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July 20, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-20

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THURSDAY, ,JULY 20, 196 i




Secretary Rusk Says
Communists Hurting,
Reports Gains in War
WASHINGTON (A) - Secretary ahead unless Hanoi gets to the and dove critics of the administra-
of State Dean Rusk reported mili- point where they are prepared to tion's Vietnam policy that the con-
tary, economic and political prog- talk seriously about peace," he flict has run into a stalemate.
ress in Vietnam and declared yes- said. "I don't see a stalemate there,"
terday the Communists "are hurt- Rusk spoke at one of his infre- he said. "I think that there is mil-
ing very badly." quent Washington news confer- itary progress. There is, clearly,
And while Rusk voiced regret ences. It was his first since March economic progress in dampening
over Britain's long-range plan to 28. down the rate of inflation.'
A pull most of her forces out of the Sticking to Johnson administra- On the South Vietnamese polit-
P Iar East, he said this does not tion policy on bombing of North', ca. rnh detemv o
mean the Communists "can take Vietnam, Rusk affirmed that the ical front, he added, the move to-
any comfort from this particular United States is prepared to halt ward an elected, constitutional
sey the air attacks when this is government is going ahead.
The United States and those shown to be "a step toward peace." Washington Disapproved
nations in Southeast Asia commit- However, as many ,times before, The secretary made plain Wash-
ted to theirindeensec and se- he linked this to a need for a rp- ington's disapproval of London's
curity "will get on with the job," ciprocal action by the Communists newly announced plan to with-
he said. because "both sides have to make draw the bulk of Britain's mili-
Substantial Losses a contribution toward peace." tary forces from the vast area
But as for prospects for ending And, he added, no one among between Suez and the Pacific by
the war, Rusk saw no North Viet- the many proposing a U.S. bomb- the mid-1970s. With her proposed
namese readiness for this yet de- ing cutback has said what Hanoi evacuation of Malaysia and Singa-
spite "very substantial losses" in-' will do in return. pore, the only reamining British
flicted on the Reds. Meanwhile, Rusk rejected what garrison in the area would be at
"There is still a long, tough job he called allegations by both hawk Hong Kong.
Despite Britain's economic prob-
lems forcing her cutback, U.S.
115 'Ic] §I'rcide A rins strategists have hoped the British
U .S . would play a large role In the sec-
urity of the region. Rusk said, "I
regret any decision by Britain to
In S p t o ro tei s reduce substantially its presence in
Middle East
WASHINGTON (P)-The U.S.I -The introduction of weapons On an another point Rusk said:'
government shows no signs of into already distressed situations -The United States stil hopes
backing off from its major role in has on more than one occasion for an agreement to curb arms
then world's multibilliondollar traf- "provoked or hastened the out- shipments to the Middle East but
ic in the instruments of war, de- break of fighting." prospects are not encouraging be-
spite mounting congressional pro- The reports were prepared by cause of heavy Soviet weapons re-
tests and the irony of American the Browne & Shaw Research supply to Egypt, Syria and Algeria.
weapons pitted against each other Corp. of Waltham, Mass., under In line with its policy favoring
in the Middle East war. contract to the Defense Depart- an arms balance in the area, the
For the Pentagon's highly suc- ment and, through the Massachu- United States may therefore have
cessful arms salesman, Henry J. setts Institute of Technology, and to lift its ban on U.S. arms ship-
Kuss Jr., it's business as usual- Arms Control and Disarmament ments to Israel and from other
and more if he can get it. Agency. Arab countries for their security.

