Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Truth Will Prevailf Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Defending the NationalGuard THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: LUCY K NNEDYI The Books-Budget Battle T IS MILDLY IRONIC that the framers of the new New York constitution should have proposed a system of free higher education in that state at the same 'time as our own Legislature was forcing tuition hikes and spending cut- backs for all Michigan institutions of higher learning, and while a third state, California, was considering instituting in- state tuition payments for the first time in the history of its university system. Examining the contrasts between pub- lic higher education in these three states can be enlightening, not only for the reason that the states themselves are so much alike, .but also because between them, California, Michigan and New York account for 23 per cent of the pop- ulation of the United States. And the three are indeed similar. All are large, industrialized and populous. All are plagued by today's urban problems- slum conditions, schools, crime, mass transportation, air pollution, and, of course, rioting. Politically, all three have Republican governors interested in the Presidency. And all three state legislatures are con- cerned with how their constituents' hard- earned tax dollars are being spent. EACH STATE must necessarily finance a number of operations, and higher edu- cation can only be a part of the budget. To many state legislators-and indeed many taxpayers-money appropriated for highways, police, primary and secondary education, and even welfare is better spent than funds allocated to higher edu- cation, which many consider to be a waste of time. To a large extent, the quality of public higher education in a state varies inversely with the percentage of the people of that state who believe this to be true. California and Michigan have long been justifiably famous' for their com- prehensive networks of colleges, junior colleges and universities, including Berkeley and the University, the only two state-supported institutions continually ranked among the finest universities in the nation. New York's higher education, on the other hand, is rather confused. The State University of New York, on campuses throughout the state, is not large enough to handle the number of New Yorkers who wish to attend college. The highly competitive City University of New York, open only to city residents, is likewise besieged by thousands of qualified appli- cants for a limited number of openings. But neither of these is quite up to par with any of the really first-class insti- tutions of higher education. REACTION IN NEW YORK to the "free higher education" proposal has gen- erally been skeptical. Governoi Rockefel- ler commented that the state constitu- tion should guarantee that "no one in New York State should be denied a col- lege education because he or she lacks the ability to pay for it," but leading edu- cators seem to fear that a loss of tuition payments would not be supplemented by increased state appropriations, a situa- tion which would be disastrous to the al- ready chaotic system. On the West Coast, Governor Reagan's attempts sto cut University of California appropriations and initiate tuition pay- ments by in-state students resulted in partial failure last year. Just two weeks ago, however, Reagan proposed a $250 a year tuition fees of which 50 per cent would go to support loans and scholar- ships for students from the less-affluent families. The plan comes up for consider- ation at the regents' meeting at the end of this month, and most Cal students are gloomily predicting that it will be ac- cepted. If it is, the tuition fees should just about make up the difference be- tween the pre- and post-Reagan operat- ing budget, which was cut last year by $2 million. And of course we all know what is go- ing on in Michigan. Like everyone else, students at the University will be paying more for tuition next year, and also more in dorm fees. ONE CAN ONLY HOPE that tight budg- ets like those of Michigan and Cali- fornia will not do too much to impair the excellence of their public higher educa- tion. High tuition fees can drive gifted but poor students away, just as "auster- ity" budgets can slow down construction of physical facilities and the hiring and retention of talented professors. Politicians from all over would do well to note the benefits higher education can bring to a state, and act accordingly when the time comes to appropriate funds or set tuition levels. -JENNY STILLER By TRACY BAKER During the recent civil dis- turbance in Detroit, Daily re- porter Tracy Baker served with a unit of the Michigan National Guard. His battalion, a member of the elite Selected Reserve Force, saw action in the hard- est-hit riot areas. This is the first of a two-part series. DETROIT - The city is calm now. After a week of what a vet- eran of street fighting in towns and cities in Europe called "flat- out war," the streets of Detroit are returning to an approximation of normality. BUT IN ARMORIES across the state and nation, and in the Pentagon offices of the National Guard Bureau, officers and en- listed men alike study news media accusationsathat the Guard is "poorly trained, blood-thirsty and incompetent." "Absolutely inaccurate," Lieu- tenant Frederick Drosten termed charges of "blood-lust." "I saw many cases where my men ex- ercised every possible restraint prior to firing," the lieutenant continued. 