Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHiGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Emergency Ward Off the Da Nang Coast TM'7- - - --r, !-- - -zT here Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Wil Prevail 40MYADS. N ROMC. I NEws PHONE: 764-0552 ,'I ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all rebrints. THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN GRAY I The American Dream .." A Coda Upon Wakening NOTHING IS REALLY gained, said the President, "by pointing out that this country or that country lost more yesterday than the one before." Men's lives he was talking about. The President would calm the fears of senators a and. soldiers' mothers that Vietnam has not become "an Ameri- can war." Westmoreland calls for a hundred thousand more troops. The secretary of defense shies away. Cost account- ing and the economy, you know. The nation that chews up $2 billion in re- sources a month is not a bottomless well. Where does it all end? And where 'do we emerge, beyond the broken prom- ised deliverapces that slip by with the years? There is no rejoicing in Dodge City; the optimism of a year ago is gone to- day. In Wichita, Cairo on the Missis- sippi, Youngstown, Pittsburgh, Knox- ville, South Bend-industrial hearts of America, riding like ships on yellowing seas of grain: tonight many beds are empty and hallways echo the foot- steps of the walking wounded. WHO SPEAKS for the Americans now? Did they love their life so much that they gave their sons or the dollars earned by sweat and thought? Do they so fear The Enemy that they shiver in their domiciled cities and let the weary cynical professionals of the State Department do their thinking for them? The ports of San Francisco, Diego, Seattle, Chicago gird with the mon- strous paraphernalia of the war ma- chine grinding its way to the East for some unforeseen confrontation in the night. Stocks of jeeps, tents, napalm, defoliants, boots, insigniae and food- stuffs ground from the fabled wealth of the American continent are all as- sembled at the ports of embarkment: along with the freshly crewed, scrub- bed and straited recruits and draftees. Were we so appointed the guardians of our brothers that the world should ask our permission to go about its busi- ness? How long ago was the seed planted in other heritage? Korea? Nic- aragua? San Juan Hill? Or was it Trip- oli? Vera Cruz? Or even the cliffs at Montreal? THE PACIFICATION teams in Viet- nam wear black pajamas; they come into villages to organize councils and remove those who were put into pow- er by the puppet government. Whose revolution do they steal? They are well-advised by the Americans in green berets or black hats. Soon the Ameri- cans will do this work themselves. Hearts and minds will be won. Or broken. Black men live in run-down cities. They come in from the hinterland and exist in unemployed or menial squalor beside the gates of the white master. When he speaks in the forgotten ac- tions of his forebears, the troops are sent to quell him. This is not Nairobi or Johannesburg. It is Los Angeles, New York, Atlanta. Where is the prom- ised land, the equality of opportunity stated in the documents? Other na- tions have their constitutions which the gunboats are dispatched to en- sure. But who speaks for the people? Down in the bowels of society, who senses when the worm begins its gnawing? In the universities and the computer- slick suburbs there may still be time for dreaming of idylls in an oasis. But when the sleeper awakens, what then? -DAVID KNOKE By JIM FORSYTH After six months of preparation, we were finally leaving for Viet- nam. Our ship, the hospital ves- sel "Respose," had been brought out of mothballs, the crew trained, the sea trials completed, and we were underway just in time to start the new year. We sailed under the Golden Gate on Jan. 2, 1966. There were 250 hospital corps- men (the Navy's equivalent of medics) aboard the "Repose." Most, like myself, were in the service for a single hitch, and anxious to get out. For the ma- jority of us it was to be our first time at sea, and we were under- standably excited. After all, we were not only going to sea, but to the glories of war as well. (Two months later we decided that maybe a seafaring life wasn't so great.) The "Repose" wasn't very fast, and it took us until the middle of February to get to Da Nang, in the northern part of South Vietnam, which was to be our general base of operations for the next year or so. That year seems to have grown some now, and the "Repose" is still in Vietnam, al- though the original crew has all been changed. Most of the hospital staff aboard the "Repose" wanted to see a little action, and we were disappointed to find we wouldn't be allowed ashore except for an occasional