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August 01, 1967 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1967-08-01

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Forrestal Death

Toll Up;

Ship Forced Back to Port

SUBIC BAY, Philippines VP)-
The carrier Forrestal, ravaged by
fire and explosions off Vietnam
Saturday, docked at this U.S.
naval base yesterday bringing the
bodies of some of the 129 men
who died in the disaster. Even in
Sulbic Bay small fires blazed
Seven men were unaccounted.
for, and 64 were injured in the
worst U.S. naval tragedy in a
combat zone since World War II,
the ships' officers reported.
One fire alarm sounded aboard

the 76,000 ton carrier as she
moved into Subic Bay and two
others rang after she had docked.
Officers said the fires were caused
by smouldering mattresses and
other material in compartments
in the carrier's shattered stern.
. Small Fires
All the fires were quickly put
out, but officers said small fires
had been giving trouble since the
main blaze was, extinguished early
Sunday and more were likely.
Rear Adm. Harvey P. Lanham,
commander of Carrier Division II,

who made the Forrestal his flag-'
ship blamed the disaster on an+
A4 Skyhawk's fuel tank which was
"punctured and ignited." He said
the "cause of the puncture is un-
known at this time.";
The flames spread and ex-
ploded ammunition, bombs and'
rockets on other planes heavily{
armed at the time for an air,
strike against North Vietnam.
Lanham and the ship's com-

destroyed and 42 damaged in the
carrier's complement of 80.
The 52 bodies aboard the For-
restal were placed in canvas bags,
wrapped in U.S. flags and borne
ashore within an hour after the
ship docked. They will be flown
to the U.S. air base at nearby
Clark Field for the final trip
Bodies Unidentifiable
Of the dead. only 62 have been

Negro Area
In Portland
Quiets Down
Guard Dispatched;
Sunday Outbreak
Never Became Riot
PORTLAND, Ore. ()P) - Port-y
land's Negro district, where bands
of vandals smashed windows and
tossed fire bombs Sunday night,
was quiet yesterday and people!
shopped and strolled about much
as usual.
"Things are a little tense," said
a grocer whose shattered window
was covered by a sheet of ply-
wood. "But except for curiosity
seekers driving by. things look
Gov. Tom McCall drove through
the area and an aide said he was
astonished by the lack of debris.
Much of the broken glass had
been swept away and boarded win-
dows were the chief reminder of
the night's violence.
Guardsmen Stand By
Some 500 National Guard troops
remained at Portland Air Base
where they were dispatched Sun-
day night by the governor. They,
and a force of state police trained
in riot control, could reach the
area in 10 to 15 minutes, the gov-

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an1
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call 764-9270.
!Day Calendair
Audio-Visual Education Center Film
Preview-"The Rise of English aocial-
ism" and "Rink": Multipurpose Room,
Undergraduate Library, 1:30 p.m.
Lecture: Sofia Kirillovna Folomkina
of the Moscow State Pedagogical In-
stitute for Foreign Lenguages will speak
on "Language Teaching in the Soviet
Union."' Tues., Aug. , 4:15 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre.,
Linguistic Institute Forum Lecture -
Prof. Kenneth L. Pike, University of
Michigan, "Monolingual Demonstra-
tion": Rackham Lecture Hall. 7:30 p.m.
Center for Chinese Studies and CIC
Summer Asian Languages Institute Lec-
ture-Prof. Donald I. Monro, assistant
professor of philosophy, University of
Michigan, "The Control of Man in Con-
fucian and Communist China-The En-
during Assumptions": Aud. A, Angell
Hall. 8:30 p.m.


Milwaukee Temp orai
Prepared for More, V

Vl "Ic u~~~~ilu, vl zIau1G~
manding officer, Capt. John K. identified, the officers reported.
Beling, told a news conference Many of the bodies were charred
aboard the carrier 21 planes were or mangled.
Many of the dead were trapped
in living compartments below
deck. Most of them were crew-
men of night shifts catching up
* on their sleep. Most deaths oc-
iy uiet curred during the first 30 minutes,
as the initial fire touched off
chain reaction of explosions and

MILWAUKEE, Wis. (RP)-Police
and National Guardsmen swept
Milwaukee's streets clear of traf-
fic yesterday and declared its riot
torn Negro district temporarily
secure, but the paralyzed metro-
politan area waited tensely for
"We don't know what will hap-
pen," Police Lt. John Davis, head-
ing city forces at a joint command
post, said.
Eighteen armored personnel
carriers armed with .50 caliber
machine guns headed for Mil-
waukee from Eau Claire and
officials joined to keep the dis-
orders that left two dead and
Camp McCoy as local and state
more, than 60 injured from re-
Two Deaths
Both of the victims - Police
patrolman Byran Moschea, 24, and
eldefly Mrs. Ann Mosley - were
white. Their bodies were found
yesterday in the ruins of a burned
out sniper's nest where four other
officers were wounded before the
shooting stopped.
Dist. Atty. Hugh O'Connel said
55 year old Orey Tucker, a Negro,
would be charged with eight
counts of attempted murder, but
would not be charged with the
murder of Moschea at this time.

