I Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Course Evaluation Book: A Stillborn Baby? Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. By LUCY KENNEDY "It may not be possible to produce a student evaluation booklet that can be used by both students and faculty," Bruce Kahn, '68, president of SGC commented recently. "But if the committee working on recom- mendations to the Faculty As- sembly cannot find a method of evaluation amenable to both stu- dents and faculty, we'll have to find a way for each group to do their own. We really need some kind of course evaluation." "The idea of course evaluation is excellent," one dean comment- ed, "the usefulness depends on how well it's done. Recent stu- dent efforts have been too cas- ual or careless to have much value for faculty purposes." "Given the best methods," one research man commented, "there is still no assurance we can find the truly good teacher." A general lack of student en- thusiasm and confusion over the direction and usefulness of course evaluation have kept the Univer- sity from having a permanent course evaluation procedure in the past and may keep it from hav- ing one for a long time. The biggest injury to the course evaluation booklet cause probably came last spring when students gave up organization of the proj- ect, handing it to the faculty. While course evaluation could be an important means for faculty to decide promotions and tenure, the quality of courses and teach- ers should be of more concern to students than any other group. The most recent student at- tempt at a course evaluation book- WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: WALLACE IMMEN The National Guard: Quick Answer to 'The American Dilemma'? CONVULSION as huge and brutal, yet so expected, as the one which en- gulfed Newark is difficult to comprehend, let alone explain. But turning from the hopeless squalor of last weekend's battle- ground to the august and inviolate chambers of the United States Senate provides a semblance of explanation. There, last week, Sen. Robert F. Ken- nedy (D-NY) made his latest pronounce- ment on urban problems and introduced two bills designed to lure the capital resources of private industry into the slums - to create jobs and rehabilitate ghetto housing. He proposed the ever- popular tax incentive method to mobilize the vast humanitarian resources of pri- vate enterprise in quest of bigger and better profits within the urban ghettos. The brilliance of such a bold attempt to link civil rights (a major front in Kennedy's constant struggle to stay slightly to the left of Jacob Javits) with private industry (the cornerstone of our way of life) is almost breathtaking. The proposal's rampant radicalism is evidenc- ed by such stalwart opponents .of open- housing legislation as Sen. James B. Pear- son (R-Kan) joining Kennedy as co-spon- sor of the bill.I Of course this piece of social justice will do absolutely nothing to break down the overwhelming totality of the Negroes' urban imprisonment. The concept of at- tempting to create jobs and housing with- in the ghetto merely serves to reinforce the "separate but hardly equal" syndrome of contemporary economic social life. And as a palliative for the economic misery of the Negro, Kennedy's latest domestic achievement, if passed, will be about as effective as 10 new "play streets." YET THESE BILLS, impotent in them- selves, are strikingly relevant to the Newark riots, for they illustrate the man- ner in which the American system has attempted to meet the "Negro problem." The Kennedy proposals are in the high- est tradition of the American politi- cians' art of attempting to solve social problems without antagonizing anyone. Such a statesman-like and courageous approach resulted in the Negroes being granted civil rights after the War Be- tween the States without economic means to guarantee them. And the plight of the freed men quickly disappeared from the gaze of an apathetic public, as the body politic turned its attention to the more pressing problem of civil service reform. After almost a century of stoical sil- ence, the Negro had the effrontery to re- mind the nation that even in an affluent society, there are some social problems which cannot be wished away. And the great and fondly-remembered Negro rev- olution which ensued, consisted primar- ily of Congress passing, amid great na- tional debate, the civil rights bills which had disappeared with the end of Recon- struction 75 years ago. Having magnanimously granted the Negro a semblance of equal rights only a century after slavery was abolished, the American people are unwilling to bear the burden of economic and social equity. De- spite the smug malaise of white Ameri- ca, the "uppity" Negro has refused to vanish from the headlines as the focus has switched from "Mississippi Summer" to the cliched "long hot summer." REFLECTING and reinforcing this white intransigence, liberal politicians, such as Kennedy have either shamefully ex- ploited the misery of the ghetto with phony solutions or convinced themselves during 'marzipan highs" of the efficacy of painless remedies. And most other leg- islators have encouraged the genteel "Yahoo - ism of their constituents, through such debasing banalities, as the recent anti-riot bill. The much-vaunted war on poverty