[I L
ell Marcus.
Vin Singles
Special To The Daily
MSU' Batmen Beat
WMU Broncs 7-2'
Bouts Set To Replace
Clay at Heavyweigli
v v - I l4sk-e WMM..W- AMb-
ate Spartans fought a nip-
id-tuck battle on their home
urts yesterday to edge past the
.ichigan tennis team 5-4.
By spitting the singles matches
id muscling their way past the
'olverines in the first two dou-
e matches, the Spartans were
ble to pull themselves within
le point of the league-leading
dlves just nine days shy of the
restern Conference tennis tour-
"I'm pleased that we won four,"
,id Wolverine Coach Bill Mur-
iy. "There were several close
atches and we're in pretty good
:ape for our up-coming meets."
Dick Dell continued on his hot
in streak as number one singles
ayed for Michigan with a 6-4,
-3 pasting of Spartan Chuck
The other standout performance
the match was turned in by the
ird Michigan doubles team of
I Waits and Bob Pritula who
ok on their victorious Spartan
ngles opponents Dick Dhooge and
m. Phillips and handed them a
.fty 6-8, 7-5, 9-7 loss.
Murphy termed that match the
finest they've done to date."
Brian Marcus bested Rich Mon-
i for Michigan's second set, 6-4,
6, 8-6. Likewise Pete Fishback
imped Mickey Szilagyi 8-6, 6-1.
The Spartans proved strong in
e backup positionls as John
oode from MSU defeated Ron
eeguarden 7-, 5-7, 6-4; Dhooge
'opped Waits in three sets 6-2,
6, 6-4, and Phillips overpowered
:itula 6-0, 6-1.
Special To The DailyC
KALAMAZOO-Michigan came
on like a power-house of pent-1
up energy to explode againstj
Western Michigan's baseball teamf
yesterday for a 7-2 victory thati
wiped out an anomalous loss lastE
week at the hands of the Broncos,
Wolverine outfielder Keith Spi- t
N. cei twice drove in Les Tanona,
Michigan's first baseman, who had
preceded him with doubles both
times. Tanona went three for five,
in batting.
-.:'The Wolverine victory went to'
2 Geoff Zahn who pitched the first
four innings. Zahn's mark now
stands at 7-1. He was relieved by
Bill Zepp in the fifth who gave
up two runs to WMU in the fifth'
inning. Larry Guidi hurled the
last two frames.{
The Michigan nine were rained
out of successive doubleheaders
over the weekend, Illinois on Fri-
jay and Purdue on Saturday. The
Sunday make-up contest with
Purdue died a-borning as the field
was still in wet form.
Spicer's RBI's came in the first
with a double and in the third
s when he singled Tanona home.
Second baseman Rick Sygar in-1
creased the Wolverine lead in the1
fourth with a two-run single that
sent Zahn and third baseman
::... Glenn Redmon scampering for
hicago Cubs Ron Santos' smash home.dn
to the ubs. 4Redmon also drove in a run in1
o the Cubs. the seventh and had two hits.
Michigan scored a run in the1
NEW YORK {) - A tentative
four-bout schedule for an elimi-
was rained-out of one weekend nation tournament to determine
game. Michigan is now 5-3 in the the successor to heavyweight
league. champion Cassius Clay was out-
Minesota faces a stiff series of fined yesterday by Michael Malitz,
four twin bills, two each weekend ! president of a new promoting
including a Saturday affair here' firm to be known as Sports Ac-
at the Wolverines' lair. tion, Inc.
Michigan also plays Iowa in a In the meantime, there were
twin bill on Friday and wins up reports that Clay wants to fight'
the season the following weekend at least three contenders outside
with two games with Michigan the United States while under in-
State on separate days. dictment on a charge of refusing
to be drafted into the armed
LINE SCORE forces.
Malitz said previously that sev-
MICHIGAN 101 200 210 en of eight contenders listed by
WMU 000 020 000 the New York State Commission
Zahn, Zepp, Guidi; Nelson. and the World Boxing Association
Hall, Mays; Brown. WP-Zahn had agreed to participate in the
(6-1); LP-Hall. tourney. Only Joe Franzier of
Philadelphia was uncommitted.
