JOHNSON ON SLOW BOAT TO CHINA See editorial page Y Sir-i au :4E a it WEAR A SWEATER High--58 Low--42 . Partly cloudy. partly sunny; 10-1 against rain Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1967 SEVEN CENTS SIX P FELDKAMP NOTES: See Raise in Dormitory Rates As Operating Costs I Owing to a raise in food costs 0 There will be an across-the- and necessary wage and salary board wage hike for all job clas- increases, dormitory rates may sifications. The University Person- have to be hiked for the fall term, nel Ofice is attempting to bring according to John, Feldkamp, Uni-} the wages of these groups up to versity Director of Housing. "It is a competitive level with other local a matter of raising rates or elim- firms./ Vi~e minimum wage for inmating services to the students." these personnel will be raised from Feldkamp explained, the present $1.64_ to $1.84 hourly, "If room and board rates areI still short of current state Civil raised, we will certainly push tol Service standards. This raise minimize them by every possible would amount to a $25 increase in savings," he said. At a recent staff meeting of the Ofice of 'University Housing it was 4reported that the increase in rev- enues caused by dorm fee hikes of two yea's ago have been ab- sorbed by rising costs. Next year, residence halls face two aditional increases in opera- ting costs: cost per student. If similar raises are to be given at upper administrative levels, it would mean an additional $7 per student. Student raises and other administrative parts of the budget could' be increased, adding $2 more to costs per student. SA projected one per cent in- Student Leaders Attaek LBJ In Second Anti-War Letter nerease ci ease in costs of raw food would mean an extra $2 per student. Possibleg easures for saving nrs es ny smoney under discussion include a eliminating linen and maid serv- ice to student rooms, and the op-ri - eration of the night desk in the I residence halls. Elmination o l inen service 1nwould mean a $10 reduction in{ costs per student. However, the Housing Office feels this is an un- realistic measure, as students <. would have to pay up to $35 to get the same service elsewhere..r:h Ending of maid service would save $15-16 per student. An in- vestigation is presently being con- ducted into other universities' dor- ~~ mitories where such service is not Associated Press provided to determinem waht sacri- AW A fices are involved. STUDENTS, HUSTLED A A It was pointed out at the meet-t ing that maids are needed to pre- Two shouting college students were hustled away from the Rayburn House Office Building in Wash- vent damages. And that a year ington yesterday after a group of 40 demonstrators tried to enter the building to protest the Viet- end cleaning which would be nec- I nam war and the draft. No arrests or injuries wer e reported among the students, mostly from New essary if no maids provided reg-1 Yor~k and Massachusetts. ular cleaning service would cost almost as much as the service it-rt self. 'ROBBEN HEAD':- If residence hall desks are inT operationd"onlym during the day, another per student could be k n ene wsrRbn d' dapi h WO nf gr s saved. However, John Phillips, di- detdietopfeakeroue Undh Uiergryo u i- en sd Paprter Ofersiyamnsa yhogyp rectorsmof Baits Houses and resir-m pointed out that night desk clerks" "sonr er d eh do other work which would be a:byritical Parod of President burden on daytime employes if they were not on duty. Robben Fleming's "departure Automation Fund case. According dom, but it also claimed that li - -______this summer can only be desciW to Connections, a committee of only allows freedom of ideas. N ______ _______-______ ed as a serious blow to a great administrators,. including Fleming, one can try to put ideas in prai university; whether that univer- was only able to aid 16 of 431 em- tice. Another article. accuse sity is Wisconsin or Michigan must; ployees of the Armour Company; Fleming of having no consister ~t~ be left for the reader to judge." displaced by automation. educational theory, saying what :;J7 T~his is? one of the milder at- The issue is illustrated with ever is necessary and continual] tacks on the University's press- ; oodcuts from a text of "Robin contradicting himself. dent-elect in Connections, a bi- Hood." Fleming's face replaces The articles were written by t,% 1 weekly independent student news- Robin Hood's. and captions have Wisconsin grad students, a un WW I Epaper at the University of Wis- been cshanged appropriately. versity almunus, a psychologypr consin which published a special One article claims that Flem- fessor and an anonymous facull -__issue about Fleming and his "cold, ing's administrative t e ch nique member from Wisconsin, and a -war technocrat mentality." consists of concentrating on pro- ;undergraduate there. IThe issue was sold by a troupeI cedure and avoiding issues. After Sales of Connections here mu; sterday defeated 5620 to 5273 a of players who traveled around a sitj-n at Wisconsin last year. be sponsored-by some official stt By HELEN JOHNSON A second anti-war letter to+ President Johnson is being pre- pared by a group of college and university student leaders, it was revealed last week. Bruce Kahn, '68, president of Student Government Council, said he has not seen a copy of the rough draft of the letter yet. But, he stated, "If this one is anything like the last one, I'll sign it." The letter is thought to reiterate the concern expressed in the first letter over the Johnson admin-; istration's lack of consideration of student feelings on the Vietnam war. Kahn hopes that