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May 11, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-05-11

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Warmer tomorrow,
rain possible

Seventy-Six Years, of Editorial Freedom


College Representatives Hold
'Day of Inquiry' on Vi et War
By JILL CRABTREE New York and co-director of the dropped, however, because of the
Representatives from over 150 project, explained that "we are difficulties of organizing such an
collepesheldntatifromalove convinced that if the majority of effort in the summer when many
colleges held a national "Day ofm} the American public is presented students are gone and some stu-
Inquiry" into the war in Vietnam the true alternatives to the gov- dent organizations are not operat-
at campuses across the country ernment's present policy, they will ing.
yesterday. feel as we do," and join in oppo- Twenty eastern campuses were
The objective of the program, sition to the war. connected by telephone hook-up
held at nearly 50 campuses, was Not Here to the "Day of Inquiry" held at
to inform the public about rea- Bruce Kahn, '68, president of Harvard, where John Kenneth
sons for opposing American poli- Student Government Council, was Galbraith, former U.S ambassa-
cies in Vietnam. contacted two weeks ago about dor to New Delhi and chairman
Peter H. Johnson, a student at University participation in the of the peace-oriented Americans
Union Theological Seminary in program. Kahn said the plan was,, for Democratic Action, gave a key

State Board


mittee on student records last night. A repo
Assembly late last month was rejected beca
versial Article Three involving the discretio
vice president for student affairs in the re
The report was subsequently returned t
committee by the parent administrative cor
records. Assembly had been represented on t
to place the issue of the 5/2 mill school tay o
ballot for the June 12 election. The proposed
to raise teachers' salaries in public schools, wa
5620 to 5273.
decided this week to terminate two contract
research projects being conducted for the a
transfer them to some other institution "as so
The decision came after Dr. Albert S.
professor of physical biochemistry, and at le
leagues had threatened to wear gas masks
mencement in protest of the projects. "The
heal all wounds," said Mildvan, when the

--* _ - Michigan State University was
also hooked up to the Galbraith
speech, and the MSU student
newspaper, the State News, re-
ported on Galbraith's speech: "We
have two wars going on," Gail-
braith said. "One against aggres-
sion in Vietnam and one against
those who have stacked the chips
in military decisions."
He explained that he was re-
fering to policy-makers whose
reputations would suffer from a
chose a new com- withdrawal, or other change in
)rt presented to the policy. "Now we are saving the
, reputation of those who have
tuse of the contro- made such investments in error."
nary power of the Commanger, Fairbanks
leasing of sensitive Other speakers at Harvard in-
cluded Henry Steele Commanger,
professor of history at Amherst,
o the drafting sub- and John Fairbanks, director of
mmittee on student the East Asian Research Center
his special drafting at Harvard and author of numer-
ous books on China's position in
the world.
The "Day of Inquiry" grew out
ON voted last night of a January meeting between Sec-
n te bardelection retary of State Dean Rusk and 80
nthebar, n d student leaders. Students weresdis-
I icreseintnde Isatisfied with Rusk's answers to
s defeated Monday, their questions on American ob-
jectives in Vietnam, and decided
that massive education programs
were needed.
istees unanimously A summer program "manned
s for germ welfare and conceived by student body
rmed forces, or to presidents" to educate the non-
oon as practicable." student public is planned for the
Mildvan, assistant summer.
At the University of Chicago,
east 11 of his col- Mohammed Ali spoke on "The
to the May com- Black Man and the War in Viet-
time has come to nam." To an audience numbering
announcement was 2,500 he said, "In the ring you
have a referee, but war's intention
is to kill, kill, kill."

