PAGE FOUR' THE MICHIGAN DATIY TTESDlAY. AUGU'TT9.R1967 i' sUAt3JL-f AX" c1V"U-3JL O, LOU1 For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. plc i UJ Ljorage Standing4s 1 AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE FOR RENT The Ann Arbor Fair Housing Ordi- nance and the University of Mich- igan Regents' bylaws prohibit dis- crimination in the University com- munity. Questions should be direct- ed to Off-Campus Housing, 764-7400. NEEDED-1 ROOMMATE FOR FALL. At 913 S. Division. Call Fred, 761- 7894. C33 2 FUN-LOVING, though of course, academically inclined Sr. or Grad. girls wanted to share apt. for Fall and Winter. Call Geri, 665-2190. C34 FEMALE GRAD roommate to complete moder nfur. 4-man apt for Fall. 712 Oakland- mn. walk. Rent $67.50. Call 761-3230. 026 MALE ROOMMATE wanted for 2-man apartment, $60/mo., 1325 S. Univ., No. 2. Carpeted, panelled..Must be filled by Aug. 16. Contact Charter Realty or Paul Mathis, 800 E. Maple, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Call 772-3148 after 5. C18 2-Bedroom Unfurnished Apts. Perfect for married couples from $150. Call 761-8055 C28 125 HILL STREET Fall Occupancy Completely furnished modern 2-bed- room, 4-man apartments. Includes air-conditioning, wall-to-wall carpet- 4ng, disposal, storage lockers, laundry facilities, and off-street parking. Available at $200 per month. 662- 7787. Campus Management 9 A.M.-9 P.M. 335 East Huron C LOADED WITH GOODIES! 1 block from St. Joe's Hosp. Near Campus, 721 E. Kingsley. 2 bedroom apts. Air-cond., balconies, all For- mica kitchen, sunk-in tub, desk, and bookshelves. Sound conditioned. Rec- reation room, large storage bin. All for $248/mo. Huron Valley Real Es- tate, 663-9373. Eves. 761-6456. C38 101 N. INGALLS OPEN Spacious 2-bedroom furnished apts. be- hind Rackham Bldg. Apt. 1 now open for your inspection 11-6 Mon. thru Sat., 2-4 on Sunday. Also: 1 bedroom unfurnished apt. on Oakland and 2 and 3 bedroom furnished apts. near hospitals and Law School. OAKLAND APTS.. 761-9388 (11 a.m.-6 p.m.) or 761-2657 or 662-2667 039 FALL RENTAL 1506 Packard Ann Arbor's Most Spacious Apt. 4 or 5 man, large -porches, ample parking. Call 1-864-3852. C WANTED-1 or 2 men to complete -fantastic 4-man apt. Best location In town, bi-level, 2 air cond., com- plete modern kitchen, furnished, building just completed. Call Bill Martin at 663-6679. CA STATE STREET MANOR APTS. 2 Bedroom Apts. for Fall Air Conditioned,' Disposals, Modern Furnishings, Off-Street Parking. Call 665-9627 after 5 C49 BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! For "Guys and Gals" LEVI'S SLIM-FITS-$4.98 Pure White and 4 Colors Cord. SLIM-FITS-$5.98 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Never Needs Ironing-$7 STA-PREST Slim-Fits $6.50 LEVI JACKETS s "White" or Denim--$7.50 LEVI'S Superslims-$4,98 LEVI's Dungarees-$5.25 S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S "White" & Colors-$6.50 COTTON TURTLENECKS-$1.79 (Colors) Open Mon. & Fri. Nights SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington FOR RENT. 3 FEMALE GRAD students with apt. need 4th. Call 764-4040 or 662-6992. C35 WORKING GIRL to share new 2-bed- room apt. Call 761-4938 after 5:30. C19 WANTED-2 female roommates to share 4-man apt. in hosp. area. Call 665- 6346 (Terry) or 662-5428 (Kathy). C36 NEED ONE FEMALE roommate for Fall. 5-man apartment. Call 665-6817. C22 1 BEDROOM 3-4 man furnished apt. available for fall. Bi-level, modern. furnished, air conditioning, garbage disposal, dishwasher, off street park- ing, laundy facilities in building. Call 665-9627 after 5 p.m. C48 ARTISTICALLY refreshing, new 4-man apts. On campus, air-cond., balconies, and comfortably furnished. $230-250. 