beach party or a viist to a local beer hall. (Since we often were at sea for two months at a time, and there is no (legal) drinking on ship, these little ex- cursions became valuable "incen- tives," to stay on the good side of the officers.) Military efficiency being what it is, we stayed in Da Nang har- bor for almost three full days waiting for our first patient. There were plenty of men needing attention, but the powers that be kept sending them to the over- crowded hospital ashore (since made famous by Ramparts Maga- zine). Finally some unknown hand changed things and we began to receive casualties. We had been ready for patients since three days out of Pearl Harbor. FINALLY, WITH great fanfare our first patient arrived. He was a Marine who had cut his eye when his rifle had recoiled into his face. The next day he was sent back- to duty. Our naive thirst for action was satisfied a few days later, when we went to Chu Lai; about 60 miles south of Da Nang, to help in Operation Double Eagle. Dur- ing this opertaion we were at last able to do what we had travelled halfway around the world to do -help the American wounded. It's difficult to describe our feelings when we finally saw for ourselves what the war was all about; we were no longer so an- xious to go ashore. All of us had worked for at least a year in a Naval hospital prior to coming aboard the "Repose," and most of us had at least sone experience in the Emergency Room, but none of us, save the few who hadbeen in Korea, had ever seen such a steady flow of people so full of holes. In the next nine months Opera- tion Double Eagle was followed by several others, perhaps the worst of which was Deckhouse IV. Wherever the operations were, we would go along the coast to the nearest point (so long as it was between Chu Lai and the DMZ, a distance of about 150 miles) and take care of the casualties. Between operations, and to a lesser degree during them, we would take aboard Marines with tropical diseases, usually malaria. In the first nine months we were there,' we treated roughly 4,000 patients, about half battle casual- ties and half victims of disease. I WOULD HATE to say whether I would rather have a bad case of malaria or a shrapnel wound (assuming neither to be 'fatal, 0 A Vietnamese fishing junk sails by the hospital ship Repose as she rides at anchor in ha Nang harbor. which wasn't always the case). We did have one man aboard, Sgt. Perkins, who took close to 60 days to recover from his malaria, then was back the next week with a shrapnel wound, but I never did ask him which he preferred. The malaria we most frequently found was p. falcipurim, a par- ticularly noxious type turning up more and more in Vietnam. Men would come aboard with fevers as high as 107 degrees and still live. One of the doctors put his thoughts on the matter rather well when he 'said, "I was told in medical school that if it reached 105, sell." The saddest cases to come aboard were the head wounds,,and there were usually enough of these to keep our Intensive Care Unit more than busy. There was a very capable neurosurgeon aboard, and he put in some truly amazing hours trying to save men who would probably end up as vegetables, but might be able to live useful lives again. Nerve tissue doesn't regenerate, but sometimes the tissue near a dam- aged area will slowly take over Fthe damaged nerves' function, so it was never certain how long these patients would survive, or how full a recovery they would make. Sometimes these patients would, after a couple of months, show signs of improving and be sent back to the States for longer term care. Occasionally they would remain semi-comatose for two or three months, responding only to pain, and then die. If any- thing could turn a man against war, -watching a few of these pa- tients would do it. It got to the point where I didn't really pity the men with inoperable head wounds. At least they would be through with it in a matter of hours. The "Repose" had another mission, in addition to troop sup- port. We were to treat Vietnamese military and civilian personnel as space and time allowed. We never did have much of either, but we did have one ward set aside for Vietnamese civilians, and there were always a few soldiers on the surgery wards, since they would be brought in with our own cas- ualties during battle. The Vietnamese civilians were usually referred to us from the medical assistance teams ashore who couldn't help them without more equipment. ("Repose" was a complete hospital with '20 doctors, 29 nurses, a number of operating rooms, and two portable heart- lung machines.) 