Of Education~
Takes Stand
Against Plans To Stop
Public Worker Roles
With Labor Grdups I
LANSING (M)-The State Board
of Education yesterday took a;
stand against proposed changes inz
the Public Employment Relations
Act of 1965.
The proposals, awaiting consid-
eration by the House of Repre-
sentatives, would forbid public
employes to join or be affiliated
with a labor organization which
asserts the right to strike against
The bill also would provide that
circuit court judges must enjoin,
actual or threatened public em-
ploye strikes. It would create a
public employe relations panel re-
sponsible for fact-finding if me-
diation of a public employe dispute
The board voted 6-0, with James,
O'Neil abstaining and Leroy Au-I
genstein absent, to adopt the res-
"In only a handful of cases (of GOVERNMENT POLICE CARRY an antiwar demonstrator from
contract negotiations) was there protesters wait their turn in the mass eviction. T he demonstrators
a temporary failure to reach just noon and were permitted to stay inside the Pent agon Tuesday nig
settlements," the resolution said, darkness fell and carted them all away.
"The State Board of Education ------ ----
is convinced that the 1965 leg- r a
islation deserves an unhampered !STATE PLANNING:
opportunity to continue to prove
its workability."
The State Board of Education tab lish m e nt C o
also will seek more information
before finally approving Michi-
gan's new teacher certification
Th e board decided to delay the Sows Ed cational
final stamp of approval until its
next meeting May 23-24.
Special 90-day permits for By WALLACE IMMEN not important, as long as it gives
full representation to student bod-
teachers have been under fire by The advisory committees pre- ies of the state's schools.
the Michigan Education Associa- paring a State Plan for coordina- Formation of the citizen com-
suc whichpe twants to do away with tion of Higher Education Programs nittee is being discussed present-
such. pemt. -ectzn il rbbyb
The hoard said it wanted to are still "quite a way from com- ly.c The citizens will probably be
gradually tighten up requirements pleting their work," even though nominated for membership. Smith
for teachers over a 20-year per- they have been asked to submit doesn't want educators themselves,
iod. One goal set was the elimi- their preliminary reports by but claims that the committee is
nation of the teaching permit re- June 15. bound to be composed of people
quiring the least number of hours Harold Smith, director of the known for their interest in edu-.
of study by July of 1970.
Another goal was mandatory State Plan Project, reported yes- cation.
adoption of the code by the state's terday that the process has been Smith expressed hope that the
teacher education institutions by' J'slow because of the time involved public will be more well informed
the same date. in establishing the committees. on the operation of a state plan
Now, however, all but two are in
full operation, and he remains
hopeful that they can complete Lynd B egins
their work by the end of October.
He explained that the forma- J
gersthe last two committees, ,
student and citizen, will be made

-Associated Press
the Pentagon last night as other
started their vigil Tuesday after-
ght. However, police moved in as
immit tees
~rro gram
before it is put into operation,
hopefully by the end of the year.
"We should come out with an
excellent state plan.
"Needs for education must be
matched with programs being of-
fered at all levels and the over-
tlaps and gaps eliminated. This
needs to be done continuously, and
that is why we are doing our
planning in such depth," he ex-
According to Smith, the major
consideration now is not the speed.
of the plan's implementation, but
rather, its contents.
lob in Chicago
811g Project

Ousted From
GSA Police Evict
Viet Demonstrators
After All-Night Vigil
WASHINGTON () - Anti-war
demonstrators singing "We Will
Overcome" were carried by gov-
ernment police from inside the
Pentagon last night after a vigil
of more than 29 hours.
Prior to their eviction, the 18
young men and women listened to
a government security official
read to them regulations banning
"unwarranted 1 o i t e r i h g" and
"sleeping or assembly" in govern-
ment buildings.
The demonstrators apparently
had settled down for a second
night outside the offices .of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff where they
had squatted in varying numbers
since Tuesday afternoon.
It appeared that the government
officials decided to oust them after
most of the television and news
camera crew had left, believing
that another eventful night long
session was ahead.
N. Robert Karacher, chief of'
central protective force for Region
3 of the General Services Admin-
istration, told the demonstrators
that they were in violation of rules
and regulations governing the use
of public buildings and grounds.
GSA h a n d 1 e s housekeeping
chores and security in government'
buildings, including the Pentagon.
Among other things, Karacher
cited a ban on distributing leaflets
and handbills. The demonstrators
had given out thousands of these
to passersby in the Pentagon core
ridors. .
Karacher also read regulations
specifying that admittance to pub-
lic buildings after working hours
is restricted to individuals having
proper credentials.
The demonstrators crouched in
a circle linking arms, swaying side
to side, and began to sing softly.
They offered no resistance as
policemen carried them out -and '
deposited them outside the front
The eviction came after part of
the group, equipped with a guitar,
flowers and food, had announced
an intention to start an indefinite
live-in at the Pentagon today.
The four women demonstrators
were carried out in stretchers,
presumably for decorum's sake.
Outside the Pentagon river en-
trance, the demonstrators huddle
on their haunches.
As the demonstrators were being
removed, the Defense Department
issued a statement saying it
"strongly supports the right ,of
peaceful and responsible dissent."
"Therefore, officials who are
responsible for safety and security
have been instructed to ask, all
visitors without passes to leave,
and to ensure prompt comnpliance
with this request."
Normally access to the Pentagon
is barred between 6 p.m. and 7
p.m. to anybody lacking a pass:
Asked why this action was not
taken Tuesday night, a Pentagon
spokesman said "the new element
today was their announced plan
for a 'live-in'."
A spokesman said the eviction
was approved by Deputy Secre-
tary' of Defense Cyrus R. Vance,
who was in charge in the absence
of Secretary Robert S. McNamara,
who was away for a NATO meet-
ing in Paris.
The demonstrators, protesting
against the war in Vietnam, said
they were members of the Com-
mittee for Nonviolent Action.

