Uf~g Sidygat Batity Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNTVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD rN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS here OpinionS Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail News PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This moust be noted in all "Pfrints. TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID KNOKE Politics and Education: An Old Story of Infringement THE ISSUE of University autonomy once again has been broached with the state Legislature's directive to the admin- istration to charge out-of-state students 75 per cent of the cost of their educa- tion. But we shouldn't really be too sur- prised, because politicians have been try- ing to control education-in one way or another-for a long time now. Back in the days of the infancy of the German universities, a university consist- ed of a few professors, what books they could afford, and as many students as were interested in learning what they hadto -teach. If political pressure in one place became too intense, the students simply packed up their books and went elsewhere. This is rather difficult in mod- ern times, but there is at least one rele- vant example of it: in the early fifties about half of the faculty of East Berlin's Humboldt University got annoyed at hav- ing to teach and take compulsory courses in Communist dogma, so they picked up their books, walked across the border, and established the Free University of Berlin. Unfortunately for today's Ameri- can multiversity, tied to campus, class- room and laboratory, such mobility is im-, possible. And even if it weren't, where else can one goo Much as students and faculty protest, there is no denying the fact that the uni- versity is no longer the ivy-covered cen- ter of study and inquiry it once was. Fi- nancially, the last few decades have wit- nessed an increasing dependence on the bounty of government and industry. THE DAYS of the generous millionaire alumnus have been supplanted by the Era of the Big Grant, together with all the control that this implies. The de- mands made by industry, or, more im- portant, government, are often hard to take: increase the Negro enrollment of the University or lose federal funds; fire. professors who refuse to testify before HUAC, and academic freedom be damn- ed; participate in research to find more efficient ways of killing people, or forget about money for research. The federal government is by no means the only villain. The University' must contend with legislators and taxpayers who feel that if theyare footing the bill, they have some say in its administration. There is no overestimating the power of the purse; all too often it is not the whim, of the politician but the quality of edu- cation which suffers. The interference of politics into edu- cation is by no means limited to the uni- versity. Just last year, a Detroit sociology teacher was fired for dealing with im- portant social issues that the enraged public felt were not proper for a junior high classroom. "I} A SLIGHT EXTENT, there are a few hopeful signs. Supreme Court decisions with regard to prayer in the schools came too late for the present generation of col- lege students, but in time to reintroduce a° living enforcement of the Bill of Rights to today's schoolchildren. Governor Rich- ard J. Hughes of New Jersey staked his political career on his refusal to submit to pressure to fire a controversial profes- sor at the state university-and then won his 1964 bid for re-election. And just last year the Regents of the Univer- sity of Wisconsin reacted to a state sen- ator's demand for an investigation of the Daily Cardinal with a firm declaration of its century-old statement of principle: 'Whatever may be the limitations which trammel inquiry elsewhere, we believe that the Great State Univer- sity of Wisconsin should ever encour- age that continual and fearless sift- ing and winnowing by which alone the truth may be found." That declaration was first made in .1860,. Other educational institutions might do well to adopt it. -JENNY STILLER '6 o&t N S N!fi PS DagOr p T (U T~o-T V Ps DF TNE TA R! L.etters to the Editor ..TRAN VAN DINH - BOOKS: Buddhism And- a ModernAia "The New Face of Buddha" by Jerrold Schecter. Coward McCann, N.Y., 1967; 300 pages, illustrated, $6.95. mmgnmiisiimtsa:sisth+i ';;. .'.".: ? ;k;", ,:; +a* ,...'' 'v"' :K: m .. r.°.umusi'isamm On a hot morning on June 11, 1963, in downtown Saigon, South Vietnam. an elderly Buddhist monk, Thich Quang Duc, sat on the pavement of a busy street. He crossed his legs in the lotus posture of Buddhist meditation. His face was serene and while he prayed, two younger monks poured gasoline on his head and shoulders. Calmly. Thich Quang Duc stroke a match, soon an orange color flame engulfed his body. The self-immolation of the respected monk signaled the downfall of the 9 year old regime of President I go Dinh Diem who was over- thrown by a military coup d'etat on November 1, 1963. It shocked the world, especially the U.S. and the Western countries which had be- lieved that Buddhism had been always a religion of passivity, inaction and renuciation. This belief although prevalent, is of course not true. Buddhism has been the main force of nation building in Asia. The first fusion of Buddhism and political action took place during the reign of King Asoka Maurya who lived in India from 264 to 227 B.C. In Vietnam, Buddhism, which was introduced from China in the