PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1967 $169,853,000: Riot Victims Across the Nation AddUp Their Economic Losses NEW YORK (') - With no end in Cairo, Ill. The Department of The General Adjustment Bureau, in sight to the nation's summer Housing and Urban Development a national organization that sends' of racial violence, weary victims said in Washington that no fed- adjusters into disaster areas, set of rioting in cities across the eral funds are available to help up a 15-man temporary office in country are adding up their eco- repair or rebuild. East Orange, N.J., to help in set- nomic losses and planning for the But no monetary value could be tling Newark claims. future. placed on the human tragedies, "We're just beginning to get re-' With preliminary damage esti- the loss of the family home, the ports on Detroit," a spokesman mates in Detroit already over $200 work of a lifetime, perhaps, lost said "I understand the fires are' million, official estimates of mon- in one riotous night. still going on. But as soon as we etary losses around the nation "We have been getting telephone can, we'll establish a temporary Peace Controversial on Berkely Campus BERKELEY, Calif. (A') - Even;Navy recruiter. Former student peace can be controversial in I Mario Savio led a sit-in tha n same Berkeley. day and anti-Vietnam war ele- Six months ago, Clark Kerr was ments tried an abortive class boy- fired as president of the nine- cott Dec. 4 because the Navy was campus, 87,000-student University allowed, to set up a table inside of California. It climaxed more than two years of sporadic tur- moil over student rights on thej Berkeley campus where 27,500 are enrolled. Berkeley has been quiet, ever since. But don't jump to quick con- clusions. There is disagreement over what it means. the Student Union Building. Striking Contrist Heyns' procedure was in sti-k- ing contrast with the handling of prior disorders. In 1964, Savio, then a hushy- haired junior studying philosophy. sparked disorders which led to his arrest along with nearly 800 nhar fna mciu cit-i at totaied over $169,853,u00 in an Associated Press survey. Some victims, in despair, plan to get out of trouble spots as soon as possible; others are starting work on new plans to minimize the chance of future outbreaks; still others, stunned, just don't know what to do. 'Can't Take Any More' Cincinnati jeweler Rudolph Youmans said, "I just can't take any more," and planned to leave. Mike Levy, operator of a food market in the Ohio city, said, "I'm going to stay." Tampa, Fla., merchants joined a biracial commission in a train- ing program to open employment to Negroes as a peace move.. A Buffalo, N.Y., banker sum- med up: "Many of the merchants would love to leave the area, but they have no place to go." Of the $169 million, $15 million was in Newark, N.J., ;$3 million in Cincinnati, Ohio, $1 million in Tampa, Fla., $350,000 in Dayton, Ohio, $250,000 in Buffalo, N.Y., $150,000 in Erie, Pa., and $100,000 cans, some 01 themĀ±rom5smal office there." There is disagreement over how UiOms a ive sit-inN a homeowners, actually . crying on P. B d Nort hief of it can be continued. - Sproul Hall, across the plaza from the phoe," said Morrisernar man,cAnd there is considerable dis- the Student Union Building. Savio an organizer of the Newark Busi- Newarks Office of Economic De- i and his supporters opposed a rule nessmen's Emergency Committee. velopment, said 783 stores in that agreement over what was left un-anninguporterappd a yule 'What will we do? Where will e city were damaged or looted or settled by the coming of the quiet. banning political advocacy on Whatwil wedoWhee wll e ;oth Ofthes, 1 wee dstryed' Wen t Bgancampus. get the money to start again? they both. Of these, 16 were destroyed, When It Began President Kerr conferred with ask.', and 86 suffered heavy damage. There is one point of complete Savio, then under suspension, and No Insurance About 100 inspectors from Nort- agreement - precisely when it later the rule was changed by the He said many of the businesses man's office have toured the riot began. university regents. The then hit were family concerns, some of area and he estimated their com- Spokesman of the administra- chancellor Edward Strong, ac- which had no insurance or were pleted survey will show about 1,- " tion, the faculty and the students