i $l' aiMirzpan Daily Seventy-Sixth.Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHiGA1 UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Books: Social Science And the Businessman By GAIL SMILEY """'*" Where Opinions Are Free, Truth Will Prevail 4 AYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials Printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: LUCY KENNEDY Black Power And White Moderates RADICALS IN THE professions hold a conference in Ann Arbor to discuss. ways of organizing. Black power advo- cates meet in Newark to mull over their conceptions of their causes and their or- ganizational problems. There is more than just a correlation of similar activities. There is a common enemy and common, or at least non-conflicting, causes. While there are Negroes whose con- cept of black power is the gun and the riot, they are far from the majority. The main stream of black power sentiment wants "self-help," Negro leadership and Negro-directed organization-the actual practice of what civil rights workers have been preaching. The problem comes when the feeling becomes too racist, when black supremacy creeps in and all whites get the treatment that some have been giv- ing the Negroes, regardless of who or what that white person is or believes. There is, of course, an. imamediate con- tradiction when a white sympathetic to the Negro cause is confronted with a Ne- gro who offers, if not a "go to hell," at least a strong "stay away." The Negro has been warned that he must be most careful in dealing with the moderates; they are charged with being his worst enemy. But the moderate in that case is not a true believer in civil rights and equality-it is the one who uses modera- tion as a cover-,up for stalling. There are many others, moderate in their own ac- tivities, but real believers in equality, whorare moderate only because of their other involvements. IT IS THESE WHITES that the Negro should avoid hurting. If they do not fight violently for civil rights, that is be- cause they are human;. they cannot fight for every cause, but they are the ones who willingly accept the Negro when he comes. As black power develops, it will no long- er need Cheneys and Goodmans. One member of the Newark conference made comment to the effect that "all we want from 'whitey' is his money," and so it should be. As the movement grows, and the Negro does his own work, the white has two obligations--give financial and material aid when necessary, and avoid discrimination is his immediate milieu. The whites described above, sympathet- ic to the cause though not inclined to work in it themselves, are often ones who comprise the New Left. Their primary concern has been white society and its flaws, and while sometimes active as in- dividuals in the civil rights movement, there has not been a great deal of inter- change lately. Partially, it is the whites in the civil rights movement five years ago are now in the peace movement. There is. however, the possibility of a reconciliation. BOTH WANT MORE responsibility to be placed on the individual, with protec- tionr, not inhibition, from the large cen- tral government. The New Left wants it in political and economic realities. Black power wants economic independ- ence for the Negro and political autonomy at home. The New Left is for the time being, forced to be obsessed with foreign policy, but they too look, forward to more local autonomy where possible. It is on these common grounds that they can, and must, combine. The rise of such leaders as Martin Luther King is a good sign. The New Left can, and no doubt is willing, to help the Negro in what ways the Negro may request it, and the Negro can, and should, eventually join the New Left for the principles involved. --R. M. LANDSMAN i, aAd Tri,.,e synate ..,L' ~ ~ AA _ _. _. I _" ._... A Ir1r1 1114 r Y I MIi"IYI OI I IA I Yiq III Social science research is rare- ly palatable to the non-social sci- entist. It is generally received with an air of skepticism usually re- served for campaigning politi- cians and magicians. This skepticism is primarily en- gendered by the particular lan- guage of social scientists and ex- hibits itself in fear and distrust of their work. As Mr. McLuhan said, it's not really what you're saying, it's how you say it, that irritates me." When the goal of the social scientist is explained in layman's terms it seems less prestidigital. What they're really doing Joe. is watching people and correlating the results in some organized fash- ion conducive to intelligent appli- cation-the whys and wherefores of society. That definition cannot possibly offend even the most sen- sitive feelings of fellow anti-in- tellectuals. THE INSTITUTE for Social Research (ISR) is the largest of such organizations in the United States. It houses a prestigous col- lection of eminent social research-, ers and is headed by Dr. Rensis Likert, professor of psychology and sociology at the University. Draw- ing heavily on the collective re- search of this organization, Dr. Likert has published a new book to be the guide and mentor of the modern businessman, "The Human Organization, Its Man- agement and Value." The purpose of the book is to aid businessmen in organizing their people, not their things. It is described in moderate social sci- ence prose as being for, "all those who are interested in applying the results of quantitative research to improve the management of the human resources of their en- terprises." Dr. Likert states that it's not really efficient anymore to rely on people's decisions (man- agers), now that systematic ob- servations (by social scientists) are available. One wonders if one group of men's opinions are not merely being replaced by another group of men's opinions in the prose guise of social research. Management systems are divid- ed into four groups on a ques- tionnaire that was presented to several hundred managers. The systems vary from