Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Defending the National Guard Part II Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff, writers or the editors. This must be -noted in all reprints. I- FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: BETSY TURNER On the Newest Proposal For Escalating the War REP. GERALD FORD on Tuesday of this week and Sen. John Stennis on Wed- nesday each made vehement public state- ments to the effect that President John- son has been unjustifiably holding back Air Force bombing efforts in North Viet- nam. Coming from two such paradigms of the Congressional Establishment, these comments cannot be taken lightly. They represent a further erosion of what was once a solid phalanx of support for John- son's Vietnam policy, but more important- ly, they present what might be an incip- ient wave of popular pressure for John- son to unleash the "napes and nukes" and. so expand the present conflict into a world war. That two highly respected, moderately conservative members of the legislative establishment should so forcefully pro- pose an increase in bombing activity can- not but help having a significant effect upon popular opinion. The public will judge Stennis and Ford to have made their proposals after much study and deep soul-searching. Upon the surface, such conclusions might be justified. Sten- nis and Ford have supported Johnsori's war program for over two years. They have ,not previously advocated escala- tion or increased bombing. Indeed, Sten- nis has long held deep reservations about the war, fearing a prolonged involvement and mindful about provoking Communist China. Now, after what appears to have been a detailed query of conscience, Sten- nis has advocated a bombing step-up as the quickest means for terminating the conflict. Yet, do the facts conform to appear- ance? One might ask how it was that Ford was able to gain access to allegedly "top secret" documentation. One might fur- ther ask why Stennis, chairman of the Senate Armed Preparedness Committee, made his public statement so shortly after his committee was briefed by Pa- cific Fleet Commander Chief Sharp. The answer is painfully obvious. STENNIS AND FORD are being unhesi- tatingly used by the military to serve as wrenches for altering what is regard- ed in the Pentagon as a no-win policy. Stennis and Ford have never been known to have wax laden ears when it comes to conversing with brass. They have at this time judged the President to be suf- ficiently vulnerable to stepped-up pres- sure. Their efforts must, however, be viewed for what they are-MacArthur- like attempts to fix the Pentagon as the source of military policy. In this particular case, it would be un- fortunate to have to repeat the -old saw that war is too important to, be left to the generals. It would be unfortunate because war is also too important to be left to Texas rascals, cost analysts, and dogmatic economic historians. -DAN HOFFMAN By TRACY BAKER Last of a Series DETROIT-"Almost as often as a Guardsman killed a sniper, we became involved in acts of mer- cy," asserted Major James Mc- Nally, operations officer of an airborne infantry battalion of the Michigan National Guard. "But the public never hears about that side of the coin." "WHY NOT LET us tell our stories, and compare them to the way the local and national news media reported them," asked one weary, bearded corporal who had just returned from a 12-hour shift of guard duty and was already preparing to go right out on a night patrol. "Compare this," said one infan- tryman. "This magazine shows three pictures-one of a car door, one of the interior of a car that was shot-up, and one of a wound- ed Negro with blood on his head. Captions say that the four men in the car were shot 14 times, that only empty whiskey bottles were found, and that a trooper passed out at the sight of the blood. "They don't even get the num- ber of people right. There were five, not four. They don't men- tion that the incident occurred four hours after curfew. They omit the fact that the car tried to run me down, and that at the same time one of our men was shot through the leg with a .22 caliber bullet. They don't remember that all five men were drunk at a time when there was supposedly no liquor for sale. They fail to point out that the trooper who became queasy-not 'passed out' -was not looking at the slight- ly-wounded man in the photo but a man who caught nine slugs in the stomach, whose intestines were all over the street, and who left half his head back in the car when he fell out. Now, that's enough to make any naan queasy. "But the most interesting omis- sion is that the reporters don't mention that everyone in the car was wanted by police on some non-riot-connected charge." THE OFFICER in charge of that patrol pointed out that although.. a weapon had not been found in the car, it was hard to think of an alternative to shots from it. "One of