761-1528 or 665-7967. C23 335 EAST HURON Air-conditioned one-bedroom apart- ment with wall-to-wall carpeting, disposal, and laundry facilities. Avail- able at $165 per month including all utilities. Other one and two-bedroom apart- ments in excellent campus and hos- pital locations. Call 662-7787. Campus Management, Inc. 9 A.M.-9 P.M. 335 East Huron C NEW-CAMPUS-NEW Leasing for the 1st time for Fall '67 THE WALNUT MANOR 521 WALNUT ST. Deluxe 1 & 2 bedroom apts for 3-5 students. -beautifully furnished -air-conditioned -dishwasher -sound proofing -laundry & storage FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES Call fori nformation 668-6906 Modern Apts., Inc. C36 STUDENTS ARE YOU RELOCATING FOR THE FALL TERM? Our Moving Service IS DESIGNED FOR YOU. REASONABLE CHARGES C a ll 764-2499 between 7 & 9 P.M. CAMPUS- 3 BLOCKS 2-MAN APTS. -efficiency apartments -new, completely furnished, Frigi- daire appliances and air-condition- ing. -available Aug. 22 -4150 per month plus utilities DAHLMANN APTS. 761-7600 C PRESTIGE APARTMENTS -still available at such prime locations as: Park Plaza Fuller East Forest Terrace Park Terrace and many others -bi-levels -air conditioning -furnished modern -thick wall-to-wall carpeting -sound proofed -big -laundry and storage facilities -garbagedisposals -on campus -1, 2, & 3 bedrooms APARTMENTS LIMITED Quality Campus Apts. FOR RENT1 GIRL WANTED to share furnished 2-man apt. Close to campus, air- cond., disposal, parking, spacious. Please write L. Candelise, Box 205E, R.R. 3, Traverse City, Mich. 49684 C37 MODERN 4-man for Fall-Furn., 2 baths. Sunroof, laundry fac., air- ,cond. and parking. Call Madison Management, NO 3-8866. C40 APARTMENTS GALORE! Studios from $140, 1 bedroom from $165, 2 bedrooms from $200, 3 bed- rooms from $300. All in new build- ings. Chicago Boston Minnesota Detroit x-California Washington Baltimore Cleveland x-New York Kansas City w 59 58 57 57 57 55 49 50 46 48 L 45 48 49 49 52 55 57 59 59 92 Pet. .569 .542 .538 .538 .523 .500 .461 .459 .438 .435 FOR RENT HOME ON CAMPUS for rent. Com- fortable living for 5 to 6 persons. Phone John, 665-2607. 041 NO CAR? Must live on Campus? Then 418 E. Washington St. is the build- ing for you. 3-man, 1 bedroom, mod- ern building, study hall. NO 8-6906. C43 CAMPUS-1 BLOCK* NEAR FRIEZE AND ANGELL HALL Deluxe and spacious 1 bedrooms for 3 students. Beautifully furnished, air cond., balconies, disposals, sound proofed, laundry and storage. Newly decorated study hall. $192 and up. 418 E. WASHINGTON For information and appointment CALL NO 8-6906 032 HELP WANTED FEMALE SUBJECTS needed for Psych. exp. $1 for 15 min. memory study at Human Performance Center. Call Mr. Ruhland, 761-3619 after 6. H24 POOR BUT COMMITTED? Good liv- ing quarters ,tuition stipend; ex- change devoted attention, young adolescents in small treatment home. PERSONAL DETAILS, Box 395, Ann Arbor. H21 EXPERIENCED R.N. for charge duty in 50-bed geriatric convalescent hos- pital. Natl. Assn. sponsorship. Salary $600 month. Fringe benefits. Must qualify for California license. Acacias Nursing Home, 601 'No. Montogmery, Ojai, Calif. 93023. H25 3 3 5 7 11 14 BUSINESS SERVICES COLLINS TAILORING AND ALTERATIONS SHOP 225 E. Liberty St. 665-8195 : J2 761-3993 Your number for QUICK, ACCURATE. AND EXPERIENCED manuscript and thesis typing, transcription-medical, legal and technical conferences; mimeographing; offset; ditto; lithog- raphy; varityping and composition. AA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ASSOCIATES, INC. 334 Catherine St. Louis San Francisco Atlanta Chicago Cincinnati Philadelphia Pittsburgh Los Angeles Houston New York W 67 59 56 59 57 54 53 48 47 40 L 42 51 49 53 53 51 54 59 63 65 Pet. GB .616 - .537 81~ .533 9 .528 91s .518 101 .514 11 .496 13 .447 18 .427 20. .381 25 x-Late game not included. