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August 12, 1967 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1967-08-12

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e mlrdtalt Batty
Sevewty-Sixth Year

At the Multiversity

ere Opinions Are PFee. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Preval

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorals printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
The Fire this Time
Fulfills Biblical Prophecy
CCORDING TO a Negro spiritual, afte' ids as well as in Detroit and can still
Noah was saved from the flood, the speak with a straight face about cutting
$rd warned him that He would use "the domestic spending in order more vigor-
re next time." ously to pursue the Vietnam conflict.
From all indications, the fire is now. Although there is no certainty that
nd we seem painfully short of either increased domestic spending can prevent
remen to put it out or safety inspec- civil uprisings, statistics in Detroit are
>rs to prevent new fires from occurring. impressive. According to police, of partici-
Many have said., without exaggeration, pants in the Neighborhood Youth Corps
at the United States now faces its or Operation Freshstart, a rehabilitation
eatest national crisis since the Civil program for prisoners, almost none were
far. However, .the people of the coun- among the four thousand persons arrest-
y and, more important, their senators ed. There are inicatons that these and
nd representatives, seemingly do not others of the more imaginative war on
alize the extent of the crisis nor do poverty programs can, in fact, help pre-
4ey appear capable of dealing with it. vent further outbreaks.
In the wake of the most destructive The real danger is that the United
Iclal violence in American history, Pres- States may now be travelling down the
lent Johnson went before the nation steep road of historical inevitability. Ma-
nd mage a genuine appeal for domestic jor crises, like the Civil War, if not check-
eace. The most he could come up with ed in the very early stages, acquire a
y way of solutions, however, was yet momentum of their own and quickly be-
nother blue-ribbon committee and a na- come too big for mere men to deal with.
:onal day of prayer. If that be the case, there is no time
Yet the same week, the President asked to lose. Everyone with a stake in the fu-
1ngress to pass a 10 per cent income tax ture of the United States-not only the
ircharge not to head off impending dis- government but the often too isolated
ster in the cities but to support an universities-must make a concerted ef-.
icrease'd war effort in Vietnam. fort to root out the causes of riots, to
find means of preventing riots in the
WUILE DETROIT was literally burning, interim and to discover new methods of
' adealing with riots if, despite their ef-
r"Congress was fooling around with a rtth tsred ,
'icalled "anti-riot" bill that would not forts, they get started.
revent in a small outbreak, let alone
tie large-scale criminal anarchy dis- ACCORDING TO GENESIS, the Lord
ipting the country. Meanwhile, there promised Noah he would never again
re still blind leaders in Congress, such destroy the world.
s House Minority Leader Gerald Ford But He didn't make any promises about
R-Mich) who this summer saw racial man's capacity for self-destruction.
Llence in his home town of Grand Rap- -STEPHEN WILDSTROM
Diplomatic Dynamic Duos
)YSCIOLOGISTS strongly contend that administrations, weak Presidents, or
the course of sibling rivalry is a pow- peacetime politics. Just as every king of
rfgl determinant of adult personality the past had his Cardinal Richelie, every
ructuie. Historians examining the de- modern President must have his own
elopments in American diplomatic his- churchman. In the age of specialization,
ry over the past 20 years might further John F. Kennedy sought both a cardinal
roperly conclude that the course of cer- and a monseignor. He found them in the
ain sibling collaborations have been persons of the Bundy brothers. The man-
owerful determinants of this nation's ifestations of MacGeorge and William
aternational policy structure. Bundy's presence are more recent and so
Consider for a moment the impact of it may be more difficult to determine
le Dulles brothers upon the foreign af- their impact. But who can question the
airs of the last 20 years. Is it not con- significance of the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban
ivable that global political structure confrontation, and the decision to com-
right be vastly different from what it is mit a half a million men to Vietnam.
Oday were it not for the moralistic rig-
ity with which the State Department HE DYNAMIC DUO currently operat-
'as directed during the eight "Eisen- in Washington, wears the name Ros-
ower" years? Can one deny that overt tow. Their significance in shaping policy
oppression of popular revolutions by the. cannot be minimized. If there are any
tate Department and the CIA in Lat historians alive when this combination
i America, Africa and Asia during that concludes its days of policy formulation,
.me had gained eternal enmity for the the fact that anyone at all is alive and
nited States throughout much of the able to evaluate the importance of the
rorld? And the force exerted by the Rostow's in American history will itself
'uiles brothers will not be entirely felt be a testimony to that duo's importance.
r completely understood for some time Unfortunately, at the present time the
o come. likelihood of bringing such a supportive
The presence of a powerful sibling col- fact to actuality seems very remote.
Lboration is not limited to Republican -DAN HOFFMAN
Integrating the Guard

