Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNTVERSITY OF MIC-IGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS TodIay and Tomorrow... By Walter Lippmann Soviet Miscalculations in Middle East here Opinions Are Free Trutb Will Prevail 420 MAYNARD S., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws Pi-ToNE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers or the editors. This must be ,noed in all repints. SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: LUCY KENNEDY 'U' Should Improve Upon MSU Tuition Plan GSTAAD, Switzerland-We may be sure that Moscow did not en- courage Gamal Adbel Nasser in order to punish the United States for what we are doing in Vietnam. Life is more compli- cated than that. But there is a connection between Vietnam and the Middle East, and I believe that our preoccupation with Viet- nam led the Soviet government to make a giant miscalculation. Moscow's initial judgment was correct enough. The United States was so entangled in an unpopu- lar war in Vietnam that the John- son administration would not or could not move quickly or easily, if it moved at all, to go to the aid of Israel. The unwillingness of Washington to become involved in another police action was quite evident, and on this score Soviet intelligence was sound. The Soviet error was not about Washington, but about Cairo. If, as Nasser thought and Moscow allowed itself to believe, the Arab allies could destroy Israel in a few days, the Soviet policy would have paid off. The Arabs would have got rid of Israel, and the Soviet Union, as the special sup- porter and friend of the Arabs, would have become the predomi- nant power in the Middle East. It was the Israelis. snd the Israelis alone, who upset Mos- cow's calculations, who dashed Moscow's hopes and spared Wash- ington the horrid dilemma of en-i gaging in another and more dan- gerous Vietnamese war or of abandoning Israel. THE , SOVIET miscalulation was due to a false reading of the capacity of small nations to wage war. Moscow's intelligence agents and diplomats were unable to dis- tinguish between the military prowess of Egypt and of Israel. They made essentially the same error as we have been making in Southeast Asia. Like the Russians in the Middle East, we have looked down on the pygmy nations and have assumed that the one with the most army would prevail. Moscow and Wash- ington have been forced to learn that the pygmies are not.all alike' and that the ones with the super- ior morale are the stronger ones. Moscow tried to impose its will on the Middle East by arming and inciting a collection of small nations. We have been trying to do a similar thing in Southeast Asia, first by supplying arms and aid to the pygmies and then by taking over the whole burden of the fighting. The critical fact is that, the two superpowers have both been foiled by their failure to take seriously the power of small nations fighting, as these nations believed, for their very existence. Neither Moscow nor Washing- ton has been able to realize that their enormous superiority in weapons would not prevent the small nations from defying their superior power. Both have as- sumed that because they possessed absolute military superiority their political influence would be cor- respondingly great. The chief lesson of the 1960s is the startling paradox that supreme military power and political mastery do not necessarily go together. TIE ABILITY-TO-PAY plan, as insti- tuted by Michigan State University, should not be adopted by the University Regents when they raise tuition in Au- gust. But the concept of paying tuition according to income is meritorious and, 'if handled properly, would be far more equitable than a flat sum across-the- board increase. There are serious flaws in the MSU plan. Of course it is a bad plan. It will certainly be a shame that MSU students fron large families will have to pay a disproportionate share of their family income for an MSU education. It will, however, be much more of a shame, if University students from low- income families have to bear the burden of paying a disproportionate share of their income for an education. The in- equity of basing a tuition scale on gross family 'income without regard for family size is .obvious. But the road to fairness does not loop back to across-the-board hikes-it goes on to a true "ability-to- pay" system, one which takes all factors into account. THE ONLY VALID argument against adoption of the MSU system is an ar- gument of expediency., Critics say that if the Regents were to adopt such a plan, they would have no definite idea of what the University's income would total un- til the fall semester was nearly half over. A good point, but like the other criti- cisms of MSU, a bit one-sided. If the pre- dominantly Republican Board of Regents chooses to adopt an across-the-board hike, as it almost certainly will do, and if it also makes good onan earlier pledge that it will increase scholarship funds accordingly, it will be in much the same position. Not the same position, per- haps, but much the same. In any case, expediency is no excuse. for inequity. If the Regents find it ab- solutely necessary to know exactly what their operating budget will be, they will have an alibi for adopting a temporary across-the-board increase for the fall se- mester. But as of December, their alibi will have run out. For December, then, if not for now, the Regents must consider the equity of their distribution of the added tuition burden. The MSU plan should not be disregarded, but rather improved upon. A good start might be to extend it to cover out-of- state students as well as in-state stu- dents. -JOHN GRAY THIS IS A CARDINAL fact the modern age. The failure to Letters to the Editor Our Own House "THE