Two units of the 2,400 man
guard force called out by Gov.
Warren P. Knowles took over
patrolling of the inner core where
more than 90 per cent of Mil-
waukee's 86,000 Negroes live, pro-
viding a respite for some of the
1,000 or more policemen on duty
since Sunday afternoon.
The riot was preceded by a
downtown altercation between two
Negro women early Sunday. Police
broke that up, but sporadic un-
rest continued through the day
until window breaking touched off
the major disorder about dark.
City Blocked Off
The inner core of the city, five
square miles reaching from the
very edge of the downtown busi-
ness district through the seamy
north side, was shut off by bar-
Police from the 20 overwhelm-
ingly white suburbs ringing the
central city of 750,000 manned
road blocks to prevent entrance.
Except for emergency workers, on-
ly uniformed men moved down-
At one point, near the smould-
ering ruins of several dwellings
that burned during a police gun
fight with a sniper, two officers
in riot gear stood beside a squad
car while Negroes screamed curses

from a window across the street.
Mayor Henry Maier, who had
asked for the guardsmen and pro-
claimed the emergency that per-
mitted quarantine of the city, told
a news conference he would not
hesitate to ask for federal troops
if he thought they were necessary.
Suburban officials generally
followed his lead, closing liquor
stores and banning the sale of
firearms as suburban residents re-
ported a flood of hate calls threat-
ening fire bomb raids into the
fashionable white areas.

blazes, Lanham said.
'No Cowardice'
Lanham and Beling had only
the highest praise for the per-
formance of the ship's crew of
Beling said the tragedy had pro-
duced a "concrete demonstration
of the worth of American youth."
He said "there were many ex-
amples of heroism" and "not one
single example of cowardice."
Both the captain and Lanham
said they were confident the car-
rier would be back in action be-
fore very long, although they con-
ceded the full assessment of the
damage still had to be made.

chapel pastor, will speak on "Sex and
the New Morality, A Christian View."
August Teacher's Certificate Candi-
dates:. All of the requirements for the
teacher's certificate must be complet-
ed by August 4. These requirements1
include the teacher's oath, the health
statement, the social security num-
ber, and the Bureau of Appointments
material. The oath should be taken as
soon as possible in Room 2000 UHS.
The office is open from 8-12 and 1-5.
Monday through Friday.
August 6, 1967 ,
To be held at 2'p.m. in Hill Aud.
Exercises will conclude about 4 p tm.
All graduates of the 1967 spring-sum-
mer term may attend.
Reception for graduates, their rela-
tives and friends in Michigan League
Ballroom at 4 p.m. Please enter League 7
at west entrance.
Tickets: Four to each prospective
graduate, to berdistributed from Mon.,
July 24. to Fri., Aug. 4 at Diploma
Department, 555 Administration Bldg.,
except on Sat., July 29, when office will
Academic Costume: May be rented at
Moe Sport Shop, 711 N. University
Ave. Orders should be placed Imme-
diately, and MUST be placed before
July 15.
Assembly for Graduates: At 1 'p.m.
in Natural Science Aud. Marshals will
direct graduates to proper stations.
Programs: To be distributed at Hill
Candidates who qualify for a doc-
toral degree from the Graduate School
TION EXERCISES will be presented a
hood by the University at the cere-
National Association of Laymen:
"Megaphone for the Lay Voice"-brown
bag lunch and discussion, Wed., Aug. 2,
at noon, Guild House, 802 Monroe.
Dept. of Political Science/Center for
Russian and East European Studies:
Are co-sponsoring a lecture by Dr.
Jerzy Wiatr, of the Institute of Phil-
osophy and Sociology, Polish Academy
of Sciences, speaking on "The Peasant
in Polish Society," at 4:10 p.m. Wed.,
Aug. 2, in the Sixth Floor Conference
Room of the Institute of Social Re-
search Bldg.
Botany seminar: Dr. Jaime Mora will
'speak on "A Mutation Affecting the
Exogenous Distribution of Aminoacids
in Neurospora Crassa," Wed., Aug. 2,
4:15 p.m., 1139 Natural Science Bldg.
Doctoral Examination for Gail Ann
Rushford Corbett, Botany; thesis:
"Field Vegetation Development and
Responses to Management in Washte-
naw County, Michigan," Tues., Aug. 1,
Room 1139 Natural Science, at 1:30 p.m.
Chairman, W. S. Benninghoff.
Doctoral Examination for Thomas Os-
born Calhoun, English Language & Lit-
erature; thesis: "The Poetics, Unity
and Continuity of Henry Vaughan's
'Silex Scintillans'" ,Tues., Aug. 1, Room
2601 Haven Hall, at 2 p.m. Chairman,
F. L. Huntley.