cused Kerr of interference.' dropped by insurance companies 000 damaged stores and 400 dam- all pinpoint the first week of last Kerr kept hands off the Navy in recent years.' "We put a $15 million insured Some cities reported only neg- December. That was more than recruiter fuss, leaving Heyns a damage estimate on the Newark ligible damage - mostly broken a month before Gov. Ronald Rea- free hand. Heyns balked at talk- rioting last Friday (July 21)," windows - in relatively minor dis- gan and 13 other university re- ing with Savio, then a nonstudent turbances. These included Atlan- gents summarily ousted Kerr, one living in Berkeley. Instead, Heyns said a spokesman for the Insur- ta, Ga., Birmingham Ala Hart- of the most widely known educa- conferred with student and fac- ance InfWmation Instued inNe ford, Conn., and New Britain, tors in the nation. ulty representatives, then ruled be paid." Conn. Little Waterloo, Iowa, esti- The "Berkeley cool" began af- that the Navy recruiter must move He said some of the claims will mated about $3000 worth of dam- ter Chancellor Roger Heyns set- his table out on the plaza whee come under a homeowner's policy age was done during rioting July tied an uproar over the appear- student tables of cause and pro- of fire and extended coverage p01- 8-9. ance Nov. 30 on campus of a U S. test are permitted. icies that. include such risks as riots, explosions, fires and civil cotsm e ot ionsir s an c vl ; 1 ";sansidi wud orld Newspapers Concerned The spokesman said it would o l sCc r e take years to determine whetherp the riots would lead to an increase 1 T 1 n rates. Ove1 i..e I J C ivi w1r Except for some picketing of with them-more disagree-but the formulation of educational the Navy table. the Berkeley because the students are pooped policies, including measures for campus has been on its best be- and tired of the issue," observed the improvement of teachings. havior. Dan McIntosh as he completed "One reason it is quiet in Ber- "The university is not the ad- his presidency of Berkeley's As- keley is because this commission versary any more," Heyns said sociated Students of the Univer- exists," said bearded Henry May- when interviewed about the cur- sty of California. er, a graduate student and co- rent quiet. "We have hardly begun to fiid chairman of the commission with solutions to these problems," said Caleb Foote. a law professor. The problem itself is the ad- his successor, Dick Beahrs, a sen- versary." ior history major from Palo Alto. "Many of the students on the But, despite rule changes al- "I'm discouraged when the ad- commission were active in vary- lowing students freedom to advo- ministration .makes statements ing degrees in protest. The report cate and protest on campus, stu- implying that many of our prob- will be very controversial." dent leaders are far less optimis- lems are solved. Often times. I After that, still to be deter- tic. And critical government offi- think they have'to see 8,000 stu- mined is what the university and cials hint openly at a crackdown dents protesting in the plaza to the regents will do about the when the long hunt for a succes- recognize that this campus is still recommendations. sor to Kerr has ended, troubled." Two key figures in the earlier Reagan, asked about his view Study Commission Berkeley disorders-Savio of the of the quiet at Berkeley, said he Right now a little-publicized Free Speech Movemenit -FSM - felt. like one shoe has been drop- investigation is under way that and nonstudent Jerry Rubin, ped and the other is about to be. could explode like a bombshell founder of the Vietnam Day That apparently referred to the next October. A 12-member study Committee - are removed from firing of Kerr and the choice of a commission on university griev- the scene. new president.