'Why, in one night alone, in the 13th precinct, we pulled in over 150 people-loot- ers, arsonists, and snipers-with- out firing a shot. And at one time during the night, when a prison-, er torched the station and ;here was a good chance of the whole place burning down and the pris- oners were planning to rush the Guardsmen posted at the door of thebullpen, no one panicked, no one fled upstairs." Lt. Col. Henry Van Kampen, the commander of a battalion of airborne Guardsmen, explained: "The Guard wasn't bloodthirsty or jittery-at least not this bat- talion-but we just applied basic infantry tactics." CAPT. FRANK STORtER, com- manding officer of a rifle com- pany, agreed. "We weren't 'trig- ger-happy,' " Storer said, "but when the situation called for ac- tion, we took action. We didn't just sit around. I'm well satisfied with the performance of my men, and if they can satisfy me, then they must have done a damn good job." Men in Storer's com- pany described him as "an ex- tremely demanding officer, satis- field with nothing less than per- fection." Maj. James N. McNally, who is the operations and training of- ficer of the same battalion, also made some comments. "This bat- talion has been called bloody,'" McNally admitted, but I know of only two instances, one official and one by hearsay, where our people killed a sniper. Although we were involved in many other fights, we have no credit for other kills. I know of no instance where a member of this command was involved in unnecessary blood- letting." Some civilians also felt that charges of 'blood-lust' among Guardsmen were false. One Ne- gro, an insurance salesman, talk- ed briefly in an East Side bar. "Look, baby," he explained, "them geant, as he waved a sheet of paper: "How in the hell can we be trigger-happy? When we first came down here, we were told not to load 'our weapons. Now we got written orders telling us not to load or fire even if we get shot at. We gotta wait for an officer to come. Hell! we can't be trigger- happy. We can't even protect our- selves." Some Guardsmen thought the order had been passed down to their units only, but Maj. McNally said that it went out to Guards- men and Army troops alike. He explained: "It was part of a pro- POUL WASN'T alone. A regular Army master sergeant, veteran of Korea and Vietnam, exploded at the mention of a local paper. "These guys in the Guard have done a damned fine job," he said. "I can't really di'scuss any of the recent stories, because after the first couple of days it was ob- vious that they were full of crap. They've been chopping up the Guard since summer camp, and I haven't bothered to read any more of them." The sergeant had a one-word explanation for the stories: "Politics." Pvt. Charlie Lattimer, a Negro member of a tank outfit, com- mented: "We had an incident one night about midnight. We'd put out all the streetlights when sud- denly a car with its brights on pulled up behind us on our per- sonhel carrier. We told the re- porters to get the hell out of there. Next day in the paper we're nervous and panicky. How are we supposed to react when some idiot drives along with no concern for his safety or ours; when he il- luminates us like a flare at mid- night and when all he wants is to get a crummy story to sell his paper the next morning." Lt. Drosten, told a story about a man who, unarmed and alone' entered the residence of a person who had been heard to threaten the life of a police officer, and ap- plied mouth-to-mouth resuscita- tion to an infant whom he thought was dying of spinal men- ingitis. "If that's a jittery, panicky man," said Drosten, "then I guess we were jittery." McNally affirm- ed that Guardsmen had been in- volved in several humanitarian acts, and commented bitterly that "the public never hears about things like that, because they don't make good copy." ONE OF THE most frequently voiced complaints of Guardsmen was that the federal troops were credited with more accomplish- ments than they deserved. Col. Van Kampen said: "It would be foolish to try to claim that we are as well trained as the best professional soldiers in the world, but our battalion went into the near East Side 'Monday and quieted the area for the federal troops who arrived on Tuesday." Lt. Drosten felt that the Guard, "compared to the federal troops, was good, but that it left some things to be desired." Drosten claimed that Guardsmen were at a psychological disadvantage. "Be- cause of the strategy of using a show of force. our people had to stay in the open, exposing them- selves," Drosten said. Ole first lieutenant claimed that the federal troops had lost a machine gun while on patrol. He also mentioned that while no Guard troops had been picked up by the police, "more than one fed- eral trooper is being held on sus- ,icion of looting." POLICE OFFICERS seemed to agree: at least those who worked with both Guard and federal troops. One East Side patrolman said: "When we had the federal troops here, we had to almost use a club to get them to do anything. With these guys fromdthe guard, we gotta use a club to get some- where before they do." A state trooper told of an in- cident he experienced: "My part- ner and I were riding the streets with two federal pfc.'s in the back seat of the car. We pulled up to a house wheresniper activity had been reported, and when we start- to get out out of the car, the para- troopers in the back told us they'd 'see us if we got back'." Most Guards rejected the idea that additional training in civil disturbance control would have ensured better performance dur- ing the crisis. A