my men was shot in the lower leg. The bullet was a small- caliber projectile-one the Guard doesn't use. That iplus the fact that none of my men had opened fire at that time eliminates the possibility of his being hit by one of four rounds. The fact that the projectile entered his leg on a flat trajectory precludes the pos- sibility of an overhead sniper. And the man said that he was hit at the moment the car began to move forward-which seems to indicate that the occupants of the vehicle possessed a weapon but in some way disposed of it." DURING AkSHORT break, a sergeant looked up from a news- paper. "Hey, lookit, guys-the pa- per says we're nervous and pan- icky." A tall, thin trooper told about the incident: "It's about 2 a.m., see, and this car comes down the street with his lights out. He pulls up closer and I see the car has the name of a local paper on the side. But I went over to check his identification anyway. Now I'm jittery, this reporter says, 'cause I didn't believe the sign on the side of his car. Does it evertoccur to him that people who are capable of climbin' up on a roof and shooting at us are also capable of slugging him over the head and taking his keys. After all, a car like that would be a great way to transport ammo from sniper to sniper." Others agreed that reporters were a problem. Said one: "These guys go driving down the street. If they got their lights off, they look like curfew violators. If they got 'em on, they look like stupid curfew violators. So if we stop 'em at every roadblock, we'renervous and jittery. But if we don't, then you can bet your life the next day the paper would say we weren't doin' our job. And they can't un- derstand why we get mad when they shine their lights on us or when they get out and start tak- ing flash shots at midnight." A RADIO operator who sudden- ly found himself on the streets with a rifle in his hand told of his experiences. "On Monday we were sent out to relieve a group of 10 cops whowere pinned down by shooting from an apartment on Dexter, on the West Side. When we got there-we had a convoy of four jeeps and a small truck- the cops were taking a hell of a lot of fire from a third floor win- dow. "We cut loose with the ma- on the apartment building, was one of the first to get to the girl. "After the tank stopped firing, the people in the building were ordered to come out. Among the crowd were two men carrying people. "One of the people being car- ried was Tonia and the other was a young Negro woman. A captain, another sergeant and I ran up to the porch. The woman had been hit by only one round of caliber .50, but it had nearly torn her arm off. All that was holding it on was a piece of skin. The captain tied off the arm to stop the bleed- ing while the other sergeant and I tended to Tonia. "When we got to her, we saw a hole in her the size of my fist. One of the bullets must have passed through the brick and mushed-up pretty badly before it hit her. The other sergeant and I put two bandages on her, one on the front and one on theback. I ran back" to the jeep and called for an ambulance, because it was obvious the wounded couldn't be moved without a doctor. "The ambulance pulled up in a "He pulled up and parked right in front of us, and walked into a house. The people in the house were pretty noisy for some time, but about 11:45 p.m. a woman came out on the porch and said her baby was dead and would we please help her. I told the man who had come out with her to give the baby artificial respiration while I called for an ambulance. "I went to the radio and called for an ambulance and went back to my post. But when I looked in through the window, I saw the man and woman running around in the living room. So I handed my weapon to the other guard and went in the house. "THE WOMAN was screaming that she wanted to see her in- surance policy. The man was standing there, and a baby girl was lying on the floor. The girl was covered with dirt, and the house was just filthy. The stench was almost overpowering. "I asked the woman what was wrong with the girl and the wo- man said that she wanted to see the insurance policy. The man told me that the girl had had spinal meningitis. I felt the girl's heart, which was very faint. Here breathing had stopped. "I applied mouth-to-mouth re- suscitation and tried to apply ex- terior cardiac massage. After about ten minutes, my company commander and executive officer arrived, and the C.O. took over the cardiac massage. We worked for about another twenty minutes. Finally, a scout car without ox- ygen managed to get through the sniper fire and take the girl to the hospital. They had a National Guard medic along with them, and he took over the respiration. "They finally got the girl to breathe, but she died enroute to the hospital. All of us who came in contact with the girl or who were in the house had to take sulfa tablets until we found out that the meningitis was no