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May 03, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-05-03

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Bi ian



Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


. LXXYU, No. 1S




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46 i

EMU Students Urge Probe
(if ifficls' Financial TjIe

Negro Job Data
Shows Decrease

W l X l W 1,1. J 1. 1 1 1 1 k4
By WALTER SHAPIRO the larger off-campus student
$ The Student Council of Eastern apartment complexes which house
Michigan University last night a large portion of fast growing
called upon Attorney General EMU's student body.
Frank Kelley to investigate "the The EMU officials cited were:
possibility of a state of conflict President Harold Sponberg, who
of interest existing between ad- is a director of the National Bank
ministrators and Regents of East- of Ypsilanti; Regent J. Don Law-
ern Michigan University and 10- rence who is both the president
cal financial institutions, and a director of that same bank;
The resolution, passed with only Lewis E. Profit, EMU vice-presi-
dissenting vote, was prompted by dent for business and finance, and
articles in Monday's Detroit Free Dr. Martin P. O'Hara, a Regent,
Press and yesterday's Eastern who are directors of the Ypsilanti
Echo, the EMU campus paper. Savings Bank; and Regent O. Wil-1
These articles focused on the pres- liam Habel who is a director of
ence of EMU Regents and top ad- the Ann Arbor Trust Company.
ministrators on the boards of area Also cited in the articles was
banks with which EMU does a Campus-City Associates, a part-
substantial amount of business. nership formed in 1966 for real
The article also noted that one of estate rentals and development.
these banks, the Ann Arbor Trust Campus-City Associates has been
Company, manages almost all of buying and attempting to buy

(IXL11I. A°!s
choice apartment tracts surround-I
ing the campus. One choice spot
consists of the land on which the
Theta Chi fraternity house stands,
Theta Chi was offered about $28,-
000 for their property in 1965 by
Campus-City Associates. A second
offer of around $45,000 by Cam-
pus-City was received in the
spring of 1966.
Among the partners listed on
file in the County Clerk's Office
are J. Don Johnson, EMU Re-
gent, and three other members of
the board of directors of the Na-
tional Bank of Ypsilanti. In addi-
tion Regent Lawrence's three law
partners are also listed as partners
of Campus-City Associates. And
the business address for Campus-
City Associates is listed as the
same as Regent Lawrence's law
firm in Ypsilanti.
Shortly after refusing Campus-
City's second offer, Theta Chi wasI
contacted by Roderick Shear, ad-
ministration advisor to the Inter-
Fraternity Council at EMU, who
told the fraternity to correct phys-
ical deficiencies on their property
and correct financial laxities.
Shear indicated that if these
abuses were not corrected the fra-
' ternity might lose their fraternity
EMU was also the scene last
Thursday of a massive rally by
2,000 students protesting the an-
nouncement by the popular, liberalt
Vice President for Student Affairs!
that he does not intend to return
to EMU this fall.

Retgeits Approve $35,000 Budge
To Seek Qualified Negro Person
A report prepared by the Office of Financial Statistics, prese
to the Board of Regents at their April meeting, shows a drop in
percentage of Negroes employed in non-academic positions by
University since December 1962.
However the report does indicate a hike of over 2,000 in
total number of Negro employes since December 1961 and shc
steady increase in percentages since December 1964.
According to Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer W:
K. Pierpont, the report is filed regularly once a year with the fe
goverunient in accordance with research contract agreements.
At Pierpont's suggestion, the Regents approved the apprc
tion of $35,000 for a three-man staff to intensify present effoi
obtaining qualified Negro per- -
"Whatever we might have done,
everyone is in general agreement
that we should intensify our ef-
forts," Pierpont commented.
Pierpont suggested that the ad-
ditional staff members could make 7
improvements in the following l lhflfl
areas: f
-Seeking out more individuals
qualified to join the staff; Richard E. Balzhiser, asso

-Daily-Thonas R. Copi
ZAKIR HUSAIN, VICE PRESIDENT OF INDIA, requested that the 4700 graduating members of the
University's Class of '67 attempt to give society h igh values and cautioned them against the evil
uses of the nation-state in his address before the c ommencement audience last Saturday. Following
his speech, Husain received an honorary doctor of law degree along with 23 other honorary degree
recipients. Most of them were also educators who attended the Sesquicentennial conference on
"Higher Education in Tomorrow's World."
Husain Says Mor al ments
MustAppy to Uses ofPower


-Provide training to upgrade
present employes so that they can
be promoted and the counseling of
present employes;
-Insuring that all employes'
grievances are given proper con-

professor of chemical and mi
lurgical engineering in the Sc
of Engineering, was announce
President Johnson Monday as
of 16 White House fellows who
serve for one year, beginning

