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July 28, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-28

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FRIDAY, JULY 28,196;



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Uprising a

Ignite Political Fireworks

DETROIT (41)-A police raid on
an after-hours "blind pig" speak-
easy in Detroit may have launch-
ed the 1968 presidential campaign
a year ahead of schedule.
The raid apparently provided
the spark which ignited the flames
of violence which led to a con-
frontation b e t w e e n President
Johnson, Democrat, and Michi-
gan Gov. George Romney, Re-
Johnson is virtually certain to
run for re-election next year, and
Romney is a top contender for
the GOP nomination.
The President struck the first
blow when he told a nationwide
television audience Monday that
he was sending paratroopers into
Detroit to put down riots because
of what he called Romney's dem-
onstrated "inability to restore or-
Romney's name was mentioned

seven times in Johnson's brief
The governor's turn to retali-
ate may come next Monday when
he is scheduled to make a speech
before the National Association
of County Officials at Detroit's
Cobo Hall.
Indications are that Romney
will uncorke a stemwinder, for the
organization provides a logical for-
um at which to tell government
officials about federal-state coop-
There are public denials from
all sides that politics played a
role in the dispatching of crack
federal troops to put down this
week's near-insurrection in the
nation's fifth largest city,
But President Johnson came
close to being denounced by a
Michigan congressman from his
own Democratic party, Rep.
Charles Diggs of Detroit, for play-
ing politics by withholding the use

of troops for 11 hours while burn-
ing, looting and sniping surged
through the city.
The Republican Coordinating
Committee has been strongly cri-
ticized for saying that the Presi-
dent might have contributed to the
Detroit violence by vetoing a crime
control bill.
And Detroit Mayor Jerome P.
Cavanagh was the target of com-
plaints that he didn't move fast
enough with police to stomp out
the incipient flames while they
were still just a small spark.
Gov., George Romney, an un-
announced contender for the Re-
publican presidential nomination,
also was criticized by inference
because he was to have attended
the GOP Coordinating Commit-
tee's meeting last Sunday at which
the blast was unleashed against
Congressman Diggs said he call-
ed the White House Monday night
after Cyrus Vance, the President's

advisor in Detroit, announced that
the paratroopers were remaining
at Selfridge Air Force Base, about
an hour's drive from the city.
"The situation was obviously
out of hand," Diggs said. "That
was admitted by the governor and
the mayor, and Rep. John Conyers
had issued a statement saying the
same thing. Still Washington was
hanging back.
"It was obvious that there were
political implications.
"It should have been obvious to
everybody we needed federal
troops right then. I told the White
House that in very strong lan-
Fifteen minutes later, Diggs got
a return call saying the Presi-
dent was going to move.
Romney reportedly still is smoul-
dering over Johnson's televised ex-
planation to the nation of why he
sent troops to Detroit.
The governor believes the Pres-
ident gave an inaccurate version

of the events in implying that
Michigan hesitated about asking
for federal troops.
Johnson stressed in his TV ap-
pearance that the federal govern-
ment acted because Romney had
presented "proof of his inability
to restore order."
Said the Detroit News:
"Mr. Johnson went far beyond
the requirements of the occasion
to make it appear it was Rom-
ney's fault, or a result of Rom-
ney weakness..."
"In this matter of life and
death, with the safety of thou-
sands of people at stake and hun-
dreds of millions of dollars in
property values going up in flames,
it was inexcusable for the Presi-
dent of the United States to in-
dulge in partisan politics."
The News branded Johnson's be-
havior "reprehensible."
Elsewhere, similar conclusions
were drawn-but with Republi-

can leaders also being bludgeoned
The New York Times said "the
nation has cause for deep concern
if the leaders of both political
parties are unable to forget poli-
tical considerations when murder,
arson and looting are sweeping
some of its major cities."
The Times continued:
"It is no disgrace to either the
governor, a Republican, or to May-
or Cavanagh, a Democrat, that
the situation in Detroit slipped out
of local and state control.
"The fact that Gov. Romney
may be the Republican presiden-
tial candidate next year may ex-
plain but not excuse President
Johnson's nervous political pos-
turing at this critical time ...
"But . . . the statement issued
by the Republican Coordinating
Committee is a flagrant outrage
. . This shabby statement in-
sults the nation's intelligence

