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Continued cool,
little change of rain
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXXVII 1o. 665
Research ActivityBasic to Education: Van
By ANN MUNSTER ing itself, "Does it want faculty
"The first criterion in evalu- members who are teachers first
ating research activities is how ef- and foremost and are only sec-
fectively they relate to the ed- ondarily professionals-or does it
ucation of students," contends want faculty members who are
Dean Gordon Van Wylen of the actively contributing to the en-
University's College of Engineer- gineering profession at the same
ing. time that they carry out teaching
He took this stand in an article duties?"
entitled "Research in College of Summer employment of profes-
Engineering - Some Whys and sors does not seem to be the an-
Wherefores," which appeared re- swer to this dilemma. Comment-
cently in the engineering school's ing on this alternative, Van Wyl-
semi - annual publication, "In- en says, "a faculty member is
genor." isolated from the real world during
Van Wylen points out that the academic year, and becomes
"since World War II, colleges of ignorant of what- is happening in
engineering throughout the coun- industry. During the summer, it
try have been placing more and follows, that faculty members feel
more emphasis on research," a de- obligated to try to find out what's
velopment stemming from the really going on in the industrial
growth of graduate education in world, but don't have enough time
engineering. He lists three justi- or gain enough actual experience
fications for the participation of during a three or four month per-
engineering schools in research ac- iod to do this.
tivities. Van Wylen feels that this ap-
First, "research provides an ex- proach of relying on work experi-
cellent vehicle for the scholarly ence which is completely divorced
and professional activities of the from teaching intensifies the al-
college faculty. ready existing division between
Van Wylen insists that no col- the classroom and research. "'This
lege of engin'eering can avoid ask- division cannot make for excel-
lence in education," adds Van
Van Wylen denies, however,
that the division is creating seri-
ous problems at the University,
claiming that problems arise more
often in smaller schools where
professors necessarily have heavier
teaching loads and less time for
However, Van Wylen adds that
University faculty is definitely
pressured, by the trimester system,
which forces many faculty mem-
bers to pursue their classroom in-
struction at such a breakneck pace
that they lack adequate time for
Van Wylen goes on to defend
faculty research activities on the
grounds that they more than any
other kind of professional involve-
ment, "enables the faculty mem-
ber to keep,.most of his profes-
sional activity on campus and in
close association with the stu-
He contrast faculty members
who engage in research "who are
tremendously active as profession-
als, either as consultants or in
their own companies, but who
have virtualy no time for teach-
ing. Even their graduate students
seldom see them; their classroom
instruction is haphazard; and
their contributions to department
and colleges are perfunctory at
Van Wylen also encourages fac-
ulty members to "supplement their
research with active consulting
programs" because an engineering
educator who does research but
no consulting can still be isolated
from ongoing technology.
The College of Engineering has
established a norm by which a
faculty member holding a full
time appointment can still do two
ing problems. This opportunity is.
most important, of course, to stu-
dents at the doctorate level. Yet
both undergraduates and M.S.
candidates stand to benefit direct-
ly from research work, particular-
ly if the research involves experi-
Van Wylen contends that "It is
largely to encourage student par-
ticipation that a college of engi-
neering should think twice before
taking on research programs that
must be staffed by professional re-
searchers without academic ap-
pointments. Instead, a college
should concentrate on programs
that stimulate interaction between
uei tc-u l amuly, iur fn"u+1---. -
ed primarily to meeting specific Commenting on the sizable'
needs. It does its assignments on number of engineering projects
a task by task basis. It is not, undertaken by the University
like science, devoted to knowledge which are related to the defense
for the sake of knowledge." program, Van Wylen said, "though
it many be unfortunate. many en-
Regarding the possibility that
a conflict with academic freedom
might arisefrom conducting clas-
sified research in colleges of en-
gineering, Van Wylen says "To the
greatest extent possible, academic
freedom should include such re-
search programs. This is not to
say that no boundaries or limits
should be placed on our research."
