AFTER THE VIETNAM NIGHTMARE See editorial page :YI e irl ig trt Ilattli FAIR High-84 Low-59 Light, variable winds. Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 50S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1967 SEVEN CENTS FOUR Pp Candid Conversations with 'U Regents. Smith By THOMAS R. COPI Third in a Series "When I started school at Fisk University in Nashville, I had the idea that I would launch myself into a brilliant .journalistic ca- reer," says Regent Otis Smith, re- laxing in his room at the Union after a monthly Regents' meeting. "But I became interested in law and veered away from journal- ism," he says, although it's still his ambition to some day own a first - class weekly newspaper. This would be one, he says, which "gives both sides in a controversy and one which editorializes only on the editorial page." Smith's long career in public service began when he became assistant prosecutor of Genesee County. He had moved to Flint after taking his law degree at Catholic University in Washing- ton, D.C. In 1953, Smith ran for the Flint school board and was' "soundly trounced." Undaunted, he ran for municipal judge in 1957-and was defeated again. Both times, he says, he ran at the urgings of people who thought he would be a good candidate. Smith's activity in community organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the Urban League, as ,well as his political activity, garnered him the Junior Chamber of Commerce's Out- standing Young Man in Flint award in 1956. "I just made it," he says, "because I was 35 and that's the oldest the 'outstanding young man' can be." During all this time, Smith was active in the Democratic party, and in 1957, Gov. G. Mennen Wil- liams offered him an appointment as chairman of the State Public Service Commission. "But I wasn't by Gov. George Romney to re- a view of the regents as being interested," Smith says. "I had place Allan Sorenson, who had eight people, quite remote, rather spent a time in the prosecutor's resigned. formal, who have blinders on. But office, and had decided that you As a regent, Smith has very the regents are around quite a can't practice law with one foot definite views on issues facing the bit, both individually and in meet- in government." University. ings, and they're .,quite conscious On student protest, for example, of what the problems are. Insofar Summons from Williams Smith says "I don't think that as knowing what the gripes are, "But," Smith adds, "I was en- student demonstrations are a per- what the'issues are, I think we're ed with a summons from Mennen sistent problem at the Univer- pretty well informed," Smith adds. Williams, a man whom I deeply sits.""Ocore"Sihmpazs, admire, and I found myself chair- "Tebscuroefprts "Of course,'' Smith emphasizes," man of the public service com- The basis purpose of protest,of there's a difference between get- masin.o"h ubi eviecm course, i to get a message L ing a message across and getting mission." across to people who are in a!tn esg cosadgtig acrossto peple wo are i action on it. There's all the dif- Following a stint as Michigan's position to do something," he says. action n ithe world between the auditor general, Smith was elect- "But overt and hostile and de-'authority'-in this case the Re- ed to the State Supreme Court, structive tactics in a protest are where he served for five years; completely unnecessary when there gents-being indifferent to the re- he was defeated in a bid for re- is a procedure by which one is quest and their having a differing election last fall. able effectively to register com- opinion from the request." Following his defeat at the polls, plaints," he adds. "Although the Regents are con- Smith was invited to join the "And although I , think that cerned with student problems, they staff of General Motors, as as- there is currently such a. proced- get the other side too, from faculty sistant general counsel. ure, the students who protest the people, parents, and just people Then in March, Smith was ap- most probably wouldn't think so," who are irate-alumni people who pointed to the Board of Regents Smith says. "They probably have come on campus and figure they're just as much a part of the Univer- sity as anybody," Smith says. He also notes that "I suppose everybody would like the idea of marching up to a regent and having a direct confrontation, but the Regents just don't have enough time-there aren't enough hours in the day." And Smith maintains that im- portant things do get done at the University. Partially in response to the Defense Department report of last year, he says that the Univer- sity's recruiting program has "gone into high gear," and is meetfng a certain degree of success. As far as staff is concerned, we're work- ing on that too, but of course that hasn't met the results of the pro- gram recruiting undergraduate students." Referring again to the Defense Department report, Smith says that one of the problems here is that "this is a school that insist upon high academic achievemen as a rule for admission. There ar al kinds of problems with lacl of motivation and failure ti achieve which affects the forma record one amasses. And over f period of years, you get to b known as a pretty selective school And from there, it's fairly easy tV translate that into something ap proximating racism." Terrific Strength But Smith maintains that "then a terrific amount of strength a the University-there's a tremen dous amount of talent on thi campus. The potential for good i just enormous." And one of the things that con tributes to all this, says Smith, i the fact that "the University I much more than an ivory tower It's much more involved in lif than it used to be." REGENT OTIS SMITH LESS THAN REQUEST ED: Lansing Gives 'U' $7.4 Million In Capital Outlay Appropriation Hatcher Announces lFee By WALLACE IMMEN The University will receive million in capital outlay a] priations from the state this less than one-third of its or request. Because of the low apprc tion, construction on the nev million Residential College t ing will be delayed for, at one year. Capital outlay provides ; for maintenance and new struction to state-supported ities. The University figure arrived at separately from $59.1 million general open budget and was allcoated acs ing to needs for individual j ects. Dental School A $4.3 million portion wN used in nearly equal shares to tinue construction on the I School Building and the ME Science U Building. Of th( maining funds, $1.5 million go to air condition the gi level of the University Ho. and another $.7 million wil place the Hospital's elevator No funds have been provid begin new construction. Grad Library The capital outlay cutbac, not affect other projects in gress or delay work on the C uate Library Building, which begin in September or the F Health School Building, to in October. Most of these prc are funded privately through eral grants and the $55M program. Planning of five new pro listed as priority items on University request must be back an year. The top pri is, a $6.2 million Architecture Design building on North Can for which $1.5 million was quested this year. Residential College Second on the list is a million classroom and o building to house the mo language departments, w would be located behind Bi Tower. Third priority is a million building to house Psychology department fourth is a $4.9 million Math( tics building. The Residential College build- ings, which are currently fifth in priority, will also be set back a year. The opening of the col- lege in temporary facilities in East Quadrangle, however, will not be affected and the remodel- ing will be ready when classes begin.:.. Another Project cut from the bill is preliminary planning for a' $25 million 500-bed General Hos- pital to relieve the crowding at University Hospital.' The funds shortage will also avoid any investigation this year of the legality of Public Act 124, which provides that the state con- troller's office must handle the letting of bids on new projects funded by the state. The Univer- sity has refused to accept this ruling and a fight, was expected to resolve the problem before money for these new projects was allocated. State capital outlay in higher education received the largest cut- backs of any portion of the budg- et, much more severe than the general operating funds. MSU, WSU Although both Michigan State University and Wayne State Uni- versity each submitted requests over $10 million, they were grant- ed $7.3 and $4.4 million, respec- tively. This "austerity" move has set back plans for a total of 26 high- er education buildings throughout state. Further reductions will have to be made in the speed of con- struction in a number of buildings already in progress because ap- propriations are, lower than cost estimates. Hikes Of U-p To, Turmoil Over Editor Ignites WSU Dispute to )orm ~7O Notice Goes To Students Via Letters By LAURENCE MEDOW Co-Editor Room and board rates for two terms will increase $25 for a tri- ple, $50 for doubles and triple suites and $70 for singles, accord- ing to a letter sent by President Harlan Hatcher last night to Uni- versity students and their famil- ies. Rates -for Baits houses and Fletcher Hall, which offer rooms but no food service, will also in- crease $20. No increase is planned for Oxford Housing. University Housing Director John Feldkamp said yesterday that the rate increases have not yet been approved by the Regents. Hatcher also explains in the letter that, "there is every likeli- hood at this moment that there must be upward revisions" in stu- dent fees. The letter notes that the state appropriation of $59.1 million "is not sufficient even to take care of the anticipated high- er enrollment, and leaves the Uni- versity in a serious dilemma." The Regents met last Saturday to consider the University budget and the size of the tuition increase, but no decision was made. A reliable source indicated last night that the Regents want- ed more time to study the Legis- lature's appropriation bill which included an implied out-of-state tuition increase of about $650 a year and a freeze on out-of-state enrollment. No copies of the bill had been available to the Regents before their special session last Satur- day. While the source said the Re- gents are basically in agreement on maintaining the current balance between in-state and out-of-state fees, they wanted to give more study to revenue and expenditure requirements. "We also didn't want to be the first to raise our tuition and thought it would be better to wait and see what other schools in the state are going to do," the source added. Another special session of the Regents will probably be called "sometime next week." By TRACY BAKER ks do Special To The Daily pro- First in a Series Grad- 'will DETROIT - "I've never seen -ublic such a ruckus in over 20 years at begin Wayne," Frank P. Gill, advisor to oegts Wayne State University's student' ijed-s newspaper, the Daily Collegian, fed- said recently. He was referring in lund general to Wayne's student power movement and the activities of lects the Student - Faculty Council the (SFC) and in particular to the irset uproar over the selection of an onity editor for next year's Collegian. and Beginning in early March, the pus, editors and the staff of the Col- re- legian began considering candi- dates; after two months of behind- the-scenes politicking which cul- $4.3 minated in the threat of a strike office by the Collegian staff, Art John- dern ston was named editor. ihich 5-2 Vote urton When Johnston was elected by $5.1 a. 5-2 vote of the Publications the Committee, an SFC advisory com- a n d mittee, the Colegian ran an edi- ema- torial calling for the SFC to al- low the staff to pick its own edi- tor. The editorial claimed that the election of 'Johnston despite a staff vote and the recommenda- tions of Gill and the former edi- eor, Vartan Kupelian, left the Col- legian staff with "absolutely no voice in the decision-making proc- ess." No Support In a letter to the Collegian, Johnston charged that Kupelian had not had the support of the staff, the editor before 'him, or the faculty advisor. Stating that a newspaper was' responsible to its readers, John- ston pointed out that Collegian readers pay for the paper through tuition and hence could not exer- cise financial controls over it. According to a member of the Collegian staff, Kupelian began to organize a strike in support of the staff