'p I Oppressed Maj ority A "Chinook" helicopter takes off from the-flight deck of the "Repose" with a load of wounded Marines headed back to the States for long-term medical care. EVERYBODY IS CONCERNED about "minority" groups today. Progress is being made (albeit slowly) toward racial equality in education, hiring, career ad- vancement and the rest. But nobody no- tices another large, chiefly silent con- tingent of second-class citizens who are not really a minority group at all, but constitute 51 per cent of the nation's population-women. Having been brought up to believe that all the requirements- for a full life may be found somewhere between the kitchen and the ironing board, it"is not surprising, to find many women content in that po- sition; indeed, scandalized at the thought of any other kind of life. But amazingly enough, there are growing numbers of women who find the prospect of such a life abominable. MANY AMERICANS-of both sexes- obj ect to a woman's working on the grounds that it is bad for her children. This is utter nonsense. The same people who find a mother's job as detrimental to her child's welfare often have no ob- j ection to her spending an equivalent Samount of time on church activities. To- tal time spent with a child is of no im- portance; how it is spent is. A woman who by temperament and training is more suited to some employment other than housework will be unhappy if she is forc- ed to remain at home, and her attitude would harm the child far more than her absence. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Summer subscription rate: $2.00 per term by carrier ($2.50 by mail); $4.00 for entire summer ($4.50 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Another problem for the woman who chooses to pursue a career outside the home is the lack of opportunities, first for employment, and then for advance- ment. To be sure, some fields are by their very nature dominated by women, just as others lend themselves more easily to men. Yet law, engineering, medicine and college teaching--all of which are with- in the female capability-are notoriously male-dominated. Underneath all the sociological fac- tors which combine to make women sec- ond-class citizens are a lot of psycholog- ical ones. Patterns of behavior are ulti- mately derived from patterns of thought, and it is here that women suffer the most from prejudice. Few people would go so far nowadays as to call women chat- tel, but many of our basic ways of think- ing are remnants of the day when this was indeed the case. Perhaps most notor- ious of these is the "double standard" of sexual behavior, but more significant is the dichotomy that exists in most peo- ple's minds between the career woman and the grown up Little Girl Next Door. THE CAREER WOMAN, as everybody knows, is a woman who is trying to be a man. She wears severe gray suits, horn-rimmed glasses, gray hair pulled back into abun and a scowl on her face. She is, in a word, unfeminine. The truly feminine woman, on the other hand, is considered to have no views, mind, or personality of her own, but to exist sole- ly as an accessory to her husband. There is no denying that both types do exist, but most women simply do not fit in either category. Surprisingly enough, there are even some who (perhaps naively) main- tain that it is possible to both have a career and be a woman at the same time. What those women who are concerned about their rights want is not superiority to men. All they ask is equality of oppor- tunity and the right to be treated as hu- man beings and not as combination maid WHILE WE WERE at Da Nang our doctors performed the first open heart surgery ever to be per- formed at sea, which was good for a picture in Time. The first operation was a success, but sev- eral that followed were not. It was explained to me - I believe truthfully-that this was so be- cause the patients, all Vietna- mese, had heart disease which had progressed to such a state where it was almost beyond treat- ment. , After watching literally thou- sands of wounded men be carried aboard, I became quite. detached about the whole thing, and it took something really shocking to have any effect on my sensibilities. Months of seeing arms without hands, legs without feet, faces without eyes, or noses,, or teeth, even bodies without legs, dulls the nerves to the point where almost nothing can make an impression. It's an experience not even shared by the men in the field, who see friends wounded and killed but are then able to get away from it for a while. The men in combat usually don't experience the ex- tent of the casualties. They may realize that their entire company has been wiped out, and to many that is almost their entire world, but it's still a small number compared to what we witnessed. I too had the experience of watch- ing friends come aboard sick, wounded, or dying, but even that didn't make the impression left by seeing so many other wound- ed, so