-t ances is looking into the broad Savio recently entered prison to Reagan's Investigation spectrum of student rights. serve a 120-day sentence for his Reagan, who has pressed for a Six students - including some Municipal Court conviction for full-scale investigation of the most active in expressing griev- the Sproul Hall sit-in of Decem- Berkeley disorders,'said he was ances about current conditions ber, 1964. Savio, turning over his holding that in abeyance since it and six faculty members will re- 18-month-old son to his wife, now "depends on what the presi- port their findings next fall. Suzanne Goldberg Savio, another dent does who comes in." Among these will be steps to in- FSM activist, said in court the Max Rafferty, state superinten- crease and improve the appro- FSM was "one of the most impor- dent of public instruction and, priate participation of students in tant events in higher education." like Reagan, an ex-officio member of the university regents, put it even more bluntly: The next pres- ident's "first job is to define the proper function of the university, factory or an ornothological sane-: IJ I no gaito rea bie lckil's Assets: Sensitivity, tuary for odd birds. The purpose is to pursue truth in a scholarly manner. He's got his work cut Sustained Pianissimo,suites 4i 4 N--.F T V.~-s. -i- N.! k-, k--JJ . ".i. IL/ 'L-/ 9 N--/ 0 1st T 3.3 T T wrir f Baseless Rui 1943 DetrToit DETROIT (P) - Detroit's first major riot 24 years ago in war- torn 1943 was sparked by a minor incident and fueled by a rumor that a Negro woman and her baby had ,been thrown by whites off the Belle Isle bridge into the De- troit River. -In two days of rioting, June 20-1 21, 1953, 35 persons were killed and 530 injured. More than 1,300 persons were arrested before Pres- ident Franklin D. Roosevelt order- ed 4,000 federal troops into the city, quelling the violence. Stayed Three Weeks The troops, cheered by residents as they entered the city, stayed three weeks. The rioting began on Sunday, June 20 at the Belle Isle bridge, leading to an island park in the Detroit River. Two Negro youths set off fighting because they want- ed to "even the score". for being tossed out of an East Side amuse- ment park five days before by a group of whites. The youngest of the two Ne- groes, a 17-year-old, was charged by police with starting, the rumor, which ,although unfounded, in- t F .I xl I, I' ior Started LONDON UP)-The Detroit race SoTi riots were prominently played by newspapers around the world yes- terday and editorials ranged from R ace Riot sympathetic to declarations that the United States faces civil war. flamed a large Negro crowd. Noting the rioting in Newark,: Police used tear gas to break N.J., and Detroit, the independent up a free-for-all . between 200 Sueddeutsche Zeitung of Munich! whites and Negroes on the bridge said "one gets a foretaste of com- and the violence spilled along ing disputes which smack more of East Jefferson on the near East civil war than civil rights." Side. "The hell of modern war is com- ghettos of the big cities of the United States." Said the pro-socialist Frankfur- ter Rundschau of Frankfurt, Ger- many: "The majority of whites must have the will to recognize their colored fellow citizens as truly equal in ranks and rights."j The comment in the British! press took these views: The Times of London, indepen- dent: "City wrecking articulatesj no tangible set of demands, sets out no discussable grievances. The: nonviolent southern civil rightsE campaign was by contrast really productive. Violence thrills the new Negro leadership, whose aims, however, are as cloudy as the slo- gan black power." The London Daily Telegraph, conservativeT: "Each successive outbreak surpasses its predeces- other cities have reacted against the reaction." The Soviet press buried brief accounts of the racial violence on inside pages and radio and tele- vision gave only short accounts. The Communist Party newspaper Pravda reported the disorders on page five over a headline: "Bloody Sunday in Detroit.". In the Far East, newspapers in Japan and on Nationalist Chinese Formosa gave prominence to the Detroit story but there was no editorial comment. In making clear he feels the rules have been swung too much the students' way, Rafferty said: "There's no reason for anyone to demonstrate any more than there is reason for a burglar to murder his victim if he gives him every- thing he wanted." Student Leaders On the other hand, student leaders voice dissatisfaction under the rules as they are, not to men- tion a crackdown. "The administration h a s n ' t 'won' because the students agree , i ' 4 t " i f 7 I+ ' i { , 4 E By CHARLES TIMBRELL Suite is a colorful and brilliant Michael Block presented the virtuosos version of three scenes third recital of the University's from the ballet, arranged for the Summer Concert Series in Rack- piano by the composer. Block's ham Auditorium Monday night, playing