the second will, however, be "more forceful." More Responsive He added that such protest is intended to make people i'n gov- ernment as a whole "more re- sponsive" to the wishes of young persons. Although the final form of the' letter has not been determined, it may contain a passage request-! ing the government the clarify its goals in Southeast Asia in the in- terest of resolving domestic con- flict within the United States over the war issue. It is reported that the seconds document is also intended to show that the President is chancing a rift with the youth who must fight the war. More Plans The student leaders are making further plans to gain support forj their cause. Movement of debates from the campus to the commun-1 ity level will be encouraged, and volunteers will be sent into local areas across the nation in an ef- fort to stimulate anti-war senti- ment. In conjunction with this action is an attempt presently underway on several campuses to have all draft-eligible male students sign petitions declaring their intenions to refuse induction into the armed: forces on, the grounds that they' 'onscientiously object to this par- vicular war. About 50 campuses throughout the country are also going to con- duct a Day of Inquiry tomorrow concerning the war. Kahn claim- ed that its purpose is "to get more vocalized opinion than before" and to "provide a forum" for students with the idea of provoking the President into "justifying his policies." NE ANN ARBOR VOTERS yes h tc 6C- ml it- 115 we .i- ai as IU. I I 3 ) |t - f .t -Y s >t Approve Gradual Control Transfer Wisconsin Students To Get LPower Over All Nkon-Academic Affairs. By MARCY ABRAM SON The Wisconsin Student Senate voted yesterday in favor of gradual implementation of the bill passed in a student referendum May 3 which provides, for student control of all non-academic affairs. According to the proposal, the Wisconsin Student Association is to replace faculty and administration as authority in all non-academic student activity. Despite the opposition of the minority United Community Action Party, a group of student senators including affiliates of Students for a Democratic Society, a majority of the senate agreed that im- mediate implementation of the bill is not called for since the faculty has given sufficient indication of future favorable action. The referendum measure provided for complete transfer of control yesterday unless the Student Senate voted that faculty reaction was favorable enough to permit grad-,----------____ I ual impleentation. The Student Senate will now work out a plan for gradual trans- fer of power to be presented for faculty approval next fall. The faculty must approve any provisions for implemntation be- fore it is presented to the' Univer- sity Regents for final approval. No Challenge Although the UCA plans cam- paign to force immediate imple-. mentation of the bill, Michael Fullwood, president of the Student Senate, and member of the more conservative Students Rights Par- ty, said that "Those unhappy with the senate vote are in the minority and there is not much they can do to reverse the decision." He ex- pects no serious challenge to yes-' terday's vote. The UCA may attempt to im- peach Fullwood for "selling out" to a faculty compromise, accord- ing to Henry Haslach, past presi- dent of Wisconsin SDS. The ref- erendum bill was originated by UCA members, who say the May 3 vote is a mandate for immediate change and not for compromise with administration and faculty., The measure passed by a 2200 vote margin., Top student senators met yes- terday with the University Com- mittee, the most powerful facul- ty advisory body at Wisconsin, to discuss possible plans of imple- mentation. No definite decisions have been made yet. The administration has made no official comment on the referen- dum results. - BirathControl LawTested" a.At Boston U. By SUSAN ELAN Associate Managing Editor Judge Charles Taylor of the Fourth District Court of Boston refused to pass jurisdiction yes- terday on the case of William Baird, director of the New York Parents' Aid Society Clinic. Baird was charged with dis- playing and disseminating birth control devices to unmarried stu- dents at Boston University on April 6. Taylor said, "I understand that you want to test this law (Massa- chusetts state law prohibiting the distribution of birth control in- formation or devices except by reg- istered physicians to married cou- ples) up to the Supreme Court I'll help you along." Taylor referred the case' to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court stating, "My court is not interested in giving publicity to this case." According to Ray Mungo of the Boston University News this re- proposed three-year,- 511-mill school tax increase. The increase, which under law could be used only for working operation ex- penses and not construction, was designed to raise an additional $2 million needed for teacher salary improvement. Ann Arbor currently has the lowest minimum salaries for teachers with both BA and MA degrees of all 30 school districts in the state of comparable size, and ranks 20th out of 30 for maximum BA and MA salaries. ANN ARBOR'S 1967-68 CITY BUDGET was officially adopted at City Council meeting last night. The action took place fol- lowing a series of eight working committee meetings on the pro- posed budget. The Council also confirmed Mayor Wendell E. Hulcher's recommended appointments to the Human Relations Commis- sion. The appointments include Phil Spear, Brian Connelly and Mrs. Deborah C. Grubbs. REP. ROY 'SMITH (R-YPSILANTI) has sent a letter to a