SPECIAL HORROR of Detroit's mass violence, added to that in New- ark and 35 other cities this year, carries with it a special warning of social disin- tegration which needs to be taken very seriously indeed. "These riots, with their senseless prop- erty destruction and widespread looting, pose a frontal challenge to the very bas- is of urban social order that cannot easily be comprehended. They are like a revolu- tion without revolutionary purpose. They must, of course, be met by the applica- tion of superior force, and if that re- quires federal troops in addition to state and local forces, then regrettably so be it. To live, an urb'an community must first of all establish civil order and peace. "This being done, however, there is an even greater responsibility to see the com- munity whole, and dispassionately search out the sources of. social infection which permit so tragic a breakdown of law. When men become pillagers by the hun- dreds, we face an altogether different sit- uation from the normal one in which the law-abiding majority has to cope only with individual criminals. Crime on such a scale becomes more than. crime. It is a clean warning of the gravest social dis- order. The Daily Is a member of the Associated Press and Colegiate Press Service. Summer subscription.rate: $2.00 per term by carrier ($2.50 by mail); $4.00 for entire summer ($4.50 by mall). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year., Daily except Sunday and- Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. "MORE IS INVOLVED here than a sense of grievance over racial dis- crimination. It implies a feeling of to- tal alienation from the community, to- tal irresponsibility for lawful behavior, total indifference to the interests of the social structure as a whole. And-this, we submit, is a social problem, to be solved by social action on the broadest scale. '"That does not mean merely a few more civil rights laws, a few more crumbs from the table, a grudging reform or two. What is required is a basic orientation of American, society, as drastic and as revo- lutionary as the infection which chal- lenges it. "We need to face up at last to the in- iquity of draining off our resources in a senseless Southeast Asian war while we accept social disintegration at home. The time has come to put our own house in order before undertaking to reform the world. The funds we lavish on war and arms must be turned to the rescue of our cities from breakdown and despair; the energies devoted to death in the jungles expended on massively improving the education, the housing, the job oppor- tunities and the social cohesion of our own people. "For unless those who now acknowl- edge no identity with American society can be brought into it as fully participat- ing members, all having more to gain from law and order than from violence, the very institution of democracy will be seriously challenged. --ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH July 25, 1967 " rN M4 'Unfortunate Aspect' In analyzing the structure of the Detroit riot (Daily editorial, July 26), Mr. John Lottier refers to the "unfortunate aspect" of the riot-that is to the death of in- nocent persons resulting from the indiscriminate violence which ac- companies such mob action. The terminology of both psy- chology and sociology aims to de- scribe such phenomena in a neu- tral manner. (Perhaps the best example is the psychological sub- stitution of the word "super-ego" for "conscience," the prior term having little of the accumulated emotional content of the latter.) Certainly such terminology repre- sents an intellectual contribution which permits us to discuss per- sonal processes in an objective way, but the converse and dele- terious effect is that actions or feelings are so objectified that their personal element is lost. It is one thing to describe the organ- izatioinal aspects of rioting, and another to see the devastation and the anguish caused by it. In this respect the editorial page of The Daily strongly conflicts, with the set of photographs on page 6 in the same issue. THE CRITICISM point then is not any fault in Mr. Lottier's analysis per se but the fact that his distance causes an unfortu- nate lack of sympathy with the destruction in Detroit. My critic- ism leads to a non-objective view not in the sense of bias but in that of an emotional sympathy, that is of understanding emotionally rather than of coloring through this understanding. To understand mob violence is needed more than to make observations on such con- crete facts as status and occupa- tion. Fuller play - must given. rather, to a complete sphere -of human interaction. This can pre- vent us from making facile and jejune analyses which forget to consider that entire life's savings were losttand that people were killed. This would contribute more to the understanding of what happened in Detroit and to its solution. -Michael Sage, Grad. Canada A few points of correction to Dan Hoffman's editorial in Thurs- day's Daily The divided Canada of Mr. Hoffman's article, rapidly becom- ing a fifty-first state and a colony of the Great Society, is rather less than a half truth. The his-, toric gap between French and English Canada is gradually be- coming a thing of the past. The French-Canadian dream of the "revenge of the cradle," of becom- ing a majority of outbreeding the English, faded with the large post-war immigration which was largely neither E n g li s h nor French. Canada is a nation of minorities. No group amounts to fifty per cent of the population. There was a- time of increasing separatist sentiment. This made enough impression to affect the large, English-controlled, corpor- ations. French Canadians began to rise on merit to ranks previous- ly closed to them. It was made