former military policeman now in the Guard, ex- plained: "Civil disturbance train- ing is the same as mob control. I never saw a mob. From the time we got down there, all there was house-to-house fighting." Maj. McNally elaborated on the comment. "We've had all the riot training required by the federal government, and then some. But in the situation we were in, more riot training wouldn't have help- ed. What we needed and used was basic infantry tactics, and we are well trained in them." HOWEVER, opinions are not the only evidence to refute claims of National Guard ineptitude. Suggested one enlisted man: "Tell our story and tell it like it is, man, and let the, facts speak for themselves." TOMORROW: Guardsmen tell of some of the outstanding in- cidents of the riot. Guardsmen cleared street mobs .. . federal troops got a lot of black people in 'em. Now all these papers, they say that if we see black and white together we gon- na cool it. But the straight is that we know our own boys, and we know that if a 'shooter' opens up on a white guy he gonna try an' see where the man shooting from; but a colored boy, he gonna run into the nearest building and start shootin' on the first floor, an' he gonna stop when he get to the roof. If anybody gonna be trig- ger-happy, baby, it's them para- troopers," ENLISTED GUARD personnel seemed to scoff at charges of over zealous shooting. Said one ser- gram to tiy to bring a semblance of normal conditions into these neighborhoods. In fact, the order was flexible. Headlights could be extinguished in, some areas, and it was felt that there was enough time for the officer leading a pa- trol to give the order to lock and load if fired on. We did not feel that our people were in jeopardy, or brother, believe me you would have heard some complaints." Sgt. David Poul was unhappy with the order: "I'm personally hurt that the man (Throckmor- ton) lacked enough confidence in us to have us on the street with locked and loaded weapons. I don't think reports of panicky Guardsmen were at all accurate." 4 *.* and then watched for snipers Letters to the Editor REP: After the First Year INITIATED only a year ago, the Radical Education Project (REP), if support- ed, shows definite promise of becoming an effective means of providing a solid base of educational information for the "new left" movement. Self-defined as "an independent edu- cation, research and publication pro- gram, devoted to the cause of democrat- ic radicalism and aspiring to the creation of a new left in America," REP has is- sued over a dozen pamphlets and set up an extensive speake's' bureau. A 28 page list of "people who are will- ing or anxious to speak on campuses to SDS members and others" concerning topics related to their respective areas of interest has been compiled and dis- tributed. REP has also prepared a book of orig- inal essays to be published next year con- cerning various areas of special interest to the new left. Position papers on elec- toral politics, labor, the nation's univer- sities, civil rights and black power are just several of the topics included. SIX STUDY GUIDES have also been prepared and distributed covering power in America,;Marxism, U.S. Foreign History and U.S.-Chinese relations. In addition to SDS members and others who are sympathetic to the radical position, more than a dozen teaching fellows and professors are using these guides as a basis for regular classroom courses. Summer research programs and a na- tional conference entitled "Radicals in the Professions" are also included among the accomplishments of the last 12 months. All these have provided a good begin- ning-but only a beginning. A massive tentative nrogram has been the Middle Class?", and 'Power, Social Integration and Change"-have been de- fined. Twelve subjects ranging from Lat- in America and the Defense Department, to today's educational theory and sys- tems, have been designated for further investigation and publication. WORKING PAPERS that REP will edit and publish as well as pamphlets de- signed especially for SDS chapter use are other projects being initiated. Counter- curriculum material and programs, com- mitments for further research, critiques of particular professional and academic disciplines are also being planned for the near future. Although many strides were made dur- ing REP's first year in existence, the majority of effort exerted by the 10-man staff, including four full-time paid mem- bers (at a $30 a week salary) was direct- ed toward fund raising. Twenty thousand dollars was provided through donations alone. REP's second year will face the same basic problem - a continuing need for funds. Again the staff must make financ- ing its primary consideration. With so small a group also because of a lack of funds-REP is caught in a vicious circle. In order to exist, funds must be raised, but when most staff energy is bent to- ward raising money, time spent on other productive projects is severely limited. The REP staff, after a year of less con- centrated efforts, is now interested in de- veloping more substantive projects and publications which would go beyond the level of a loosely constructed speakers' bureau and publication of study guides and reprints. They must be allowed to follow this line of rOpaln n r.m a+1arn + a 'in n rna 'U' Budget The student and University com- munity which reads the Daily editorial page is entitled to a more correct appraisal of the budget planning and budget making in the University than is contained in the lead editorial of Wednesday, August 9. It is incorrect