longer active and that she had died from pneumonia. But, man, I was really scared there for awhile. I'm really sorry the girl died." "THIS MAN," said his com- mander, "deserves a great deal of credit for fast thinking, swift ac- tion, and tremendous courage. Al- though he knew that one of the people in the house had threat- ened a police office; although they had been boistrous for some time, and in spite of his belief that the girl had menigitis, he entered the house alone and unarmed, in the belief that he was risking his life but also in the hope of saving a child and helping people in trou- ble." The officer said that "the Guard was not only down there to stop snipers; it was there for any worthwhile function." The opinions of men both in and out of the Guard, substantiated by acts of restraint and courage, seemed to verify his statement. Maj. McNally again amplified: "Besides being in the thick of the fighting, we reported many fires, we were often the first on the scene of serious accidents, one of our men saved the life of a child injured in a hit-and-run accident, and several of our men attempted unsuccessfully to save other peo- ples lives." 4 SGC Must Become A Lobby for Students National Guardsmen on duty in Detroit IN AN ORIENTATION talk Student Gov- ernment Council previews next year's SGC perspective in this way: "We're go- ing to be concerned with more important things than the level of waste in the wastebaskets or simply regulating stu- dent organizations. We intend to become sort of a lobby for student concerns." SGC can only succeed in reaching its self-defined goals if it grows ,up enough to handle its allowance and control its identity crisis. The problems that came up in SGC's Student Housing Association's (SHA) threatened apartment-boycott this week illuminate the obstacles SGC faces in be- coming an influential student lobby. To run an effective boycott SHA would have had to print explanatory literature, put up signs and advertise in local pa- pers-probably running to a cost of over a thousand dollars. The money would have come from SGC's annual $20,000 al- location from the Office of Student Af- fairs-an allocation that- comes directly out of student tuition fees and therefore must be approved by the Regents. It's to- tally unrealistic to expect the Regents- elected state officials-to approve of any SGC spending that aims at injuring the business of Ann Arbor landlords. SGC, THEN, must become financially in- dependent of the University as well as nominally independent if it is to be- come any sort of a pressure group for stu- dent concerns. The clerical work and ex- penses involved in apartment or consum- er boycotts would be almost overwhelm- ing, but SGC might finance them by billing the students directly concerned. For example, an apartment dweller might pay a small amount to sign a rent boy- cott petition while students living in University housing would not. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Summer subscription rate: $2.00 per term by carrier ($2.50 by mail); $4.00 for entire summer ($4.50 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Summer Editorial Staff STEPHEN FIRSHEIN .......... ............ Co-Editor LAURENCE MEDOW ................Co-Editor A9 A ,'.WTr T7TW Summer Simnlemen ~ t Edi tor If SGC is going to "lobby for student concerns," the second problem it faces is finding out what the students really want -something administrators have beef trying to figure out and then avoid for 150 years. Many students care enough to want more than just a diploma as a certificate proving four years of existence in Ann Arbor. The "pay as you go" lobby scheme mentioned before might help here. The things students do agree on such as more and better housing are things that the Legislature has put beyond the University's means but proposals such as a student-endowed chair are a step in the right direction. Thirteen thousand dollars of the $50,000 SGC requested from the Regents earlier this summer, and did not get, was set aside for a student-en- dowed chair. It's questionable that stu- dents have become public spirited enough to kick in the whole amount voluntarily but a start could be made through vol- untary contributions. Perhaps, also, senior class gifts. could be used for this purpose instead of for stacks of plaques and ugly benches. STUDENT advisory investigation com- mittees such as the Literary College Steering Committee or SGC's Health Service Investigation committee are also steps in the right direction; but once again they are crippled by SGC's lack of independence and autonomy. SGC still considers itself a student or- ganization in the sense that it expects the administration's protection from the big, nasty world crawling with "dirty- minded" Ann Arbor police and fiendish landlords, but at the same time it wants to stand back and criticize administra-, tive actions. Also many faculty members would like to