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Washington 5, Minnesota 0 Baltimore 4, Cleveland 0 New York at California (inc) Only games scheduled TODAY'S GAMES New York at California (n) Boston at Kansas City (2, t-n) Washington at Minnesota (n) Chicago at Detroit (2, t-n) Cleveland at Baltimore (n) YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Los Angeles 6, St. Louis 4 Philadelphia 8, San Francisco 0 Pittsburgh 6-3, Chicago 3-3 (2nd game, tie, 14 inn., darkness) Only games scheduled TODAY'S GAMES Atlanta at New York (n) Pittsburgh at Chicago Houston at Cincinnati (n) Los Angeles at St. Louis (n) San Francisco at Philadelphia (n) 4i PATRICK J. PULTE, INC. 665-9405 or 761-5841 CI CHARTER HAS A BETTER IDEA ... -Dishwashers -2 GE Air-conditioners -Bi-level -2 Bathrooms -Accoustical ceiling tile { -14 cu. ft. GE Refrigerator -All masonry construction AVAILABLE FOR FALL AT- ALBERT TERRACE 1700 GEDDES Call Charter Realty for appointment to see the models at 665-8825 or eve- nings at 662-7117. C4 AAAA f ANN ARBOR APARTMENT AGENCY APARTMENT LOCATING SERVICE Fee and No Fee Service We attempt to maintain listings of all available apartments in Ann Arbor area. , 4 and 8 Month Leases Now Available 761-3688 1217 S. University C30 418 E. Washington Street WASHINGTON MANOR ON CAMPUS-NB. FRIEZE & ANGELL HALL We are now leasing for Fall 1967 DELUXE & SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOMS FOR 3 STUDENTS. Fully furnished in modern decorator colors, bal., air- cond., disposals, soundproof, laundry, storage. EXTRA FEATURES - Large study hall and a very quiet building. For appt. call NO 8-6906. C11 FALL RENTAL 2-3-4 Man Furnished Apartments $150 to $260 McKinley Associates 1223 Hill St., Apt. 10 Mr. Wilson, 663-6448 C25 SANS SOUCI MODERN 4-MAN APARTMENT FEATURING: " dishwasher * free sublet assistance * private parkingra commuter bus " laundry and storage * easy access to campus " air conditioned And the best 4-man price in town! Call 761-8055 C27 SUMMIT TWO NEW BUILDING FOR FALL RENTAL Luxury units located 5 minutes from Campus 9 2.bedroom, 4-man apartments 9 central air-conditioning 0 sound-proofed 9 private parking * laundry and storage facilities * completely and exquisitly furnished A Building Built for Students- Priced for Students CALL Summit Associates 761-8055 ( Looking for Atmosphere? We have it! Some nice old buildings newly fur- nished and redecorated, large apart- ments. FIREPLACES Call 761-8055 C29 COMPUTER, PROGRAMMERS, ANALYSTS, MANAGERS For full time work, experience beyond course work required. Excellent wages. Unlimited opportunity, with Michigan's largest software house. Especially need programmers with COBOL, real time, or DEC equipment experience. INFORMATION CON- TROL SYSTEMS, 761-1600. H26 LEAD GUITARISTS - Musician and showman to replace departing mem- ber of The Saxons. Need college stu- dent with voice, equipment, dedica- tion, and love of money, Auditions, 662-7329. H27 BLOOD DONORS i I 1 IT'S HAPPENED TASK... Your kev force for Total Action Service for the Professional, Academic and Student Community Serving the Research Center of the Midwest ... I 1-2-3 MAN Close to Campus $150 and up 1 bedroom bi-level or efficiency 731-736 Packard NO 3-8866 URGENTLY NEEDED 87.50 FOR Rh positive. $10, $12 for Rh negative. Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9-4; Weds. 1-7. 