TUESDAY, AUGUST 29,1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PALE TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 uHF MICHIGA1~T RAllY U Doc Losh gives last minute tips to "her" boys before the Big 10 game. HOME Competitive blood runs strong at the mudbowl with SAE's pitched against Phi Delts. 'CO In last year's original production "Out of Our Minds" the cast performed so realistically, we wonder whether life at the U hadn't driven them to identify with the title. MUSKET The annual, all-student production Broadway only wishes it could duplicate. The Parade: Including bands, floats, celebrities, and even your friends. EVEN YOUR FRIENDS? The title of last year's second Musket, "Anything Goes" might well have been "Everyone Goes" as was evidenced by the "Standing Room Only" sign at the box office before each performance. ABC coast-to-coast presents Musket's sesquicentennial musical "Out of Our Minds" Nassau in December, England in July, Creative Arts Festival, cups in the UGLI coffee machine, all-campus mixers, exam week flicks . . . who is responsible for all these hap- penings? UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES CENTER-UAC- Created two years ago from the merger of the Michigan Union and the Women's League, UAC has been able to expand all its programs and services for beyond the reach of either of the separate organizations. Through UAC's eleven standing committees and five coordinating committees, welcomed and exciting events become a natural part of campus life. Are you becoming fidgety reading this small blurb? Would you rather look at the pictures? Go ahead, admit it; we don't mind. Looking at pictures is a good diversion after working all day. And, by the way, may we suggest another good diversion to take your mind off booking? Join UAC. SENIOR OFFICERS Don Tucker, President Roz Braeman, Executive V.P. Dean Cummins, Administrative V.P. Walt Heiser, Coordinating V.P. STANDING COMMITTEES Joe Calcaterra, Public Relations ,Lee Mary Danielson, Facilities Bill Morrill, North Campus Larry Deitch, Academic Affairs Jan Hartka, Creative Arts Bob Neff, Research-Advisory Mary Fran O'dell, Social Buz Barclay, University Services Tom Lovell, International-Travel Dan McCreath, Contemporary Discussions Berinthia Rosenberg, Personnel i m PRES ENT S IN 1967-8 U U- Premiering this year: "Our success must be too much for her." L BOR Take out all feelings of aggression built up during those long winter months. rf SOP S 0 Who would expect that the nebulous freshman class would be capable, just one year later, of presenting a successful Soph Show? But this has been true of the past eleven nebulous freshman classes who, as creative soph- omores, have staged their own successful rendition of a Broadway play. D Y WINTER WEEKEND No one minds the first snowfall of winter, but when it doesn't cease, after three months, it can become rather depressing. WW acts as a pcnacea for any degree of Winter Depression. The magic potion last year included the Motown Revue, all-campus musical chairs, a pie- eating contest, and Booth Night . . a potent cure for midwinter maladies. EEKE, D Sept. 1-4 . ........ .: ... ' .v:.n : .ti1 ' . } ': i