clear to junior executives that they must be fluent in French as well as English. Canada is more bilingualnow than in my child- hood. All letters must be typed, double-spaced and should be no longer than300words. All let- ters are subject to editing; those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. No unsign- ed letters will be printed. IN 1948 the government ap- pointed a royal commission to study the question of a distinc- tively Canadian culture. While Canada cannot avoid being af- fected by the nearness of the United States any more than France can ignore the influence of Germany and England, there are some parts of Canadian cul- ture which do not duplicate American models. Canadian tele- vision has some unmatched tri- umphs of its own. The Stratford Festival makes American produc- tions of Shakespeare seem full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. There are Canadian schools of painters and sculptors with much to say in their own idiom. And all because the royal commission decided it was pos- sible to have a Canadian culture and the government provided sup- port. It was De Gaulle who tried to export American ways to Canada. His intention was to make Mon- treal the scene of another Detroit riot. Unfortunately, Charles the Senile was five years too late, -Ivan Aron Eastern Michigan University appreciate it is why both Wash- ington and Moscow have been the victims of such great miscal- culations. Because of these mis- calculations they have committed themselves to policies that they have been and probably will con- tinue to be unable to carry out. Accompanying this demonstra- tion of the political limitations of the superpowers there has been an almost embarrassi'g demon- stration of the ineffectiveness, indeed the irrelevance, of the in- tervention of the great powers of the second grade. China is unable to protect North Vietnam. Great Britain is disregarded not only by the pygmies, but by the superpowers. France is unable to make a move of any political consequence either in Indochina or in the Middle East. We are faced with the fact that there is a radical disconnection between little na tions which have emerged since World War II and the great powers which once ruled them and gave a certain order to the world. We have not yet understood and learned how to come to terms with the new power relations of the p o s t w a r, postimperialistic modern age. In Washington and Moscow, in Paris and London the basic assumption of the leading men has been and remains that the world can be and ought to be governed by the great powers: by the United States in the pursuit of freedom and democracy, or by the Soviet Union in the expansion of the peoples' democracies or by Paris and Moscow together or by London and Washington together. The assumption is wrong. The great powers cannot combine to govern the world. Separate and competitive, the world is not gov- ernable. THERE HAS occurred in the postwar era a military revolution which includes, of course, the in- vention of nuclear weapons. But it does not stop with that inven- tion. The consequence of the nuclear weapons and the policy of deterrence has made it impos- sible or almost inpossible for statesmen in their right mind to use nuclear weapons except to deter others from using them. In this stalemate the small na- tions have found that they can defy the great powers and can make war among themselves with relative immunity from serious intervention by the great powers. As the pygmies have plenty' of things to quarrel about, they are fighting their wars, and the great powers can do little more than wring their hands. Those who believe or feel com- pelled to believe that there must be a "solution" instinctively turn to the assumption that the great powers, if only they were united, or one or two great powers pos- sessing the will, could put the world in order again. In the last analysis each of the great powers believes in thefparamountpoli- tical influence of material power. THE UNITED NATIONS was formed by men who thought that the wartime alliance of Great Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States and, by courtesy, of France and China would police the world in the future. This hope was d a s h e d because Britain, France and China were not really great powers and because the Soviet Union and the United States became engaged in the cold war. The original United Nations wa sinspired by the belief then held in the Western world that the United States, plus Winston Churchill's Great Britain, could compel the Soviet Union to co- operate in the government of the world. But Great Britain lost control of her empire, which be- came the theater of great disor- ders. The Soviet Union lost effec- tive control over its satellites. The United States found itself unable to rule the world in Asia, Africa or South America. Yet always the dream of world government by the great powers has haunted the foreign offices much as the ghost of the Roman Empire haunted the Middle Ages. The critical problem of the con- temporary world is that we have not found any substitute for that ghost-for the memory of the im- perial order in which the great powers once governed the world. The practical problem of our time is how, since the great powers cannot govern the world, they can coexist with each other and with the anarchy of the small nations which have emerged from the an- cient imperial order of the world. That exceedingly discerning military thinker, Gen. Beaufre, wrote some time ago that the great powers with their nuclear weapons and their enormous eco- nomic resources no longer dare to make war against one another, and yet they are unable to make peace with one another. NOT ONLY THE Middle East and Vietnam, but Cuba and Ni- geria, the