regent at Eastern Michigan University, depicting a bleak future for EMU appropriations "as long as students run the university." Smith, referring to an EMU decision, following a recent student demonstration, to grant students a 40 per cent vote on a com- mittee to recommend a new vice president for student affairs, said yesterday, "If the regents don't feel capable of running the school, let them resign rather than let untrained students make the decisions." the Wisconsin campus presenting Fleming exposed his "procedural dent organization, according to, a five-minute "morality play-fun- mentality." According to Connec- Ruth Baumann. '66, vice-president eral" about "Robben Head," the tions, Fleming boasted that he of Student Government Council. hero of a romance in poetry and had retained about 85 per cent If the paper is sold without SGC the subject of several critical ar- ; control of the demonstration, but approval, the sellers will be asked tices in the paper, added that one was never certain to fill out the proper forms or University Visit in such a "ball game." leave campus. Members of the Connection The paper did admit that Flem- Fleming was not available for Staff will be here within the next ing is strong on academic free- comment yesterday. two weeks to sell the Fleming is- ---- i sue. They plan to substitute a dramatic "biirth" to correspond to the Wisconsin funeral. Connection sells for 15 cents. According to the paper, Fleming is one of a group of administrators who "helped to construct the pres- .ent military-industrial establish- ment which has produced a near- facist economy." These adminis- trators, including Clark Kerr and John Hannah, believe that the University must function to pro- vide the nation with the techni- cians necessary to win the cold war. "Fleming visualizes the uni- versity as a service station for America's foreign affairs," one story said. ' Another article criticized Flem- ing's participation in the Armour I! |S V IN CONFERENCE TALK: Heyns Blames 'Serious Student Unrest' On Structural, Functiona nadequacies By AVIVA KEMPNER development section," "a built-in = ting." He called this conflict the ity of 14 years of free formal edu- "The universities' recent diffi- revolutionary device with respect "Pinocchio principle" which means cation starting with the first culties with student unrest have to curriculum," "more attention "the university, because it is uni- grade or earlier." been serious because of structural given to the factors that strength- versal, begins to develop values He listed four ideas that "can and functional inadequacies in the en the attachment of the indivi- of its own, which may not be prepare the able student to be a universities themselves," s aid dual members to the institution consistent with the local culture successful university student by Roger Heyns, Chancellor of the as such." which set it up." adequate arrangements in a com- University of California at Berke- Millas discussed the tendencies Alexandrov explained how "in prehensive high school and in ley and former vice president for of students in the future. He noted science itself people, sooner or college: academic affairs at the University: "there will be a greater proportion later, attain mutual understand- -"identification in school of the Heyns was one 'of the many of students that come from low- ing." Although the scientific atti- 'Academically Talented Student.' prominent educators participating income sectors of the urban and tude is objectivity, he pointed out, -"provision of a. broad aca- in the Sesquicentennial conference rural population." ; "it is also a very important moral demic program for the academ- on "Higher Education in Tomor- Delivering speeches on "The requirement, a very important ele- ically talented, row's World," held in Ann Arbor University and Tomorrow's Civili- ment of moral attitude. Decisions ? -"recognition by the university April 26-29. The conference con- zation: on promoting intercultural must be based on objective and of the advanced placement pro- sisted of several panel discussions understanding and reducing con- honest reasoning." And Alexan- gram, and each dealing with a different as- flict in the world," were Prof. Ken- drov mentioned "two more char- -"acceleration of the entire? pect of the conference topic. neth Boulding of the economics acteristic features of the spirit of educational process leading to the Heyns' comment was made in department at the University, and science-its active optimism and I advanced professional degrees." his speech on "The University and - Alexander Alexandrov, professor of its persistent search for truth." Li spoke on "Tomorrow's Uni- Tomorrow's Student: on equating mathematics at Novosibirsk State These three aspects of science versities in Today's Developing the educatioial experience of stu- University in Russia. "p r o in o t e the understanding Countries." He listed three areas dents with their needs and ex- Boulding discussed the role of among people." "that are likely to affect our pectations." Joining Heyns in a the university in development of Discussing the topic, "The Uni- whole future course of develop- discussion of this topic was Juan a world community. Presently, he versity and Tomorrow's Student: ments"-the apparent dilemma ofj { t c C C } slI S V i y 4 m a t {f is t t !i C 'sC t X CEO Approves New Funding fStudent Legal Aid Society By JILL CRABTREE a new administrative board that will be substituted for formerly will include 15 attorneys chosen used gross income as a criterion The future of the Washtenaw by the bar, four