one which has no trust in employes and motivates them through threats and punish- ment with no upward communica-" tion and no cooperative teamwork, to one in which democratic prin- ciples, group participation, wide- spread responsibility and economic rewards are predominant. The re-. suits of the questionnaire, which is the impetus for the book, indi- cate that management systems which use democratic principles in the handling of their employes are more successful. In this case "The Human Organization, It's Management and Value," by Rensis Likert, McGraw Hill, the goal of efficiency and success is concomitant with the one you learned at your mother's knee, Joe, treat your employes good and take an interest in them and they'll respond better. MY OBJECTION is that the book is written in such a fashion reeking of the classroom and the computer, that the businessman won't touch it with a 10-foot pole. It would be interesting to do a brief survey of who buys the book. ISR is concerned with the dis- semination of their research as well as its accumulation, it seems they could have done a better job with this body of important in- formation. Other objections to the partidi- pative management theory speak from a more expert viewpoint within the realm of social science. Clare Graves of Union College in Schenectady, N.Y., contends from his research that "as many as half the people in the northeastern U.S. and a larger proportion nation- wide, are not and many never will be the eager-beaver workers . . and "only some variation of old- style authoritarian management will meet their psychological needs." The questionnaire was para- phrased in the May, 1967, issue of Fortune Magazine by Robert C. Albrook with the approval of Dr. Likert. The changes are interest- ing in that they substantially af- fected the responses given by the same managers running through both questionnaires. Thelanguage of the original questionnaire is classic social science-ese and I contend that it inhibits responses not favorable to the subject's or- ganization if the subject has a personal ego investment in that organization. This would exclude lower level employes and the sta- tistics bear out the observation. Lower level employes consistently rated an organization more to- ward the authoritarian end of the scale than managers. THE FORTUNE questionnaire is pared down considerably and the responses were weighted more fre- quently toward the non-compli- mentary end of the scale. This semantic difference is im- portant beyond this specific study. It is vital that the inherently broad and fuzzy concepts of social science be communicated with pre- cision. Fritz J. Roethlisberger of the Harvard Business 'School points out, "It's time we stopped building rival dictionaries and learned to make some sentences that really say something." "Americans should go to lied every night afraid Reagan might become President." What Cost Higher Education? 34 Riotous Bill CONGRESSIONAL EFFORTS to combat the fundamental problems which lie at the root of our more massive disturb- ances have reached an all-time peak for legislative escapism. The recent convulsion in Newark seems to have particularly inspired Represen- tative Willial C. Cramer (R-Fla). It is his thesis that "the pattern these riots follow is too similar in many instances to be, wholly spontaneous or incidental." And he expects the bill which he lias just pro- posed to "strike at the seedbed of. an evil force that now roams uncontrolled across America"--a trained cadre of agitators. He proposed to do this by declaring it a federal crime to travel across state lines or use interstate mails or telephone lines in-the process of "stirring up" riots. Anyone found guilty-if it is possible, even for the federal government, aided by numerous and ingenius electronic mar- vels, to single out the one transgression of a state line which touched off the ac- tual explosion-would be fined up to $10,- 000, jailed for up to five years, or both. His colleague, Representative Joel T. Broyhill (R-Va) has thoughtfully added the necessary precaution of including such trouble spots as federal forts, parks, reservations, and arsenals, as well as the District of Columbia in the realm to be protected from "agitators." BUT IT NEVER OCCURS to these astute lawmakers that the marked similarity characteristic of the riots which have ripped more or less by surprise through our larger cities might result from the syndrome of inferior education, low em- ployment, inadequate housing, common to all of them. And they seem to be far too obsessed with the mythical "outside agitator" to be interested in the sharp infringement which their "anti-riot" bill would inflict upon constitutional safe- guards of free speech and assembly. -ANN MUNSTER The following passage is ex- cerpted from an address given by University President-elect Robben Fleming at the Sesqui-" centennial Conference, "The University and the Body Poli- tic," held here two weeks ago: In the debate over how the cost of higher education is to be allocated, the far ends of the spectrum, so far as the student is concerned, are free tuition on the one hand, and full cost reimburse- ment on the other. Free tuition may very well be a desirable ideal. We do not charge students at the elementary and secondary levels. If, as can be readily shown, there is a high correlation betweenpotential eco- nomic growth and educational sophistication, the cost is justi- fiable. And on the social front, free tuition maximizes the oppor- tunity for the economically dis- advantaged student to attend col- lege, thereby more nearly achiev- ing the objective of equal oppor- tunity for all. At the opposite end of thescale, full reimbursement has rarely been an objective, even of the private schools. Thus in both pri- vate and public schools the real question has always been how large a share of the total cost the student should be expected to