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August 02, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-08-02

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4Ia ii

Cooler tonight,
gradual clearing

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom







Medical School Facilitiesj
Might Limit Enrollment









First of Four Parts
The state budget problems are
hindering a large-scale program
to fill a medical education "gap"
in the state. Reduced allocations
will prevent planned expansion of
University Medical School facili-
ties and may hold down enroll-
ment of the class of 1971.
"It won't be easy, to live with
this year's appropriation," Alex-
ander Barry, associate dean of the
Medical School, noted recently,
"but while we can't increase our
programs greatly, we are determ-
ined not to allow them to de-
teriorate either."
The Medical School administra-
tion will meet next week as soon
as the University budget is final-
ized by the Regents on Monday
or Tuesday.
A class of 205, increased by five
over last year's admissions, has
already been accepted, but if

enough facilities and funds be-
come available, an additional five
applicants will be permitted to en-
roll in the school this fall.
Whatever their decision, 210 has
been set as the absolute capacity'
of present facilities. The opening
of the only new teaching facility
-the Medical Science II building
-is scheduled for soring, 1969,
and has already bean included
in planning to meet this year's
enrollment increase.
Medical Science IT will provide
several new lecture halls and lab-
oratories, 100 indivitidal student
study carrels and a'large increase
in classroom space.
"To increase our enrollment will'
require the addition of both clini- >
cal and basic science facilities
which we can't get without en-
riched state or federal capital out-
lay allotments," Barry explained.1
This year, the Legislature al-
lotted $4.4 million for renovations
at the University Hospital and for

continuing construction of Medi-
cal Science II.
Delayed this year, but planned
for the near future are a $25 mil-
lion, 500-bed hospital and a $5.5
million clinic and classroom build-
Even though federal agpncy
grants can provide some of the
money necessary for beginning
these buildings, their construction
is dependentupon improved state
revenue resources. These have not
increased even with the iraugura.
Lion of a new state inconm tax
program this year.
Backing up the fiat y4 ar pro-
gram will be the Upjohn Center
for Continuing Medisal Education,
soon to begin construction and the
$9.5 million C. S. Mott Children's
Hospital, to be completed in 1971.
Both these facilities are funded
by private donations to the $55
Million campaign and will allow
more advanced clinical studies.
Projected clinical and classroom
additions will allow the Universi-
ty Medical School to admit a first
year class of 250 students by 1976.
The expansion goal complies

May Balk at Passing
Ci garette Tax Boost
Resolutions Praise Safety Officials,
Call for Probe of Detroit Violence
LANSING WA-The Senate yesterday approved a resolu-
tion expressing legislative intent to provide additional money
for expenses incurred by state agencies in last week's Detroit
and outstate rioting.
However, majority Senate Republicans indicated reluct-
ance to approve a three-cent increase in the state cigarette
tax which some lawmakers say will be needed to make up
for a depletion in the General Fund caused by the riots.
Introduced in the Senate were resolutions calling for
creation of a committee to investigate the causes of the De-
troit riots in which 41 persons<

erroneously listing him yesterday as a faculty memb
University of California. McKeachie is chairman of
chology department at the University.
Morris has refused to hire Rev. Peter O'Reilly, a lead
St. John's University teacher's strike, despite favorabl
mendation of the university's dean and vice president
demic affairs. The United Federation of College Te
protesting the action to the American Association of 1
PROF. WADE ELLIS of Oberlin College will become
dean of Horace Rackham School of Graduate Studies o
Dean Stephen Spurr said Ellis would succeed Howard
who resigned to become chairman of the department of
administration at the University of Rochester. Ellis will
a University appointment as professor of mathematics
Ellis was awarded a doctorate from the University
He has .been on the Oberlin faculty since 1948. He als
with the Radiation Laboratory at the Massachusetts
of Technology and the Air Force Research Laboratories

with a report submitted to the
State Board of Education last fall
by the citizen's Committee on
Health Care Education. The
study, chaired by Otis Smith, now
ia Uversity Regent, found that
there are "insufficient opportuni-
ties" for prospective medical stu-
dents in the state. It recommend-
ed program increases which would
double the number of medical de-
achie for grees granted in the state within
er at the 15 years.
te ps- The study also discovered that
the psy- about 250 is the optimum stu-
dent level for maintaining high,
standards in a medical curriculum.
t Delyte On the study's recommendation
er in the a new four year college was es-
le recom- tablished at Michigan State Uni-
for aca- versity to provide the bulk of the
:achers ~isadd ed spaces.
Universits Only twosmedical schools are_
Iy currently in operation in the state,t
the University and Wayne State
University. Between them they
associate award 296 MDdeg r e e s this
n Sept. 1. year, which represents only 3.8'
Bretsch, per cent of the national total in
education a state containing 5.7 per of all
also hold college students.
A proposal for an Osteopathic
4 College at Pontiac is also under
in 29rk. study to provide a fourth medical
5o worked college.
Institute TOMORROW: Expansion at
Wayne State.