For example, he considers research
on biological warfare an inappro-
priate project for a college of en-
~~~students and facultyfotecon
days of consulting per month. megineering.
mon purpos of-solvigemeang.g
However, Vans Wylen adds that mo ups fsligma I-
ful and currently important prob- Van Wylen said he values high-
"our colleges can tolerate and i'
lems. Professional research staff ly the right of the individual fac-
should in fact encourage many members should be added only as ulty member to set the scope of
different patterns of research ac- it It , p i c IPit.f
the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V he tome hs be-h ow r ah flth
gineering developments are at
present related to our defense pro-
gram. A college which rules out
every possibility of undertaking
such research would automatically
cut itself off from a significant
measure of ongoing technology.
Thereby it would prevent certain
faculty members from keeping
abreast of the state of their art.
Moreover, it would prevent many
graduate students from pursuing
significant research topics."
The funding pattern for en-
gineering projects, according to
Van Wylen, is "probably quite
typical." Ninety per cent of the
funds are provided by the federal
government, with the Department
of Defense contributing about 60
per cent. The remainder comes
from other federal agencies, indus-
try, university funds and founda-
tions and private agencies.
Van Wylen says "there is much
evidence that the federal funding
is not going to increase very rap-
Wyle n
idly and may, in fact, decrease.
The war in Vietnam has tended
to divert funds from research to
the production of military goods.
Furthermore, there is a strong
tendency to distribute federal
funds for research more widely,
in the interest of universities that
do not have extensive research
To counter this tendency Van
Wylen suggests that "much clos-
er relations between industry and
education can be developed
through research programs." For
example, the University has just
established the Industrial Science
Laboratory to increase its inter-
action with industry and is also
working with the Ford General
Parts Division on manufacturing
"Also colleges of engineering
should shift some of their empha-
sis to the civilian segments of the
Federal Establishment," added
Van Wylen. He points out further
that, "in these segments lie many
of the challenging-even threat-
ening-problems which have be-
come part and parcel of this era
of urbanization and population
tivity and that the arrangement
is norm and not an absolute
The second reason Van Wylenl
gives for the participation of col-
leges of engineering in research is
that "Research gives students an
opportunity to learn by partici-
pating in 'real,' ongoing engineer-
Riot Victims
The third reason Van Wylen
gives for engineering cdllege re-
search is "to contribute to the
store of engineering knowledge-
either directly or by way of find-
ing new applications for existing
knowledge." He points out that en-
gineering as a profession is devot-
is Ul eseU cl,u AU eel s al
"at regular intervals and on their
own, faculty researchers should
carefully examine the value of
their research to society as a'
whole. Our research should be con-
tingent with our 'value system,
and our value system should not
be hitched to the availability of
Faculty Poll Shows Satisfaction Demand Say
With Nature of Academic Duty InRebuilding
Recently tabulated results of
a poll of the University's academ-
ic staff revealed a high degree
of satisfaction with the nature
and condition of academic duties.
However, some trouble spots were
According to Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Allen F. Smith,
the poll was instigated by a stu-
dent at the Center for the Study
of Higher Education, who was
writing his graduate thesis on the
means and use of measuring de-
grees of satisfaction.
Codification and compilation of
the data was handled by the Of-
fice of Institutional Research, with
the aid of technical consultants
from the Institute for Social Re-
The poll consisted of a 16-page
questionnaire, which was sent out
to the 5,518 members of the aca-
demic staff last March. The ques-
tionnaire was divided into three
sections: "Conditions of Academ-
ic Service," "Nature of Academic
Service," and "What You Would
Most Like to Improve at the Uni-
versity of Michigan."
In the section on "Conditions
of Academic Service," staff mem-
bers were asked to indicate their
degree of satisfaction with and
the degree of importance they at-
tached to each of 10 items on a
scale of one to five.
Some dissatisfaction was shown
by the staff over certain aspects
of the University's physical facili-
ties. With the exception of rat-
ings for "athletic and recreation-
al facilities," the ratings for im-
portance on all items were higher
than the degree of satisfaction.