Columbia Professors Warn of [
In Overdependence on Nuclear

as soon as the numerous problems
Winvolved with their formation are
W e p o s ironed out.' This he noted, will
take several months.
The reports from all committees'
man owes service to the govern- will be made to the Study Steering
ment as another "depressing" Committee, which will compile
habit of power. their recommendations into a
Draft Is Necessity State Plan (previously known as


Special To The Daily .
ST. LOUIS, Mo. - Prof. Law-
rence Henry O'Neill, director of
Columbia University's Electronic
Research Laboratories. and an
advisor to the Department of De-
fense on ballistic missile defense,
said in a speech here to Colum-
bia and Barnard alumni that "cur-
rent dissent is an essential re-
straint to the almost unbeliev-
able powers nuclear weapons haye
" given to us."
O'Neill and two other Columbia
professors, Nobel prize winner I.
I. Rabi and William T. R. Fox,
are traveling around the country
speaking to alumni groups in or-
der to maintain contact between
the university and alumni and
4 raise funds for Columbia. The St.
Louis. Council on World Affairs, a
private organization, oined the
alumni group in sponsoring the

O'Neill said, "Too much confi-j
dence in ballistic missile defense
systems is unwise when we con-
sider the extremely complex na-
ture of their retaliatory powers.1
We must not let military power1
lead us to trample on rights of
others, and our own basic demo-1
cratic rights-we must always be
prepared to put aside our instru-
ments of destruction."
Attacks Public Apathy
Rabi, a former head of the Gen-
eral Assembly Committee to the
Atomic Energy Commission, also
warned that the public was put-l
ting too much faith in a massivet
defense system.
"The coming of age of nuclear
power," Rabi warned, "means
every coun'try will produce mas-
sive amounts of plutonium from
which bombs can be easily made. '
Once a small country gets the po-
tential for atomic weapons, they 1

are going to be understandably
unwilling to give it up."'
He cited the lack of public con-
cern over this situation as one of

-a+a VYa V J.N i\ lL{iagl V J

the chief reasons for the failure "We should never forget that
to reach a non-proliferation the draft is only a military nec-
agreement which would prevent essity. It is not the function of
the spread of nuclear information government to tell us how to spend
to small countries. our youth by demanding service in
Allied Difficulties the Peace Corps or Vista."
Fox, director of Columbia's In- "The U.S. is often insensitive to
stitute of War and Peace Stud- our allies' desire to maintain a
ies, brought out difficulties in ne- major deterrent system as in the
gotiating non-proliferation with ,Anglo-American conflict over the
our European allies. Skybolt missile. Fox emphasized
"The United States does not thedffenehp , f1haof

have the right or indeed the power
to impose our will everywhere and
in every situation. We must rec-
ognize that our great strength is
something we have because we
have been blessed with great re-
sources, and it is not inherently
a measure of our virtue."

uiu..t. t.,a.u., l gt uweell vle a,,,
the U.S. to avoid nuclear war and
our NATO allies' aim to avoid sub-
nuclear war, but felt the impasse
was loosening.
However, he said any troop
withdrawal must involve caution.
"We must maintain the strength
of our European allies if we intend

a Master plan), to coordinate the
planning of curricula and growth
in the state's colleges and univer-
The Steering Committee, in
turn, will report to the State
Board, through which the plan
will operate.
The Steering Commitee is the
only one which has made reports,
but these have not as yet been
made public. No official action is
being taken so far because the
Board wants to keep the prelim-
anary plan as flexible as possible
so that changes can be made as
other work is completed..
A joint meeting will be held at
the University on May 23 to bring
together academic executives from
the various state schools to meet
with the Steering Committee in an
attempt to determine the most
feasible menas of instituting statea
planning of higher education.
Smith reported formation of the
student committee will probably
have to wait until full academic
programs reconvene in the fall.
He plans to consult with student
leaders on the most equitable se-
lection of representatives. He
claimed the committee's size was