18-21 years old need parental permission. MICHIGAN COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTERE 404 W. Michigan Ypsilanti Phone 483-1894 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN "?:4:: i.4"".^..4:.0 ," 14'x'" ". I H Colony Apts. C BIKES AND SCOOTERS '66 TRIUMPH Bonneville 650cc. Ex. cond. 3000 miles. Call after 5 or weekends, 769-3086. Z26 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS w BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan A-1 New-and Used Instruments- PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington TYPING-Thesis and Term Papers Our Specialty-IBM typewriters; executive type and justified copy available. TRANSCRIPTION - via Dictaphone, Ediphone, IBM, and DeJur Steno- rette; Shorthand; Conferences. PRINTING - Offset / Lithography, theses, business cards, etc.I COPYING - Mimeographing, hecto- graphing, photocopying. VARITYPING / COMPOSITION-Forms and systems. Justified copy available. ART WORK. RECORDING, TRANSCRIPTION, AND PREPARATION of conferences and proceedings. EDITING-TRANSLATIONS RESUMES, TELEPHONE ANSWERING Stuffing, mailing, and addressing MARILYN L. KEITH, B.A., C.M.A. Judith Overstreet Suzanne Miller Norma Greenwood, B.A. Barbara Whipple, B.A. ('Pick-up and Delivery) ANN ARBOR TASK, INC. 1900 W. Stadium Blvd. (next door to West Stadium Shopping at Pauline) Ann Arbor, Michigan AC 313 761-4146, 761-4147 Evenings 665-3531-761.1187 PERSONAL VOICE-SDS meeting tonight, 8:00, 3A Union. Fall strategy JJC, SGC, War Research. F45 O.K., SO your Mustang is only a "6." Doesn't make any difference when you rally with the Mustang Club of Ann Arbor. F46 The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only. Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. For more information call 764-9270. TUESDAY, AUGUST 8 Day Calendar Dept. of Civil Engineering Confer- ence-"The Second International Con- ference on the Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements": Rackham Lec- ture Hall, 9 a.m. School of Music Concert-Piano En- semble: School of Music Recital Hall, 12:30 p.m. School of Music Recital-Maxine and Anthony Makas, Recital of Songs by Francis Poulenc: School of Music Re- cital Hall, 3 p.m. Linguistic Institute Forum Lecture - Prof. A. V. Isacenko, Academy of Sci- ence, Prague, Czechoslovakia, "Context Free Word Order in Russian": Rack- ham Lecture Hall, 7:30 p.m. School of Music Degree Recital - Charles Rhoades, Cornet: School of Music Recital Hall, 8:30 p.m. Bureau of Appointments, General Divi- sion. Teacher Corps, New Mexico, Dept. of Elem. & Second. Education, New Mex- ico State University, Las Cruces, N.M. -Applications required by August 20. BA degree in non-ed. majors preferred. If possible get Miller's Analogies Test scores to Grad School of N.M.U. Will live in communities where work with schools fn urban and rural poverty areas. 2 yr. MA work/study program. The FSEE Test-Being given Aug. 12, will be held at the downtown branch of the Post Office, Main at Catherine Sts. If your notice from the Federal Service read otherwise, please disregard it, there was an error. Applications for the September exam must be filed by Aug. 10. Applications availabue at Bu- reau of Appointments. POSITION OPENINGS: Warner-Lambert Research Institute, Morris Plains, N.J.