[ A CAMPUS-WIDE referendum on a bill which would abolish
all faculty and administration power over non-classroom student
life is being held today at the University of Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin Student Senate voted unanimously April 28
to sponsor the vote which will be binding on the Wisconsin
Students Association (WSA). It the referendum should pass, it
would give WSA control of all regulatory aspects of non-class-
room student life,
* * * *
LEADERS OF A THREE-DAY demonstration at the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania protesting germ warfare research have re-
jected Penn president Gaylord P. Harnwell's proposal for a stu-
dent referendum on the projects, known as Spice Rack and
Harnwell's proposal was made during an inpromptu meeting
of more than 200 students jamming the school's College Hall
April 26, as approximately 110 protestors began a sit-in.
Harnwell said he was personally opposed to chemical and
biological warfare but he does not think it is inappropriate for
CB research to be carried on at the University City Science
Center, which is scheduled to take over Spice Rack and Summit
in July,
THREE MEMBERS OF The Daily editorial staff have been
awarded journalistic prizes by the Detroit Press Club. Harvey
Wasserman, Editorial Director '66-'67 was awarded $350 first prize
in editorial writing for a Michigan college paper. Neal Bruss '69
received a $100 third place award in feature writing, and Bruce
Wasserstein, Executive Editor '66-'67, received a $50 award for
Honorable mention in news writing.
The awards were made Friday night at the annual Press
Club dinner in Detroit.
awarded the Danforth Foundation's Graduate Fellowships for
Women. The two recipients, Cynthia Kerman, a doctoral candi-
date in American culture and Kathryn Kish Sklar, a doctoral
candidate in history, are among 34 fellows selected nationally
by the foundation.
* * *
DISTINGUISHED GUESTS and leading critics from Broadway
and the regional theaters have been invited to the world premiere
of Jerome Weidman and James Yaffe's powerful drama, "Ivory
Tower." The play will be produced by the Professional Theatre
Program May 10-14.
Among the celebrities expected at the opening are Robert
Anderson, author of "Tea and Sympathy" and Jerome Lawrence,
author of the current musical success, "Mane." Both are mem-
bers of the board of the American Playwrights Theatre (APT),
which will sponsor productions of "Ivory Tower" at theaters
across the country next year.
The Summer Daily-


beiected2 rom 1UUUapplicai
"Some employe problems don't the fellows will work for theWt
fit a grievance procedure or the House, cabinet members, the V
individual may be hesistant to go President and the U.S. delega
through its formal hearings," to the United, Nations. The Pr


William C. Lawrence blamed By AVIVA KEMPNER To prevent the nation-stateI
"differences in views on student India's Vice President Zakir from committing "political ex-
discipline" between himself and Husain asked 4700 graduating cesses and injustices," the "citizen
EMU President Sponberg as the members of the University's Class with a sensitive and dauntlses
reason for his decision. Lawrence of '67 to give society a "worthy conscience" can "defy the state
also cited his advocacy of "more gift of values" and cautioned them in the interest of the state and
controlled growth" of the 14,000- about the evil uses of the nation- assert the primacy of the moral
enrollment university as another state in his commencement ad- values."
area of disagreement with Spon- dress last Saturday. Lacks Courage
berg.. Speaking to approximately 17-- Yet the average citizen ",fen
Student government leaders or- 000 people on "The Nation-State lacks the intellectual and moral
ganized the rally to demonstrate as a Moral Entity," Husain dealt courage to assert himself success-
their affection for Vice President with the role of the individual fully against the odds arrayed on
Lawrence and to advocate a stu- in the nation-state. the other side," Husain said. InI
dent voice in the choice of Law- Although the nation-state has the totalitarian state the citizen
rence's successor. EMU students often solved many problems, Hu- is unable to-rebel against a leader
were guaranteed a 40 per cent vote sain questioned whether it "-"has who imposes "values wth little{
in the committee which will ap- been as effective as claimed or moral basis."
point Lawrence's successor. In ad- been able to solve the crucial issue But even in our modern demo-
dition Sponberg agreed to appear of the relationship of power to cratic political and economic na-I
before the student body this week moral ends." Husain stressed that tion the individual, although "he4
and answer pre-submitted student moral judgments should be ap- has gained in some ways, has lost
questions, plied. heavily in others and, perhaps,
l +1 ,fir r +-

the heaviest loss has been that of
moral identity." Husain described
the average individual as having
"no self, no inner identity, noth-
ing in him that can be esteemed
as unique."
The educators possess the abil-
ity to restore the moral force of
the individual, since it is "part
of the educator's function to labor
to change these conditions when
necessary and anticipate the fu-
ture," Husain said. "Education
should consist in stimulating a
search for values, in their cour
ageous affirmation even under
the most adverse conditions and
in their expression in all activi-
ties so far as possible," he ex-
"Only when education assumes
this function . . . can men give
a moral purpose to his life, his
institutions and to the state as a
whole," Husain continued.
University Leadership