candidate, John Gegnon, if the publications committee did not elect him. Gegnon later went to Dean ofj Students Duncan Sells and said that he would accept the decision of the Publications Committee and! the SFC. Both Sides{ Paula Miner, Collegian staff re- porter, has complained that "John- ston said that he wanted to cover both sides in' his paper, but he started out by telling Larry Pala-, dino to stop writing his Vietnam, column." Paladino, a Vietnam veteran, wrote a column supporting Amer-1 ican involvement in Vietnam. Johnston maintained that he told, Paladino not to write on Vietnam, because he felt that someone else could present a conservative view more, effectively. Man About Town Johnston offered Paladino a front-page, man-about-town type of column. Paladino said that he would not be back in September to write the column. Asked if he thought many of; last year's staff would work with him, Johnston said that he had been working with some of the old staff members over the summer and was getting along well withr -Daily-Thomas R. Copt ANN ARBOR STREET ART FAIR It was fair weather yesterday, as Ann Arbor's annual artistic an d commercial extravaganza got off to a traffic-stopping start along South and East University Streets. The show runs through Saturday. SENATE CONSIDERS BILL: Social Scientists Want rants Grad Assembly Asks Delay In Housing Fee Increases By PHIL SEMAS Collegiate Press Service Second of Two Parts WASHINGTON, D.C. - Social scientists are asking for their own national foundation, similar to those already in existence for the natural sciences and the arts and humanities. The Senate's Subcommittee on Gove: nment Research last week completed hearings on a bill to create a National Foundation for the Social Sciences, introduced by the subcommittee chairman, Sen. Fred R. Harris (D-Okla). There was no indication when the bill would be reported out of commit- lion of its $500 million appropria- tion to the social sciences. Rensis Likert of the University of Michigan added that "relative to our national resources, we al- locate less to the social sciences than do several other 'nations." . Arbitrary Figure But there is no guarantee that the creation of a National Social Science Foundation will add that much in additional funds, at least for the moment. The bill authorizes only $20 million more for grants, although Harris says that figure is an arbitrary one, which will be debated in the com- mittee. The creation of the Arts and ! -The advice of social scien- tists is needed in greater amounts in planning and carrying out massive federal programs. No one, including outright op- ponents of Harris's bill, will dis- agree that social science is im- portant and does not receive suf- ficient federal funds. But many say the answer is an expansion of social science division of NSF, rather than a new foundation. NSF director Leland Haworth made the strongest case for that point of view in his testimony be- fore the committee in February. He pointed out that NSF already plans to increase its involvement in the social sciences by 25 per cent this year and that NSF funds for social science have been in- creasing faster than any other; division. The House has already passed a revision of the NSF au- thorizing legislation which explic- ittly calls for NSF involvement in the social sciences. At present, NSF social science activity is car- ried on under the rubric of "oth- er sciences." Haworth argues that creation of a new foundation would cut down on "the growing interrelation and interaction between the social and natural sciences." By JILL CRABTREE Graduate Assembly last night unanimously approved a resolu- tion stating theat they are "op- posed to any present increase in housing fees 'unless it be effective for the winter term 1968." "While we realize," the state- ment reads, "that costs may well necessitate fee increases for those living in these facilities, we feel that it is patently unfair for the Unievrsity to raise such fees in the summer term since it makes it impossible for any student to: 1 ) "Budget their costs a year ahead (as scholarships and the Office of 'Financial Aid requires) versity, except under the regul- ation ,of the Office of Student Affairs. The resolution was in protest to the OSA's policy of charging student automobile owners per- mit fees. The resolution stated that the imposition of these fees by the OSA' amounts to a sur- charge on the license fee levied by the Department of State, and is therefore "a use tax levied upon automobiles by other than the proper statutory authorities." In commenting on the effect of such a' repeal Roy Ashmall, Gra- duate Assembly president, said he helt student operation of auto- mobiles would be effectively lim- tee, although Harris says he has Humanities Foundation has not "no doubt" it will pass. brought much additional funds The Lion's Share into those areas, when compared The foundation to be created with the massive funding of the under the bill would give grants natural sciences. for basic social science research. Cutback The lion's share of those grants And others fear that the crea- would probably go to colleges and tion of the new foundation will universities. result in a cutback of other funds A major argument in favor of for the social sciences, partic- the foundation has been that the ularly as provided by NSF. social sciences are woefully under- But there are other arguments financed. by the federal govern- besides financial ones for creat- ment. ing a foundation. Among those City's HRC Director Cowley Resigns ,To Lead Zambia Devele nt Program By ANN MUNSTER Ann Arbor Human Relations Director David C. Cowley formally announced his resignation at Tuesday night's meeting of the Human Relations Commission. A new director has not yet been ap- by the City Council at its July 10 meeting. But after lengthy debate, a recommendation that the salary question be discussed with Cowley was stricken from a motion passed by the Council encouraging him to retain his position as Human Re- Cowley said "we are still insis ting and will persist in insistin that racial discrimination t eliminated from the C.O.O.T. pro gram at the high school. Cowley will write a detaile memo of 'recommendahtions fo: I