-Associated Press
Heavy National Guard equipment rolled out of Detroit yesterday as the rioting has ended. These
trucks and armored carriers were stationed at Central High School for a week. Federal troops moved
out of the riot-torn areas earlier.
Detroit Paper Publi~shes
Black Power Pamphlet

died and praising the work of
police, firemen and National
The appropriations resolu-
tion, approved in a voice vote,
recognized that "A major task
facing Michigan state agen-
cies today is the assistance of"
various cities which suffered
"civil disturbances" last week.
"Assistance in line with the ex-
isting programs of the various
agencies must be carried forward,"
the resolution added.
However, "Before final decisions
can be made as to areas of aid,
the scope and magnitude of the
various projects, both physical and
financial, will have to be determ-
inedand degrees of responsibility
developed and adjudicated," the
resolution said.
Cost Report
The resolution, which also must
pass the House, requires that a
report "reflecting any and all
costs" be filed with Budget Di-
rector Glenn S. Allen.
Senate Majority Leader Emil
Lockwood (R-St. Louis) went be-
fore the GOP caucus to urge pass-
age this week of the cigarette tax
boost, but said he "didn't get the.
kind of reception I had hoped for."
"The general sentiment of the
Republican caucus is not to take
action until some time in the fu-
ture," he said.
Rash of Spending
Lockwood said the caucus felt
passage of the tax boost could pre-
cipitate a "rash of spending" and
felt passage should wait until the
fall session which begins Oct. 10.
"The longer we delay the more
possibility we will have to tag at
an exorbitant level," Lockwood
said. "I hope I can prevail on
them before Thursday" (the
scheduled date for final adjourn-
Lockwood said that it was his
understandiifg after talking with
Allen that the cost of the riots
and the resulting loss of revenue
will seriously cut into the antici-
pated General Fund surplus for
fiscal 1967-68.
"It is mandatory that we have
the $20 million the cigarette tax
. would raise," said Lockwood.

nFL'T.LL1TrP J.ViAP) ThpLptrniI

j J " t C1'" x)- t ne. Ve
News published yesterday an out-
line of a plan of action for attain-3
ing Black Power, and said it was
a pamphlet which had been cir-;
culated by the Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee.
In Atlanta, where SNCC has itsI
headquarters, a spokesman for the
organization denied the pamphlet
was printed by the Black Power
"I know for a fact we didn't
print such a pamphlet," he said.
"I don't recall us doing such a I
pamphlet." The spokesman said
he wanted to see the tract, and I
added that "We are trying to run
this thing down."
Verbatim Statement

and economic systems Where we
are in the majority in the heart
of every major city in this country1
as well as in the rural areas.
"The black brother in the ghetto
will lead the Black Power move-
ment and make the changes that
are necessary for its success. TheI
Black Power movement is a trueA
revolutionary movement."
Other excerpts:
"As part of our education, we
must travel to other cities and
make contacts with the brothersi
in all the ghettos in America soj
that when the time is right we
can unite as one under the ban-
ner of Black Power.E
"We must find ourselves with
hate for all white things. This is$
not vengeance or trying to take

"We have to learn to roll
around on the floor laughing at
the black man who says he wor-
ships the white Jesus. He is truly
"We must infiltrate all govern-
ment agencies. This will not be
hard because the black clerks work
in all agencies in poor paying jobs
and have a natural resentment of
the white men who run these jobs.
"Any man in overalls, carrying
a tool box, can enter a building
if he looks like he knows what he
is doing.
"Modern America depends on
many complex systems such as
electricity, water, gas, sewerage
and transportation and all are
vulnerable. Much of the govern-
ment is run by computers and

Say, Rominey
Delayed Call
For Troops
Atty.-Gen. Clark Says
Governor Asked Aid
8 Hours After Claim
Ramsey Clark said yesterday that
the first time Gov. George Rom-
ney asked for federal troops to
help put down rioting in Detroit
was nearly 11 a.m. Monday July
24-about eight hours after Rom-
ney says he called for troops.
Clark, at a news conference, de-
tailed the events of the Monday
morning that led to sending fed-
eral troops into riot-torn.Detroit,
and prefaced his remarks by say,
ing it is "with real reluctance
that I get into this matter at all."
Clark said his statement was
made necessary to refute charges
by Romney that the federal gov-
emment had dawdled in sending
Army paratroopers to Detroit.
Late Sunday
Clark said his first contact with
any Michigan officials was 11:55
p.m. Sunday when Detroit mayor
Jerome Canavagh had called him
and informed the attorney gen-
eral "he considered the situation
very dangerous."
Clark said he immediately call-
ed Army Secretary Stanley Resor
and apprised him of the situation.
- At 2:40 a.m., Clark said, Rom
ney telephoned and termed the
situation "very bad," with 80 un-
tended fires, and looting. Romney
at that time said he could have
3,000 National Guardsmen on the
streets in the morning but that he
thought he might need 5,000 U.S.
Army troops.
Clark said Romney asked about
what type of telegram may be
sent to request troops and Clark
said "I told him he need not wor-
r yabout procedures at that time."
Would Alert Troops
Clark said he could take care
of alerting federal troops and im-
mediately thereafter called Resor.
Clark said that about 3:00 a.m.
he called President Johnson, who
asked to be kept advised.
Clark said Romney told him at
5:15 a.m. that rather than take
a chance, he would need federal
help. The attorney general then
said he needed a written request
for troops and the governor must
be prepared to state that there
was an insurrection in Michigan,
or violence which he could not
suppress, Clark's account con-
At 6:50 a.m., Clark said, Rom-
ney called back saying there was
new looting, new fires and he
didn't know whether the situation
could be contained.
Read Telegram
Two hours and five minutes
later, at 8:55 a.m., he said, Rom-
ney called back and read a 1/
page telegram which was a state-
ment recommending the use of
federal troops.
At 9:35 a.m., Clark briefed
President Johnson, and 10 min-