Tentative Schedule
Ta Il * According to Malitz, a guiding
Illini force in many of Clay's closed cir-
cuit television bouts, the tenta-
tive schedule would read like this:
To iMianinarn July 15 - Floyd Patterson of
New York vs. Oscar Bonavena of
Argentina at Houston Astrodome.
uenAug. 4-5-Ernie Terrell of Chi-s
FSes cago vs. Jimmy Ellis of Louisville,
Ky., site to be determined.
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. 03) - Dr. Sept. 2 or Sept. 16 - George
David D. Henry, University of Il- Chuvalo of Toronto vs. Frazier,
linois president, said today the site to be determined.
university will carry on a com- Sept. 16 or Oct. 7-Karl Mil-j
denberger, West Germany, vs.
plete program ofninCrlg Thad Spencer, San Francisco, in
athletics despite an NCAA ruling Frankfurt, Germany.
According to Malitz, the first
round matches would be followed
by semifinals, hopefully Oct. 21
and Dec. 2 with a final champion-
ship bout in late January, 1968.
No actual contracts have been
Malitz said the first six fights
probably would be carried on
home television on the American
Broadcasting Company's W i d e
World of Sports. All would be held
late Saturday afternoons to fit the
schedule or would be held Friday
night and taped for television
Clay Wants to Fight
Clay said in Houston Monday
he would like to fight Chuvalo.
Patterson and Mildenberger to
finance his court fight.
Irv Ungerman of Toronto, who
manages Chuvalo, said in Toron-
to "We're very, very eager to get
him, but we'll also try to fight
Frazier in the elimination tour-
There were other repoi'ts that
Clay was considering boxing
Leotis Martin of Toledo, Ohio, in
Stockholm and possibly Spencer
in Tokyo. If Clay wants to fight
outside the country he will have
to get permission to leave the
country from a federal judge.
Clay was indicted Monday by
a federal grand jury in Houston,
the adopted hometown where he
was called as a draftee April 28,
but refused to take the oath, ex-
plaining that he was Muslim min-
ister Muhammad Ali and, as a
man of the cloth, exempt from
military duty.
Keeps Passport
The government asked U.S.
Dist. Judge Ben C. Connally to
order Clay to surrender his pass-
port, but one of Clay's lawyers.
Hayden Covington of New York,
argued that this would be taking
the fighter's livelihood away.
Covington told Connally in a
brief hearing on bond terms that
the influential New York State
Athletic Commission, the World
Boxing Association and other state
boxing commissions have taken
Clay's right to fight away.
Connally interrupted Covington
to saythat Clay could keep the
passport and would be free to
travel through the United States
on Muslim duties, but that he
would have to request court per-
mission for any trip abroad-
U.S Atty. Morton Susman ob-
jected to Connally's ruling on the
passport, explaining that a Selec-
tive Service violation is not an
extraditable offense, but that
leaving the country without a
passport is.
"Their fear is that if he is per-
mitted to leave the country, he
will not return," Covington said.
"We have seen a few cases where
they don't," the judge replied.
SAN FRANCISCO'S third baseman Jim Hart, le ft, knocks down C
as shortstop Jim Davenport overruns the hit in yes terday's 10-2 loss t
Ol:ympics Bar,
Of Stimulantit
TEHRAN, Iran (P)-Teammates e
f any athlete found to be taking t
timulants during the 1968 Olym-
ic games and future Olympics b
vill be automatically disqualified, d
every Brundage announced yes- a
erday. T
Brundage is president of the I
nternational Olypmic Committee- r
The new rule does not mean all
thletes from the convicted ath- C
ete's country would be disquali- A
Led, but only those competing di- S
ectly with him. c
Officials also will make a care- F
ul check of the amateur standing p
f Olympic athletes, Brundage d
But, he added, the IOC turned t
.own a proposal that Olympic F
thletes turning professional with- d
a one year of the games would f
ave withdrawn any medal they r
night have won. C
Appointments Barred i
Brundage said a key issue de- S
ided at the just-completed IOC o
ession here was a rule that gov- g
rnments cannot designate mem-
)rs of national Olympic com- u
Mets Davis. Beats Reds in 11th;-
Tigers, Cubs, Sox Notch Wints
By The Associated Press had tripled, with the winning run home run into the right field
The Chicago White Sox drop- in the seventh inning, stands.
ed the world champion Baltimore Buford sliced a single to left The victory went to Denny Mc-
orioles nto last place in the off loser Eddie Watt after win- Lain, 3-3.