when it asserts that President
Johnson's veto of a loosely drafted
'Crime Control Bill' for the Dis-
trict of Columbia contributed to
an upheaval a thousands miles
away in Detroit."
The political backlash from De-
troit's racial agony may also af-
fect the career of Mayor Cavan-
agh, who has his eye on the 1970
Democratic nomination for gov-
ernor. Much of the mayor's poli-
tical strength has been based in
the Negro community.
Cavanagh, who lost a primary
election bid for the U.S. Senate
last year, was the target of bit-
terness among Negro refugees in-
terviewed at random by an Asso-
ciated Press staffer on the streets.
"I blame Cavanagh," said Odell
Williams, a Negro who lives near
the riot area and whose estrang-
ed wife and six children were
burned out of their home Monday

"I don't think he was tough
enough when this first started."
said Williams, explaining that he
felt the mayor should have order-
ed shooting by the police if nec-
essary to stop mob actions when
the violence first flared up Sun-
day morning.
"This would have scared the
people enough to make them go
home and keep others out of the
However, a Cavanagh aide said
it was a moot question whether
or not an initial show of force
would have helped.
"Many people our interviewers
have talked to seem to think that
if more strength had been used
Sunday, the authorities may have
lost the community," said Philip
Rutledge, director of the Mayor's
Committee for Human Resources
Development, which is coordinat-
ing much of the city's efforts to
help refugees.




~As Cai
SNCC, Head
Released on
$10,000 Bail
Brown, the militant Negro leader,
said yesterday the rioting in the
nation's cities is caused by condi-
tions for which President Johnson
can be held responsible.
Brown, director of the Student
Nonviolent Coordinating Commit-
tee, said "Lyndon Baines Johnson
started the rebellion because he
doesn't address himself to the
conditions' that cause them."
Brown made his comments at a
news conference in SNCC head-
quarters here and then again on
the sidewalk outside the building
to a crowd of about 100, mostly
young Negroes and newsmen.;
In the sidewalk session, he call-
ed President Johnson "a mad
wild dog" and a "white honky
cracker." Honky is a term Brown
applies to whites.
News Conference
'His news conference was held
about 12 hours after he was re-
leased on $10,000 bail in nearby
Alexandria, Va., accused under
Virginia law of being a fugitive
from a Maryland warrant charg-
I ing him with inciting a riot Mon-
day night in Cambridge, Md.
The crowd cheered the 23 year
old Brown when he said "there
is a conspiracy to run the black
people out of America but we'll
burn it down before we leave."
"The white people are the vio-
lent people," he said. "Black peo-
ple don't know nothing about be-
ing violent. We are just defending
ourselves. Just wait until we want
to be violent.
"Get yourself a gun, brother.
The honky don't respect anything
but a gun."
Brown said there was a con-
spiracy between Maryland, Vir-
ginia, FBI Director J. Edgar
Hoover and the President to
blame the riots in the cities on
him and SNCC.
Shift Blame
He said they are trying "to dis-
credit the organization and re-
move the real blame of those re-
bellions across the country from
Lyndon Johnson. They tried to
shift the blame to me.
"We make it clear individuals
do not create rebellions. Rebel-
lions are caused by conditions
which Lyndon Johnson can be
held responsible for.
"Black people have no recourse
other than rebellions baceuse the
government does not speak to
these people nor do black leaders
speak for these people."
Brown was critical of four
Negro leaders who called Wednes-
day for an end to the rioting.
They were Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr., A. Phillip Randolph,
Roy Wilkins and Whitney Young
He said:
'Morally Wrong'
"We look upon these leaders as
being morally wrong, as having
something very gravely wrong
with them.
"We have to understand that
violence is necessary because
America made it necessary. Vio-
lence is part of America's culture.
Violence is as American as cherry
"Blacks should be nonviolent
but they should be nonviolent in
their community. And it should
nd, f+hjprp A nv fr 4i m p aov