second century of the Christian era, has been so close to the nation that one can say that the ups and downs of Vietnamese history have coincided with the rise and decline of Buddhism. As a matter of fact, the founder of the most glorious and prosperous dynasty in Imperial Vietnam, the Ly dynasty (1010-12225), was a devout Buddhist and a disciple of the famed Buddhist monk Van Hanh who gives his name to the Buddhist University in Saigon. And yet, in May, 1963 when the Buddhists in Hue, Central Vietnam, openly defied the oppressive power of President Ngo Dinh Diem, the experts in the U.S. administration were searching in vain for a file or a book (in English) on Vietnamese Buddhism. This untolerable lacune is now happily filled by Jerrold Schecter's "New Face of Buddha." THE AUTHOR, a 34-year-old journalist of considerable experiences on Asian affairs, now with the Tokyo Life-Time Bureau, has succeeded remarkably well in providing "a new and urgent insight into Buddhism, not only as religion and philosophy, but as nationalism, ideology and the ultimate source of Asian values." His chapter on Vietnam, the longest, is also the best, not only by the accuracy of the events he narrated but more so 'by his perceptive analysis of leaders and situ- ations. His description' of Thich Tri Quang, the well known Buddhist monk who had influenced and continues to influence events in South Vietnam since 1963, reveals the author not only as a shrewd observer but also as a man who can identify himself with people not of his background and culture. He depicts Thich Tri Quang in a short sentence which bears witness to the modern history of Vietnam: "He is a son of Hue: strong-willed, cunning, brilliant and mysterious." Being a son of Hue myself, I can see how deeply he understands the people of Hue, the former Imperial City, the center of Vietnamese culture and the seat of Buddhist power. Ho Chi Minh and Pham Van Dong. leaders of the Hanoi government in the North, are also the sons of Hue, being born in Central Vietnam and educated at the National College in Hue. The late President Ngo Dinh Diem was also a son of Hue. The book is a study of the new interpreters of Buddhism in Asia, from the leaders of the Japanese Soka Gakkai, to Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodiato Thich Tri Quang of Vietnam. It is a study of "engaged" Buddhism reflected in Thich Nhat Hanh's "Lotus in a Sea of Fire," and materialized in the Buddhist Socialist bloc in Vietnam. The chapter on China's attempt to build Buddhism as a showcase un- fortunately stops at the event of the Red Guards. But perhaps it is better for any China-watcher to wait for some time to know really what happened in China in the last year. IN THE PRESENT and future battlefields of politics in Asia, even in China, the conflict is basically between engaged Buddhism and or- ganized Marxism. Despite the apparent disadvantages of the Buddhist when faced with the well structured and methodicl Marxists, it is my opinion that in the long run, perhaps in 10 or 20 years, engaged Buddhism will absorb Marxism in a more enlightened nationalism and a deeper sense of internationalism. For those who wish to understand the present and the future of Vietnam, of Asia, in depth, The New Face of Buddha is certainly a must on the reading list. MUSIC Avant-Garde Concert Shows New Effects 0 U' Negroes in the Ghetto: Riots or Economic Power? REPEATED .38 CALIBER gun blasts de- livered by state police added two more to the list of dead in Newark, New Jersey, Sunday. After five days, over a thousand black people are incarcerated and Governor Richard Hughes of New Jersey offers clemency, according to the New York Times report yesterday morning, "to any of these prisoners who will give evidence leading to the conviction of a sniper." In this heavily patrolled and guarded spread of "America the Beautiful," sev- eral hundred citizens whose main aim was to urge restraint among the rioters even found it impossible to operate be- cause of state police and National Guard harassment. As a consequence, their ac- tivity was limited to distributing infor- mation concerning food and medicine sources in the area. However, banging heads with night- sticks and slashing wrists with bayonets didn't satisfy the steel helmeted troops. Two carloads of state police entered the ghetto area sometime late at night and fired into the store windows, reported lo- cal Negroes. Guardsmen joined in the destruction, they said, using rifle butts. The shop destruction unit did not carry The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Summer subscription rate: $2.00 per term by carrier ($2.50 by mail); $4.00 for entire simmer ($4.50 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. 