Search for weapons
In Plainfield Stopped
Funerals Mark Newark Scene;
Violence Breaks Out Elsewhere

-Associated Press
STATE POLICE and National Guardsmen search homes in Plainfield, N.J., for a cache of stolen
weapons. Some houses were left neat by the searchers, while others were messes of broken glass,
upside-down furniture, and broken storage trunks.
Generals Say Political News'
No Longer Faces Censorship

By The Associated Press
An aimed task force of state
police and National Guardsmen
searched house by house for wea-
pons in riotous Negro neighbor-
hood yesterday, but pulled out
when the quest built tension.
They found no weapons.
One Negro leader said state po-
lice agreed to remove the forces
because an agreement not to enter
locked apartments had been vio-
latd. After searchers left, groups
of young Negroes gathered in the
streets complaining about the
The search mission met no re-
sistance, despite an earlier warn-
ing of "vicious resistance" to any
invasion of the trouble zone sealed
off after a white policeman was
shot and stomped to death Sun-
But Negroes objected as the
searchers tore off doors, turned.
over furniture and threw personal
belonging around while seeking
A newsman heard a plain clothes
officer tell a Negro, "I know we;
promised you there would be no
breaking into apartments but ap-
parently somebody didnt get the
word. We're sorry and we're pull-
ing out."-
Elsewhere in racilly tense north-
ern New Jearsey, quiet prevailed.
Newark, where warlike sniping
battles claimed 25 lives, passed its
second normal day while funerals
were conducted for a slain white
fire captain and three Negro vic-
tims of riot bullets. A national
conference on black power also
opened in the city where Negro
violence raged for five days.
The Plainfield search was or-
dered after a noon deadline for
surrender of weapons passed with-
out any sign of the military rifles.
Racial incidents broke out in
Nyack, NY., and Erie, Pa., and
a house bombing in Baton Rouge,
La., was connected by a labor
leader with statements he made
against the Ku Klux Klan.
In Cario, Ill., the arrival of 50
National Guardsmen b r o u g h t

SAIGON (A')-South Vietnam's
ruling generals have decreed that,;
effective today, political news in
the Vietnam press no longer will
be censored.
The nation's newspapers pre-+
sumably will now be able to fill
in with news about the presiden-
tial election campaign some of the
white spaces that have been de-
noting censorship.
Stories concerning military af-
fairs, although freely transmitted
abroad, remain subject domesti-
cally to editing or deletion by!
government censors.
The move by the generals ap-
parently means that they feel.
they can control the press with-
out resorting to full censorship.
Bowed to Critics
But they have bowed to domes-

fair one for it to be meaningful,
pressed strongly for a removal of
political censorship. South Viet-
namese newsmen, although they
could not print the answers, fre-
quently asked the generals at
news conferences how they could
call this a free election if cen-
sorship continued.
Where the line between political
and military news is to be drawn
will still be up to the discretion of
the censors.
Sporadic shelling in the north-

ern 1st Corps area marked the
ground war on the eve yesterday
of the 13th anniversary of the!
Geneva agreement that was sup-
posed to bring peace and neu-
trality to Vietnam.
The South Vietnamese, who
never signed the agreement, are
observing the anniversary today
as "National Shame Day." That's
to express their disapproval of
the partition of the country in
the settlement that ended French
rule of Indochina.

peace after an outbreak of fire,
gunfire and stabbing.
Legal barriers against interra-
cial marriage were dropped in
Tennessee, and in Jerusalem the
president of the Zionist Organi-
zation of America said American
Jews have become disillusioned
with the civil rights movement.
Jacques, Torcznyer told a news
conference in Jerusalem that
Jews have been disappointed by
anti-Semitic statements by mili-
tant Negro leaders, and by attacks
on Jewish shops during New York
A claim that outsiders stirred
up trouble in Plainfield was made
by Milt Campbell, decathlon
champion in the 1956 Olympics
who returned to his home town
to help restore peace.
"Those men' whocame in and
started this violence have moved
out I believe," Campbell said.
Violence erupted in Plainfield
last Friday night and hit its peak
Sunday when a gang of Negro
youths shot and beat a white
policeman to death.
kA few shots punctured the
calm at Plainfield on Tuesday
night, and a search of the city's
sealed-off Negro district for the
rifles renewed tensions. Charles
Miller, Negro vice president of
the city's Human Rights Council,
told the National Guard that an
invasion of the area would be met
with "vicious 'retaliation."
The Baton Rouge bombing out-
side the home of Victor Bussie,
president of the Louisiana AFL.-
CIO, was connected by him with
what he called his comments
urging an investigation of bomb-
ings in which the Ku Klux Klan
had been accused.
First Ann Arbor
Selected Short Subjects
7:00 & 9:05 P.M.