Sudan and Cyprus testify both to the political im- potence of the great powers and to the anarchy among the smaller nations. I do not think there Is any instant solution for this pre- dicament. After all, there was no "solution" for the disorders of the Middle Ages. In such a time of troubles as this one, the supreme virtue of statesmen is prudence. Which means the art of navigating along a rocky coast in a stormy sea For this they must forswear, grandiose policies, such as fight- ing for universal peace or fight- ing to remake the civilization of Asia and Africa, They must recognize the lim- itations of their powers, and while they cannot and will not withdraw into isolation, they must avoid ideological interventions, even when these interventions contain or mask some pseudoim- perialist objective such as making a miiltary lodging on the shores of distant continents. For good or evil, the modern world cannot be conquered or converted or governed by anyone. The world is not one, but many. (c), 1967, The Washington Post Co. a The Looting Fever _____BARRY GOLDWATER Putting Pinch On ~Stars and Stripes' I 4 Tampa: Negroes and, Bigness' By PAT WILLIAMS Daily Guest Writer First of a Series The Tampa three day mid-June riot erupted for reasons common to every urban area: the little man feels caught in the dilemma of bigness and out of despera- tion, destroys. The specific Negro problem lies within the larger problem of mass non-involvement. Few people. in our culture have any real control over their lives and the Negroes the least of all. Rioting stopped within three days for a number of reasons. Tampa had sufficient bi-racial communication established before the riot to allow manipulation of the Negro youth's top thugs. Four of the "White Hats" had long police records before the riot and are now on the payroll of the city of Tampa "to keep the peace" stoppage. But the deepest :eason the riots stopped lies in the hearts of the people who began it: too few were sufficiently angry to keep it up. THE LITTLE MAN sees life as it is. Unlike the educated who see our culture from a felt sys- tem of universal values, the little man creates his frame of refer- ence from the hard realities around him. To compound the problem, he cannot articulate what he sees and often appears obtuse. Not only does he have a lack of information but he also lives in a plethora of mis-infor- mation. Only 28 of the 3,000 Ne- gro high school June graduates passed the college entrance exam this year. Feeling emasculated and hating himself for it, the Negro can easily project this onto all wites- nrinvaothe riot the have a different cxplanation of why the furniture is late. When it finally arrives he signs the proof of delivery held by still another person. By the time the first payment is made on a credit plan vJinch overcharges him, he has faced a series of complete strangers who mean nothing to him. Add to this common frustration the highly- keyed Negro proolem of poor housing, limited job oppor uni- ties, the pervasive feeling of being "put down" and either resigna- tion or rebellion result. THE RIOTS ARE an indication of the struggle for ascendency shifting from the collegiate de- mand for equality to the grass roots poor demand for enough to eat, for enough extra money to go to the show. In the words of Twenty or so million Americans have a particularly good reason to get up in arms over the-latest attempt by the Pentagon bureau- crats to manage the news and whittle away the morale of our fighting men. Those 20 million are the past and present mem- bers of the armed forces who have read and respected the serv- ice newspaper Stars and Stripes over 25 years of war and peace. All of us can remember or now know Stars and Stripes as strict- ly a serviceman's paper, not brass bound, often irreverent, always edited with the soldier, sailor and airman firmly in mind and won- derfully aware of doing for him what the best sort of crusading journal would do for its town in civilian life. Another interesting fact about Stars and Stripes is that it pays its own way with funds earned through sales of the paper, job printing for military clubs and the sale of magazines and books on S & S newsstands at military posts around the world. ALTOGETHER, the European and Pacific editions of Stars and Stripes reach about 1.5 million Americans overseas with news that is as unbiased and perhaps more so than most civilian papers. So what do the bureaucrats now want to do with this institution of our armed forces? They want, in effect, to make it a partisan, quire about $100,000 a year in tax money. The real objection, however, 1I not to be found in the funny ledgers of the Pentagon book- keepers. It is to be found in an obscure section of the Pentagon directive setting up the Armed Forces News Bureau, the section into which Stars and Stripes would be pitched. The key section says that un- der the news bureau "sensitivity could be handled more expediti- ously. In general ASD (assistant secretary of defense for manpow- er) guidance could be more ef- fective and responsive..." IT' DOES NOT take a very sus- picious mind to read the clear message of that little gem: that the news bureau is set up ex- plicitly to take orders regarding "touchy" news. Now that might be all right for routine opera- tions. But when you apply it to a newspaper which for a quarter- century has been calling the shots objectively and fairly then it is quite proper to complain of a clear and objectionable case of news management. The bureaucrats already have tried to turn servicemen into sec- ond-class citizens in virtually every other way. Now they want to make them second-class news- paper readers as well. Here is one Stars and Stripes reader who strenuously objects. t rb-