bear. Everyone knows that tuition has been going up at both public and private institutions. We know less than we should about how closely this rise parallels the change in the price level. In the decade between 1953-54 and 1963-64 tuition and fees, as a percent of total income of in- stitutions of higher learning, changed in public institutions from 9 to 11.2 percent, and in private institutions from 30.9 to 30.4 percent. These figures may be deceptive, however, in the ab- sence of a breakdown of total in- come at the institutions during the decade in question.:;,. - THOSE WHO worry about- the rise in tuition point out the like- lihood that it will shut out the very student who most needs an education. They too can cite fig - ures in support of their position. Median parental income for col- lege freshmen in the United States in the year 1966 was $9,560. The median U.S. family income for the same year was $6,900. Forty per- cent of the families in the United States had incomes of less than $6,000 in 1966, yet those families supplied only 19.5 percent of the college freshmen. If one further restricts the category to college freshmen in public institutions, the forty percent of the families with less than a i $6,000 income furnished 27.8 percent of the freshmen in such schools. What seems to be taking place in the public sector is a kind of compromise.,Tuition rates are go- ing up, but governors and legisla- tures are.increasingly trying to identify a "fair" figure to which student contributions can be tied. In Wisconsin the governor has supported in-state tuition which amounts to 20 percent. of the di- rect cost of education. For those who find such an amount a ser- ious obstacle to attendance, in- creased loan and scholarship funds are made available. This does not, of course, wholly resolve the problem. Many young people who come from homes with less than a $6,000 annual income, par- ticularly if they belong toa min- ority group, may never have had a fair chance for adequate pri- mary and secondary education. Thus scholarships are largely un- available, even though potential academic achievement is present.. One suspects that loan funds are also -less available to the poor youngster, if only because the necessary borrowing represents spending beyond anything he has ever known. Given other pressures for public spending, it is unlikely that con- verts are going to be made at the present time to a free tuition con- OPINION The Daily has begun accept- ing articles from faculty, ad- ministration, and students on subjects of their choice. They are to be 600-900 words in length and should be submitted to the Editorial Director. cept. Even in California, where many. would rather fight than switch, the free-tuition argument seems partly a question of .seman- tics because California's "fees" equal "tuition" charges in some other states. In the meantime, those of us who believe that the cause of democracy isbestserved by main- taining tuition and fees in public institutions at as low a level as possible, must pin our hopes on convincing state legislators of the validity of our position. The end result may be a figure which is still too high for the many stu- dents who come out of the fami- lies having less than a $6,000 an- nual income. For them we must find other solutions. One sugges- tion, which is perhaps worthy of some thought, is to remit or scale-down the tuition for stu- dents who come from low income families. There would be prob- lems in administering such a sys- tem, but students are accustomed to submitting family economic data when they apply for' scholar- ships or loans, and this would not be an undue invasion of privacy. The cost to the state would prob- ably not be very great, and the benefits could be enormous. If it is fair for the average student in a public institution to pay ap- proximately 20 percent of the di- rect costs of his education, may it not be equally fair for some completely disadvantaged, stu- dents to pay 0 percent of the cost of their education? IN OUR RATHER brief history as a country, the sources of in- come in support of higher educa- tion have remained much the same, i.e., private gifts, state and federal appropriations, and stu- dent tuition and/or fees. It is the_ relative proportions of each which have changed, and =which may continue to change. For the public institutions, at least, two clear guideposts exist for the future: (1) The independ- ence of the institutions must be preserved, no matter what the source of the funds; and (2) The opportunity for an education is so valuable to the nation that the cost to the student must never be placed beyond the reach of the common man. A4 THEATRE 4"; Violet' Is Vivid. Public Perception DESPITE THE HACKNEYED marvels of rapid communication and super- sonic transportation, the world is often no more than what the journalist makes it. Lately some of the media have made in- teresting contributions to the public per- ception of the world. Here are a few: Look Magazine offered. "How China Got the Bomb," the story of the exile of two American-trained scientists, driven to Mao's China by McCarthy-era persecu- tion. If China can deliver a nuclear pack- -age with an efficient missile, says Look, it will in part be the work of the two Caltech alumni, Tsien Hsue-shen and Chao Chung-yao, who were forced to take their respective genius in missiles and physics elsewhere, despite a mutual desire to work and study in the U.S. Life Magazine has presented the long nightmarish story of Ma Sitson's perse- cution during Mao's continuing cultural revolution. Ma was able to bring his mu- sic and family to the U.S. and drop his ghoulish tale on American readers via Life. Several publications have described government blundering before and dur- and dangerous bickering among several agencies active in the area. Faced with the tragic strafing of the Liberty by the Israeli military, the publications