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May 03, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-05-03

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'US Reduces
.In German y
Measure To
Help Retard
Gold Drain
Call Back 100 Planes;.,
$300 Million Savings
To Come from Moves
ed States will withdraw up to 35,-
000 troops and almost 100 air-
9planes from West Germany next
year, saving. an estimated $100
million spent abroad, under an
agreement reached last week .
among this, country, Great Britain
and West Germany.
The agreement, announced yes-
terday, was reached after five
-=months of negotiations on the cru-."
cial issue of keeping as many
American troops in Germany as
possible while cutting back on the
drain of America's gold reserve.
Details of Agreement
Details of the agreement, part-
ly spelled out in a State Depart- AUS AIE OEE I
ment announcement and partly AUS AIE OEE I
explained by U.S. officials, are as rifle and hangs~ on He awaits ev,
follows: at the Laotian border in Southv
1 The United States now has and are battling for another in t;
225,000 ground troops in the six
divisions of the 7th Army in West
Germany, and 35,000 Air Force 1
squadrons-of 200 planes. It will I eS 3 lc r
withdraw up to 35,000 men and
less than 100 planes beginning 4
Jan. 1, 1968. The 35,000 men con- Ha l
troops--two brigades-168,000 to
18,000 support units, and about 6,= SAIGON (A) - U.S. Marines
000 Air Force personnel. claimed possession of the south
* West Germany agrees to buy rdeo il81ls ih n
between July 1967 and June 1968 rdeo il81ls ih n
$500 million in special, non-mar- battled on to drive North Vietnam-
ketable, medium term U.S. Treas- ese regulars from other high,
ury securities and promises to con- grouind overlooking enemy inf i-
tinue its military purchases in tration routes from Laos.]
this country without committing ',We think Hill 881 South is
itself, however, on the value of pyial cuid u o e
4 these purchases. Pyial cuid u o e
American officials estimate cured," said a spokesman at the
that these offset purchases will big Marine base at Da Nang.
reach $300 million a year and as Heavy action in the hills below
U.S. troops in West Germany cause the border demilitarized zone, in
a net outflow of $800 million a the central highlands and in the,
year, this could be offset by the 'Mekong River Delta coincided with
two pronged arrangement. an announcement of the war's big-a
Additional Plans gest blow by U.S. fighter bombers
*Britain now has about 55,-. against North Vietnam's ,MIG
000 men in its army of the Rhine. fleet-destruction of 11 of the
It would withdraw onekbrigade of Soviet built fighters.1
5000 to 6000 men and one squad- . Aerial Attacks
ron of about 20 planes.
" Britain will get from the The U.S. Command said Amer-
West Germans $150 million in the lcan planes shot down three and
* form of offset purchases, but it destroyed eight on the ground
claims that keeping its soldiers Monday at two air bases-Kep, 37!
in, West Germany costs $230 mil- miles northeast of Hanoi, and Hoa3
lion. To help close the gap' the Lac, .20 miles west of the Coi-
United States promises to make. munist capital.
°military purchases in value of The total of 11 compared with
j $19.6 million in Britain. the previous high of seven Jan. 2.
World News Roundup
WASHINGTON - As Congress Rapacki is the first Polish gov-
waited for President Johnson to erment official to visit Turkey
4 recommend ways to settle the rail- since World War II.'
road wage dispute, he signed into The visit is part of Turkey's f-
law yesterday a bill delaying for forts to improve its relations with
47 more days any strike by craft the Communist countries of East-
* shop workers. jern Europe.

The signing took place at 1 p.m. * * *
In the absence of the law, the six ATHENS-Premier Constantine
unions would have beenfree after Kollias indicated last night the
midnight to strike 90 per cent of Greek military government might
the railroads serving the nation. be willing to allow'some show of
There have been two previous opposition.
strike bans-a 60 day one under
the Railroad Labor Act and a 20 He told a news conference that
day extension earlier by Congress. "certain unlawful activities" were
* * * not being suppressed by the state
ANKARA - Foreign Minister and claimed this proved the sta-
Rapacki of Poland arrived in An-
kara yesterday for a five day visit bility of the new government, in-
as guest of Foreign Minister Ihsan stalled after a right wing officers'
Sabri. coup April 21.