kmerican League by beating the ning pitcher Gary Peters tripled Fred Gladding replaced Mc-
)rioles 5-4 last night for their' off the right field wall for his Lain with two out in the seventhj
ifth straight victory. second hit of the game. after the Indians scored on Larry
The White Sox remained a The first four Chicago runs scor- Brown's infield hit, Fred Whit-
Lalf-game back.of first-place De- ed on homers by Tommy Agee and fd's pinch double and infield
ome pitcher Gary ,Peters, who Ron Hansen after Baltimore start-
er Tom Phoebus yielded, leadoff St. Louis, helped by Roger Mar-J
walks in the first sand fifth in- is' first NL homer, took over sec-
1eam m ates nings. and place, 11/2 games back of the
A homer by Boog Powell, fol- Reds, by defeating Pittsburgh 6-
* lowing a pair of two-out walks in 3. The Pirates dropped to third,
Qsn1 A hthe first inning, gave Baltimore a two games back.
OIL . r A thl etes 9 3-2 lead. The Orioles came from Philadelphia beat Atlanta 3-2
behind again, tying the score 4-4 when reliever Dick Hall got Hank
lection as IOC president when his in the sixth, when Paul Blair's Aaron on a foul fly with two out
erm expires next year. sacrifice fly scored Brooks Rob- and the bases loaded in the eighth.
Eleven awards were announced inson who had doubled and mov- Houston beat Los Angeles 5-2 and
y Brundage, ranging from a ed to third on ani nfield out. the Chicago Cubs walloped San
iploma for the Japanese director Tommy Davis' homer in the 11th Francisco 10-2 in the other NL
who produced the film on the 1964 inning gave the New York Mets a games.
Tokyo games to a trophy for an 3-2 victory over first place Cin-
talian bobsledder who helped his cinnati in the National League,
ivals win a gold medal. Davis' shot, his third, came off
The IOC awarded the Olympic Reds, Mel Queen, who lost his J"e
"up to both the Bolivar Games first game after winning four. AMERICAN LEAGUE
kssociation for arranging the Queen relived Cincinnati starter w L Pct. GB
outh American Bolivar sports Gary Nolan in the eighth inning Detroit 14 7 .667 -
:ompetition,and the International and struck out six in setting the Washington 2 11 .53 -
Federation of Silent Sports for Mets down-until Davis' homer over x-California 12 12 .500 31:
romoting competion among the the left-field wall. Boston 11 11 .500 3..
leaf and dumb. t tx-New York 10 10 .500 31.
The Reds tied the game 2-2 on Minnesota 10 12 .455 41.
The oytrib r omw ntt an unearned run in the eighth af- Baltimore 9 13 .409 5'2
hree contributors to world sport: t Kansas City 9 13 .409 514
Kon Ichikawa of Japan who pro-tr pich hitter rt Shamskyle Cleveland 8 12 .400 5 %
Kon the1a ToyoOlympics off with a single. Pinch runner x-Late game not included,
luced the 1964 Tokyo Olmo, Dick Simpson took second on a YESTERDAY'S RESULTS
ilm, Jose Antonio Eiola Olaso, acrifice, third on a fly out, and Kansas City 4-2, Boston 3-5
etiring president of S p a i n ' s scred on aly cathen Detroit 4, Cleveland 3
)lympic Committee for promot- scored on a passed ball by catcher Chicago 5, Baltimore 4
ng Spanish sports, and Britain's John Sullivan. Minnesota 11, Washington '
ir H e r b e r t MacDonald for Detroit, paced by home runs TNew ork at California (ME)
rganizing the Commonwealth from Al Kaline and Bill Freehan, New York at California (n)
games in Jamaica. stayed on top in the AL by beat- Boston at Kansas City (n)
ing levland4-3 Detroit at Cleveland (n)
The Mohammed Taher trophy ing Cleveland 4-3. hicgo at Baltimore (n)
vent to Italy's Eugenio Monti, Kaline's homer, his seventh, only games scheduled
who helped the British two-man followed a leadoff single by Dick
obsled team defeat him for a McAuliffe in the fifth inning and
;old medal at the Innsbruck broke a 1-1 tie. Freehan homeredj
Olympics by giving them a bolt later in the inning with the bases -
rom his own sled, and to Rodri- empty.
