TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUEDAY AGUS 8 ,96TUI MIHrain fasTJV auxbli Preparedness Committee Arab MerchantStrike HOUSE PROTEST ERUPTS: - -- - - - . - ._ -- I Fdears Viet Buildu Might Staged in Jerusalem 1 I W Deea I WASHINGTON P-The Sen- ate preparedness subcommittee is seriously concerned that the con- tinuing Vietnam buildup has cut into the nation's military capa- bility for meeting other world- wide commitments, reliable sources said yesterday. This concern will be expressed in a forthcoming report and, may have a direct bearing on how the Pentagon goes about fulfilling President Johnson's new 45,000- troop authorization for Vietnam. Defense Department Defense Department and Army officials are examining a number of ways to come up with the new' troops, but it already has been officially acknowledged that most additional forces will be existing units of the strategic. reserve. An unanswered question is whether the Pentagon will replace units pulled from this active-duty force, which consists of roughly six divisions kept at home to meet military challenges which might flare up abroad. A second question is whether the Pentagon can persuade Con- gress that the nation can safely draw upon the continental-based strategic reserve at all. Stennis Sources say Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss.), chairman of the Sen- ate subcommittee, will insist that any reduction in the strategic re- serve force be linked to immed- lated accompanying steps to re- place the units in such a way that it would not leave a gap. Stennis's preparedness subcom- mittee soon will issue a report questioning the U.S. capability for meeting existing international commitments. The paper will in- clude closed-door testimony given last spring by Secretary of State Dean Rusk and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Voice Alarm Stennis and several other rank- ing congressional leaders last year voiced alarm at the way they felt the strategic reserve "was kept below peak readiness in order to, turn out men for Vietnam. The Strategic Reserve divisions and brigades were giving up ex- perienced officers to provide the backbone for new Vietnam-bound units or were assigned to train large numbers of recruits as re- placements. 2,400 Recruits At one point in 1966, for exam- ple, the 101st Airborne Division which already has one brigade serving in Vietnam got an influx of 2,400 recruits. At the same time, the First and Second Ar- mored Divisions in Texas were, as Gen. Harold K. Johnson, Army Chief of Staff, said, "filled up with untrained people." The Pentagon is expected to defend its new manpower plans on two grounds: -The Strategic Reserve exists to be used; -President Johnson wants mil- itary costs held at a minimum. Congressional sources say there is another side ot the coin-that National Guard and Army Re- serve units also exist to be used. There may be pressure for the Pentagon to undertake at least a selective callup of certain spe- cialty-type reserve units. The Pentagon's official position at the moment is that no reserve mobilization is planned. The strategic reserve - not to be confused with the Army Re- serve organization - consists of' the two remaining brigades of the 101st Airborne Division in Ken- tucky, the 82nd Airborne Division in North Carolina, the two ar- mored divisions in Texas - the mechanized 5th Infantry Division in Colorado, the 6th Armored Cavalry Regiment in Maryland, the 11th Infantry Brigade in Hawaii and the 198th Brigade inj Texas. The 198th will be in Viet- nam by the end of the year. By The Associated Press Nearby all Arab merchants in Jerusalem closed their shops yes- terday in a one-day strike to pro- test Israel's unification of the city. Israelis blamed fear of re- .prisals by militant Arabs for the extent of the shutdown. No violence was reported, but Israeli police said three Arab youths were arrested for threat- ening shopkeepers who failed to close their businesses. On the uneasy River Jordan truce line, Israeli and Jordanian troops exchanged shots for a time. Israel blamed Jordan for the break in the cease-fire, one of: several within a week. Amman Radio said three Israeli vehicles with mounted machine guns opened fire about five miles north of the Allenby Bridge, crossing point for Arab refugees on the River Jordan. It said Jor- danian troops on the