However, all items, except for
"social and food service facilities"
and "parking facilities," were
ranked above three on the satis-
faction scale.
The largest variance between
satisfaction and importance was
shown in the staff's rating of
availability of funds and oppor-
tunities for professional develop-
ment. This showed up most graph-
ically in the ratings for "availabil-
ity of departmental research
REGISTRATION MATERIALS for Graduate students plan-
ning to enroll in the Fall Term may be picked up in the Rack-
ham Building Aug. 2-25, and Aug.'28-31 from 8:00-12:00 and
1:00-4:04. Identification cards will be available in the Rackham
Building at the times listed above.
"GRANULATION" by Niccolo Castiglione will be premiered
at the last concert in the Contemporary Directions series at 8:30
p.m. yiSaturday in the School of Music Recital Hall on North
Campus. The work was written this year especially for this series.
"Melted Ears" by Phil Winsor also will receive its world premiere.
Winsor is currently holder of the Prix de Rome .
* * * *
THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC will present the Summer Session
Chorus and Orchestra in a free concert conducted by Thomas
Hilbish at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Hill Aud: The chorus will feature
soprano Janise Harsanyi and mezzo-soprano Elizabeth Mannion.
* * * *
THE BETTER EDUCATED you are, the more likely you are
to stay alive on the highway. That is one implication of a recent
University study on who uses seat belts. The study, directed by
economics Prof. James N. Morgan and the University's Survey
Research Center, found that the more educated a person is, the
more likely he is to use a seat belt.
Morgan's finding showed that three out of four persons with
education beyond the bachelor's degree used seat belts at least
some of the time. By contrast, in the U.S. population at large,
only one person in four wore seat belts at least some of the time.
* * * ,
Freund will deliver the 17th series of Thomas M. Cooley lectures
at the Law School in September.
The Oxford professor will present five public lectures on
"Recent Developments in Contract Law: Reflections on Legal
Methods in England and in the United States."
Prof. Kahn-Freund has been president of the International
Society for. Labor Law and Social Legislation and co-editor of
funds," which rated 4.30 on im-
portance and only 2.85 on satis-
The aspect of conditions of
academic service which received
the strongest endorsement from{
the staff was "independence and
Five factors were listed here:
Freedom to speak, teach, bonduct
research, and write in the field of
your competence; freedom to se-
lect the content of your courses;
freedom to determine the courses
you want to teach; freedom to de-
cide on your teaching methods,
and freedom to choose the direc-
tion. of your research if funds are
Teaching Fellowsj
With the exception of freedom
to determine the courses one is
to teach, satisfaction scores were
all above 4..
Under the general heading of
communication, 'least satisfaction
among staff members was express-
ed over communication between
departments, and the greatest
satisfaction for communication
from the individual to his depart-
ment chairman.
In the questions on the "Na-
ture of Academic Service," a sum-
mary of the results indicates that
the staff is satisfied with the
amount of time spent on teach-
ing, would like to spend a little
less time on administrative activ-
ities, a little more on sponsored
research, substantially more on in-
dividual scholarly and creative
work, and slightly more on pro-
fessional activities outside the
In the final section of the ques-
tionnaire, staff members were
asked to list aspects of the Uni-
versity they would most like to
improve. In a breakdown of the
r a t i n g s between professorial
ranks, teaching fellows, research
assistants and research associates,
the professorial group indicated
they would most like to improve
physical facilities, funds for pro-
fessional development, present
salary potential, and present cur-
Salary Improvement
All of the other three groupsr
gave "present salary" as the item
they most wanted improved, with
"physical facilities" in second
place. Salary potential ranked
Smith said a resume of the re-
sults of the survey will be sent to
staff members in late fall. Break-
downs of the data by schools and
colleges will be sent to the ap-
propriate deans and directors for
their use in developing future
Smith said he was generally
pleased with the degree of satis-
faction shown by members of the
staff. "In spite of the many pro-
blems that cross my desk," he
said, "morale seems pretty good,
especially on things which are
very important, such as the right
to express oneself."