Any self-allurement for eight
weeks of summer school poses
both a frustrating challenge and
an ensuing experience.
WHILE TEAT and humidity
remain two variables of summer
nature, the changes from a small
liberal arts college to the Multi-
versity of Ann Arbor pose the
great intanglement of frustration.
The McLuhanistic web of the
social matrix places the student
victimized by mass media. For the
undergraduate in the large insti-
tution home is long away and con-
gregates of unidentifying friends
formh his social web in which he
loses himself.
While many books are concern-
ed with this alienation from Sal-
inger to Ralph Ellison, theolog-
ians are seeking a meaningful re-
lationship between man and his
society. The need for a new relig-
ious orientation toward society is
emphasized in Harvey Cox's The
Secular City.
THE CRISIS in terms of re-
ligion is evidenced by the youth's
disassociation with the proverbial
sermon which has no relation to
his life.
Here in Ann Arbor a lack of
geographic flavor combine with
a discommunicating structure
leading the undergraduate sum-
mer student to a disoriented way
of life. The lack of scheduled op-
portunities enables the student to
be freer in making his own deci-
sions, while the adjustment to the
environment remains the frus-
trating challenge which inhibits
his ties to society. Choosing
courses gives him a superficial,
identity with that academic sub-
ject, while the structure of the
course may give little meaning to
his personal life.
The summer structure in Ann
Arbor is full .of independent in-
stitutional seminars and sympos-
iunis which aim to inject the re-

cipient with new serums. But the
people really involved are the old-
er students or even businessmen.
which to the undergraduate ap-
pear impersonal and solely inter-
nal. The roles involved in these
seminars present many challenges
-while the responses are few.
This self-achieving drive toward
the goal of the Master's degree
rewarded himself, but far fromh
utilizing the total interacting en-
vironment, other people were ob-
jects of his cognitive process. The
alienation of society that so en-
compasses the city, is not driven
away in the "urbanized center of
learning" where research and spe-
cialized study gear modern man.
A PLACE where peoplecome to
seek knowledge and communicate
in a fellowship with others holds
only at the surface. Conferences
particularly the Sesquicentennial
conferences of this summer have
indicated this much.
Fighting this depersonalization
and meaninglessness of contem-
porary society, the small liberal
arts college exists for the individ-
ual. The large university can only
inject the ingredients of aca-
demics and social opportunities.
which have to be organized and
eventually evaluated by the indi-
vidual. In doing this he represents
a product of changing media, but
can only draw a meaningful pat-
tern from both the frustrating
challenges and the ensuing ex-
THE ACT OF seeking a com-
panion in the Brown Jug, on the
athletic field or in the Union
merely creates a ficticious atmos-
phere until interests are openly
combined. In the same way, the
attendance at a concert is mean-
ingless until one is aware of the
relationship. Then the diversity of
Ann Arbor becomes more evident
as both people allow themselves
to be freer to encounter the web
of society.