was not so much destroyed by the war on the Vietnamese, as it was a casualty of its congenital defects. The bulk of the poverty program con- sisted of New Deal leftovers, administ- ered in the spirit of de-humanizing wel- fare controls. Despite "maximal involve- ment of the poor," in the end, the pro- grams were tailored to meet the needs of the big city political machines. And the stern cry of fiscal responsibility took care of the few proposals, such as rent subsidies, which showed some faint prom- ise of weakening the ghetto walls. In short, politics, as usual has prevailed. Johnson has kept the Negro vote, and most important, suburbia has maintained its lily-white complexion three violent summers after Watts. It seems evident that jarring headlines, the injuries of in- nocent bystanders, and the destruction of slum property are a small price for "whitey" to pay for the maintenance of the ebony totality of the ghetto. -WALTER SHAPIRO 3 £ Y - z - _^--- - . 41s " e "~ 4 # I .. . """~ . _ .: + rw s ,,. . 'p f,; .. i;, 5 ,l " let came last year when a hand- ful of people from SGC and The Daily put out a booklet based on a small sampling of students' opinions on a limited number of courses-the effort was widely re- garded as a failure because of the poor response. Kahn decided last spring, aft- er talking to people in research and education, that this type of booklet was inadequate and that they could no longer depend on volunteer student help. A "Stu- dent Course Evaluation Booklet Now" movement, motivated and consisting mainly of Kahn, was disillusioned by past efforts and felt that a booklet utilizing pro- fessional research techniques, wid- er participation and more money was needed. AT THE SAME TIME, the Sen- ate Advisory Committee on Uni- versity Affairs (SACUA) had come to about'the same conclusionun- der the motivation of the Knauss report recommendation that "it be a University policy to promote teaching evaluation by students." Money and personnel were the key to a good booklet the student group felt. Since a faculty effort would apparently get more of both, the student effort died on the spot. If there ever was any spontaneity in the idea of student evaluation of courses, it quickly became bur- ied in a plethora of faculty com- mittees. Kahn talked to the SACUA Stu- dent Relations Committee which spoke to the Faculty Senate. The Senate approved and established a task force to explore what kind of course evaluation committee should be set up. The committee reporting to the Faculty 'Senate on methods of course evaluation has student members, but the whole thing seems to have been turned over to the faculty. In fact, the Na- tional Student Association offered SGC funds for student course evaluation, but there was a mix- up and SGC applied too late. ONE FACULTY member com- mented, "It's all right for students to turn out an inadequate course evaluation system, but we have to live with what we do for a lot longer than four years." In order to make sure they can live with the course evaluation sys- tem they devise, the SACUA com- mittee will probably not make any recommendation to the Faculty Senate until mid spring of '68. This would mean no data could be gathered until fall of '68 and no course evaluation booklet could come out until the spring of 69. It's interesting to note that even the Student Relations Committee which recommended SACUA des- ignate the committee for develop- ing procedures for student evalua- tion of teaching was more opti- mistic than the evaluation com- mittee. They recommended to SACUA that "it urge the com- mittee (for developing procedures for student evaluation of teach- ing) to begin experimental use of evaluation procedures during the 1967-1968 academic year." But even if the investigating committee sooner or later recom- mends a course evaluation booklet to the Faculty Senate, there is no assurance " that it won't end there. MANY FACULTY members are fearful about the whole idea of student evaluation of courses and teaching methods. There have been many faculty- initiated movements in the past for student evaluation of courses, but there is no more evidence of willingness to carry on a sustain- ed effort at course evaluation from the faculty than there is from the students. "Students often fail to realize," one faculty member commented, "the enormous implications of ten- ure. A lot of departments are go- ing to hesitate to use student evaluation as a very large basis for promotion." "However," the same faculty member commented, "every facul- ty member is quite interested in what the students think of the course. Whether student comment can change teaching methods be- comes a philosophical question of whether criticism can ever change teaching methods." The fact that there have been faculty initiated movements at course evaluation in the past has also bred an ingrained cynicism, since some faculty members have been through the mill and have watched regular submission of re- ports dwindle or stop. There is a standing policy in several colleges that students should be given the opportunity to evaluate courses, and several de- partments at least consider stu- dent course evaluation now. For the most part, however, all University efforts at course eval- uation have lacked permanency. "The value of even the