He said that many of the find-
500 Detroiters.Name
Grievance Committee
To Present Cases
DETROIT (P) - The residents
. of Detroit's riot-devastated near
West Side are demanding control
over the rebuilding of their burn-
ed and pillaged neighborhoods.
About 500 persons, !mostly Ne-
gro, met Wednesday night in the
City-County building to discuss
grievances in the aftermath of
the riot and ended up naming a
committee to present their de-
mands to city officials.
And a near West Side neigh-
borhood planning group, formed
more than a year ago, is strug-
gling to keep its voice from being
drowned out in the clamor over
plans to rebuild the area.
The meeting Wednesday was
called in response to the naming
of the New Detroit Committee by
Mayor Jerome Cavanagh and Gov.
George Romney.
Rebuilding Effort
The committee, chaired by Jos-
eph L. Hudson Jr., head of De-
troit's largest department store, is
charged with organizing the re-x
building effort.
The committee has been crit-
icized from a number of quarters
for not having enough residents
from the riot areas among its
The Rev. Albert Cleage, a Negro
militant, said at the meeting:
"Our committee will tell Hudson
and Cavanagh and Romney andl
LBJ what we want done in the
city of Detroit. These people here!
at the meeting are speaking for
all black people in the city of
The planning group, the Vir-
ginia Parks Citizens Rehabilita-
tion Commitee, has been working
with the city for over a year to
plan development in the near
West Side.
Only One Member
Urge Delay
hr Contract
Teachers May Seek
Agreement Without
Further Negotiations
Donald Newsted, president of
the Ann Arbor Teacher's Asso-
ciation, last night asked all teach-
ers who have not voted on the
master teachers' contract for the
coming year not to do so.
Negotiators for the Ann Arbor
Board of Education and the AATA
had agreed on a contract in late
July, but recent developments
have thrown new light on this
Last week the attorney for the
board gave an opinion that the
board's working capital reserve is
illegal and must be spent within
the coming fiscal year.
This means the board has more
money that could be paid to the
The main concerns of the teach-
ers are now fringe benefits and
working conditions.
Speaking to a meeting of the
teachers last night, Newsted said
that while the "meeting was orig-
inally called to ratify. the con-
tract," the discovery of the illegal
reserve changes the situation.
Re-opening Negotiations
At the board of education meet-
ing on Wednesday, negotiators for
the teachers asked if the board
The Kresge Hearing Institute, a
part of the University Hospital
complex, is pioneering in research
on the causes and cures of deaf-
ness through a "bank" for tem-
poral bones.
Most hearing losses are caused
by defects in the structure of the
inner ear, which is embedded in
the hard temporal bones of the
human skull. The bone cannot be
removed from a living person be-
cause it is connected to the brain
and for years scientists had been
unable to learn a great deal about
-Associated Press
A white mercenary officer talks to civilians in B akavu, in the Congo, when Major Jean Schramm,
a Belgian-born mercenary, has given Congolese President Joseph Mobutu 10 days to discuss with
him the future of the country. If Mobutu refuses, Schramm said, he would consider organizing a
marching on the capital, Kinshasa.
,Bone PledgesAid Scientists
In Study of Hearing Losses
But only one of its members, it.
the Rev. Robert L. Potts, its chair- Its removal and study after
man, is on the New Detroit panel. death, do not give the researcher
There was no immediate indi-an accurate knowledge of how to
cation the committee appointed correlate abnormalities found in a
at Wednesday night's meeting is specimen and their effects on
working %yith the Virginia Parks hearing. Researchers realize that
committee. only through a highly organized
The Virginia Parks committee group effort could enough data be
Theits rglaninarP theVcompiled on temporal bones which
Parks Citizens Service Corp. were have been willed to science.