were able to weigh several aspects of the Amer- ican presence and spot cavities in leader- ship. IT DOESN'T TAKE very much for the media to botch an effort, even a friv- olous local prigram like "Summer in the City," which was aired recently on TV-2 and featured Radio WKNR announcer Scott Reagen. Local teens were filmed and interviewed a go-go at drive-ins, beach- es and nite spots, one of which was Ann Arbor's Fifth Dimension. Unfortunately, although the program offered nuggets of Motown music, not one Negro was inter- viewed. This is especially bizarre because over half of the enrollment of Detroit Public Schools is non-white. The program gave the impression that Negro youth had vanished for the summer, or at least weren't frequenting drive-ins, etc. It was a tasteless blunder which can only make "Summer in the City" a longer,hotter prospect for the blacks and whites who By ANDREW LUGG George Birimisa's one act play, "Daddy Violet," performed at the Canterbury House last Tuesday, is a truly interesting piece of thea- tre. Basically- it is an, investiga- tion into two ideas: relaxation and radiation, which "is resolved in a message-we prefer to turn from the realities, of the Mekong Delta to the utopia of Salinas Valley ("Steinbeck's Country"). Trans- lated into conventional, theatre, this slight concept would not have carried, would have been too sim- plistic and have been easily dis- missed. But what happens in this piece (you can hardly call it a play)' is that a dielectic is set up between the message and the actual per- formance, I mean that "Daddy Violet" is written in such a way that the message is always trying, to attain coherence and deny the ad-libs, the improvisations and the lack of characterization and fixed location for the play. The actors, who all retain their "real life" names, are ostensibly members of a rather seedy theatri- cal group, working in the Chek- hov tradition (?). Less ostensibly they are actors playing actors or not-actors playing. actors. They profess inability to act, but do act and offend us by calling them- selves actors. This is not to say that the acting is bad. Rather it is. only through good acting that these actors elicit our feeling that the whole thing is preposterous. And this is just what is right, since how else can three actors present so strong a message with- out being a little self-conscious and without resorting to the evan- gelical. THUS WE HAVE the actors re- vealing their own phobias (or at least that is how it seems) and doing their starbits. Dan Leach does a magnificent impersonation of a turkey to give the audience what they want-an actor doing-. The result of this is two fold. An up-tight audience relaxes and anticipates that they are going to get involved. Without this the three actors regular excursions in- to the audience would not have been possible. The piece proper starts with Silvis Strauss doing relaxation ex- ercises while Birimisa radiates- eye-to-eye contact--with members of the audience. With the ar- rival of Dan Leach we learn that the problem of acting resides in the, establishment of "centers." A center in the chest for example is a cue for Leach's Marlon- Brando-type improv. GRADUALLY THE ACTORS move into a series of flower im- provisations Birimisa becomes Daddy Violet; Srauss, Violet; and Leach, Easter Lily (or Ester Baby). The flowers discover their roots: the Mekong Delta. However, all is O.K. The look away, upwards and outwards over Salinas Valley. But why Salinas Valley? This is Steinbeck's preserve and whatever we might think of Steinbeck, he has been "out there." No, the ref- erence is more subtle. We have without realizing that this Utopia taken Salinas Valley as our Utopia for the author is the Mekong Del- ta. Salinas Valley Utopias are equivalent to the Delta. Now, whereas this social com- ment is indirect, thehindictment of the flower 'people--hippies tend to dislike "Daddy Violet"-is as direct as can be. As the actors move between "life" and drama, they become true flower-people not by reference, but description. By confering on the flower-people the Salinas Valley mentality, Bir- misa makes his fiercest comment: SDS, not LSD. HOWEVER THROUGH all the tricks and gimmicks outlined above, the pronouncement only I MUSIC Joni Mitchell -- The Next Baez By TRACY BAKER DETROIT-"Man, she's got to be the living end," enthused one person who had just been treated to an evening of Joni Mitchell's songs. Just by coincidence, Joni, who writes all her own songs, is singing at a Detroit night spot named The Living End. Joni isn't the only one who sings her own songs, however. Buffy Ste. Marie, Ian and Sylvia, Tom Rush, and several other noted recording artist have appropriated some of Joni's creations. Joni, a native of Saskatoon, %k h_ ha a ,.tist's h1ndin he soon audiences in New York, Bos- ton, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Miami were enjoying her music. As long ago as 1965, she was in- vited to perform at Ontario's Ma- ritosa Folk Festival-she'll be there again this year-and less than a week ago she sang at the Newport Folk Festival. Joni is a versatile instrumental- ist. She plays guitar, ukelele, and i. South American instrument call- ed the tiple, which she describes as "a ten-stringed country cousin to the uke." However, her diversity is most aparent in her songs. Joni admits hearing. Audience reactions range from silent reflection on her sad "Who Has Seen the Wind" to broad smiles when she sings, "Dr. Junk the Dentist Man." She has a childlike quality com- pounded of equal parts of in- nocence, shyness, and enthusiasm. She says its because she's a part of what she calls "the back to the sandbox movement." Joni explains that "the movement is part of the love movement which includes dropping sophisticated pretenses and enjoying funny things like dressing up in funny clothes." Joni will be leaving Detroit next] week. headed for the West Coast.