east bank returned the fire. Neither side re- ported any casualties. The strike, called by the "De- fense Committee of Arab Jeru- salem," resulted in the closing of more than 2,000 shops in the Old City of Jerusalem and elsewhere in the former Jordanian sector of the city, taken over by Israeli forces in the Arab-Israeli war in June. An anti-Israel demonstration called for the Damascus Gate in- to the Old City failed to material- ize. Newsmen, tourists and a few policemen outnumbered the few dozen Arabs at the gate at the scheduled hour. In another development, the Jordanian Red Crescent Society, Jordan's Red Cross, said thou- sands of Arab refugees will start returning to their homes in the Israeli-occupied sector of Jordan west of the Jordan River within two weeks. Israel has set no date for the repatriation to begin, but the Knesset, Israel's Parliament, has: said it must be completed by Aug.' 31. It is believed, however, that the deadline could be extended if necessary.l Israel and Jordan finally reach- ed agreement on the repatriation7 program Sunday night with the aid of the International Red= Cross. ItI covers the approximately1 260,000 Arabs who fled from the west bank area up to July 10. The4 accord had been delayed by1 lengthy haggling over the appli- cation form the refugees will fill] out for their return.I Patrolman Says Poverty Aids Set Stage for Newark Riots WASHINGTON ()-A Newark, "My knowledge of the UCC has violence in Newark on Jul N.J., policeman charged yesterday been limited to seeing these peo- The committee is considi that poverty workers paid with ple picket and demonstrate," Ko- House-passed bill which federal funds took part in picket- walewski acknowledged. make it a federal crime tc ing and demonstrations which led 'That's a good deal different a state line with intent to up to racial rioting. from what you've said previously," riot. Patrolman Leonard F. Kowa- Kennedy said. Sen. Stephen M. Youn lewski also asserted that lawyers But Kowalewski insisted that Ohio) called the bill "me employed in a federally financed Negro demonstrations and civil smokescreen for the real legal defense program were on disobedience over a five-year per- problems plaguing our natic hand at Negro demonstrations, on iod created the climate which told the Senate it is unco grounds they were needed to pro- produced five days of racial riot- tional, a violation of th tect constitutional rights. ing. Twenty-seven persons were speech guarantee, vague "A fancy name for, I say, am- killed. - senseless. bulance chasing," Kowalewski Kennedy asked Kowalewski who Negroes Demonstrate told the Senate Judiciary Com- he was representing in the witness Meanwhile, a predomi mittee. chair. Negro group from New Names Curvin "That is a good question," the Harlem staged a chanting, Kowalewski, president of the policeman said. He never answer- ping gallery of the House. Fraternal Order of New Jersey ed it, although he said he had quickly stepped in and, Policemen, lodged his most direct advised police officials on his call screaming epithets and complaint against a man named to testify. fists, expelled the group frc Robert Curvin. He said Curvin Invited Friday Capitol. was head of Newark's Congress Kowalewski said he was invited Police arrested eight of t of Racial Equality, and testified to appear Friday, hours after sisting demonstrators, whos that demonstrations and com- comment that the testimony of a pose was to protest action plaints against police by that Newark police detective did not House last month in killing group had set the atmosphere for name names in connection with to set up a federal rat-( five days of deadly racial turmoil. the riots. - program. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D- "In my opinion, the climate for, The group of about 95 p Mass.) demanded detailed charges the conditions in the city of Ne- including Harlem rent and documentation. , wark that started the riot began leader Jesse Gray, listene -- _ - ---in 1Q92" K ipalewsk sai.___. - _-1. .,v_ A 101st Airborne Pentagon sources say it is ical that the remainder of log- the ________. v. . _ _ _ _ .01st .iroorne ivision wil le ae- ployed to Vietnam where it would blend easily with the brigade al-I1uerrilla Morale oses Problems for U.S., ready there. In addition to the major units of 1 T of the strategic reserve there ae MMis-Estimates ofmill Brmg Stalemate thousands of troops in smaller in- dependent. artillery. engineer and .,.,t............. wa waavs J f a...aL-j aaavva. a..