was exemplary in every and the program was of particu- respect. The repeated octaves and lar interest inasmuch as it fea- chords in the "Dance Russe" were tured two large and seldom-heard remarkably precise, and the suites of the early twentieth-cen- movement had a controlled sense tury. of direction and was thrilling in tury.,., n..,.. n.. s.. By midnight, police reported the riot under control but the same rumor was repeated early onI June 21 when a checkroom oper- ator at a Negro recreation center seized a microphone and repeated it to a group of dancers. The Ne- groes surged out of' the hall into the streets, setting off a rash of stabbings and widespread looting. WhITfP Rn+ Nporn ing to major U.S. towns," wrote the Dagens Nyheter, a liberal I newspaper in Stockholm. Draw- ing a parallel to "what daily hap- pens in Vietnam," the newspaperC added: "One wonders what les- sons authorities have drawn." Italians Rome's leftist newspaper Paese Sera said the Detroit events "are tha vhlo h aa hnr M I I Ike Hits 'Lawlessness,' Calls Rioting 'Shameful' DA ILY -C The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only. Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. For more information call 764-9270. WEDNESDAY, JUJLY 26 Day Calendar Dept. of Gerontology Conference - "Twentieth Annual Conference on Ag-I ng": Conference Breakfast, Michigan Union, 8 a.m. Audio-Visual Education Center Film Preview-"Custer: The American Surge Westward" and "Booming World of Boats": Multipurpose Room, Undergrad- uate Library, 1:30 p.m. Dept. of English Lecture: Prof. R. M Ohmann, Wesleyan University, will lec- ture on "Syntax and Style," Aud. C, Angell Hall, on Wed., July 26, at 4:10 p.m. Dept. of Political Science/Center for Russian and East European Studies: Are co-sponsoring a lecture by Dr. Jerzy Wlatr, of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sci- ences, entitled "Local Politics as an In- strument of Socio-Economic Develop- ment" in the Sixth Floor Conference Room, Institute of Social Research Bldg., 4:10 p.m. Dept. of' Romance Languages Lecture -Monsieur Maurice Zermatten, Swiss novelist, poet and dramatist . (lecture will be given in French), "Le Baroque dans la Litterature Europeene": East I mes reat iegroes the symbol of the racial enange in By a1m.Monay, J51une , u21 theamindsUofVa.groing uberof ' sors in some aspect of mad vio- WASHINGTON (R) - Former advance of a Republican Policy Byit jm . bgndakin at , Ne in Aia ow n these lence, as if fumbling, elemental President Dwight D. Eisenhower Coordinating Committee state- Iwhite mobs began making attacks Negroes in America . .. in these forces, are finding the weak joints says a "shameful outcropping of ment, to which he subscribed Mon-j on Negroes along Woodward days President Johnson has been behind the magnificient facade lawlessness" in city rioting must day, accusing President Johnson Avenue, a main artery. Cars were firmly warned that his next war of the American social structure." be dealt with sternly lest it lead of failing to recognize and dealI burned and overturned along! could be a civil war." . The Financial Times, indepen- to anarchy and destroy the na- with the problem of Facial viol- Woodward and streetcars were "Tanks, helicopters, p o 1 i c e . A ' tioni" ence in the cities. stopped by whites who beat up charges will not resolve the Negro would A nongtoadeal wt the The people must be taught, Ei- Negro occupants. problem in the United States," underlying causes of Negro dis- senhower said, that "personal or At the height of the violence, wrote the Paris communist news- cnteng Theses ca berod- social problems cannot be solved Johnson, who dispatched feder- police concentrated 2,500 officers paper L'humanite. by violence and defiance of au-l troop to Detroit, subsequently in the lower East Side area. "The deep causes of the revolts only by vast social expenditure, bhority." Many have blamed the a goodwillon ll sdes andpa-and television broadcast to law- Mounted police charged white breaking out today are the intol- tine In anie though, rioting on poverty conditions in ang tzeso helpdpt own mobs to keep them from invading erable conditions of life in which Bence. In the meantime though, the slums. abiding citizens to help put down Negro areas. the blacks live- packed in the ievery further outbreak of violence Utmost Sympathy the