturbed by a passage about the recent Honors Convoca- tion in your "Moment for Michi- ;an" page in the May 1967 issue of "The Michigan Alumnus." Some of the sentences in question ran: They (tha students receiving honors) looked like the kid next loor or across the street. I couldn't see a beatnik in the place." It ;eems to me that a great univer- sity should encourage creativity, intellectual freedom, innovation, and a healthy challenge of the status quo-these being to some extent associated with, or even symbolized by, so-called "beat- niks." , WHILE I REALIZE that your position would tend to involve you in apologizing for student "beat- niks," demonstrators, etc., and in maintaining a respectable image of the University, you should also recognize the importance to at least some alumni of the more dynamic qualities of a university as mentioned above. If your edi- torial reflects a dominant philos- ophy of the Alumni Assoc one that guides it in its priation of funds - I w trouble making future c tions to the association conscience. -G. T. Gardn News lip American Kultur comes nam: "We don't burn down hospitals they've got thou cause that's against the he added. "We just boo out and take all the medi -Detroit News,5 Another instructor, a se said some men in his u. cut off arms of dead Vie "because Charlie belie comes back to earth af ing to heaven and we want him coming back wi "The colonel madeu doing that," he said. HE WALKED slowly i of the students' bleacher onstrating the little flick wrist at waist level tha throw a blazing matchb to a straw hut withou seen. -Ben Z.] During several months of hearings, Sen. Ribicoff's sub- committee on urban affairs has been trying to discover whether a crash program can succeed in rehabilitating the nation's cities. Lewis Mumford, 71, for years the country's foremost au- thority in the field of technol- ogy and urban problems, testi- fied recently. His comments, excerpted from the committee record, are re- printed here in the first of a two-part series. By profession I am a writer- not an architect, an engineer, or a cityplanner; and though I have been a professor of city and re- gional planning at the University of Pennsylvania I have no wish to appear before you as an urb- an specialist, an "expert," an au- thority. But please do not read any false humility into this state- ment. All the colossal mistakes that have been made during the last quarter century in urban re- newal, highway building, trans- portation, land use, and recrea- tion have been made by highly qualified experts and specialists- and as regards planning, I should blush to be found in their com- pany ... SURELY it is time that there was a general realization of the fact that we must deliberately contrive a new urban pattern; one that will more effectively mo- bilize the immense resources of our great metropolises without ac- cepting the intolerable congestion that has driven increasing num- bers of people to seek-at what- ever sacrifice of time and social opportunity-at least a tempor- ary breathing space in less con- gested suburban areas. The new form of the city must be conceiv- ed on a regional scale. Not sub- ordinated to a single dominant center, but as a network of cities of different forms and sizes, set in the midst of publicly protected ciation- open spaces permanently dedicat- s appro- ed to agriculture and recreation. ill have In such a regional scheme the ontribu- metropolis would be only the first in good among equals. This is the organic type of city ner, '65 that' the technology of our time, the electric grid; the telephone, the radio, television, fast trans- ppings portation, information storage and transmission, has made possi- to Viet- ble. A handful of planners, notably Christopher Tunnard, has seen the n these implications of this new scale in ight be- urban planning. But most of our rules," planning authorities still remain t them like a scratched phonograph rec- cines." ord, with the needle stuck in the 5/7/67 old metropolitan groove. Many people, since the publication of ergeant, Jean Gottmann's monumental sur- nit had vey, have tried to take comfort et Cong in the thought that the present ves he disordered and disintegrating urb- ter go- an mass, which Gottmann has didn't popularized as "megalopolis." is hole." in fact the modern form of the us stop city, new, dynamic, and inevitable, whether we like it or not. -Ibid That is a silly idea, worthy only of a Marshall McLuhan or a Tim- in front othy Leary. You might say of this s dem- sprawling megalopolitan nonenti- of the ty, in McLuhan's terminology, that t could the mess is the message. And the ook in- more massive the mess, the more t being muddled the message. -Ibid NOW, I have had to explain to Rubin myself why the ideas we put for- ward during the last half cen- tury often proved politically and R financially acceptable, but only at the price of being sterilized, dehu- manized, and degraded. But the full explanation dawned on me R only recently in the course of an analysis