b y 3



England To
Ask Market
Wilson Plans Talks on
Issues; Tact Support
Given by 5 Countries
LONDON (A) - Prime Minister'
Harold Wilson announced yester-
day the long expected British bid
to join Europe's Common Market
to make it an economic community
of 300 million people capable of!
challenging the political and econ-
omic strength of the United States
and the Soviet Union.
Four years after President Char-'
les de Gaulle of France vetoed
Britain's first try to join the Com-
mon Market, Wilson set his coun-
try again on a risky course that,
if it fails, could set back European
unity for decades and humiliate
the British. Even if Britain gets in,
building a more powerful Europe
on the foundations laid down by
the market countries will be
enormously difficult.
The formal British application
for full membership in the 10-
year-old European Economic Com-
munity-as the Common Market
is formally called-will be sub-
mitted next 'week after the Labor
government wins what is con-
sidered certain endorsement from
Makes Other Applications
Britain will also apply to enter
the European Coal and Steel Com-
munity and the European Atomic
Energy Agency, both run by EEC
members. Talks could start when
EEC leaders meet in Rome May 29.
Wilson took pains to present the
British bid in a way that would
make it hard for De Gaulle to
resist this time. He spoke not of
British conditions for membership
but of major issues he said would
have to-be negotiated.
These included a transition per-
iod to allow British farmers to
adjust to EEC regulations, ar-
rangement to permit Britain to
phase out its trade preferences for
Commonwealth nations, terms, to
protect Britain's partners in the
European Free Trade Association
and safe guards against devalu-
ation of the British pound.
No French Welcome
There was no sign of an open
welcome from France, although
sources in Paris said De Gaulle
may be somewhathmore favorable
to Britain than he was in 1963.
But Wilson has had private as-
surances from the other five
market members-West Germany,
Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands
and Luxembourg-thtat they want
Britain to join them.

South Korean Estimates 80 Pt
Turnout for National Election

SEOUL, South Korea (A) - A compaign, Park told a news con-
turnout of about 10 million voters ference yesterday he needs to be
--nearly 80 per cent of the elec- re-elected to complete his eco-
torate-is expected in South Ko- nomic programs for the country.,
rea's presidential election today. Park's major achievements have
Advance indications are that it been political and economic sta-
will be the nation's most peace- bility-things South Koreans have
ful postwar election. not had since independence from
Forecasters say President Chung Japan in 1945.,
Hee Park, 49, an army general On the interational front, Park
turned politician, will be re-elect- normalized relations with Japan,'
ed to a four year term. They sent Korean troops to South Viet-
say he will win by a margin of nam and helped set up a regional
500,000 votes. grouping known as the Asian and
Park is opposed by Yun Po Sun, Pacific Council.
69, a former president, and four Alleged Corruption
splinter candidates who are not Yun's attack against the ruling
expected to come close. Democratic Republican party has
Winding up a bitter one month been based largely on alleged cor-
GOP Supports Johnson,
Ends Dissention in Party

ruption in the government.
In a separate news confere
yesterday, Yun, candidate of
Shinmin-New Democratic-p
ty renewed his charges that
government was planning to
the election.
Park denied opposition chat
that his pro-American governr
is planning to send 50,000 m
troops to South Vietnam, a r
firmly opposed by Yun's party.
The people have seemed to c
tinue their daily pursuits witl
paying much attention to the e
Premier Chung Il Kwon, in
interview on the eve of the e
tion yesterday, said: "This is
most peaceful election since
dependence. The people are co
erating with the government."
Chung said he expected a m1
gin of at least one million in
government's favor.
"We hpe terwfl be a t
out of at least 11 million," he sa
North Korea Harassment
The government's claim o
peaceful election is supported
diplomatic sources who say t.
has not been a single case of v
ence reported.
The North Korean Commur
have stepped up their haras.
attacks in an attempt to cre
disturbances during the elec
and diversion from the econo
and political stability in Sc
A government source said
Communist agents who had fil
ed in from North Korea by 1
and sea have been arrested
killed since Jan. 1.
There are presently over 40
South Korean troops stationed
South Vietnam assisting 450
American troops. The Kor
troops were praised last week
Gen. Westmnoreland in his spe
before the Congress as an exan
of a strong free Asian army.