continuously. I THINK THAT if ayone wants to begin to understand the reality of war, they should spend a few months in a hospital handling combat casualties. They should take time to look at the' results of war. They should try to com- prehend what it means to be wounded. They should try to get some concept of the enormity of the damage done to the human body and mind. Would-be heroes and fanatical defenders-of-the- faith should learn what some of the costs are before they under- take things like war. Those of us working in the hos- pital learned. When we first came aboard the ship in San Francisco, almost all of us had volunteered to go with the Marine Forces in Vietnam (Marines use Navy med- ical personnel). When our tour aboard the "Repose" was over we were told we would have our choice of our next duty station. Of the 250 who had been so an- xious to go ashore and see what it was all about in February, only five decided they still wanted to spend some time with the Ma- rines. The rest of us were happy to get as far away from Da Nang and the war as we could. 4 Funny Thing About That* .. Letters to the Editor Student newspapers are rarely popular. Here at the University, officials have insisted that The Daily is immature and weak, dis- torts the true situation at the University, dares to criticize the system of controls over activities at the University and fails to serve the best interests of the Univer- sity. Recently, administrators - in- cluding President Hatcher, Vice President for University Rela- tions Radock and Vice President for Student Affairs Cutler-at- tempted, without success, to block the appointment of The Daily's 1967-68 editor. For a look at what things are like on the other side of the Iron Curtain, the following item from The New York Times of July 11 is instructive: "MOSCOW, July 10-An ar- needless controversy by arbitrar- ily, and often without explana- tion, banning plays. being re- hearsed for production. "The action against an edi- tor of the paper, Komsomolys- kaya Pravda, and the writers of the article was foreshadowed over the weekend in an attack by the Central Committee of the Young Communist League, "The identity of the member of the editorial board who was dismissed could not be verified tonight. The authors of the ar- ticle were Fyodor Burlatsky, a political analyst for Pravda, and Lev Karpinsky, a writer on the theatre. "The Communist Youth lead- ership accused the writers and the paper's editorial board of a "crude ideological mistage" in have an obligation to write about life in all its positive and nega- tive aspects, they added: "'However, one gets the im- pression that some cultural of- ficials responsible for the activi- ties of the theatre misunder- stand the purpose of their work. They try to evade serious an- §wers to the serious questions posed by life.' "The denunciation of the writers, printed in Kosmololys- kaya Pravda, declared: "'The publication of the ar- ticle inflicted harm on the cause of artistic creativity and con- tradicted party principles in the fields of literature and the arts. Discussing isolated facts about the delaying of some theatrical premieres, the writers unjustifi- ably broadened the picture and Course Evaluation With regard to yesterday's ar- ticle on the course evaluation booklet, I have several additional comments. - The Honors Steering Committee (HSC) last spring discussed very seriously the possibility of insti- tuting a course evaluation booklet somewhat along the lines of Har- vard's booklet. It was our intention to begin on a small scale evalu- ating some of the more popular honors courses and then later ex- panding to encompass all of the University courses.'Our constituents were requesting a booklet, but they were also volunteering eagerly to work on it. This was. not an apa- thetic group. Realizing that SGC was also working on such a pro- ject, we contacted SGC through Steve Spitz, '68. He warned us that courses. The result would be ad- mittedly incomplete but would be a useful precursor to the final pro- duct. But progress was hindered by delays in the faculty-student com- mittee under SACUA, products of minor disagreements concerning the general philosophy of the com- mittee. Discussion centered around planning the planning of the book- let, not the booklet itself. Hence, the faculty remains cautious, the student body remains impatient, and the booklet remains unborn. Usually one thinks of faculty action as laden with red tape and of student action as quickly ac- complished. I fear that in seeking student unity on this issue, SGC has gathered many little sparks to make a great flame and then pro- ceeded to let it be extinguished by submitting it to SACUA and leav- ing it in their hands. SGC can save this issue only by taking a Irv