best student course evaluation is ques- tionable," one researcher com- mented. It's doubtful that a book- let can avoid questions such as, "did the teacher have any annoy- ing mannerisms" or "were you dissatisfied with the tests." There's a great possibility that the really good teacher or course cannot be found through questionnaires. It's also noteworthy that in- troductory courses cannot be rated in many cases since there is often a different faculty member teach- ing the course each semester. Kahn and the other students- notably Steve Spitz, '68; Steve Handler, '68, and Thomas Copi, '69Ed-who have worked on the committee to recommend means of course evaluation have been faced generally with a student body ask- ing that a course evaluation book- let be handed to them and show- ing little concern for its quality or willingness to work on it. Many schools are turning from the humorous, "here's the real low- down," student orientated student evaluation booklets to something more scientific and professional, but many schools have had a stu- dent-operated, student-orientated course evaluation booklet for many years. The value to students and fac- ulty from either kind of booklet is unquestionable, and it seems a little sad that there has not been enough concern among the stu- dent body to initiate and sustain a matter of such basic import- ance to students. JN : . __._ ' . ' _ .gin ..., . , - .. t " 3 r= " J(wx t ' ' ,: a e x! , s 1'1 , " w; ,I V 3 ' . + ... i - i6! Te ynict iTS'4.NC ms-et= ti.' - "I still have my pride . .. India Farming Problems Sesqui Conferences: More Matter, Less Art By R. J. MALIKIN GOPALAPATNAM, India - In India the system of primogeni- ture agriculture goes on into the twentieth century: fathers divide their meager plots of land among their sons, who in turn, subdivide their plots further and pass them on to their kin. After years of this process, farmers in the vil- lage of Gopalapatnam, in east central part of the country, now depend on some five acres of land or less for the sole support of their families. But the basic prob- lem in this tiny village goes be- yond the size of the tracts of farm land to the lack ofavailable capi- tal - seeds, fertilizer, irrigation facilities. TWO SEASONS make up the planting year: Khariff and Rabi; generally the farmer will not have a daily income and the lapse of time between seasons is quite long. So at present, the farmer must go to a money lender in order to sup- plement his income. Unfortunate- ly, many of thesecmen will cheat the farmer and charge him high interest rates. To eliminate this problem, the government is presently trying to initiate a system of co-operative societies. As conceived, these co- ops will exte'nd credit to the farmer, help him export his yields to other areas for marketing, and supply him with fertilizers, pesti- cides, and seed. All attempts to try and set up some type of co-operative farming have pretty much failed. Individ- ually, the Indian farmer is quite hard-working, but when placed with others in a group, many tend to become lazy and don't do their share of the work. The farmer generally tends to be con- servative in his thinking and is reluctant to try new methods. Not surprisingly many of the village co-operatives are meeting with resistance from the farmers due to several other drawbacks. To join, the farmer must pay a share of his already diminishing capital to the society, and has to fill out a lot of complicated ques- tionnaires and papers. Moreover, the co-op generally restricts the time an individual must pay back a loan, while the money lender does not. Thus many of the uneducated still go to the money lender even though he may charge high in- terest rates and force farmers to sell their crops to him at a much lower price than they might have been able to get in the market. TEN YEARS AGO, most of the farmers in this area had very little knowledge about such things as fertilizers and pesticides. But due to the work of Village Level Workers (government employes who are given community de- velopment assignments in a num- ber of villages) these agricultural materials are now used fairly often. Many farmers still make little errors in planting-for ex- ample, broadcasting the seeds in- stead of planting in rows, or ap- plying too much water to the crops-but these problems can be worked out in time by improved extension work by the VLW. The main difficulty now is the scarcity of farm supplies. The government simply doesn't have sufficient stocks for distribution. The farmer is beginning to run into a time conflict; for example, a pesticide that is needed at the start of a planting season may not be available until the middle of that. season-when it already is too late. Thus, the delay of a ship carrying vital farm material can prove disastrous to waiting farmers. There is presently a large push by the agricultural office to in- crease the amount of electrical pumps in this area. It is often pointed out how the many rivers in India are going to waste in- stead of being used for irrigation purposes. The key to some of the main problems lie with the organiza- tion at the central government level. It is there that not only the various funds are distributed to the districts, but also many types of fertilizer and pesticide. The district