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"VIQLENCE IS AS AMERICAN as cheery pie," de clared SNCC Chairman H. Rap Brown at a news
conference yesterday. Brown also denounced President Johnson as the cause of violence in many
American cities this week.
Pravda Labels Vietnam War
AsCause of Urban Violence~

Medical Bill
Spurs Heavy
WASHINGTON () - Substan-
tial opposition has developed
against a Johnson administration
bill aimed at trying to insure
that medical devices are safe and
effective before they are put in
the hands of doctors.
Critics argue the administration
is reaching for the scalpel before
making a diagnosis-at the po-
tential risk of costing lives by
impeding the development of new
The bill would give the Food
and Drug Administration author-
ity to set standards for some de-
vices-such as bonepins, catheters
diathermy machines and X-ray
equipment-and to clear devices
such as artificial kidneys before
they are marketed.
Present Policy
As it is now, FDA offiicals say
they may act to take a device off
the market only after they have
proof that it is not safe, reliable
or effective.
The agency argues that new
controls, much like it has over
marketing of drugs, are needed
because of such revolutionary
medical advances as surgical im-
plants, heart pacemakers and ny-
lon arteries.
FDA officials privately cite re-
ports of deaths and damaged
bodies caused by faulty or mis-
used devices.
"What we are really concerned
with," said Dr. James L. Goddard,
FDA commissioner, "is that as
technology develops, individual
doctors and scientists are less able
to judge themselves the reliabil-
ity and effectiveness of these new
"It doesn't make sense in our
society," Goddard said in an in-
terview, "that we should have to
wait until someone is injured by
a device before we can act."
Give Up Hope
Although the FDA's bill was
introduced in the House only last
month, m a n y administration
sources already have all but given
up hope for it, at least fo rthis
"The chance of passing any
medical regulation legislation is
so thin," confided one Capitol Hill
source, "the administration is
recognizing reality by not plug-
ging it very hard."
An opponent of measure, who
also is an official of a medical
device association, called the FDA
bill "a monster. To administer it
would be horrible. It would give
a lot of power to the FDA, and
they know nothing about devices."
A number of medical and in-
dustrial groups interested in de-
vices have thrown their support
to a rival bill. This one would set
up a commission to study quality
c o n t r o1s and manufacturing
standards and to report recom-
mendations within five years.


SAIGON (P)-South Vietnam's
generals, who have ruled the
country by decree for two years,
are maneuvering to maintain as
much power as possible no matter
who wins the September presi-
dential election.
Informed sources report that
the generals are forming a new
military committee to represent
them after an elected government
takes over.
If their own military presiden-
tial ticket wins, the committee
would act as a kitchen cabinet
to help formulate policy. The
ticket is headed by Lt. Gen. Ngu-
yen Van Thieu with Air Vice
Marshall Nguyen Cao Ky as vice
But the generals apparently al-
so are worried that one of the
10 civilians might win. In that
case, the new committee might be
the means by which the generals
could exert pressure on him.
The generals now rule through
the Armed Forces Council, a pure-
ly military group, and the Na-
tional Leadership Council, made
up of 10 military and 10 civilian
members. Thieu is chief of state
and Ky is premier.
Both groups will go out of ex-
istence after the elected govern-
ment is functioning.
Armed Forces
Both Thieu and Ky have said
that the armed forces would not
stand for - a civilian government
that "does not live up to the as-
pirations of the Vietnamese peo-
ple" or one that is neutralist or
pro Communist.
Ky said yesterday the Armed
Forces Council was studying its
course after the elections. But
he told Vietnamese reporters:
"We are discussing this among
ourselves, we can't discuss it with
newsmen. This is a military secret.
If you write about it in any paper,
you will be brought to court."
Fight Communism
Other Vietnamese newsmen re-
ported Ky told them that a civil-
ian president who did not fight
communism or who did not "help
the poor" would be overthrown
by the people. If the people could
not overthrow him, Ky added ac-
cording to this account, the arm-
ed forces would do the job.
Some U.S. officials are upset by
the aparent plan of the generals
to hold onto as much of their
power as possible in the event
that a civilian wins.
But the political reality exists
in Vietnam that there is doubt
any civilian government could
survive unless the military was
behind it. The leading civilian
candidate, former Premier Tran
Von Huong, said recently he
would name a military man as his
premier if he were elected.