professors from for eligibility for legal aid services. County Legal Aid Society (LAS), the Law School appointed by the In addition, the clinic may help. once shaky, is now looking up, ac- school's dean, and 10 representa- organizations serving residents of cording to local Poverty Program tives of tle poor to be "democrat- low-income areas. Social work officials. ically selected by the poor." graduate students will also be The clinic, run by University law Stewart will continue as clinic placed on the clinic's staff. students and offering legal counsel director, but his reappointment " The Washington Office of Eco- to low-income members of the will be up to the new board. nomic Opportunity must still ap- community, was given assurance prove the CEO's request for funds. of continued financial support by It is note yet decided exactly Wheeler does not believe there is the County Citizen's Committee how the election of representa- any question that they will accept for Economic Opportunity (CEO) tie*ftepo wl ern c the proposal. "The federal govern- in a unanimous voice vote April 27. cordingtheo 0heeler the CEOphopes ment wanted this program," he The CEO, an organization incor- include five former clients of the tionfthed pr onte brds- porated with the purpose of pro- clinic, as well as five people who tion of the poor on the board was curing federal Ofice of Economic are familiar with the machinery T mrv okn eain Opportunity funds for local pro- of legal service." sh ipdroteve wontratioth grams,:hd beenhivhlvedaihaiproy hips under the new contractbot grams, had been involved i a pro- The inclusion of law professors the present LAS board and the onged hassle with the Washtenaw on the board was a move on the CEO passed a resolution stating County Bar Association over the aro the CEOto insure "broad- t CO"sh n composition of, the clinic's admin- at fer° representation of different tohnfue the E g sallaidnoardefor istrative board. kinds of discipline sand exper- any purpose or reason" except on The current board is made up iences," W h e e le r explained, specific direction from the federal of J. J. Wlite, assistant professor "There are several members of the Office of Economic Opportunity of law, 12 lawyers chosen by the faculty who have been deeply in- or on a specific resolution passed Washtenaw County Bar Associa- volved in the problems of the poor by the board of directors of the tion, and six representatives of the community." LAS board requesting approval of poor chosen by the CEO. In other changes provided for a change undertaken by the In a protest filed with the CEO by the new proposal, net income board. fusal to pass Jurisdiction was an aid to Baird's case. "Now we're half way up the ladder to the Su- preme Court," he said. While court was in session more than 150 people pickpted outside. They carried signs reading "Bring Massachusetts into the twentieth century," and "Free Bill Baird." According to Mungo, Baird was invited to Boston University to "test the law and help out the BU students. Massachusetts laws are the worst and the mort archaic in the country," he claimed. Baird had previously challenged birth control laws in New York and New Jersey. Charges against him were dropped there and he was appointed state consultant on birth control in both New York and New Jersey. The prosecution is pressing for the maximum sentence of ten years in the state prison. Charges of attempt to incite riot and dis- tributing birth control information have been dropped. Mungo claims this will make the case more difficult to win because Baird cannot claim interference with his freedom of speech. IThe American Civil Liberties Union which had offered to defend Baird in this case has changed its mind. It claims that the state of Massachusetts is not ready for this case. They advised Baird to plead guilty and get off easy. Another source of opposition to Baird has been the Planned Par- ent Hood Organization of Boston which has launced a public attack on Baird for irresponsible breaking the law. - in Janpary three of the poverty I representatives on the LAS board charged that many of the board lawyers were apathetic to the clinic and unwilling to listen to the representatives of the poor. The protest also charged that many members of the board were unwilling "to attack the power structures confronting the poor," I . . . ____ _____.____-_.,_ .. y .. «.. ____ ______ .......______ ..___ .....____________.._ Federal Grant to Aid Colleges, Stresses Faculty Improvement including prosecuting welfare and { By CHRIS CHATAIN loan agencies. Underdeveloped colleges through- Specific objection was made to out the United States received $22 the hiring of George Stewart, a million in grants from the Office Nation Labor Relations Board at- of Education in Washington yes- torney, as clinic director, on the terday. grounds that he had had no pre- , The grants were an enlargement vious experience with legal services - upon the 1965 Higher Education to the poor. Albert H. Wheeler, Act which established the ex- quality of colleges with the desire and potential to make a substan- tial contribution to higher educat- tion," the Office of Education said in its statement yesterday," but which for financial and other reasons are struggling for survival and are isolated from the main currents of academic life." grant was probably double that o last year. The grants were base on specific programs of improvi mients drawn up by the need schools and submitted to the O fice of Education. The exchange program is coil sidered the key feature of t school grants. Over 1200 teachin I