agricultural officer, who is supposed to be at the beck and call of the local government, has his hands tied if his requests are held up by bureaucratic haggling. Most of the farmers have the basic know-how, and it's just a question of helping them build up their resources at the start of each season. Once there is the timely arrival of capital-seeds, fertilizer, dams, rural electrification, marketing facilities-the farmer in this tiny village will be in that better a position to start helping his fel- low citizens build up India. --BARRY GOLDWATER- The Times(Not YR's) Deserves Sympathy * LAST WEEK'S sesquicentennial confer- ences were shrouded in a midst of grandeur, but failed to accomplish their primary objectives. The sponsors did little to explore the university's role in the community, but aimed rather to improve public relations while holding critical and debatable questions to a minimum. This was particularly evident when members of Voice Political Party de- manded answers to controversial ques- tions pertaining to the university's role in research, especially classified research. While this confrontation was forced, it demonstrated a weakness in the atti- tudes of the University and the confer- ence participants. If students constitute the majority of the University population, The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Summer subscription rate: $2.00 per term by carrier ($2.50 by mail); $4.00 for entire summer ($4.50 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Summer Editorial Staff then it is they, the students of the Uni- versity, who should be significant partici- pants in both University action and con- ferences of this type. Yet there were few opportunities for students to become in- volved. The University's study of "The Univer- sity and the Body Politic" was superficial and shallow. It might be argued that the shortage of time forbade deep probings into the central theses, but this can be only a partial explanation for a long series of incredibly dull speeches and panel discussions which evaded the ques- tions from the audience. The list of lum- inaries failed to cover up these inherent weaknesses. AT A TIME when universities are un- dergoing tremendous changes, a con- ference of educators and other public figures has the potential of contributing to the general dialogue which is attempt- ing to cope with these problems. Al- though there were some challenges to the role of the University in education, and the role of government in education, many speakers failed to clarify their stands, and chose instead merely to de- scribe a state of affairs familiar to all. Exemplifying this, Ludwig Erhard, for- mer chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, said, "The question in what ways college education, learning, science and research can be combined to form a There seems to be no end to the amount of advice given to Repub- licans by people who regularly support the Democrats. Perhaps I am overly suspicious, but this ad- vice is less than heartfelt and a good deal less than worth listen- ing to. The New York Times is a regu- lar practitioner. Its editorial columns fairly flow with tears of well-meaning concern over the various follies of the Republican Party. The major folly, of course, according to The Times, is to maintain a political position dif- ferent from that of the Demo- crats. The Times, so far as you can perceive its views when it comes to Republicans, is wholeheartedly opposed to a two-party system that is based upon opposing prin- ciples rather than simply oppos- ing personalities. THEIR LATEST gush of con- cern along these lines is for the Young Republican organization. A recent Times editorial moaned and groaned about the Young Republicans, vaguely muttering about their politics, their prin- ciples, their people and their platforms. In what must be one of the longest editorial reaches of the year they even tried to com- pare the Young Republicans with such elements of radical politics as the advocates of "black power." I will repeat to that august When it comes to political con- duct, the Young Republicans' only guilt is of being successful. They have been a crucial force in virtually every election where Republicans have won. In my own state of Arizona, they and the Women's Federation were key ele- ments in 14iling up the best Re- publican record of any state in the elections last November. I OFTEN wonder as I note the advice from essentially left-lean- ing sources if those giving the advice truly support any sort of personal freedom. I wonder if they remmeber that 27 million Americans voted for positions which the Young Republicans, for instance, fully support. I wonder if it is felt that these 27 million have any right to their convic- tions or whether it is felt that they should be subjugated to the whims of the majority and made to conform. There, at the root of it, is the basic principle involved: con- formity. All elements of the left have conformity in common. They want to impose it in the various names of social progress and wel- fare. But no matter how you slice it, it's still conformity that they worship. Instead, they should cherish the value of such dissent as that of the Republican platform and pro- posals of, say, 1964. Millions more Americans now know in their I1 40 m