I have been making on the basic assumptions and goals )nth she that have governed all large-scale aone. technology since the Pyramid Age "games in Egypt some 5000 years ago. "Agency From the earliest stages of civ- ith more ilization on, as I read the evidence, neously. the most striking advances in mass anted to technology have been the outcome ions the of centralized organizations, delib- ade on a erately expanding power in every a U.S. form-mechanical power, political Rights. power, .military power, financial ter. The power, and not least the scientific ie State power tof accurate analysis and rat they prediction-to achieve control over et on the both the natural environment and Budget awaiting any in- s of the hat they ing from the mat- 't even a 't a card to some- st. Later, Lled back f Budget on the Pend all per, and. u' they al- old. And derstands st intro- I asked nightlife We don't here . . ." do have -Associated Press the human community. The as- tounding mechanical success of these high-powered technologies is due to their method of systemat- ically breaking down ecological complexities by deliberately elim- inating the human factor ... The main point to observe is that there is a deep-seated antag- onism between a mechanistic, power-centered economy and the far older organic, life-centered economy; for a life economy seeks continuity, variety, orderly and purposeful growth. Such an econ- omy is cut to the human scale, so that every organism, every com- munity, every human being shall have the variety of goods and ex- periences necessary for the ful- fillment of his own individual life- course, from birth to death. The basis of a !life economy is a respect for 'organic limits. It seeks not the greatest possible quantity of any particular good, but the right quantity, of the right quality, at the right place and the right time, for the right purpose. Too muen of any one thing is as fatal to living organisms as too little. IN CONTRAST, a power econo- my is designed for the continuous expansion of a limited number of uniform goods-those are special- ly adapted to quantity production and remote control. Apart from enlarging thep rovince of mechan- ization and automation itself, the chief goal of this economy is to produce the greatest amount of power, prestige, or profit for the distant controllers of the mega- machine. Though these modern po'er sys- tems produce a maximum quanti- ty of highly specialized products -motor .cars, refrigerators, wash- ing machines, rockets, nuclear bombs-they cannot, on their own terms, do justice to the far more complex and varied needs of hu- man life, for these needs cannot be mechanized and automated, still less controlled and suppress- ed, without killing smething es- sential to the life of the organ- ism or to the self-respect of the human personality... For the last century, we Ameri- cans have been systematically in- doctrinated in the virtues of mass production and have accepted with unction the plethora of goods of- fered, in which even those on public relief now participate. But we have been carefully trained to Jook only at the plus side of the equation, and to close our eyes to the appalling defects and fail- ures that' issue from the very success of the megamachine we have created, No sound public policy in hous- ing and urban renewal can be for- mulated till we have reckoned with these liabilities. The overproduc- tion of motor cars has not only wrecked our once-efficient and well-balanced transportation sys- tem, and turned our big cities into hollow sheils, exploding with viol- ence; but it has polluted the air with lethal carbon monoxide, and even, with the use of lead in gaso- line, dangerously poisoned our wa- ter and food. The chemical in- dustry, in its undisciplined effort, to sell a maximum amount of its products, has poisoned our soils and our foods with DDT, malath- ion, and other deadly compounds, while heedlessly befouling our wa- ter supply with detergents. r* ii A 4 THE FOURTH ESTATE ... By RON KLEMPNEI Capitol Hill's Waste Maher. ZP .4I Waiting in the Wings HE REPUBLICAN PARTY is going to find itself hard put in choosing a sat- factory nominee for the 1968 presiden- al elections. Each prospective candidate seems to ort a fatal albatross: Romney contin- lly contradicts himself on foreign and mestic issues, and has made but few ends among members of the pres.; xon is a two-time loser; Reagan is mpletely unacceptable to the moderate ng of the party; Percy and Hatfield are th too dovish; and Rockefeller has en shunted aside by his .divorce. None of them, in short, is acceptable. e ideal GOP standard bearer should be irly young and attractive, have a beau- ul wife and seem to be a "winner." He ould have an acceptable war record he more medals, the better) and also familiar with the present Vietnam 'e Daily is a member of the Associated Press and legiate Press Service ummqr subscription rate: $2.00 per term by car- r; ($2.50 by mail) $4.00 for entire summer ($4.50 mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school r. )aily except Sunday and Monday during regular omer session. econd class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan Maynard St., Ann Arbor. Michigan. 