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July 26, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-26

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See editorial page

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Partly cloudy;
little change in temperature

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Can did Con versa tions With U Re ts: li


Last of a Series
"My years as a student at the
University weren't a real college
experience," Regent Frederick C.
Matthaei, Jr., comments.
Matthaei, who replaced his
father on the board of Regents
this summer, attended the Univer-
sity during the war years, and was
in the V-12 program. This means
that he went to class twelve
months a year, amidst all the war-
time officer training groups that
were on campus at that time.
He says that he missed "some of
the major things a student should
get out of his college years, such as
relationships with other people,
exposure to other thoughts, and
philosophical. and theoretical dis-
cussions on all kinds of subjects."
According to Matthaei, "a college
student is trying to firm up his
whole philosophy of life."
And a part of this may result in

dissent. "I think that student un-
rest is typical of the times," says
Matthaei. "We're living in disturb-
ing times, and student unrest is a
sign of the times. I think that it
is warranted; I'm not disturbed
about student unrest,"°he adds.
Matthaei notes that "the Uni-
versity is the leading institution
of its kind in the world. As a lead-
er in the field, we are subject to
pressures and activities and all
kinds of forces we woudn't be sub-
ject to if we weren't the leader.
I would expect the University to
be possibly a target for these ac-
tivities involving student unrest,
and certainly a sounding board.
That's the price of leadership," he
notes, "and I'm willing to pay the
price of leadership."
One of Matthaei's major con-
cerns is with extra-curricular ac-
tivities. "The number of student
organizations has not increased
greatly since I was at the Univer-

sity," he says. "There's still only so
many varsity teams, there's still
only one Daily, only one Union,
only one League, and yet the num-
ber of students has doubled since
then. So the number of students
involved in extra-curricular activ-
ities grows smaller percentage-
wise," he notes.
"I think there's a real challenge
involved there. We must involve
students in these extra-curricular
activities which are so important
to a well-rounded future life," he
says. "We have to develop a Uni-
versity that does involve a student
in extra-curricular activities."
Matthaei has been very active in
the Detroit alumni club and is a
former president of that organiza-
tion. Speaking as "an active alum-
nus and an active member of the
University family," he says that
he looks forward to the coming!
years with a great deal of anti-
cipation. "We've had good admin-

istration in the past, and with a
new president coming in there will
be new ideas and new opportuni-
ties to do things as the leading
educational institution in 'the
world," he says.
A Better Way
"There's always a better way of
doing everything," he stresses.
"This involves the organization of
the University, the administration,
the faculty and the students. I be-
lieve in providing opportunities for
outstanding performance and re-
warding outstanding perform-
ance," he adds.
Commenting on the role that
alumni can play in the growth and
development of the University,
Matthaei says "the alumni think
that there is much of value in
Ann Arbor. We're devoted to the
University; we spend hours run-
ning all kinds of jobs, from local
celebrations for the Rose Bowl
champions to raising funds for the
$55M program."

He adds that "I think the thing
that makes the University great is
the loyal support of its alumni;
there is much to be done on cam-
pus to develop an ongoing loyalty
to the University."
Matthaei notes that much alum-
ni activity is not publicized, and
most of the alumni concern about
the University is displayed to the
administration. "No matter what
the project is in the University,"
he says, "whether it's in the En-
gineering College or the hospital,
there's always somebody in charge,
and the alumni make their
thoughts known to the person
who's in charge."
"There is certainly a problem of
communication between students
and alumni," he says . "Many
alumni would be interested in
serving on a liaison committee of
sonie sort . . . a body like this
could inform students as to what
the alumni think, and.could, at the

same time, make the alumni more
aware of what the student prob-
lems are," he adds. "The alumni
could then lend their interest and
experience to solving these prob-
Student Rules
And Matthaei says that alumni
are concerned about rules govern-
ing the students' non-academic
life. "In this area I think the Uni-
versity should provide a selection
of opportunities for parents and
children," he says. "There might
be many parents who say that
they'd like their daughter or son
to come to school in Ann Arbor,
but don't want him in a place
that's wide open. I would like to
have hours at the dormitory and
so forth, and I think that the Uni-
versity should provide several dif-
ferent kinds of student housing
accomodations. Some that are
quite lenient with their rules and
others that are quite strict. Then
the students and their parents