The same sign is out at the State
Department's Office of Munitions
Control-run by an official in the
ranks of the Civil Service-which
licenses arms for overseas 'export.
Pentagon and-'State Department
sources who decline to be identi-
fied said there had been no hint
of a change in arms export policy.
The seeming reluctance to shift
gears persists despite two highly
respected, government-financed re-
ports, unpublicized. until now, that
-The weapons 'used in virtually
every regional war since World
War II have come from outside
sources, the overwhelming major-
ity from the United States, the
Soviet Union, Britain, and France.
-Without major-power coopera-
tion, the arms traffic will con-
tinue, and strategic ballistic mis-
siles may well be deployed
throughout the Middle East by the
erly 1970s.

Arabs Discuss Plans
For 'Second Round'

New Secretary of Navy Dead
In North Carolina Air Crash

By The Associated Press
A Cairo summit conference of
five militant Arab leaders ended
yesterday after a discussion of
preparations for "a second round"
against Israel, informants in the
Egyptian capital reported.
Just back from Moscow, Presi-
dent Houari Boumedienne of Al-
geria and President Abdel Rahman
Aref of Iraq gave President Gamal
Abdel Nasser of Egypt fresh as-
surances of Soviet backing against
'The meeting during the morn1ing
was brief dealt with the Arabs'
determination to carry on the
struggle against Israel until all

World News Roundup

occupied Arab territory was re-
claimed, the sources added.
Reliable sources said the Alge-
rian and Iraqi presidents had
strongly urged Moscow to push up
their arms support to the Arabs,
who are impatient to reclaim the
land lost to Israel in the June 5-10
Neither Moscow nor Cairo made
public the Soviet reaction to this
request, save for a statement de-
claring Soviet backing.
The Cairo report said Premier
Mohammed Ahmed Mahgoub rep-
resented Sudan. It made no refer-
ence to Sudanese President Ismail
el Azhari, who previously was re-
ported' at the. series of meetings.
President Noureddin Atassi of
Syria apparently left early.
The militant Arabs have been
meeting in Cairo for eight days,
excluding from their meetings
such conservative Arab leaders as.
those from Jordan, Saudi Arabia,
Tunisia and Morocco.
Boumedienne Militant
Of the five, Boumedienne has,
been the most militant, demanding
action now against Israel. But his
nation did not sustain damaging
blows like those inflicted by Israel
on Egypt, Jordan and Syria.
The Suez Canal front was quiet
as' Egypt and Israel obeyed a
cease-fire under the watch of U.N.
truce observers, but the war of
Iwords continued.
Gen. Moshe Dayan, 'Israel's de-
fense minister, warned the Arab
world that "Israel can afford to
hold on to territory occupied by
her for quite a long time."