Pierpont explained.
Pierpont said the report was the
result of "a great many hours of
concentrated efforts last month."4
He predicted that "a substantial
next move" might come after an
evaluation of the effectiveness of
the new program.
Pierpont said that the new pro-
grams would "not answer all 16
points made" by a Defense De-
partment report released last
March, but "would respond spe-
cifically to many of them."
Pierpont, in answer to a ques-
tion from Regent Otis Smith, in-
dicated that he had consulted
with the faculty before making{
the recommendations. He said that.
the faculty was disturbed over the
tone of the Defense Department
"They felt it would be easy now
to go overboard, but they didn't
jwant to stay at the status quo," he,

[ 1_4 C/ Ul/ L'U Z Lt4/,U 0 __4 1 UU 1 MC i . /EHe stated that American uni- reported.
versities, "like their nation-states, In other action, the Regents
s " ill.Ptower over :the world." Their duty, awarded two contracts for the
Husain said, is "to create ideals construction of the Highway
Al i nthat have the nature of moral Safety Research Institute and for
commands," in order to "revital- the remodeling of the Kellogg
By DEBORAH REAVEN laying action on that motion pend- "Flaming Creatures" at Cinema I ize the individual and make de- Building of the School of Dent-
Municipal Court Judge S. J. El- ing Judge Elden's decision on the Guild, a student .organization cracy prestative of the true istry.e institute will eventually
den denied a motion by Cinema; film as evidence, sponsoring films on campus in-the Ntol osti eiaiaincs 4mlin nldn 1ml
Guild defense attorneys to sup- Goodman said that this was Architecture Aud. After about 15 Not only does this revitalization cost $4 million, including $1 mi-
press the film "Flaming Creatures" only a preliminary examination to minutes of the film, Staudenmaier apply to the idividual and to a lion for equipment especially suit-
apply st oftheinviulatoaionfor eipmaysetyeseclysut
as evidence Monday and ordered determine whether all elements of ordered the projectionist to stop given set of nations but, Husai ed for highway safety research.
the preliminary examination of a crime under the criminal statute the showing and confiscated the stressed, it is important "to the
the case to continue, had been committed. If the de- movie. mmnyofm kn.
t William Goodman, attorney with cision is that the statute was vio- -The examination began Jan. 30, He used the relationship be- Y ork R l
Theexaintio beanJan 30 +tween America and India as an
Dean Robb for students Ellen lated, the case will go to Circuit highlighted by a showing of the
Frank, '69; Mary Barkey, '68, and Court for a criminal trial before same section of the movie that example of a problem common
sam setin o th mvietht po theonlytiore tco uni sf n-utI' fl
Elliott Barden,'68, and advisor Hu- either Judge 'James R. Breakey, had been seen before the seizure. to thel entire community of na-
bert Cohen, said last night, "I am Jr., or Judge William F. Ager. Jr. The defense attorneys moved that n
terribly disappointed. It was a bad The four defendants are charg- the film not be allowed as evi- tions. In an effort to eliminate
loss for our side." The defense ed with showing an obscene film. dence on the grounds that it was the causes of misapprehension " By THOMAS R. COPI
plans now to set a date as soon They were arrested last Jan. 18 illegally seized. Elden then ad- our discussions much abvetnean Some sang. Others shouted
as possible for a hearing of their when Lt. Eugene -Staudenmaier journed the examination until oliticlseonsomc ove e Traffi snarle. ohrns shonked.
motion of violation of civil liber- and Assistant Prosecutor Thomas Robb and Goodman could present politicalleconomic, or even edu- Traffic snarled. Horns honked.
ties in Federal Court. The attor- Shea, both of Ann Arbor, attend- legal briefs supporting their. con- rationallessCops waved:their arms. Martin
neys, both from Detroit, were de- ed the first showing of, the film tention of the illegal seizure. The Tru lesto Selves Luther King, Jr. called for an end
-past three months, the briefs have gained ndrt"byannquawl ehig to the bombing of 'North Vietnam.
been submitted and answers re- standard of living but an equally This was the Spring Mobiliza-
ceived from Prosecuting Attorney high standard of truthfulness to tion to end the war in Vietnam,
William V. Delhey. ourselves, of tolerance of ways of held on April 15 in New York
1... -~ a. 4 ~'Elden, in a 51/2 page decision, life different from our own and City, Upwards of 200,000 people
he rethe Action Is ai h wud e mot eiantth efrt=s ense ofequality':a
U"~"~- --' in circumscribing the traditionalmeanwo nHuinsd.T paraded in midtown Manhattan;
right of the police to seize the achieve this excellence of life some carried "peace' daffodils
E Sometime last summer a former centennial-and with much less implements of the violation of a Husain suggested that people re- while others carried placards and
Daily editor asked a local cab cost! Oh, well, that just demon- criminal statute when such viola- See HUSAIN, Page 5 signs. One small group carried a
driver to take him to the Admin- strates the staff's high esteem for tion is made in the presence of
istration Building. Instead he was the virtues of ashetism and con- the arresting officer.. ." H o,
driven to the Student Publications servatism. In the "Flaming Creatures" case,/
Building. Why? Because everyone You question the lack of prere- he observed, the arresting officer ousing 13ocr d T o L imil
knows The Daily is the place quisites for membership on The the opportuty for due de-
where most of the action is and Daily staff, Well don't bea tovliberation" provided bytan the de-pir alCO ccup ancb
th eoIn the heat of an Ann Arbor .to the film and from viewing the
be a journalism major, political film. "The question involves the
inwhcmrseoetndhensli enhit ,econom- power of the state to prevent The Student Advisory Board on the University if such a large
in which to rise above the milieu ics, and a diverse background in crimes which take place in the Housing (SABH) made a tenta- number of low-cost University
of the University and have a per- all areas is of great value (even presence of a police officer." tive decision yesterday to limit fall apartments are rented to the com-
sonal say in events of interest to engineering). The defenseb ased its motion occupancy of the Northwood and pany.
the student body. So cool it! Tear yourself away on the contention that no "ad- University Terrace complexes by Chester 'Malanoski, University
What's more there's all the coin- from Stockwell or that penthouse versary hearing" was held to de- members of the Association of housing business manager, told
forts of home o athec ge "wol in which you are so luxuriously termine the question of obscenity 'Producing Artists to married cou- members of the SABH that the
Open ventilation, noisy fans, the and cheaply residing. Bring your: prior to the seizure. Two cases ples in the company. Single mem- short period for which the com-
machine-gun beat of the Asso- sliderule with you if you can't bear were cited; that of William Mar- bers of the company will be of- pany needs housing causes diffi-
athne- P ess wire the costt to be aware from the Engineering cus in Kansas City, Mo., in 1961 fered space in Vera Baits houses. culty in finding renters for the
ciated Press wires, the consites drawing board. Wherever you are and another case in the state of This decision came as a result remainder of the school year, re-
rating-at of the typewriters on campus-whatever you are on Kansas in 1963. In the Marcus of a request by Robert Keene, sulting in a rent loss. He mention-
beating out the news for thou- c. n m case, the U.S. Supreme Court rul- ? ed also that the late hours kept
sands of avid readers of "the truth, and sorority (ludwomen)f-happinessn ed that the procedures followed manager of the APA company, by members of the company were
the ~a sawhodlsrruth andymnot-hingns A n-M,, .nfi-A~,f-.-A I for the use of 71 apartments from "inenmmatihle with the student