240 Maynasrd St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104. Summer Editorial Staff LAURENCZ MEDOW ..;.............. Co-Editor out its mission indiscriminately, but chose as targets only those stores marked with signs reading "soul brother," which in- dicated Negro ownership. THE QUESTION IS NOT why-for either the riots or the resulting police action. After what has happened in Watts, Cleve- land, Buffalo, Chicago, Boston and simi- lar poverty hot spots over the last two years, few are so naive to stop here. The dilemma which is plaguing every- one from arch white racists to black pow- er SNCC organizers is-what to do now, and how militant to become. * Both sides have made their fundamen- tal decisions. The National Guard and the governor have decided what they will do when the city is hot and people are pressure-cooked past the boiling point. They simply destroy the commu- nity by every systematic and legalized- by the "because of the situation" ration- ale-means they can. But when news photos of Vietnam and Newark become almost indistinguishable, the comment made by a National Guardsman in New- ark, "this is just like two countries fight- ing," is frightening. THE BLACKS have made a decision, as has been shown in the civil rights movement over the past year. They have a plan which includes seizing upon the deep frustration felt by their people and turning it toward their own ends-in oth- er words, black control of the millions of black dollars which flow through their communities each day. At present, the blacks do not own stores, control apartment rents, or hold political positions. The frustration felt has not been channeled into construc- tive efforts. Instead, Negroes have had to revert to gas bombs, looting and fire- works. In the past, this self-destruction has brought some additional poverty money Dace Riots We are writing to protest the piece of puerile fatuity written by John Lottier which appeared on your July 15 editorial page. It is incredible that a university as respected as ours should produce writing identical to Uncle Tom's Cabin both in the odor of its cliches and the hypocrisy of its condescending arrogance. First, it is not and never has been a question of black Ameri- cans having to "prove" or "bet- ter" themselves. To be sure, the effects of a century of prejudice, on the social and attitudinal struc- tute of black Americans has been substantial and hardly pleasant. But, for one thing, they are sure- ly mirrored in the effects on the white community; we could match you riot for riot, death for death if the reactions of whites towards blacks moving into "their" com- munities were taken into consid- eration. For another, because it has been the whites who have createdhthe problem, it is up to them to accept responsibility for it; if they do not like what they see when they look into a black face, frankly, that's just too bad! SECOND, on the matter of tac- tics, the writer mixes up two is- sues. We agree that undirected, blind violence solves little. But the real issue is-shall black America "work within the rules" or press to change them? The entire his- tory of the civil rights movement documents the futility of the first approach. The cause of the pres- ent wave of violence has been the decision taken by the white com- munity that the rules have been changed enough. The pathos of the situation lies in . the fact that it is precisely this violence which has brought All letters must be typed, double-spaced and should be no longer than 300 words. All let- ters are subject to editing; those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. No unsign- ed letters will be printed. a new dignity to the black Amer- ican 'male by allowing him to conceive of his traditional depend- ence on whites as mutual. If he still needs white cooperation for his advancement, this is now par- alleled by the white man's need for his cooperation in the achieve- ment of social stability. The fact that whites in the main consider stability as "non - negotiable" bodes ill for American society. -Eileen A. Retka, Grad -Michael D. Wallace, Grad The editorial was meant to be facetious. In previous editor- ials, writer Lottier has defend- ed black power and pointed out the injustice of fighting a war in Vietnam while ignoring the plight of the slums. His most recent article was an interview with Muhammad Ali which was partially reprinted in several papers, including The Detroit Free Press.-Ed. Sharing the Burden The Legislature has thrown the University into financial crisis. The only proposal I've heard so far for ending the crisis is rais- ing student fees. I have no ob- jection to raising student fees if that's necessary: Students have a stake in the University. If the University needs money, students should be willing to do their part to get it. However, it does seem to me that our part should not be the whole. If, as so often claimed, the Re- gents and their administrators have a more permanent and ex- tensive stake in the University, then it seems reasonable to ex- pect the Regents and their ad- ministrators to take a more-than- comparable contribution to end- ing the crisis. I HAVE NOT yet heard of, one administrator having his salary cut or of one Regent giving a special gift to the University just to help out in the crisis. The Re- gents and their administrators seem to be acting as though only students had any stake in the Uni- versity. We should not forget hoy. they acted, when we and they again debate student power. -Michael Davis, Grad Administrative Vice-President Student Government Council Temporary Hike? Now let's be realistic. You know as well as I do that tem- porary measures tend to remain in use indefinitely until they are virtually permanent. Any assur- ances from the Regents that "tui- tion hikes will be temporary pending the acquisition of addi- tional operating monies" will, I'm afraid, hardly reassure the par- ents who will have to pay real money "temporarily," or the stu- dents who will have to increase their loans or conduct a frantic last minute search for $650! Hav- ing paid out-of-state tuition at its current rate I can assure the Regents that a - $650 increase would spell my financial doom; not to mention my physical and mental demiseaas well. I could not even have afforded to live in that infamous attic with plastic for windows, and rafters for clos- ets that your papier recently de- scribed during a housing probe. A modest raise in tuition coupled with a less modest (i.e., drastic) reduction in building projects which, it seems to me, in a crisis, should drop to the bottom of the priority list-when your children are starving, you don't build them a new house-would be a more reassuring suggestion from your paper!