tic and foreign criticism of their HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. -A') -
censorship policies, which both A huge Boeing 727 airliner. collid-
Premier Nguyen Cao Ky and ed in flight with a smaller plane
Chief of State Nguyen Van Thieu over the Blue Ridge foothills of
had vowed to continue through western North Carolina yesterday,
the campaign leading to the elec- killing 81 persons, including the
tion Sept. 3. newly appointed secretary of the
Both men are candidates in a Navy, John T. McNaughton.
ticket headed by Thieu. There were no survivors among
As late as last week. Thieu had the 73 passengers and five crew-
said censorship would continue men aboard the Piedmont Airlines
during the campaign. He con- plane, or in the smaller plane
tended: "It is good censorship- which carried two Missouri busi-
necessary in a wartime situation nessmen and their pilot.
where the Viet Cong are every- Wreckage from the fiery crash
where." showered down 50 yards from a
Thieu Censored summer camp occupied by 145
But little of the political cen- teen-agers and their counselors.
sorship had anything to do with Camp directors held a songfest to
security against the Viet Cong. keep their charges away from the
When Thieu and Ky were heading horror of the crash scene.
separate presidential tickets sev- Wife, Son Killed
eral weeks ago, even Thieu com- Also killed were McNaughton's'
plained the Ky-controlled Infor- wife, Sally, and their. 11-year-old
mation Ministry was censoring son, Ted. The McNaughtons
Thieu statements out of the boarded the airliner at nearby
*papers. Asheville, minutes before the col-
Pressures to remove the censor- lision. They had been in the area
ship had come from candidates to pick up the son, who had been
running against the Thieu-Ky in a summer youth camp.
ticket, from South Vietnamese Witnesses said the smaller
and foreign journalists and the plane exploded on impact with the
U.S. Embassy. airliner. The heavier craft flew on
The. embassy, feeling that the for a short distance, then it, too,
presidential election must be a blew up.

./NY Uai4 ] ii Y V NV MY V1A UV \AV111LU
. _ _ _ _ i

The airliner was Flight 22. It
had left Atlanta at 10:40 a.m. It
carried a crew of 5 and 73 pas-
sengers, 52 of whom had boarded
at Asheville. The flight was to
have ended at Washington at
12:57 a.m.
To Succeed Nitze
McNaughton, who had served
three years 'as assistant secretary
of defense for international se-
curity affairs, had been appointed
by President Johnson to succeed
Paul H. Nitze as Navy secretary.
The McNaughtons had come to
North Carolina on Monday for
their son, who had spent five
weeks at Camp Sequoya near
Weaverville, just west of Ashe-
ville: Another son, Alexander, 18,
is on a trip to Europe.
A native of Indiana, McNaugh-
ton was long a close associate of
Defense Secretary Robert S. Mc-
Namara, who relied heavily on
him for advice on day-to-day
problems involving international
defense matters.
Dial 8-6416

Phone 434-0130
Shown at :35only
Also Shown at 11:35 Only

By The Associated Press.
ALGIERS, Algeria - Moise
Tshombe will learn tomorrow
whether he must return to the
Congo to face death on high trea-
son charges.
After a three-hour secret hear-
in vyt _rdnvy the Algrerian iSu-

Catholic pontiff's appeal for free
interfaith access to Jerusalem and
its holy places.
"Whateverthe Pope thinks and
does, I follow him," the 81-year-
old spiritual leader of the Orth-
odox Church said.
-. * *

1ng yese uu, U lSI
preme Court announced it will WASHINGTON-Soaring hospi-
dedide then whether to grant the tal and medical costs will force
Congo's request for extradition of an increase in the payroll tax for
the former Congolese premier. medicare, informed congressional
sources reported yesterday.
-TOKYO - Communist China The House Ways and Means
charged yesterday Indian military Committee, it was understood, has
aircraft violated Chinese air space informally decided to include such
over Tibet and Sinkiang 16 times an increase in the Social Security
in the past week. Peking radio bill it is now preparing.
said the government lodged a
strong protest with India. SAN FRANCISCO-Republican
The broadcast claimed intru- Milton Marks, endorsed by Gov.
sions were made between last Ronald Reagan, led Tuesday nigh
Wednesday and Monday. in a special primary election in-
* * * volving control of the California
ISTANBUL, Turkey - Patriarch Senate.
Athenagoras, awaiting a visit by His vote, however, was short of
Pope Paul VI next week, said yes- the majority required to avert a
terday he supports the Roman runoff Aug. 15.
DIAL NO 2-6264


-N.Y. Post

WaltDlsneys -
- U

they talk
they always seem
to mention


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