Thieu and Ky said their pre-
mier would be a civilian.
The military committee also
would play an interesting role
in intramilitary political maneu-
vering. Most of its members, as
presently set up, are Ky sup-
Ky stepped out of the presiden-
tial race, supposedly in the in-
terests of armed forces unity, to
take second place on the Thieu

ticket. There were indications
then that he had lost considerable
power and that he had been
forced by the other generals to
play second fiddle.
There are even more indica-
tions now that Ky has not lost
his grip.
Various sources report that in
agreeing to step down from the
race for president, Ky got an
agreement that he would get
strong powers as vice president.

Negro Business Leaders
Condemn .Cambridge Riots

LONDON (P)-European news-
papers, radio and television are
giving extensive coverage to U.S.
race riots this week, with sharp
editorial comment as well. Hanoi
and Peking too are watching.
The independent Le Monde of
Paris told its readers: "It must
be said that Detroit was ravaged
by war. The problem, for the mo-
ment, appears insoluble."
The Soviet Communist party
paper Pravda blamed the rioting
on the Vietnam war. It said the
war diverted funds which could
have been used to improve the'
Negro standard of living.°
Soviet radio and television have
provided heavy riot coverage.
The government paper Izvestia
carried headlines such as "Terror

in racist America,. social dyna-
Dutch papers put the news from
Detroit and other riot areas on
their front, pages all week. The
independent De Telegraaf of Am-
sterdam commented that the
Black Power call for a separate
black state was unfeasible and
warned that the riots may be used
to influence the 1968 presidential
British papers put Detroit on
Page 1 yesterday editions, but
President Charles de Gaulle's
Canadian trip and domestic issues
got more play. The riot coverage
included the looting on New
York's Fifth Avenue.
There was no editorial com-

Viet Generals Strive to Keep
Power After September Voting

World News Roundup

By -The Associated Press
ANKARA -- Turkey's second
killer earthquake in five days
ripped through a desolate eastern
region Wednesday night, and
local officials said yesterday at
least 104 persons had been killed.
But scores of villages had not
been heard from, and it feared
the toll would rise.
The quake struck the disaster
prone Pulumur district midway
between this national capital and
the Iranian frontier less than two
hours after Pope Paul VI had left
Turkey after a two day visit.
WASHINGTON -Legislation
to raise postage rates on first
class letters and post cards to
six cents advanced through a
House Post Office subcommittee
The bill calls for higher rates
all along the line. It is due to be
considered by the full committee
starting next week.
In addition to raising letters
from five cents an ounce to six

(D-Mo.), who has urged greater
use of air power in the conflict,
said this country should not stop
at halting bombing but should
offer to halt all fighting.
In a speech on the Senate floor,
Sen. John Sherman Cooper (R-
Ky.) said bombing of targets in
North Vietnam should be stopped.
Seconding the proposal were
Senate Democratic leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana and Sens.
J.W. Fulbright (D-Ark), Clifford
P. Case (R-N.J.), Joseph S. Clark
(D-Pa.), and George Ailken (R-
HONG KONG - Bombs ex-
ploded throughout Honk Kong
Wednesday night and roving
gangs set fire to taxis, buses and
cars in a renewal of terrorist at-
tacks afterealmost a week of rel-
ative calm in this British colony
wracked by Communist violence
since mid May.
Police used tear gas, clubs and
riot guns'to break up and beat
back thegangs of pro-Communist