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America f'rom Another View


"IN 1957, THE conclusion I
came to was' that if the Negro'
problem in America continued to
be handled on a legal and political
basis, without attacking the econ-
omic roots of the problem, noth-
ing would be solved and such
measures would lead to severe dis-
"This is certainly being born
out now."
Prof. Jerzy Wiatr. visiting lec-
turer frm Warsaw, Poland, in the
political s c ie n c e department,
voiced his assessment of the re-
cent racial disorders from the per-
spective of, a socialist scientist
and with an international reputa-
tion in political sociology.
He wrote his doctoi'al disserta-
tion in 1957 at the University of
Warsaw on "Problems of Race Re-
lations in American Sociology,"
and has been following subsequent
developments "with much con-
"In Poland we have had very
extensive coverage of racial prob-
lems in this country. I share my
countrymen's concern over this
"I was very much mistaken," he
admits, "in thinking that 'Negro
nationalism' in America was dead
for good, even radicalism within
the framework of American so-
ciety and ideology.
"I certainly did not predict the
re-emergence of such a force."
cessibility in a university profes-
sor is rare enough to be valuable.
And extreme modesty in a "noted
authority" is very close to shock-
Prof. Jerzy Wiatr, visiting in
political science from Warsaw,
Poland, is the epitome of both
these traits. Asked for an inter-
view, he seemed pleased that any-
one would be interested in his
background, and left open his
tiny, borrowed office on the
fourth floor of Haven Hall to The
Daily (and, for that matter, any-
one passing by) at every free hour.
His door is never shut. When
someone ventures in he springs to
his feet and offers a diffident
handshake. An uninterrupted in-
terview is impossible, because
friends and colleagues are always
looking in to see how he's doing.
Staying on one track is difficult,
because Wiatr is more interested
in hearing other people's view-
points than repating his own. But
such prblems are never hard to

Wiatr has been at the Univer-
sity since the beginning of sum-
mer term. He teaches a course tn
communist political theory and
delivered a series of lectures on
society and politics in Poland,
sponsored by the Center for Rus-
sian and East European Studies.
His1 wife is here with him; he has
two teen-age sdns at home.
BY ANY STANDARD, he is in-
deed a "noted authority." In War-
saw, he is vice-director of the In-
stitute for Philosophy and Soci-
ology at the Polish Academy of
Sciences, and head of its political
sociology department.
The, institute is the largest in
its field, and directing the numer-
ous programs and activities of
such a complex institution is no
small task.
But Wiatr still finds time to
engage in his own research. As he
puts it. "In addition to mundane
managerial duties, I have my own
small garden to cultivate."
Wiatr's "small garden" is an ex-
tensive cross-nationaly study of
social values in local politics in
Poland. America, India and Yugo-
slavia. The research involves a
comparison of local leadership in
variotis communities.
He seeks to find a correlation
between the attitudes and career
patterns of local leaders and ac-
tivism in the community. Of spe-
cial interest to Wiatr are case stu-
dies of local conflicts and how
the people involved choose to ex-
press their grievances.
WIATR FOUND much satisfac-
tion in teaching at the University,
and has discovered many simi-
larities between American and
Polish universities.
"I like the University very
much," he said. "I know it better
than almost any other foreign
university." He particularly enjoys
the informality of .relationships
between students and faculty.
"We used to be very formal in
Poland with our professors, but
we have moved very far toward a
more relaxed atmosphere. I think
this is a general trend."
He finds the students taking
his political theory course "ser-
ious scholars. They have put a lot
ok work into their studies. Their
papers are very good indeed."
Wiatr says that students in Po-
land have greater power in some
ways than students here, through
their student associations.
"Polish higher education is
more centralized," he said. "Stu-

dents not only have their student
councils in each university but
also a delegated national student
assembly which can negotiate di-
rectly with the government."
He adds students at Polish uni-
versities are a more cohesive
group, because they choose a basic
course of studies, and then pro-
ceed through a fairly well-set cur-'
riculum with the same small
group of students. "Because of
this, Polish university students
have a greater sense of class spirit
than your students here in
He commented that the Ameri-
can high school system is also
strikingly similar to the Polish
system, with the exception that
Poland has technical high schools
as well as general ones.
"In this way, young people who
are not interested in a university
education can prepare themselves
for better white collar jobs by
learning skills."
WIATR NOTES that Polish stu-
dents do not object to military
service as much as students here.
He says students are deferred
from military service in Poland,
but must take a compulsory train-
ing course similar to ROTC.
"I believe there are some provi-
sions for those who are pacifists,
but in general few .protest. Stu-
dents usually don't like to do any
extra work besides their studies,
but they have no specific objec-
tion to taking military training.
"Many prefer such activities to
what they consider more boring
WIATR DERIDES the concept
of a 'Rebellious Generation.'
"Educators and others make a
lot of noise about the rebellious
generation, but I don't take it
"Young people must adjust to
their society," he continues. "Most
societies in the second half of
the 20th century are rapidly
changing. Conformity to existing
patterns and values is not easy
when they are not stable.
"People have been worrying
about young people for centuries.
I'm afraid I'm the typical op-.
t sHe adds, "Perhaps barbers are
the interest group which keeps
d e g r a d i n g 'rebellious youth.'
Otherwise, I don't see why society
should be so upset."
Wiatr leaves the University
next week. He will travel to Wash-
ington to deliver a series of lec-
tures before he returns to Poland.