-Biostatistician, BS with major in statistics or closely related field. Consultation with M.D. project directors, analyses of data and preparation of comprehensive reports. Management Consultants, Atlanta, Ga. -Director of Economic Information. PhD, MA or MBA. Exper. in econ. stat., min. 10 yrs. Age 33-45. Statistics con- cerning production, sales, inventory evaluation of programs f or transition to more sophisticated equipment in fu- ture. Bristol Laboratories, Syracuse, N.Y. -Professional openings at most degree levels, new and experienced grads in following fields: Eacteriol., Biol,, Med. Tech., Chem., Microbiol., Parasitol., Pathol., Pharm., ChE, IE, Tech. Writing, EDP,MBA, CPA, Cales Coord., aPtent Attorney. S*a For further information please call 4i 4 '65 HONDA 305 Hawk. Exc. cond. Call Fred, 761-7894. Z27 '66 TRIUMPH Bonneville, 650 cc. Exc. cond. $975. Call after 5:30, 662-9204. Z18 '65 HONDA 150-Best offer. Call John, 668-6238. Z23 '66 TRIUMPH Bonneville. Exc. cond. Less than 3000 miles. $1095. Call 434- 1673. Z24 '67 TRIUMPH Bonneville motorcycle. Exc. cond. Must sell, best offer. 543 S. Division. 761-7938. Z18 HONDA 250 Scrambler-Top cond. Best offer. Ph. 663-4807. Z20 esale.g NOW DUCATI Only the best for the nicest people Honda of Ann Arbor 3000 Packard at Platt 665-9281 Z18 DOWNTOWN HONDA CAMPUS LOCATION "WE Service What We Sell" (AND OTHERS TOO) YOU CAN PURCHASE a cycle any- where, but the combination of cycle sales at competitive prices and CONVENIENTLY located service is hard to beat. WE FEATURE OUR SERVICE DE- PARTMENT. This department is headed by a man with 13 years experience as an engine research mechanic. OUR PARTS DEPARTMENT is one of the largest in the area. TO OBTAIN ONE DAY SERVICE phone in advance for an appoint- ment. P.S. We carry the full line of HONDA exclusively, to serve you better. DOWNTOWN HONDA TRANSPORTATION NEED RIDE to Chicago by noon Aug. 11. Call1769-5085. G36 RIDER WANTED to L.A. from AA or Detroit Sept. 1. Call Beth, 663-5329. GE GOING TO SAN FRANCISCO? Reliable driver wanted to drive my 1964 VW Sunroof to any city in the Bay area. Departure and arrival times to be arranged. One-half gas cost paid. References required. Call 665-6945. G35 USED CARS '60 FALCON - Engine just bored. Exactly like brand new. Will bargain. Call Caz, 769-3689. N42 VW SEDAN w. sunroof, 1968, gray, in good cond., has 19 mos. warranty on engine work at Cooper. Deliver 9/12/67. $600. 665-2762, N43 COMET 1962-Original owner. Evc. cond. Standard trans. $395. 663-7172. N40 CLASSIC Morgan Plus Four Roadster. Rebuilt TR4 engine, good body, new clutch. $1500. 769-5486. N41 1966 VOLVO 122S-Perfect cond. Must sell. $2200 or best offer. 761-0699. N39 764-7460, General Division, Bureau of General Notices Appointments.3200 SAB. Botany Seminar: Dr. C. B. Beck will speak on "Studies on the Origin of Gymnosperms"Wed., Aug. 9, 1139 Nat-- ural Science Bldg. O G NZ TO Attention August Graduates: College NOTICES of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health, School of Business Administration: Students are USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- advised not to request grades of I or NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially X in August. When such grades are recognized and registered student orga- absolutely imperative, the work must nizations only. Forms are available in be made up in time to allow your Rm. 1011 SAB, instructor to report the make-up grade * * * not later than 11 a.m., Aug. 18, 1967. Michigan Christian Fellowship spon- Grades received after that time may sors a lecture discussion featuring Dr. defer the student's graduation until a Larry Walker, professor of ancient lan- later date. guages at South Western. The topic t ANN ARBOR'S finest in Diamonds- reasonably priced. Austin Diamonds, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. F9 LEARN GO. Ancient Oriental game. Send $1.00 to 439 S. Division, AA. F44 NERVOUS? Learn, self-help. Recovery Inc., Box 231, Ann Arbor. 