West German papers gave the
riots big play. The influential
Frankfurther Allgemeine s a i d
there was "tragic irony in the fact
that the disturbances occur in the
North, which is more progressive
in racial matters."
East Berlin
Communist East Berlin papers
headlined "Detroit tanks against
workers" and "Johnson's Guard
masacred despairing Americans."
From Al Baath, organ of the
ruling Baath Socialist party in
Syria, came a suggestion that the
Negro "revolutionaries rioting in
the United States should estab-
lish contacts with other libera-
tionist movements in the world."
South Africa
There was comment too in
South Africa, which has race
problems of its own. Mrs. Pyelen
Suzman, an outspoken Liberal
Party member of Parliament, said
in a speech at Witwatersrand
University the violence stemmed
not from the extension of civil
rights to Negroes, but was "the
result of years of poverty and de-
privation." However it is essen-
tially mob rule, she said, "and
such rioting should be put down
as firmly as possible."
From Red China came a decla-
ration by the Peking People's
Daily that "American ruling cir-
cles have been thrown into a great
"Be courageous, Afro-Amer-
icans, fight on resolutely " the
newspaper urged.
Phone 434-0130
gttt mom... '*
Tony Curtis
Shown at

CAMBRIDGE, Md. ()-A group
of Negro businessmen and com-
munity leaders condemned the
Cambridge racial rioting yester-
"The responsible citizenry can-
not and will not condone the
hatred that erupts into violence
and riots, the ruthless. destruction
of property and the disregard of
human life, from whatever sources
they may stem," the said.
Charles Cornish, Negro presi-
dent of the City Council, and the
Rev. E. M. Dupree, head of the
local chapter of the National As-
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People, were among the
11 signing the statement. The
others included a Boy Scout
leader, a leader of the Elks Lodge
and a member of the Community
Development Committee.
National Guard
The Negroes made their decla-
ration as armed National Guard
troops stood watch over the usual
daytime lull in this city of 13,000.
The Guardsmen used riot gas
to disperse a crowd of 300 rock
throwing N e g r o e s Wednesday
night about four hours after a
street rally addressed by Stuart
Wechsler, a white leader of the
Congress of Racial Equality from
Wechsler, associate director of
CORE's Baltimore Target City
project, was held in the county
jail in $1,100 bond on charges of
disorderly conduct, resisting ar-
rest, inciting to riot and refusing
to obey a police officer.
Walter Lively, Negro leader of
a Baltimore civil rights group
called the "Union for Jobs" or
"Income Now," also was picked up
but later released. A heavy rain
helped clear the streets after the
Negro Businessmen
The statement from the Negro
businessmen identified, them as
leaders of the 2nd Ward, the dis-
trict which contains most of the
city's 4,000 Negro residents.
"We all stand ready to aid per-
sonally any agency to find hous-

R4th & Final

p res enit s
"Masterpiece !"-Crist, N.Y. Herald Tribune

ing, clothes and other necessities
to benefit the unfortunate, home-
less people of the community."
Another statement was made
yesterday by a Negro whose gro-
cery store was among a dozen
buildings destroyed by the mas-
sive fire which roared through
two blocks of the 2nd Ward early
Tuesday. The rioting followed a
speech there by H. Rap Brown,
director of the Student Nonvio-
lent Coordinating Committee.
"We do not believe in this Black
Power business," said William
Sweetheart Greene, the grocer.
"We don't want outsiders com-
ing into our community to preach
hate. The responsible Negroes ii}
Cambridge denounce the Black
Action Federation and Black
"There are people in the 2nd
Ward who need homes and cloth-
ing because of the fire. We want
to help them and bring peace to



"In the tradition
of 'Dea r John'
makes 'Dear John'
look like a fairy
tale. Would you
believe 'Virginia-
Woolf' looking
like a Sunday
-World Journal Tribune
"I, a man... enjoyed!"
I, A Wo.ma'n'
Mon. thru Thurs. 7-9
Sat. 7-8-11; Sun. 6-8-10




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