Bergman's Persona'

Most of the current preoccupa-
tions of a whole host of iwriter's
and film-makers - illusion vs.
reality, acting vs. being, possibility
Vs. actuality, identity vs. anomy-
are working with heavily existen-
tial emphasis in Persona. So
much is trying to get said, that
I'm not sure if the film's ambi-
tiousness makes it pretentious (i.e.
'it fails to say everything it wants
to), or if a tension between the
film "message" and film "medium"
(it tries to say it in the wrong
way) does. I respect the "mes-
sage" but happened to find
its transmission annoying, so
it's probably best to separate
these. If, in the end, you either
like Bergman or you don't, I'd
rather not; I thought the film
"worthy" but unexciting.
ITS "STORY" is of an actress,
Elizabeth Vogler (Liv Ullmann)
who, one day while playing Elec-
tra stopped in the middle of a
line and has refused to speak
since. Presumably her very capa-
city to act, to feel what it is like
to be others, has led her to a feeling
for the thinness ofther own rela-
tive identity, for the ridiculous-
ness of acting in any way in the
world at all. So she refuses to be-
tray her "real" self by speaking,
or doing, since "every gesture is a
lie" and she would inevitably get
bored with any part. But keeping
the silence turns out to be great-
est role.
For it is a role, and she is a
phony, though again I'm not sure
this is what Bergman meant her
to be. The alternative would make
her an existential heroine who has
faced up to the absurdity of being
human and is strong enough not
to compromise her insight. A pret-
ty; supposedly naive nurse, Alma
(Bibi Anderson) is assigned to her
case. A "rest cure" at the seaside
puts the two of them together in
isolation, brings out the terrific
sympathy between them, and en-
forces an intimacy which threat-
ens to deprive Alma of her self-
hood altogether.
ELIZABETH, all her strings
supposedy plucked, is stirred to
cry out only by life and death
matters-the self-immolationof a
Buddhist; fear at her own physical
pain. Alma's solitary exposure to
Elizabeth's absoluteness forces her
to confront in her own experience
the inconsolable split between the
moments one lives and the mo-
ments one plays at life. She con-
fides to Elizabeth an orgy on a
beach with a boy and the abortion
As she sobs in anguish at the
hoplelessness of staying so in-
tensely alive and oneself, she
comes closer and closer to Eliza-
beth's insight that life has no
continuity, andtcloser to being
Elizabeth. "Can you ever be one
person, can you betwo," she
cries; "I could change myself into
you." This metampsychosis, which

an exemption from emotion and
a kind of spiteful vampirism. In
the best scene in the script she
"literally" sucks blood from the
nurse who then retaliates with
blows in a rage to hold on to her-
self and keep separate; in her
capacity to release all the fury of
the moment, she does. That she
gets Elizabeth to speak the word
"Nothing" at the end is her tri-
umph, not the actress's: the re-
turn to speech matters more than
the content of what is uttered. It's
again hard, however, to know
what side Bergman is on himself,
the meaninglessness of it all or
settling for the human persona.
The Bergman brand of, top-
heavy philosophical movie makes
the "medium" seem only a lost
opportunity. The multi - dimen-
sional richness of the film can
convey experience senorily as well
as verbally and symbolically, and
Bergman wastes a lot, because
most of the film in fact is "told"
in words. He lets his camera dwell
overlong on the faces of his actors
to wring out nuances of feeling:
there is little full dramatic con-
WHAT PURELY imagistic de-
vices Bergman does use are the
very obvious ones of fragmenting
faces, or superimposing them, as
feelings of decomposition sudden-
ly, overwhelm a character. These
seem more modish insertions than
any real outgrowth of the narra-
tive. He might, as Godard does,
let his camera "choose" to follow
the images that a character sees.
so= as to suggest what the disso-
ciation feels like inside. He sets
his scene at a desolate sea-side,
but nothing of the outward land-
scape is ever used to express
anything of the interior landscape
of the people there.
In a time when the various fac-
tors ,involved in the 'Detroit riot
are being assessed, there are some
very positive elements which also
deserve attention. These factors
point to a love of humanity which
speaks volumes.
On August 2, a special clinic was
held at the Michigan Union. 258
students offered to give blood. 176
pints were collected. 82 students
were deferred because of the in-
ability of the equipment to handle
the full number of volunteers.
Special thanks is due to all
who gave their blood as those
interested only 'in he'lping their
fellow man. Particular credit
should go to Mr. Roy Ashmall,
President of the Graduate Stu-
dent Assembly. The idea of a
campus cvlinic originated with
him. Mr. Ashmall also organized
the student effort.
IN A TIME when we tend to