could make a selection on that
basis," he notes.
"And in the same vein, there
might be the opportunity to offer
housing at different levels; maybe
somebody doesn't want any maid
service or food service and they
want to pay the bare minimum for
housing," he says.
Matthaei concludes that "there
are many things that can be done,
and there are many interested and
potentially active alumni that
would be pleased to participate in
working out solutions. It's up to
us as Regents to provide as many
opportunities as possible."
Editor's Note: Although there
are eight members of the Board
of Regents, only six were inter-
viewed. Regent Alvin Bentley of
Owosso is recovering from a ser-
ious illness and was not avail-
able for an interview. Regent
Robert Brown of Kalamazoo re-
fused to be interviewed by The


Regents Among Last Gunfire
ToetTnition Rate, 1R~e



in Detroit;

Regular Meeting Scheduled Aug. 8;
Month Remains Before Registration




Stands at


The University will be one of the
last state institutions of higher
learning to set a definite tuition
rate for students this fall. With
only a month remaining before
registration, the Regents still have
not scheduled a special meeting to
evaluate studies of University
needs for the coming year.
The next regularly scheduled
meeting is set for Aug. 8.
But the Regents may not take
any action at all until Aug. 3,
when President Harlan Hatcher
Cit Leaders
Talk Over
The questions of high rise
apartment buildings and modern
"dignified" trailer parks were
considered at a meeting at City
Hall last night.
Mayor Wendell Hulcher, mem-
bers of the City Housing Com-
Inission, City Councilmen, and
several financial, real estate and
business leaders met at Hulcher's
invitation to discuss the severe
housing shortage in the Ann Ar-
bor area.
Citizen's Meeting
According to Henry Aquinto,
head of the housing Commission,
a larger citizens' meeting will be
held in October to more'fully ex-
plore and discuss the alternatives
open to planners.N
Hulcher said that the potential
harm of inadequate housing can
be seen by the disturbances now
taking place in other cities, and
warned that unless Ann Arbor
acts now it could face the same
problems in the future.
Of particular concern to the
Commission was the problem of
low-cost housing. Aquinto said
that single family units in the
$12-15,000 range are desperately
One city official noted that fed-
eral aid is nearly impossible to
,get, since government officials
fear an "inflationary effect." For
this reason, only 11 of 40 planned
subsidized housing units have now
been completed.

returns from vacation. In that
case, the University would operate
without a formal budget for three
days, as the last regental action
was to extend last year's operating
budget until the end of July.
One Regent said ;yesterday he
hopes' a meeting can still be ar-
ranged this week because it will
take several weeks to notify stu-
dents of a tuition increase and
make the necessary changes in ac-
counting operations. It could also
delay the August payroll.
A meeting can be held with as
few as five of the eight Regents.
The meeting must be called by
Hatcher but he does not have to
Central Michigan University be-
came the sixth of the twelve state'
colleges; and universities to raise
tuition for the fall on Monday. An
in-state increase of $90 a year and
an out-of-state increase of $180
were instituted after a meeting
of the Board of Trustees. Its rates
are now $390 resident and $780
Student housing rates were also
upped by $30 per year and $5 per
month for married students'
The University raised its dormi-
tory fees last week on a graduated
basis; $70 for a single, $50 for a
single and $25 for a triple.
Western Michigan University set
the resident hike at $80 bringing
its rate to $380. A non-resident in-
crease of $200, bringing that cost
to $800 for a year, was also set at
the WMU trustee meeting Monday.
Non-residents at Ferris State
college will pay $750, an increase
of $160, while residents will pay
$310, which is $35 more a year.
The hike for Ferris, which is on
the quarter system, was announced
Monday by its Board of Control.
So far, no school has followed
the lead of Michigan State Uni-
versity, which last Friday insti-
tuted'a unique ability-to-pay sys-
tem for in-state students. The
minimum tuition was set at $354,
equal to last year's tuition, and
would 4e paid by students whose
families earn less than $11,800
yearly. The maximum was set at
$500, whcih applies to families
of $16,666 or more gross income.
Non-resident tuitions ,at MSU
were raised $180 for under gradu-
ates and $210 for graduates for
a year's credits on the quarter