rioting. is bound to strengthen the ex- "I have the utmost sympathy for Eisenhower said the short-range r."'G'i:^ . ..v:::.".. ".a... .........::'%}i{ ' ::r':":v:" .... ' : .. .......... ......::iv:::t{rmist forc s in bot:camps. tremist forces in both camps."T any person who has never had a answer to street violence is to use United States, by a terribly irony decent chance in life," Eisenhow- the National Guard quickly. He iUnowe suffering back rrbalah r er said. "But the fact that so- said in the long haul there must B U L L T INis now suffering a black backlash' ciety has treated him badly does be more and better paid police, )CBLast year, white America reacted not give him the right to smash with a restoration of pride in to a summer of Negro violence by and take what he their work ..... teiprtn nega-astore window an aewa eterwr. .":..4.. ....: ....}::..... i::"": ... .... .4............... .""".rV {::^ defeating+: " : : : r :"t :""::'% ": . efes :ti: ed housing swantsngtheoimportantintegor to attack our police I "In the fight against crime, one Conference Room, Rackham Bldg., 4:15 telle Gallatin, Psychology; thesis: "The ed housing provisions of the Civil with animal ferocity." of the things we must do is to p.m. Development of the Concept of Rights Rights Bill, by swinging to the This, he said, is heading to- pay our policemen adequately, and iDept. of Speech University Players East Huron. at 3 pan Chairman J. B, right in the mid-term elections, ward "an era of lawlessness, which bring our forces up to necessary Production-William Wycherly's "The Adelson. and by adding a national hostility in the end can only lead to an- strength, even if this means the Country Wife": Lydia Mendelssohn The- - toward the poverty program to the archy. And anarchy is a destroy- postponement of other worthy atre, s5pm. rch. nd narhyiobstacles potpneraisedthe woth CnefraaeStdsInopobstacles already raised for it by er of nations." projects," he said Center for Japanese Studies: In coop- thecompeting demands of* a war Eisenhower expressed these - eration with the CIC Summer Asian POSITlON OPENINGS: economy. This year Negroes in views in an article written for Languages Institute present Prof. Wil Raleigh County Community Action Detroit, Newark, and a dozen Reader's Digest and released yes- AS ; liam P. Malim, professor of music at the Association, Beckley, W. va. - Grant terday. It was prepared long in University of Michigan, giving a public from OEO serves low-income rural peo-dd lecture entitled "Left-Wing Music of ple in 25 small communities. Need: East Asia," Aud. A, Angell Hall, 8:30 Community Health Project Admin., NI Z_7AT I CJ N p.m- 5 yrs. min., supv. comm. action work. ,RGA N Z T ION Administrative Asst., some exper, in ES WACST I Nineteenth, Annual National Band this typ ok ed"p. R ls3 Cnutr'Cneec-hUnerititype work-. Field Supv., RN plus 3 (.,,~ Conductors' Conference--The Universi- yrs. public health exper. Health Educa- i. ty of Michigan Woodwind Quintet: tion and Trng. Spec., MS plus experD A School of Music Recital Hal: 8:30 p.m. rg. progdms. Environmental EnIAL-6416 gin eer, BS, spec. in env. health. Home USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- ENDS TONIGHT sNS.ONG HT Ecnomit.NOUNCEfENTS is availabletoofficially Block's most impressive. assets fthroughout the evening were his ability to sustain beautiful pianis- simos and to shape phrases mu- sically and sensitively. This was immediately apparent in his play- ing of the opening Schubert A, Major Sonata (Op. 120), parti- cularly in its first two move- ments. The finale suffered some- what from a stop-and-go tendency! which detracted from its rippling charm, but it remained convinc- ing in its musicality. The Grandados "Goyescas" is an ambitious suite of six color- ful and lengthy pieces inspired by paintings by Goya and depicting various episodes in the lives of the "Majos" and "Majas" of Ma-I drid-serenades, dances, love and death. Block played each piece with abundant variety, color and flexibility and made much of the diffuse and improvisatory writing continually interesting. His ob- vious empathy with the Spanish idiom, combined with a convinc- ing personal approach, prevented the music from becoming a series of "moments." His balance and control of the wealth of decora- tive figuration was impressive, and "Coloquio," "Majay el rui- senor" and