rHE PRESIDENT'S Advisory Commis-
sion on Civil Disorder is to be con-
,ratulated for making a major break-
hrough in discerning one of the under-
ying causes of racial tension. It has dis-
overed a fundamental factor in color
The commission has recognized at last,
after much diligent study, that in high-
y emotional situations--such as, for ex-
ample, riots - instincts haves a way of
overpowering human intellect. Thus Ne-
roes cannot reasonably be expected to
;take their lives on the good intentions
of a lily-white National Guard. One
night also hope that evidence pointing
o excess zeal on the part of the Guard-
The Daily Is a member of the Associated Press and
collegiate Press Service.
Summer subscription rate: $2.00 per term by carrier
'$2.50 by mail): $4.00 for entire summer ($4.50 by
Daily except Monday durtng regular acadesie school

for example, the possibly too hasty dis-
posal of three Detroit Negroes "suspected"
of sniping-might have at least partly
inspired the commission's ingenious solu-
What the commission has suggested,
inview of the fact that Negroes make up
less than two per cent of the officers
and enlisted men of the National Guard
and only .6 per cent of the officers and
airmen of the Air National Guard, is to
"correct this deficiency as soon as possi-
ble." It expects to enlist the combined
efforts of the Department of Defense,
state officials, and the. Negro communi-
ty to expand the "representation" of Ne-
groes in the Guard.
BUT THIS ENTIRE elaborate scheme
for including Negroes in the power
structure of law enforcement agencies,
seeking to restore confidence in riot con-
trol by turning black against black, is
futile unless Negroes are also given a
stake in the reconstruction of society.
The cries of large numbers of militant
Detroit Neon that "it is, abundantly

Anti-Americanism in Havana

The wild display of anti-
Americanism by Stokely Car-
michael during the international
Communist meeting in Havana
confirms the warnings which I
have written in these columns.
Guerrilla warfare tactics, adopt-
ed by Communists in many other
countries of the world, are now
being tried out in America.
RATHER THAN riots in the old
sense, must we now face the pos-
sibility of urban guerrilla warfare,
feeding on and flaring up in gen-
eral civil disorder?
The entire Havana meeting
dwelled endlessly on this proposed
conspiracy to incite further vio-
lpr- in +he Un+fp tate,_

a rash of political assassinations.
kidnappings, robberies and other
acts of terror.
REPORTERS in this country
have produced evidence that the
guerrilla warfare experts who are
working out of the Communist
Cuban base have made solid con-
tacts with so-called civil rights
groups in this country such as
Stokely Carmichael's own base,
the Student Non-Violent Co-ordi-
nating Committee.
Such violence-oriented groups
as RAM, The Revolutionary Ac-
tion Movement, may directly be
linked to the guerrilla planning
now centered in Cuba.

The grim question to which we
must now await an answer-as
Stokely continues his travels prob-
ably to Prague and to Hanoi itself
-is simply whether or not the
United States is going to allow
this calumny of our country to
The first part of the answer
will lie in the severity and tenac-
ity of legal action that is taken
when and if Stokely Carmichael
ever tries to re-enter the country
he so bitterly hates, for this hate-
filled man has not simply "spoken,
out" in a way that he can claim
protection of our free speech
guarantees. He has, instead in-
cited violence, called for the kill-

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