48104, c..___,_ j~~.s._ 1 rf~r morass. Any positions of leadership in his past will be extremely helpful, but above all, he should be flexible and make himself attractive to all political camps. General Westmoreland? No, Premier Ky. rTHE TRUTH can now be told. "Nguy- en Cao Ky" was born Lin Dun in China- town, New York, working his way through CONY by stuffing fortune cookies in a local restaurant. Immediately after receiving his sheep- skin, he was contacted by the CIA which needed an undercover agent in Vietnam and which whisked him away to the mys- terious Far East. This, of course, means that he is now qualified to run for Presi- dent of the United St.tes. His campaign is already underway, al- though very few realize it. EVERYONE THINKS he's going to run for president of South Vietnam. Dont be fooled. Yesterday, Ky gave the first indication of ambitions that reach far beyond the Saigon presidential palace. He's sending up a trial balloon design- ed to tEst American public opinion, tnd to determine the extent of his popuhtr- ity here at home. If successful, he will withdraw from the Asian race-note how he gave himself an "out" by stating that he wouldn't run against General Thieu and return for hero's welcome on Fifth WASHINGTON - Those who think Detroit is the nation's larg- est one-industry town are going to be in for a surprise-Washing- ton beats them hands down. And what does this town on the Po- tomac, which John Kennedy call- ed a mixture of southern efficiency and northern hospitality, produce? Tons of used paper. Whenever a congressman or senator comes up with an opinion on anything from Vietnam to the significance of changing the date of Rumanian Independence Day from May 10 to May 9, hun- dreds of pages of press releases go out to every newspaper, maga- zine, radio-TV station, or sub-bu- reaucrat who might be interested. What is actually said, however, is rarely significant. The recip- ients aren't really interested in most congressmen's ideas; what is important is that it is a boost to their .egos to be on someone's mailing list. Conversely, congress- men retain their self-confidence when they can believe someone is listening to them. Then, of course, there are the tons of letters, imploring lawmak- ers to give opinions, asking for requests, and telling the represen- tatives where they can go. Each one must be politely answered tell- ing the correspondent how much their advice is valued, and along with the latest portrait of and news release from the congress- man. ed the entire bundle on to his un- suspecting constituent with the message: "I hope the enclosed ma- terial will contain the informa- tion you requested." Another source of used paper is provided by the Congressional Record. The day after each con- gressman places his words of wisdom in the Record, he orders two dozen or so copies (which run about 700 pages each), tears out the page or two on which his statement appears, and discards the remainder in the hallway, to be picked up and used as land fill in some Washington garbage dump. All this leads one to wonder who the men in Washington actually work for . . the national interest, or the interests of Kimberly-Clark' and International Papers. "Seven Days in May," a novel by Bailey and Knebel, contains all sorts of behind-the-scenes subter- fuge, military coups, and secret plots which are aimed at over- throwing the U.S. government. Nonsense. To bring Washington to a standstill, one would merely have to go around to all federal build- ings and confiscate every waste- paper basket. Within a day every- one would be steeped in his own trash, the government would be- come completely unable to carry on. HERE IS WHAT a typical at- tempt to unsnarl the wheels of the federal bureaucracy is like. A nnnrarman'g.Perarnv was told information, but next m is getting a push-button ph The greatest fun and can be found playing' Roulette-trying to deal w than one agency simulta For example, someone w learn what recommendat State Department had ma recent bill dealing with Commission on Human Apparently a small mat appropriate office in th Department declared th had forwarded their repor bill to the Bureau of the a month earlier, and were< clearance before releasing formation. The Bureau Budget, however, swore t had never received anyth the State Department ont ter, and that there wasn card filed on the subjec Washington if thereisn't filed or number given b thing, then it doesn't exi the State Department ca: to say that the Bureau o assured therm clearance matter within a month. Congressmen don't sp their time producing pa consuming phone lines ... so have images to uph anyone familiar with the circuit in Washington un this phenomenon. My fir duction to it came when someone what type of one might find in D.C. " have any Playboy Clubs h he renlid. " hut we 0'