New Quake Hits Caracas;
Rescue Work Continues

ernor said. School of Music Concert - Fernando
One of the governor's aides, Laires, piano, artist in residence, Ok-
Marko Haggard, said it appeared lahoma College of Liberal Arts: School
that Sunday's outburst had failed of Music Recital Hall, 8:30 p.m.
to produce any momentum. ,N
Outside Agitators GeneralNotices
But he said it revealed "An ap- Rotunda Display: The Exhibit Mu-
seum, is featuring a new display in
palling lack ofcomnatn the Rotunda: Ceramic wares of China,
with young people."mi Korea, Thailand, and Annan from the
Collections of the Museum of An-
The outbreak came shortly I thropology, University of Michigan.
after speakers in a nearby park
assailed whites for the condition - ---- -._
of Negroes. . (' nRA NIZA TI
Haggard, who is McCall's co- ORGAN IZAT IONI
ordinator for War on Poverty pro- F
grams, said it was apparent that NOTt ( CEp
some outside agitators were pres- -_____
ent. He added, "Don't oversimplify!
this. There were local people in USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN-
,,to"NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
it, too." 'recognized and registered student or-
Contained by Police ganizations only. Forms are available
in Room 1011 SAE.
The violence never got to the I .
point of rioting. Police, armed Deutscher Verein will sponsor kaffee-
with shotguns, stood at street in- stunde: kaffee, kuchen, konversation,
tersections or drove up and down on wed., Aug. 2, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze
the streets. B l d
Bands of young Negroes, most- Inter-Cooperative Council will host a
ly in their late teens and early discussion on "Co-op Housing in Slums"
ly with a speaker. The event is open to
20s, roamed the area. Occasional- the public; it begins at 7:30 p.m., at
ly they threw rocks or fire bombs. 1017 Oakland St. on Aug. 1.

CARACAS, Venezuela (P) -- A
destructive new tremor shook
Caracas yesterday as weary rescue
workers continued to probe huge
piles of rubble in search of vic-
tims of the devastating earth-
quake that hit the city Saturday.
The number of known dead
from the Saturday disaster rose
to 58.
The US. Embassy reported that
five Americans had been killed in
the quake and that three other
Americans were among hundreds
of persons unaccounted for.
Unnerved by Weekend
A garment factory collapsed in
yesterday's tremor, and 10 per-
sons were feared trapped in the
wreckage. The tremor spread
panic among city residents still
unnerved by the weekend night
The government reported that,
more than 1,500 persons had been

injured by Saturday's quake, and
Gov. Raul Valera of the Caracas
district predicted Sunday that the
death toll might climb to 300.
The earthquake struck in the
evening, its sharpest jolt coming
at 8:06 p.m. Five apartment build-
ings in the Altamira section, one
16 stories and another of 10
stories, collapsed before residents
had time to flee.
The walls of many other build-
ings continued to fall through
Saturday night, and thousands of
persons left their homes and
camped outor dlept in their cars,
away from tall buildings.'
Debris Searched
Rescue workers used bulldozers
and cranes to search through the
debris for quake victims and sur-
vivors. Fifty bodies were uncov-
ered Sunday, and a number of
survivors were brought out yes-
terday in addition to more bodies.

World News Roundup

Firemen answered 26 alarms in
eight hours in the area. Half were
false alarms. Nine resulted from
fire bombs-jars of gasoline with
lighted wicks-tossed into build-
ings. Only one fire was of con-
sequence,heavily damaging a two
story frame building. Investigators
estimated the loss in all the in-
cendiary fires at $27,000.

Far Eastern Language Institute spon-
sors a lecture by Prof. Kun Chang of
the University of California. He will
speak on "The Phonological System
of the Chinese Language during the
Sul-Tang Period," on Aug. 2 begin-
ning at 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 102-103 of
the Michigan Union.
Michigan Christian Fellowship will
have a decture discussion on Aug. 1,
7:30 p.m., In the Michigan Union
(3G). Rev. Donald Postena, campus


, .._.._

By The Associated Press
HAVANA -'The Cuban domi-
$ nated Organization of L a t i n
A m e r i c a n Solidarity convened,
yesterday and immediately under-
scored its commitment to revolu-
tion by naming Ernesto "Che'"
Guevara honorary president.
His selection left little doubt
OLAS would endorse Guevara's
call for creating a series of new.
Vietnams in the Western hemi-
k * E
liam Fulbright (D-Ark) proposed
yesterday that the Senate take
the position a national commit-
ment abroad exists only if Con-
gress joins with the President in
declaring it.
The Arkansan 'said the resolu-
tion expresses his concern over
"the mounting problem created by
the gradual erosion of the role of
Congress, and particularly of the
Senate, in the determination of
national. security policy."
* * *
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - A vio-
lent summer storm pinned down a
rescue team yesterday on 20,320
foot Mt. McKinley and left in
doubt whether a search would
continue for four climbers miss-
ing and feared dead.
Bodies of three others in the
climbing party were found Satur-
day at about the 18,000 foot level.
Dial 2-6264

Hope for the others was almost
gone. Nothing had been heard
from them for 13 days when they
conquered the mountain, highest
in North America.
The five man rescue team
checked every major crevasse and
snow cave Sunday between the
18,000 and 15,000 foot levels where
the missing men might have taken
Phone 434-0130
when youhe
got made...
Tony Curtis
.ShOwn at
9:35 Only
and metrocolor





shown at 1
11:20 Only
PLUS ...

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HELD OVER - 4th Week




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