2 5-30 Shootings
Reported in City
Snipers Force Police to Pull Out
Of Mile-Square Area for One Hour
DETROIT (R)-Gunfire rattled at a heightened tempo In
the rubble-strewn streets early Wednesday as the death toll
climbed to 26 in the riot that has devastated more than $150
million worth of Detroit.
The latest victim was a sniper, police said.
Federal troops and police fired at some rooftops and
shot into other areas where they believed snipers to be hid-
ing. Between 25 and 30 shooting incidents were reported.
Several officers were wounded, adding to the list of in-
jured which already stood at about 1000.
More than 2800 had been arrested, more than 1500 busi-
nesses looted, and nearly 1100 fires set since the trouble-be-
gan Sunday morning. Tues-t

-Associated Press
DETROIT POLICE armed with riot guns stand guard as workers in background clean up the debris yesterday along 12th Street, center
of the riot that started Sunday morning.
ViCivVileceSpreads to Fi nt
Toleo, Grand Rapids, Pontiacl

By The Associated Press
Violence broke out yesterday in
communities-in the vicinity of
Detroit and across Michigan.
Grand Rapids, Flint, Pontiac and
Toledo, 0., each were the scene
of one or more racial outbursts.
Fires blossomed throughout a
Negro neighborhood in Grand
Rapids last night, and three Ne-
groes were shot and wounded try-
ing to cool an angry crowd.
Forty-two major fires were re-;
ported since the second day of vio-
lence commenced at midafternoon
in the west Michigan city of 202,

'Fashionable Area' Littered
W Garbage

000. The town's 208 firemen and
28 pieces of equipment went from
fire to fire, never stopping to rest,
with police guns covering them
against snipers.
Three Negro men, part of a
task force trying to calm tempers
in the explosive near South Side
neighborhood, were shot in the
dark by a sniper in the crowd.
They were taken to a hospital with
wounds described as superficial.
Five hundred Ohio National
Guardsmen were poised for action
last night as harassed police units
attempted to halt the second night
of fire bombings and looting by
Negro youth gangs.
Guardsmen had been given "or-
ders to shoot to kill" if" police call
for their assistance.
Two command post units of
guardsmen moved into highway
patrol stations near the riot area
shortly before midnight.
Police said 17 Negroes-14 adults
and 3 juveniles-had been arrest-
ed. No serious injuries had been
"We have several fires going
now," a police dispatcher said,
"but there's no way of determining
the extent of damage now."
Flint, Pontiac

idents described as would-be
looters also were hospitalized.
However, officials said the sit-
uation was not out of control.
Fire continued to be the most
serious problem in the city, which
is 150 miles northwest of Detroit.
Fifteen or 20 fires blossomed
during the afternoon, after vio-
lence erupted at about 2 p.m.
During the first night of vio-
lence Monday and early yester-
day 17 persons were injured and
54 arrested.

Meanwhile, Ohio's ajutant gen-
eral, Maj. Gen. Erin C. Hostetler,
arrived in the city and told Na-
tional Guardsmen housed in an
armory here to be on the alert.
"Mob rule and guerilla tactics
on our streets will solve the
problems of no one but are cer-
tain to create problems for
many," he said.
The troops will be backed by
"orders to shoot to kill" if police
call for their assistance, Hostet-
ler said.