-not a temporarily perma- nent increase in out-of-state tui- tion which, I predict, would only be the starting point for 1967 in a new escalation schedule. -Gail Lois Broder, Grad OPINION The Daily has begun accept- ing articles from faculty, ad- ministration, and students on subjects of their choice. They are to be 600-900 words in length and should be submitted to the Editorial Director. 4 .tiiwBA RR Y GOLDWA TER..:......... Arrogance of Executive Power By A. C. FELIX Saturday night the School of Music presented the first of a series of four concerts of avant- garde music under the title "Con- temporary Directions." These con- certs are being presented under the aegis of Professor George Wil- son as part of a study of the ef- fectiveness of recent innovations in notation. As a scientific experiment Sat- urday's concert came complete with a control, in the form of "Octandre" by Edgar Varese, which presents its eight perform- ers with few or no problems of. notation. As a musical events, the concert's success was at least par- tially assured by the same piece; since "Octandre" is an acknowl- edged masterpiece. The perform- ance was excellent, sticking closer to the composer's dynamic and tempo markings than any other this reviewer has heard. A composer who would write an unaccompanied solo for the in- flexible, refractory oboe has his work cut out for him. Unfortu- nately Niccolo Castiglioni's "Alef" manages to sustain only mild in- terest despite its extreme technical difficulty, the use of several un- usual effects, and a very good per- formance by John Bentley, "Eleven Echoes of Autumn. 1965," by George Crumb; was the surprise success of the evening. It is scored for alto flute, clarinet, violin and piano; and the percus- sive tendencies of the piano are minimized by the use of harmon- the first performance, was retitled "Room 1304" after the location of the present performance. It is dif- ficult to say anything about Cage's music. He is liketa man who makes a career of excavating holes in which other people erect buildings -his enterprise is certainlyvalu- able, but how can one criticize his architecture? All that can be said is that noisemakers, prepared pianos, musical theatrics and so forth are all valid musiscal de- vices. To demand anything of "Room 1340" in the way of "musicality" is to ask more of the work than it is prepared to give. Raymond Wilding-White's "Ecce Homo" is an electronic work de- signed to accompany slides of a collection of drawings by George Grosz. The tape consists of crowd noises, street noises, garbled frag- ments of popular songs repeated over and over. As such it is quite effective as far as it -goes. The problem with message-art, how- ever, is that the scathing indict- ment of today is merely quaint in twenty years and downright boring after a century. Grosz's drawings will survive because their depic- tions of universal human types transcend the time in which they were written. Wilding-White's music, alas, does not and will not. "Play! No. 1" by Morton Subot- nick is a sen-comic commentary on performers and performances. The initial tune-up is written out, depriving the work of clear-cut beginning. Throughout the per- formance the plavers are moving. 4 Since some of us are always accused of living in the past, I figure we might as well, from time to time, have the game as well as the name. So the other day I began reading backward in the files of my state's great- history. Under the date of Sept. 6, 1906, I found a speech made by Henry Ashurst, one of our first sena- tors, as he addressed the Demo- cratic Territorial Convention in Bisbee, Ariz. Here are some quotations from the speech, with only the names deleted. The deletions show you that things don't change quite as much as you might think, at least of stupendous extravagance with public monies. Since he has been the chief magistrate, a reckless buffoonery has characterized every Cabinet department of govern- ment; graft, corruption and, as a very distinguished phrase maker once said, 'the unwholesome prog- eny of paternalism have hovered over his regime.' "Indeed, our philosophy takes a painful and gloomy form when we see that the people of this na- tion, particularly the young men, are drawing from the administra- tion's rule a system of ethics com- pounded of misanthropy and graft, a system in which two great and cardinal principles are grab l all that you see and hold all that you That abuse of executive power and a lowering standard of ethics in the executive branch of gov- ernment was just as great a con- cern,, and just as legitimate a one, 60 years ago as it is this very day. I will not even suggest to you which names might today be meaningfully and legitimately sub- stituted for the ones Ashurst used. The arrogance of executive power everywhere is evident, from the smallest details of press agen- try to the most sweeping outlines of public policy. The administration is said to give all that is good and smite all that is evil and, in the course of it. 40