668-7030. F PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD The Michigan Daily makes every effort to avoid errors in advertisements. Each ad is carefully checked and proofread. But when you handle hundreds of ads each day, -mistakes do slip through. We ask, therefore, that you check your ad and if you find an error, report It to The Michigan Daily Classified Dept., 764-0557 be- tween 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. We regret that we can- not be responsible for more than one day's incorrect in- sertion if you do not call the error to our attention. Thank you. FRESHMAN!S! Are you taking Spanish 101 or 102 in she Fall? Get your workbook cheap for $2.50. (In the bookkstores it costs $3.95). Call Steve, 662-8225, evenings. FA WAKE-UP SERVICE. Have your phone ring at any designated time, day or might-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 665-8871 (24 hours). F RENT Your TV from NEJAC Zenith 19 in. all channel portabl esfor only $10 per month. FREE service and delivery. Phone 662-5671. F Seniors: College of L. S. & A., and Schools of Education, Music and Busi- ness Administration. Tentative lists of seniors for August graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in the first floor lobby, Administration Bldg. Any changes therefrom should be requested of the recorder at Office of Registration and Records, Window Number A, 1513 Administration Bldg. Placement ANNOUNCEMENTS: Teacher Corps-Applications are being taken through August 10 for Teacher Corps program at Wayne State Univer- sity.; New Teacher Corps interns for Detroit area, 2 yr. grad work-study program, trpg. lib. arts grads in teach- ing methods for poverty youngsters. Tuition-free MA, working in poverty community. Non-education majors. Ap- plications and further information at is "Archeology, Ancient Languages and the Old Testament," beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union, 3rd floor, on Aug. 8. VOICE-SDS holds a fall strategy mem- bership at 8 p.m. in Rm. 3A at the Union on Aug. 8. Deutscher Verein will sponsor kaffee- stunde : kaffee, kuchen, konversation, on Wed., Aug. 9 3-5 p.m at Frieze Bldg. University Lutheran Chapel holds a book review and vespers on Aug. 9 from 9-10 p.m. at the University Luth- eran Chapel at 1511 Washtenaw. Top- ic: "Miracle of Dialogue" by Renel Howe. Pastor Scheips will give the Vespes devotion at 10 p.m. * * * Mu Chapter, Beta Phi Mu will hold an installation and initiation on Aug. 8 at 8 p.m. in the East Conference Room of Rackham. WANTED TO RENT NEAT, QUIET, easy to get along with female student needs apt, near Ed. School for . Fall, Spring, Summer semesters. Interested up to $75 per mo. Please call Elizabeth, 665-2190. L38 3 GIRLS NEED place to stay Aug. 20- Sept. 25. Will split up. Call 665-2781 or 761-7858. L23 FOR SALE TENT TRAILOR-Sleeps 6, 1966 model. good cond. $650. Call 764-4372 or NO 2-5906. B50 DID YOU EVER SPEND A DIME TO TRY AND STOP CRIME? DESTRUCTION OF OTHER PEOPLE'S PROPERTY IS ROBBERY A lecture given at Jackson Prison on the "CREATOR'S LAW REGARDING HONESTY" 3 copies $1.00. Self-addressed envelopes to P.O. Box 222, Saline, Michigan. 310 E. Washington Phone 665-8637 Ann Arbor LOST AND FOUND FOUND-Beautiful kitten wearing gold collar with bell. July 28, Huron and State. Call NO 2-0692 after 8 p.m. A271 k' 663-0511 610 s. Forest C THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE & Cordially invite you to a series of lectures on All lectures at 4:10 P.M. in the sixth floor conference room, Institute for Social Research Building (Thompson Street between E. Jefferson and E. William) C I I m de Ghelderode's pv /rram Sample PricesĀ° 1 II ~amoie rrices II N U ("~ TE 1.4: ~ ~\~~VA U ~E U 11 1N.- aw t . of