The statement, which the News the white oppressors' place to be- that must operate in air-condi-
said it printed verbatimcalled come new black oppressors but is tioning. Cut off the air-condi-
upon Negroes to fill themselves a oneness with a worldwide black tioning and they cannot func-
with "hate for all white things," brotherhood. tion."
and said "black is being a com. -
plete fanatic, who white society'
considers insane.""
"We must disrupt the white uversity o Texas
man's system to create our own, 'o
the outline said.
SNCC, one of the smallest and1 1 1 1etn.
most militant of civil rights or-
ganizations, is headed by H. Rap
Brown, now free on bail after
being charged with inciting a riot By DAVID KNOKE The heart of a preliminary re-'


-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
ISLAND DRIVES APARTMENTS, above, was the scene of eviction of Vietnam Summer workers.
Tetnam Summer' Organizer
Questions Legality of Eviction

One of the organizers of the
Vietnam Summer "teach-out" pro-
Ject yesterday said that "it is un-
clear at the present time" whether
canvassers were legally required to
* leave 'the premises of the Island'
Drive Apartments Monday night.
The manager of the apartment
summoned the police when he re-
ceived complaints from the ten-
ants that the anti-war canvassers
were bothering the residents. Dr.

"If the people complain to me,
it's my job to correct the situ-
ation," he continued. He noted
that the Vietnam Summer leaders
had not asked his permission to
canvas the apartment.
"It does not matter whether
they are giving away $100 bills,
selling encyclopedias, or what-
Sakcriska said most of the ten-
ants were connected with the
University Hospital and "these
-r-nn-r - Ann+ 170 ++ n nh rA.

was parked in a lot, it was alright
for people to come out and visit
it," but that ringing doorbells was
"technically trespassing" if people
Chilton said the legal issue was
a "gray area"-that the law might
be a "convenient one," waived for
people in the "usual political par-
ties" but enforced against unde-
Edward, Vandenburg, a lawyer,
consulted by the project said that
if i mncfn-- Ttcn- rc~ir -c

in Cambridge, Md.
"Black Power" is a slogan, var-
iously interpreted, c of n e d by
Brown's predecessor, Stokeley
Carmichael. This week Carmi-
chael is a guest of Cuba's Com-
munist government at a confer-
ence of Western Hemisphere re-
volutionaries in Havana.
The document published in the
News was entitled, "We Want
Black Power," and said at one
point: "We cannot train an army
in the local park, but we can be
ready for the final confrontation
with the white man's system."
Other Excerpts
Other excerpts from the state-
"The black man in America is
in a perpetual state of slavery no
mn+f-far + at h ht a n's nro-

The University of Texas student
body recently voted in a new con-
stitution which was approved by
the regents and goes into effect
in the fall.
The constitution resulted from
more than a year's study and
work by the members of the Stu-
dents' Assembly. The initial dis-
cussions on revamping the con-
stitution grew out of concern for
the ineffectiveness and ineffi-
ciency of the previous student
government structure which per-
mitted much overlap of functions
between the Students' Association
and the Student Union.
Student Government Council at
the University is in the process of
revising the student government
structure. A student referendum
will frnlnw a nnn-,+it +innan nn.-

port from the study committee,
submitted to the Students' As-
sembly, said, "Recent student as-
semblies endeavor to fulfill two
functions: to attempt to reflect
opinions of constituents and to
strive to channel these opinions
to the proper agencies of the uni-
versity. However, they have ac-
complished neither with the suc-
cess which both require."

enhance communication among
the students, administration, and
faculty" according to the word-
ing of the constitution.
The Student Assembly, on the
other hand, is small, with only
about 30 members drawn from
four sources:

* Three members from
House of Delegates elected
that body.


In its final form, submitted for
voter approval, the Texas Univer-
sity student constitution provided
two major legislative branches
that serve both a deliberative and
a working function.
The system is not bicameral al-
though it provides for two entities
-a House of Delegates and a Stu-
dent Assembly. The Assembly acts1

O Popular election from the
major colleges by representative
* Inclusion of approved college
councils from each school in the
* Two faculty members elected
by and from the Faculty Council
to act as ex officio (without vote)




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