-Associated Press
TH MUD and wounded from battle, grasps the butt of his MI6
vacuation from Hill 881. Marines stormed the hill, near Khe Sanh
Vietnam, for two days. Marines took control of the hill yesterday
the northwest corner of the country.
tesSeize Hill 8
r Attacks Continue

WASHINGTON (R)- Sidelining
a critical staff report, Senate Re- ;
publicans. announced yesterday
they were standing foursquare be-
hind President Johnson's Vietnam
war course.
Their leader, Sen. Everett M.
Dirksen of Illinois. came out of
Walter Reed Army Hospital to cool
quickly a boiling kettle of dissent
set off by the report's contention
that Johnson w a s assuming
enormous discretionary powers
and its suggestion that the GOP
ought not to take any respon-
sibility for Democratic "mistakes."
Consensus Supports Statement.
Dirksen said the consensus at
the closed GOP Policy Committee
meeting supported his statement.
"Its most pointed passage said
"reserving wholly the right to full
and fair inquiry and criticism, we
reiterate our whole-hearted sup-
port of the commander in chief of
our armed forces. We reaffirm our
position of standing foresquare be-
hind him and our field, air and
sea commanders in Southeast
Asia, as with our superb fighting
men, they fight to win this strug-
gle against Communist aggres-
Before the minority leaders ar-
rived on the scene, Sen. George:
D. Aiken of Vermont, dean of the
GOP members, fired off a series
of statements in which he said the
Johnson administration was so
tied to the policy of demanding
enemy capitulation it "cannot
achieve an honorable peace in

The Republican leader, who has
supported Johnson's war policies
when other party members were
criticizing them, said some at the
meeting 'wanted to go further in
the statement "and some not quite
so far.".
Argument over Release
There was a great deal of ar-
gument over whether the critical
staff report should ever have been
made public.
1 Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper of
Iowa, chairman of the GOP coin-
mittee, said it was not intended
as "a political document or a cam-
paign document."
However, Sen. Mark 0. Hotfield
of Oregon, a critic of Johnson's
policies, said in a statement he
thought the report "will be of
great value to us in proposing al-
ternatives to administration poli-
cies which have been unable to
bring either victory or solution."

All the latter were destroyed in
In a delayed report, however,
the U.S. Command announced the
loss of three Air Force F105 Thun-
derchiefs and their crew men over
North Vietnam Sunday and said
MIGs downed two. This brought
to 528 the numberf of planes of-
ficially listed as lost north of the
Intensify Bombing
The dogfighting record stood at
48 MIGs shot down against the
destruction of 15 American planes.
Following the first attacks on
MIG bases April 24, reports from
Washington said the strikes were
intended only as warnings to
North Vietnam. The intensity of
the air blows since, however, ap-
peared toeindicatea concerted ef-
fort is being made to knock out
North Vietnam's air power.
U.S. officials here would not
comment on this prospect, but it
is common knowledge that some
military men have long been
urging such action. The Hanoi
regime is estimated, with replace-
ments for at least some battle
losses, to have from 100 to 150
MIGs, six IL28 bombers and a few
Soviet transport helicopters.
Secure Prime Positions
The major Marine objective in
an 8 day old operation in the
jungled northwest corner of South
Vietnam is to deny the enemy
control of three prime firing posi-
tions-Hill 81 South, its twin 'Hill
81 North, and Hill 861. A Marine
officer estimated a North Viet-
namese regiment, perhaps 2,500
men, formed the opposition.
Rain, clouds and 40 mile per
hour winds whipped the battle
zone yesterday, limiting allied air
strikes and supply missions. Field
dispatches filed before noon listed
96 Marines killed and 276 wound-
ed and 333 of the enemy counted
dead since the opening clash and
said casualties were mounting.
Other action included a clash
between a U.S. 9th Infantry Divi-
sion company and a Viet Cong
force estimated at 100 or more
men on a flank of the Mekong

River Delta about 20 miles soyth-j
west of Saigon. Initial reports said
40 Viet Cong and 16 Americans
were killed. Forty eight Americans
were wounded.
Gen. William C. Westmoreland,
returning from a visit to the Unit-
ed States, said he expects heavy
ground fighting to continue below
the demilitarized zone. The Ha-
noi regime last year attempted two
invasions inf orce across this zone
which was established by the Ge-
neva agreement of 1954 as a buffer
"I believe the enemy will make
a considerable effort in that area."
the commander of U.S. forces inj
Vietnam said.