day's fire count was 352, com-
pared to a normal day's total
of 75.
While the shooting incidents
increased, a spokesman for the
Army said there was no way
of telling how many persons
were shooting at troops and
"With 25 incidents, it could be'
25 guys," he said, "or it could be
just a few people moving from
place to place."1
There was a report that a po-
liceman had been slain, but a
spokesman for Detroit police said
the officer was seriously wound-
ed, not dead.
Police found the body of a
38-year-old Negro man between
two houses west of 12th Street.
He had been shot to death. Police
said he was the sniper.
Police Pulled Out
Police pulled out of a mile-
square area, including the spot
where the sniper was hit, be-
cause of heavy sniper fire, but
moved back in about an hour la-
ter with National Guard troops.
The shooting erupted despite 3,-
200 Army paratroopers on patrol
and a plea by Gov. George Rom-
ney for order.
About 40 officers in 10 patrol
cars withdrew. from one of the
sniper attacks to await reinforce-
Twelve new fires were reported
between 7 and 8 p.m. with 23 addi-
tional ones in the hour before the
9 p.m. curfew declared by Rom-
ney and Mayor Jerome P. Cavan-
Fires set in the rioting that
began Sunday morning rose to 1,-
066, with arrests jumping beyond
26 Dead
The death toll stood at 26, but
injuries, already estimated at 1,-
006, were rising.
The main incident of shooting

White House Admits Doubt
Preceded Troop Decision

Gov. Romney
Halts Local
Li quor Sales
A proclamation issued by Gov.
George Romney last night de-
clared Washtenaw County sales
of liquor discontinued. until fur-
ther notice.
Gov. Romney's proclamation
came following another proclama-
tion issued by Ypsilanti's Negro
Mayor John H. Burton, stating a
curfew for the city of Ypsilanti
extending from 9 p.m. last night
to 5:30 a.m. today and continu-
ing until further notice. In ad-
dition there will be no sale of
alcoholic beverages, gasoline or
inflammable material in contain-
ers in Ypsilanti.
No major incidents of violence
were reported in Washtenaw
County as of 1 a.m. this morn-
The statement issued by Burton
caein a City Council meeting
last night in which seven out of
10 members there all favored the
proposal. Earlier in the day there
was a meeting in Ann Arbor to
determine whether the curfew
should take effect and where. Ann
Arbor rejected the proposed cur-
few, according to an Ypsilanti
council member, because "they did
not want police interfering with
Despite minor outbreaks of vio-
lence in Ypsilanti on the part of
groups of both white and Negro
teenagers, police armed with full
riot equipment were not strictly
enforcing the 9:00 curfew and had
made no arrests for organized ac-
tion as of midnight last night.
But two major incidents oc-

special To The Daily
DETROIT-The corner of Seven
Mile and Livernois in Detroit
sports a sign describing it as the
"Avenue of Fashion." But the
broken glass, empty showcases,
boarded windows and debris makes
one temporarily forget that this
'Avenue of Looting' was once a

burned for two hours before fire-
man arrived on the scene.
Although Detroit citizens were
told to stay home Monday, curious
residents explored the damage
done to Livernois the preceding
night. They found that the eastern
portion of the avenue, which
houses the more exclusive shops,
was the target for most of the
Tnnfln '. r

continually surveyed the area in
Volkswagons and a red sports car.
A truckload of National Guards-
men cruised through the area.
It was relatively quiet until 1 a.m.
At that time gunfire was heard
from the rooftop of Belle Jacob
Bridal Shop. Soon after the sni-
per was spotted, 25-35 men sur-
rounded the store.Aftenanrex-
change of gunfire, the sniper was

House officials maintain President
Johnson acted as quickly as he
wisely could in deploying federal
troops into the Detroit riot zone. ;
But press secretary George
Christian conceded, at a Tuesday
news briefing, that "there was a
public difference of views" Monday
evening on the need for the reg- 3
(See related story, Page 3) ;
ular troops. The difference was
between Cyrus Vance, dispatched

needed, and he recommended to
Johnson that they be moved from
staging areas into the center of
the riot area. The President signed
a proclamation soon thereafter
authorizing the move.
It was understood Johnson felt
he had to act with deliberation,
and not hastily, because a tele-
gram from Romney seeking federal
military assistance spoke only of
a "reasonable doubt" that state
and local police and National
Guardsmen could control the situ-
A, ion,


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