-aa . _ ..._ ___ _ . ' -----+.. ._ . _.,. . I Iansfield Urges Bomb Halt, UN Effort To End Viet War signal units across the country which could be ordered to Viei- nam. Guerilla ActionI Guerrilla action around Saigona has spurted recently. The Com-1 munists shelled the U.S. Navy; base at Nha Be just south of the city twice last week, wounding 24, Americans and setting thousands, of gallons of fuel on fire in one of the attacks.a U.S. troops and South Vietna- mese rangers were being landed on a suspected enemy position1 yesterday when enemy gunners popped from their foxholes and aimed a curtain of bullets at the helicopters. U.S. warplans flew 134 missionsa over North Vietnam Sunday,! mostly in the southern portion of the country because of poor weather around Hanoi. WASHINGTON (P) - Senate Democratic leader Mike, Mansfield of Montana urged yesterday that the administration take immed- iate steps to reduce the war in Vietnam, instead of escalating it. Mansfield told the Senate President Johnson's recent deci- sions to send 45,000 more men and the battleship New Jersey into the war, coupled with what he said were apparently unsuc- cessful efforts to persuade the w allies to contribute more troops, all seemed to point to a longer war and less chance for peace. Mansfield said he hoped the administration would accept three' suggestions he and other senators have made to cool off the war. Suggestions They are: 1. A stop to the bombing of North Vietnam, while concentrat- ing on blocking infiltration at the 17th parallel. 2. Construction of a defensive barrier at the southern end of the demilitarized zone between North and South Vietnam. 3. A strong U.S. initiative to put the war before the United Nations Security Council. "The accentuation should not be on further escalation in which the enemy can match and out- match us but on concentration and consolidation in South Viet- nam through the first two of the three-point formula listed above and by taking the third part of that formula to the United Nations immediately," Mansfield said. Invite Belligerents Mansfield said he envisioned an invitation by the Security Council to "all belligerents, direct and in- direct, including China and North Vietnam as well as South Viet- nam and the National Liberation Front, to participate in an open discussion of the conflict and ways and means to end it." Sen.' John Sherman Cooper (R-Ky.) supported Mansfield's plea, declaring he hoped the President would try for U.N. set- tlement before continuing to es- calate the war. "A realistic appraisal of the U.N. prevents us from expecting the Security Council to produce some miraculous solution over- night," Mansfield said., "It ought not to prevent us, however, from expecting the council at least to confront the issue of Vietnam squarely and to make a real effort to contribute to its solution." Mansfield said the prospects now are for a fur- ther escalation of the Vietnam War "with the costs in lives and money being borne preponderant- ly by us." By JOHN T. WHEELER Associated Press Staff Writer j SAIGON (IP)-Failure of mas- sive U.S. firepower to break Com- munist morale and fighting spirit has forced a major revaluation of the Viet Cong guerrilla warrior in South Vietnam. A continuing search for radi- cally new tactics with improved equipment has turned up nothing essentially new to combat the Communists' highly effective mo- bile warfare techniques. M It is a failure of heavy conven- tional firepower and of enormous air superiority? How was it that air power could be so ineffective in American warfare on the Viet- namese Communists? . .Terrain The biggest reason seems to be geography, terrain. Greece is a largely barren country and the Middle East is largely desert,, where target forces found little place to hide. But South Vietnam is largely impenetrable jungle. The United States faces a grow- ing stalemate in the war, at least until new fighting troops arrive. The offensive pressure of the enemy has lessened, but his de- sertion rate is dropping. Although enemy defections have nearly doubled over the same per- iod last year, the number is about half that of those deserting their government posts, and include butj few of the hard core fighters or important officers or political leaders. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Concern is high here over the Communist's ability to maintain their morale and high fighting spirit. Until these can be broken, no military victory appears pos- sible. Political victory, sought through pacification of the coun- tryside seems even more elusive, senior U.S. officers say. When' U.S. combat troops were committed to Vietnam early in 1965, the U.S. Command here predicted the enemy would not long be able to withstand U.S. units. Air power and artillery, neither of which the enemy had, were listed as key factors. At Loss To Explain Gen. William C. Westmoreland, the U.S. commander here, says that he is at a loss to understand how the enemy can continue to suffer such heavy casualties, en- gage in battles knowing that he will be mercilessly hammered by shell and bomb with no defense and still come back for more. Lt. Gen. Robert E. Cushman, Commander of U.S. Marines in Vietnam, told a newsman: "They take heavy casualties from the air and artillery. Apparently they don't care if they throw away their young men." Senior intelligence officers say the vital point is not so much the commander's willingness to sacri- fice his men, but the willingness of the private and corporals to hurl themselves into uneven battle. They say the earlier erroneous estimates of the capability of American firepower to crush the enemy's will was partly due to ap- plying Western logc to assess the reactions of Asian Communist soldiers. Senior U.S. officers trying to evaluate the enemy's ability to snap back after a , sharp defeat were not surprised to find that the Viet Cong 9th Division, after being destroyed in and around War Zone C, was refitted and brought up to fighting strength in a matter of a couple of months, Some Morale 'Bad' In some areas morale is bad, in- telligence officers believe. But they say these spotty reports show no sign of a trend. Leadership has weakened in some areas also, but over-all, new officers and non- coms also seem to be in good sup- ply on the enemy side. Government figures show that so far this year, 18,987 have left the Communist side and turned themselves into the government. In the same period last year, 10,523 deserted. However, most of these were political agents, run- ners, porters, or minor cogs in the intelligence system. World News Roundup By The Associated Press SAIGON - Brig. Gen. John F. Freund, a decorated infantry- man of, the .Vietnam war and veteran of World Wor II, was caught in a hail of Viet Cong bullets yesterday when his heli-, copter swooped down to rescue two American soldiers in a battle seven miles north of Saigon. One bullet hit Freund in the lower right leg and the general's aide, a lieutenant, was hit once in each leg. * *' * WASHINGTON-Former Pres- ident Dwight D. Eisenhower's doc- tors indicated yesterday he is maintaining the improvement he achieved during the weekend against his gastrointestinal upset. A hospital spokesman said his condition could be described as 'good. * * * PASADENA, Calif. - The clearest pictures yet of the moon's rugged back side were televised yesterday by Lunar Orbiter 5. The photographs, taken Sun- day from, an altitude of 1,660 miles and processed later on board the spacecraft, showed high mountains and miles-wide }crater typical of some of the, rougher areas on the visible half of the moon. In some, the surface resembled wind-tossed waves, as if the moon had been hit by a swarm of metorites all about the same size. * * NEW YORK '- Six Cubans and a Puerto Rican printer were indicted yesterday in what the government said was a plot to sell $1 million in counterfeit bills, ostensibly to finance anti-Castro activities. Agents have seized some $427,- 000 of the counterfeit bills in two Manhattan apartments, the pros- ecuter said, adding the Cubans allegedly had been seling the bills for from 8 to 12 per cent of their face value. viol DIAL N..Lst NO 2-6264,-Ls 2 Days ! "GREAT HELD OVER FOR S EAMUSEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Times , , Wakeup! ..* Makelove! laughing!!! ,; " 20th Centu refys- en ACRE! VCINIS ARC E f 4 Starts THURSDAY sr-ROBERT DAME sCHARLES REDFORD- NDA-BOYER- SHOWS AT ' 3,5, 7, 9:05 P.M. ATWICK Mats. $1.25 Eyes. & Sundays $1.50 """" HELD OVER-5th Week /i :: (;..:".:: :. yy, , ip. VI.. 71 c. E NNME 9 U ,,,. t