to say that there was "lack of efficient administration contingency plan- ning." It is also wrong to write that the "lack of planning on the part of the administration" will be responsible for an "austerity pro- gram in which funds expected by the various departments will not be available." The department chairmen are not "at a distinct and defenseless disadvantage." They will not find out "only three weeks before classes begin how much their programs have been cut." All the chairmen have known for three months the budget situ- ation for the academic year begin- ning at the end of August. As the state budgetary situation began -to clarify in Lansing, a number of budget possibilities were abandon- ed by the colleges and depart- ments, in favor of the'""austerity" budget now in effect. However, this budget was constructed with a view to minimal change in the programs we offer or the faculty and staff we employ. IN OTHER WORDS, contin- gency planning has taken place for at least six months. We have had to make certain assumptions. One of these assumptions on which this college made its budget (and other units of the University as well) was that the Legislature would probably not appropriate much more for the 1967-68 acade- mic year than in the preceding year. In brief, the final budget we submitted to the University ad- ministration and the Regents was based on the very planning and contingencies to which you refer. That budget, clearly an "auster- ity" budget, was accepted on a tentative basis in July, and ap- proved on a final basis in August. Our "guesstimates" of the prob- able appropriation turned out to be correct. The major point I wish to make is that every chairman had been fully advised of the probable bud- get outlook. Departmental alloca- tions, and salary adjustments, tentative to be sure, were made in late May and early June. To be sure, this budget is inadequate to our pressing needs. Nevertheless, the greatest care was taken in its preparation to be certain that the educational functions of our de- partments would be impaired as little as possible. Unfortunately, because of the action of the Legis- lature, the tentative budget had to become a final budget. It was approved by the Regents on Tues- day, August 8. It is most unfortunate that the editorial by Wallace Immen and John Lottier created the impres- sion of lack of planning and negli- gence. Quite the contrary, every chairman in this (and other col- leges) knew quite well as long as three months ago theprospect for his budget possibilities for the coming year. They have worked long and hard to achieve the best possible educational operation in the face of limited funds. I KNOW OF no department which is planning to "eliminate courses, sections, of teaching fel- lows" solely because of the budget. It is to be regretted that the extra funds had to come out of tuition iicreases rather than legislative appropriations for general fund operations. William Haber, Dean, Literary College BARRY GOLDWATER On Creativity and Excellence I IZ S siti Talking to or about hippies seems a virtual obligation these days. Oddly enough the hippy credo of "You do your thing, I'll do mine," doesn't require all of this attention. They would pre- fer to be left alone. But the pun- dits of the left keep reading deep significance into the "movement" so that being left alone just isn't in the cards. My two cents worth, therefore, follows. First of all let me make it plain to friend and foe alike that the sort of libertarian position to which I adhere cannot condemn the hippies. They have a perfect right in a free society to go their way, wear their flowers, sing their songs, dance their dances, love their love, as they see fit so long as they do not harm others, in- fringe on the rights of others or expect others to pay their freight. To their resounding credit, the hippies by and large do not trans- ._ _ .. . , - _ _. _ say, against the "achieving so- ciety." It is revolution in favor of the values of "the simple life" and, as Max Lerner puts it, "the harmony of mind and body and spirit that produces nothing, but is there only for the joy of being there." It has seemed to me all along that, in fact, the hippies did re- flect such a trend. And I happen to disagree with it altogether. They are essentially, for instance, anti-intellectual. They also are disturbed by individualism and very yfond of tribal society, col- lective anonymity and certainly against prideful creativity and excellence. In a very real sense, it seems to me, the hippies are the ulti- mate reactionaries of our times. They not only want to halt the clock but to send it spinning back- ward into the pre-history of tribalism. AS FOR BEING against the i-nn ..i cr - -niu[ 1 T - n n1 erated him from grinding drudg- ery, raised him from common illit- eracy, permitted him more wide- spread individualism than pre- viously granted to emperors, and even pointed his feet toward the stars, just as it has long aimed his poems, songs, and dreams there- and everywhere. The achieving society, out of which the hippies want to drop, is the society in which the mind of man reigns supreme, questing, daring, questioning, dreaming, and, above all, doing. The tribal societies of which they are so fond are not compe- titive, it is true. Everyone is born knowing his place and knowing that it is useless to try to better it. Loving the world of the Ameri- can Indian, as I do, I, of course, deeply respect such societies. LOVING THE restless spirit and mind of man even more, and having the most profound faith