the "Epilogo" were particularly satisfying in this re-j spect. His placing of the supple- mentary "El Pelele' before the "Ballade" provided welcome con- trast. The Stravinsky "Petrouchka" its imp ulsiveness. The various tonal effects in "Chez Petrouch- ka" were imaginatively and subtly varied. The finale, "La Semaine Grasse" is the longest movement and the hardest to hold together musically. Block's clear contrasts between the many episodes'made it enormously exciting in its cu- mulative effect. It was an evening of thoroughly superior pianism, the highlight, thus far, of the present series. Phone 434-0130 Ectna n.CRPENTER ROAD FIRST OPEN 8:00 P.M. FIRST RUN NOW SHOWING RUN when you. ye got it made... ' Tony Curtis Shown at 9:35 Only inpanavision and metrocolor ALSO. .. M-G-M PRESENTsAN ALVIN GANZER PRODUCTION Dvd IVIr-allum'" Shown at 11:20 Only I' PANAIDN" and METR1OCOLOR PLUS.. GRANDAD O RACING" COLOR CARTOON 4i I1 VALTER MATTHAU INGER STEVENS ROBERT MORSE V t ,fir: ' f:, { i} tGenerat iNotices Botany Seminar: Dr. Alfred Sussman will speak on "Control of Germina- tion in Neurospora Ascospores," Wed., July 26, 4:15 p.m., 1139 Natural Science Bldg. Doctoral Examination for Allen Ed- ward Blaurock, Physics; thesis: "X-Ray !Diffraction Studies of the Myelin Sheath of Nerve," Wed. July26, Room 629 Physics-Astronomy Bldg,, at 3 p.m. Chairman, C. R. Worthington. Doctoral Examination for Agnar In- golfsson. Zoology; thesis: "The Feed- ing Ecology of Five Species of Large Gulls (Larus) in Iceland," Thurs., July 27, Room 2009 Museums Bldg., at 10 a.m. Chairman, R. W. Storer. Doctoral Examination for Joan Alice Philipp, Education; thesis: "The Com- parison of Motor Creativity with Fig- ural and Verbal Creativity, and Select- ed Motor Skills," Thurs., July 27, West School, at 1 p.m. Chairman, E. L. Council Room, Rackham Graduate Schurr. Doctoral Examination for Judith Es- r vavurau a 11 eiu z rs. eer NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially District Nurse, RN, some community recognized and registered student or- action exper. or LPN, or Med. Corps- ganizations only. Forms are available Behavioral Research Laboratory, Mur- , *m*1*Ai ray Hill, N.J.-Research Asst. in Ex- perimental Psychology. Some trng. past University of Michigan Rifle Club BA, familiar with electrical or elec- will hold open shooting with .22 caliberI tronic equip., lab exper. in perception, and pistols on Wed., July 26, cognition, or learning computer skills. and P. wTC Rfleandil-s Management Consultants, N.Y.C. and pistols will be furnished and amn- Corporate Controller, MBA and CPA, munition is available at reduced prices. 10-15 yrs. with organization with pro- Christian Science Organization spon- gressive acctg. dept. Knows. interna- sors a weekly testimony meeting on tional banking and business. Jl 7 :083 ~.a 55SB Compton Advertising, Inc., N.Y.C. -_ July 27, 7:30-8:30 p.m. at 3545 SAB. Asst. Account Manager, MA in ad. Deutscher Verein will sponsor kaffee- {mktg., or BA with exper. Asst. Media Destunde aVeeinucilnsponvrskatfen- Buyer, degree and interest in adv., stunde: kaffee. kuchen, konversation, 1ability to deal with figures. Junior Wed., July 26 3-5 p.m 3050 Friee Copywriter, degree, writer-idea creator,, Bldg. foreign language asset, oppor. for some Far Eastern Language Institute pre- foreign assignments. sents Prof. Richard T. Thompson, of' ** * Georgetown University, who will speak For further information please call on "Chinese Lexotactics: From Clause 764-7460, General Division, Bureau of to Sentence" at 7:30 p.m., July 26 in Appointments, 3200 SAB. Room 25 of the Michigan Union. P~ramAfl ~Ct- in Color 1:00-3:00-5:00 7:10-9:20 The fine suspense classic- "DIABOLIQU E" and "Counterfeit Constable" ---THURSDAY-- ROMAN POLANSKI S "An Absolute Kockout Of A Movie!" -Bnsfey Crowther, New York'Times, A ROYAL FILMS INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATION HELD OVER 3rd WEEK "in the tradition of 'Dear John' makes 'Dear John' look likeafairy tale. Would you believe 'Virginia Woolf' looking like a. Sunday go-to-meetin? -World Journol Tribune "I, a man... enjoyed!" I MICHIGAN DIAL 5-62901 ENDING THURSDAY pe.entsarnod PA w WALLIS "Wake up! PRODUnON* M ake love! " t ' Fall over yt laughing~ll. : anid I, AWoman Show Times: Mon. thru Thurs. 7-9 q'-7 f I . :_ 26IdWAAiritVWA U Ll~ ~~A~D~ui Eu HUED U'>U > :t:i: i! !"