Stuaghton Lynd, assistant pro-?
fessor of history at Yale Univer-
sity, has received a year's leave
of absence from New Haven to
work without pay for the Chicago
Organizing School, a recently
formed training center for com-
munity organizers.
Lynd, whose visit to Hanoi 16
months ago with former Daily
Editor Tom Hayden and Herbert
Aptheker catapulted him to the
forefront of the peace movement,
will also teach part-time at Chi-
cago's Roosevelt University. Lynd
will teach a first-semester grad-
uate seminar in his specialty,
radicalism in the colonial and
early national periods of American
It is thought that the move will
reduce Lynd's already slight
chance of receiving Yale tenure
when his case is considered in the
spring of 1968. His 5-year contract
with Yale expires in 1969. Lynd
was told in the fall of 1966 by
the Yale history department chair-
man that his chances for tenure
were "miniscule."
Trains Organizers
The Chicago Organizing School
is designed to train people in or-
ganizing impoverished communi-
ties into centers of radical oppo-
sition to existing political and

community organizers school. But
it's going to be different from
schools like the Free University of
New York with which I was asso-
ciated. Here all the students will
be doing research in the city which
is tied to the needs of community
"For example, they will be ex-
amining questions like 'Who are
the landlords?' or 'How does the
local selective service system
operate?' During the evening,
seminars will be held. I will teach
one on American radicalism.. I
will also teach a course on the
history of community organizers
in the United States. Of course,
once I get to Chicago other tasks
will develop."
Lynd stressed his own limited
role in Chicago. "The operation
will be run by the people; white
and Negro; who are doing the
community organizing in Chicago.
They will run the program. I will
merely be a resource person. I will
not take part in running the
School," he said.

In addition
he sighted the

to fear of dissent, to avoid World War III. Hardly
idea that the young anyone knows that 80 per cent ofi
the Soviet forces are still in Eur-
ope or European Russia."
In response to a question aboutl
the international consequences of
the U.S. accepting a defeat in
South Vietnam, Fox said, "The
~' >s fact that Indonesian generals
I chose not to join the coup that
t failed could be more evidence that
the Asians feel the U.S. will be
around for a long time."

Radical School Group Splits
With SDS Over Autonomy

Post-Service Reserve
Requirement Under Fire!
WASHINGTON (AP)-Sen. Rich- Vietnam military manpower of
ard B. Russell (D-Ga.) disclosed some 2.7 million, he said.
yestrda he lan totry to end As the Senate debated the draft,I
yesterday he plans tot the Pentagon issued its highest
the requirement that men drafted draft call of this year, 19,900 men
for two years of military service 1 for the Army in July. That is up'


economic conditions. It is com- By SUSAN ELAN and pamphlets, as well as aid in
posed of a series of Chicago com- j Associate Managing Editor eampus organizing on such issues
munity organizations, both white The Radical Education Project as the draft and student power.
and Negro. The leading white or- (REP), created by the National But according to REP member
ganization is the JOIN Communi- Council of Students for a Dem- Evi Goldfield, "REP was not in-
ty Union on Chicago's North Side, ocratic Society (SDS) about a year tended to be an organizing device
made up primarily of poor whites ago, recently split with SDS. for teacher-organizers. It has
from Appalachia. Among the Ne- The National Council of SDS other priorities. REP does not
gro organizations involved are the voted in April to move the head- want to be taken over by the Na-
Student Woodlawn Project and quarters of REP from Ann Arbor tional Office (SDS)."
the West Side Organization. to Chicago where the national Though REP was initiated by
Lynd, in an interview with The SDS office is located. REP was { SDS it was set up as a legally
Daily, revealed the rationale be- not willing to terminate activities autonomous organization in order
hind the school: "The people who in Ann Arbor. to facilitate obtaining a tax ex-
are doing the organizational vwrk REP was originally created to empt status which it has not yet
in Chicago believe that alone they undertake the problem of internal obtained.
are weak." he said. "There are education of the SDS member- Long Range Projects

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