formed over a year ago in re- One of the First
spose to reports the area would The Kresge Institute became
be torn down by urban renewal one of the first in a network of
bretrn don y ra27 regional "Bone Banks" period-
projects. ically recording the hearing ability
The Virginia Parks corporation of people who have pledged bones,
now operates with a fulltime co- and keeping track of donors as
ordinator and a $23,000 a year they change residences. One of the
planning budget. biggest drawbacks to the study of
Other Developments the inner ear is that specimens de-
In other developments, Detroit compose if not preserved within 24
faces the possibility of losing both hours after death. At the time
the Negro director of its antipov- of death a doctor at one of the
erty d the highest regional centers is always close
ranking Negro in the police de- enough to remove the bones from
partment. - any donor.
Each says his leavin, which in Financed chiefly by the Deaf-
.Eahsn h ness Research Foundation and the
velopment of microsurgical tech- A donor may will his temporal wouldconsider re-opening the
niques to cure certain diseases bones at any time during his life negotiations. Board President
Hazen Schumacher said he would
caused by the calcification of the by signing a simple agreement. consult the board attorney about
bones within the ear. There are two Bone Banks in this.
Rewarding work at the Kresge Michigan, one at the University's The teachers have been in the
Institute in growing this bone in Kresge Hearing Research Insti- process of ratifying the contract
an artificial environment has tute and the other at Ford Hos- by sending in to the AATA ballots
given researchers a much clearer pital in Detroit. Dr. Frank Ritter, accepting or rejecting it. The con-
understanding of the development director of the Kresge operation, tract was concluded Aug. 1, and
of diseases in the ear. Records ob- reports the program is proceed- teachers have been free to vote
tained through s 1o w motion ing satisfactorily but will not gain since then. However, many did
photography and cell activity full momentum for several years not see the contract until the last
studies have been used to inter- because although many thousands few days.
Spret the process of disease de- have pledged into the program, Newsted last night urged the
velopment, suggesting n e w most of them will be alive for teachers not to vote on the con-
methods of treatment. many more years. tract. A majority of the teachers
must vote to ratify to have the
" " ~contract accepted.
Senate Votes 18.1 Million Compromise
He said that at the time of the
negotiations, the teachers had con-
, Co I sented to certain compromises, be-
Allotment To Teacher Corps not he adeuae ds.
cause they thought the board did
not ave adequatefud.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CPS) - That angered Corps Director However, the release of the cap-
The Senate voted last week to give Richard Graham, who said the cut ital reserve would'provide enough
the Teacher Corps $18.1 million of would knock out programs in Iney domdthe teachers hid
man ciie whch av ben trninal demands. The teachers had
a requested $33 million, but other- many cities which have been torn asked for $2.1 million, but the
wise made few major changes in by riots this summer. The appro- package agreed upon by the ne-
appropriations for higher educa- priation would allow the Corps to gotiators was $1.58 million.
tion as passed by the House. send out 1,100 trainees instead of Newsted said yesterday that a
The $12.7 billion appropriation the planned 2,100. reopening of negotiations would
for the Department of Health, mean that "a lot of months' work
Education and Welfare gives -Other Provisions would be going down the drain."
slightly less than $4 billion for Among other major higher edu- "We are nowhere near ratifica-
education, of which $1.6 billion is cation provisions in the bill: tion," he said, "if we stick to-
for higher education. The bill -The Senate voted $600,000 of gether here we will have some
passed 80-4, now goes to a con- a requested $20.8 million for pro- strength."
ference committee to work out grams authorized by the Inter- 'Best in State'
differences with the House bill. national Education Act of 1966. "Our salary package is -going
The only major debate was over The act provides grants for grad- to be one of the best in the state."
the Teacher Corps, which sends uate programs in international Newsted said that "the con-
specially trained college students, studies and research and improve- tract was negotiated in good
most of them working on master's ment in undergraduate curricula faith," and that "this still re-
degrees, into slum areas to teach. in international affairs. The $600,-- mains true."