dent initiated the program in l
to give potential leaders in var;
fields "first-hand, high-level
perience with the workings of
federal government and to incri
their sense of participation in
tional affairs."
The scene for Johnson's
marks was the White House 1
Room. He walked in accompai
by Henry Cabot Lodge, who
just concluded his second tou
duty as U.S. ambassador to V
Balzhiser has served as F
Ward representative to Ann
bor's City Council for two tei
His colleagues honored him 1
day night for his appointm
noting his "successful career
service to this community."
The fellowship recipient grE
ated from the University in
as an Angell Scholar, earned
M.S. In nuclear engineering I
and joined the faculty in 1
His major research interests
activities have been related tc
quid metal heat transfer
Balzhiser has also been ac
on the Senate Committee on L
dent Relations, local and nati
youth commissions, Sigma Xi
ternity and the board of direc
of the M-Club.
He is married and has til
Il lighlighi
Mobiizl on
miniature replica of a yellow
Actually, it was a day of rr
parades. Aside from the "for
official" parade which wa
from Sheeps Meadow in Ce
Park to the United Nations P'
several "pro-war" marches
staged within an egg's throz
the formal parade.
The "revolutionary conting(
whose posters called for immec
withdrawal of foreign troops i
Vietnam and victory for the
tional Liberation Front, b
away from the main body of
parade and marched toward T
Square, where police were ur
to prevent the massive traffic
which resulted. A large par
the revolutionary group was r
up of Negroes from the Ha
ghetto, who led the break
the main parade. Their char
"Hell no, blacks won't
brought both cheers and cat
from the many spectators li
the streets.




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