go de Castro Pereira of the Por- The Indians got a run back in
ugese Olympic committee for his the bottom of the fifth when Lee A mI eric a a
questrian activities a 1 t h o u g h Mays batted for starter and loser
more than 70 years old. Sam McDowell, 2-1, and hit a A3 __
. (
Sco res
Dick Dell (M) d. Chuck Brain-
ard, 6-4, 6-3; Brian Marcus (M)
d. Rich Monan, 6-4, 0-6, 8-6;
Pete Fishback d. Mickey Szila-
gyi, 8-6, 6-1; John Goode
(MSU) d. Ron Teeguarden, 7-5,
5-7, 6-4; Dick Dhooge (MSU)
d. Ed Waits, 6-2, 4-6, 6-4; Jim
Phillips (MSU) d. Bob Pritula,
6-0, 6-1.
Monan, Brainard (MSU) d.
Dell, Fishback, 7-5, 3-6, 6-2;
Szilagyi, Goode (MSU) d. Mar-
cus, Teeguarden, 6-4, 5-7, 6-4;
Waits, Pritula (M) d. Dhooge,
Pritula, 6-8, 7-5, 9-7.
eighth on a wild pitch.
"The fellows were just a little
bit more ready to play, having to
wait out the weekend rains," com-
mented assistant coach Dick Honig
about the revenge on the Broncos.
Yesterday's game was a non-
conference contest. The loss of the
Big Ten twin bills on the weekend
have hurt second-place Michigan's
chances to overtake 'first-place
Minnesota has an 8-1 record and
una piceaTnescnooi on proba-
tion for two years.
The ruling, announced Sunday,
barred the Illini from any Rose
Bowl participation, NCAA basket-
ball playoffs and football games
on television for two years after
this fall's schedule.
In a statement, Dr. Henry said
the university "is disappointed
that the National Collegiate Ath-
letic Association has seen fit to
invoke further severe penalties on
the university beyond those which
were imposed by the intercollegiate
conference Big Ten."
"However, as a member of the
NCAA, the university respects its
authority and principle under
which it has acted.
}"The University of Illinois - in-
tends to continue a complete pro-
gram of intercollegiate athletics
regulations set forth by the asso-
ciation," the statement added. "We
urge our alumni and friends to be
understanding and cooperative in
this objective."
The NCAA probation action
stemmed from the Illini slush fund
scandal. Under a Big Ten edict
coaches Pete Elliott, Harry Com-
bes and Howard Braun were forced
to resign.
Jim Valek replaced Elliott and
Harv Schmidt succeeded Combes
as head football and basketball
coach, respectively.
Name Three
To M' Prize
Jack Clancy, Bob Fehrs and
Carl Robie have been nominated
for the Ann Arbor Quarterback
Club's annual "Michigan Senior
Athlete Award."
The award will be presented
next Tuesday at the club's meet-
ing at the Barton Hills Country
Club to the athlete receiving thej
most votes cast by undergraduatej
varsity men.
Prof. Marcus Plant, faculty rep-
resentative to the Big Ten and
president of the National Colle-
giate Athletic Association will
make the presentation.
Clancy is Michigan's 50th foot-
ball All-America and set a pass-
catching record last season. Fehrs
is a three-letter man in wrestling
and Robie breaks swimming rec-
ords just about everytime he 'hits
the water.
Terry Barr, alumnus of Micni-
gan and the Detroit Lions, will be
toastmaster for the occasion which
will also hear Michigan football
coach Bump Elliott outline next
year's prospects.
NTIe StAEndings
- I
'1 I
St. Louis
San Francisco
New York
Los A-ngeles
17 9
14 9
12 8
12 10
11 10
11 10
10 13
9 13
8 14
8 16
Chicago 16, San Francisco 2
New York 3, Cincinnati 2 (11 inn)
St. Louis 6, Pittsburgh 3
Philadelphia 3, Atlanta 2
H1oustor, 5, Los Angeles 2
Cincinnati at New York (n)
Atlanta at Philadelphia (2, t-n)
St. Louis at Pittsburgh (n)
San Francisco at Chicago
Los Angeles at Houston (n)
This appeared to be a move
aimed particularly against the
French government, which has
designated officials for the French
Olympic Committee.
The committee has since amend-
ed its statutes, however, so that
government officials can serve on
the Olympic body as long as they
are not chosen by the government
and do not represent it.
Brundage, who at 79 has been
head of the Olympic Committee
the past 15 years, refused to say
whether he would stand for re-
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