Vote Ends Long's Tax Play
Six-Week Battle in Senat

wound up a bitter six week floor
fight yesterday by voting against
a plan to help finance presidential
election campaigns with $1 income
tax contributions.
The effect of the 52-46 vote was
to keep tied to a tax bill a rider
that would repeal the campaign
financing plan of Sen. Russell B.
Long (D-La),' and endorsed by

British Wives and Children
Start on Exodus from Aden

Election Implications President Johnson
He urged Republicans to prom- It was a sharp defeat for Long
ise a new look at Asian policies and for the administration, but
in 1968. Long had indicated'before the vote
Asked in a corridor news. con- that if he lost he might carry
ference if he was saying that on the fight.
Johnson was putting politics above Decisive Test
the national interest, Aiken re- However, advocates of repeal de-
plied: "The President. does not clared they are confident yester-
want to be defeated in 1968. He day's vote, the fifth taken on the
wants the war brought to an end rider, was the decisive test.
on his own terms.-the capitula- The Long proposal would make
tion of the enemy." available to each party up to $30
While the critical report and million in government funds for
Aiken's comments obviously pleas- next year's presidential campaign.'
ed the war critics among the Re- Each taxpayer could earmark $1
publicans, they fell silent when for the fund on his tax return.
Dirksen got them behind closed It was enacted last year but wasn't
doors and admonished them about scheduled to go into effect until
criticizing the commander; in chief July 1.
in time of war. Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tenn),

sponsored the repealer which
attached as a rider to a tax mf
ure that would restore the se
per cent investment credit
machinery and 'equipment
also accelerated depreciation n
on income producing buildings
Excess Power
Gore and his'supporters con
the Long plan would give nati
political leaders too much pa
but Long argued that a fea
subsidy is necessary because 01
tremendous increase in the cos
national campaigning.
Strong sentiment reportedly
building up in the Senate to s
the campaign fund fight and
action on the business incen
tax bill to which it was attac
In the two weeks of maneuve
the Senate had voted five t
on the repealer side winning t
before yesterday's balloting.
Democratic leader Mike M
field of Montana contended
tax bill is most imoprtant to b
nes because of special incen
it would restore. He said the c
in a vote during the past six wi
has left business in a quan
as to the fate of the legislatic

ADEN (MP)-British wives and
children began a mass exodus,
from Aden yesterday, the start of
civilian and military withdrawals
leading up to independence next
year for this South Arabian base
once a key link in Britain's sea
routes to Asia and the Pacific.
As the first dependents left,
British authorities conferred on
threat of vengeance against Brit-
ish woman, children and old men
in reprisal for a school bus ex-
plosion Sunday in which at least
eight Arab children and their
driver were killed.
Evacuation of about 8,000 de-
pendents is to be completed by the
end of July. The only European
women in Aden's British military
compounds then will be about 200
girls in the women's services.
Leaflet Threatens Reprisal
The first batch of 270 depend-
ents left by passenger liner and
military charter planes after their
baggage was collected by trucks
under armed escort and searched

for possible terrorist bombs.
A leaflet distributed by the
People's Organization of Revolu-
tionary Forces, an Egyptian sup-
ported group, had threatened re-
taliation for the bus explosion,
which it said was caused by a
Oritish planted antitank mine.
British authorities have said the
mine was planted by terrorists in
an effort to destroy a British
armored vehicle.
First Direct Attack
It was the first threat directly
against British dependents in
three years of terrorist activities.
The British command said after
conferring with Gov. Sir Richard
Turnbull it planned no major
changes in policy.
British troops set up road blocks
throughout Aden, searching mo-
torists and pedestrians for weap-
ons and explosives. Aden's harbor
and business areas returned al-
most to normal following Mon-
day's strike called by Arab nation-

I. Ia

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