see more student voice in University decisions but they don't want the stu- dents to come begging to them to take care of it-they want the students to accept their own responsibilities. If SGC, then, really intends to become a student lobby group, it must forego some of the benefits-protective and fi- nancial-of academia and become an ex- ternal pressure group working with stu- dents for student demands. -LUCY KENNEDY No Comment "THE SUGGESTION (by McNamara) chinegun and our rifles while the police surrounded the building., We stopped firing after a minute or two, but we heard an exchange of fire in the rear of the build- ing, so we ran around there. Ap- parently the snipers had tried to escape, but the cops caught them. "There were three men and two women, all in their early twenties and all Negro. My God but those guys were big. One of them made three of me. We searched them and found knives and an ample supply of shotgun shells. "The police asked them where their other weapons were, and they told them. When my com- manding officer checked-there they were. So, the cops bundled the snipers off to the precinct house, and we returned to our base." ANOTHER Guardsman, a ser- geant who is a veteran of several Army training courses including the Jungle Warfare course taught in Panama, was with the unit which fired on a house at Twelfth and Euclid, killing four-year-old Tonia Blanding. The sergeant, whose jeep was right behind the tank which fired very few minutes-with its lights off. God, that driver had guts! He got out and loaded the two wounded people on stretchers and drove them off while a sniper was firing on him. On an ambulance carrying his own people some bas- tard opened fire!" MAJOR McNALLY claimed that instances of actions verging on heroism and acts of public service were not uncommon a m o n g Guardsmen. McNally cataloged a series of incidents where Guards- men were the first on the scene of serious accidents, and in a number of cases applied first aid which saved the life of the vic- tims. A trooper told of one in- stance of heroism. The private settled in a chair to drink a cup of coffee, and be- gan to talk. "About ten minutes after curfew, we saw a cop stop a car about two blocks down the road. While he was searching the car, we heard-we is my group of guards-we heard the drifter of the car say he was going to go home and then come back and kill the cop. But the cop finally let the driver go. S.TRAN VAN DINH From South Vietnam IWithout Hatred, I have just received from Saigon poems a young Vietnamese lady left to all of us before she burned herself on May 16, 1967. Her name is Phan Thi Mai and she was a student of arts and also a teacher. She loved to work in villages among the students of the School for Youth for Social Service of the Van Hanh (Buddhist) University. ON FEBRUARY 20, she signed a letter together with 69 Univer- sity professors and students to protest against U.S. policy in Vietnam. The letters and poems she left behind were seized by the police but Phan Thi Mai knowing the police state she lived in left copies with a friend who forwarded them to us. In one letter to her family, she asked her mother to sell all that she had, including her jewels and use the money to assist poor friends, orphans and students at the School of Youth for Social Service. Her poems were devoid of hatred and anger but filled with com- passion and love. Here are some of them: LETTER OF THE HEART My fellowmen, listen to me Because I love my people Because I love my country I want to be a light Even a dim one in this dark night In order to prove the presence of Man. THE LAST WORDS OF ONE WHO LOVES VIETNAM O Vietnam, Vietnam Please listen to the last words of one who loves Vietnam I am on the side ofamy forefathers of Revolution of the young generation of all those who suffer: orphans, widows the injured, the exiled. I am for the fatherland I cry because of the shedding of blood of both innocents and wicked O Vietnam, Vietnam Why this hatred among men? Why this killing of one another? Who will be the defeated? Who will be the winner? O Please remove all labels! We are all Vietnamese We all are Vietnamese Let us take each other's hand To protect the fatherland I KNEEL DOWN AND PRAY Why Americans burn themselves? Why non-Vietnamese demonstrate all over the world? Why Vietnam remains silent and does not dare to utter the word: PEACE? I feel helpless And I suffer If being alive I can not express myself I will offer my life to have my aspirations known. Calling for Peace is a crime Acting for Peace is communism I am calling for Peace In the name of Man! I join my hands and kneel down I accept this utmost pain in my body in the hope that words of my heart be heard Please STOP IT, my fellowmen! Please STOP IT my fellowmen More than 20 years have elapsed ."{:...... . *. ."... . . *. . .*....". .........r.r"......r... .r".. .. . . ..r rr i-P. NOR.. f--5-,. r- <4R ABE QOA