-1 uhe arcahilan a Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free, Truth win Prevmil 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. r i SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID DUBOFF i An Obituary Rj Ivv ''0' Kx r. .- " . j S "Y w 47 r t [ _ x, rt S t yit .rt ' ^' 1 It x .N' 1/ . 1 ; - dW i i5 rp+ + { ' J t1, T NEW YORK World Journal Tribune is dead. Yesterday's demise of the paper, a sharp contrast from the sanguine attitudes and self-congratulations that marked the re- cent gathering of American newspaper editors in New York, is another spasm in the death throes of big city journalism in America. News coverage is the weakest element in American journalism today. There are now no more than a half a dozen papers which rely substantially on their own correspondents, rather than the wire services, for national and international coverage. It's not that the WJT was a good paper. The corporate amalgam of Hearst, Scripps-Howard and John Hay Witney was graphic evidence that dying news- papers make strange bedfellows. Com- pared to the Herald Tribune-the lead- ing party in the merger which reduced New York's papers from six to four-the WJT was bland and unexciting, Its edi- torial line seemed to be vacuous, non- controversial, main stream Republican- ism. Yet there were enough elements of the old Tribune present to make the WJT worth reading. The WJT provided the sole New York outlet for Walter Lippnann, Art Buchwald and its own Jimmy Breslin. The unions are not the real murderers of the WJT. Instead it was killed by the dominance of its rivals and television. Both the New York Times and the New York Daily News are the archtypes of their respective styles of journalism. There was just not enough reader and advertising demand for the middle ground between the massive seriousness of the Times and the semi-literate irrelevance of the News. In addition, the dominance of that little black box in American liv- ing rooms has cut deeply into both news- paper advertising and readers. And in New York the two biggest papers received the bulk of what advertising there was. THE INSUFFICIENCY of New York's re- maining papers is indicated by the dire measures resorted to by newspaper afficionados. There is a growing demand in New York for the Washington Post and the thriving Paris edition of the Her- ald Tribune. The Times should not be the only ser- ious voice in New York. Lack of competi- tion can easly foster stagnation. There is already too much emphasis at the Times for blanketing the news rather than analyzing it or commenting on it. The Times editorials read like they are written by a committee and reflect a cautious, dull, grey liberalism. On days when James Reston or Tom Wicker do not appear, the Times editorial page is barren of almost all meaningful com- ment. Television news coverage is no sub- stitute for a newspaper. Huntley-Brink- ley, and their fellow performers provide no more than a capsule summary of the news. Television news pictures are more apt to distort, than edify. Usually they just bore. But mostly television is mark- ed by-the lack of courage or conviction. PERHAPS A WORD should be said about New York's third newspaper, the Post. The Post has survived primarily by cat- ering to a limited audience and keeping its expenses small. The tabloid Post's few news pages are primarily concerned with local and state news. Their reporters rarely venture further than Albany. But what the Post markets is opinion. Liberal, controversial opinion. Either of these factors would make the Post an American journalistic phenomenon. The demise of the WJT will undoubtedly strengthen the Post's position, since it is now New York's sole afternoon paper. But due to its limitations, the Post, like the News, cannot supplement or challenge the Times' coverage of the news. New York's news coverage has not real- ly suffered from the death of the WJT. For the WJT did not challenge the dom- inance of the Times. The Times' last challenge ended with last year's death of the Herald Tribune. 'THIS DOMINANCE of wire services is the saddest element of today's news- paper crisis. For the wire services are the voice of the conservative, middle-aged Establishment. TheIr anti-Communism no longer is relevant to a changing world. Their coverage of Washington and Viet- nam eschew controversy and criticism. Wire services merely reinforce American preconceptions and prejudices about the world beyond their local newspaper. There are more real newspapers in Switzerland than in this country-papers which depend on their own correspond- ents, rather than wire services or gov- ernment handout, papers with distinctive viewpoints. Admittedly many of these pa- pers are subsidized by various interest groups. But there is nothing wrong with this as long as there a multitude of other papers to reflect divergent viewpoints. The difference between American and European journalism is a key explanation for the European rejection of the sim- plistic American outlook on foreign af- fairs. SO WE NOTE the passing of the World Journal Tribune and look with dismay at the paucity and barrenness of its sur- vivors. --WALTER SHAPIRO 00-^ + I N r t e C -4 - I a i * I . *. . fi . ;,.~ .: . *'AS TNrTW &IVIS S N T)S0 &ROW J~TIAE TR'EE.." -4' Letters to the Editor An Open Letter on the Draft Books: On Tolkein's (Fairy) Coattails By DAINIS BISENIEKS Eddison. E. R., "THE WORM OUROBOROS." Ballantine, 1967. Cover design, blurb. everything about this new paperback is meant to catch the eye of the reader who was captivated by "The Lord of the Rings" and would like something else of that sort. The publisher are right: Eddison is the only writer whose work can be compared with Tolkien's. Since "The Worm Ouroboros" first appeared (England, 1922; U.S., 1926) it has become a byword among readers of fantasy. It has been praised by some of Tolkien's friends and admirers. among them C. S. Lewis. At least one reviewers of the first edition thought It would still be read a century later. I do not doubt it. There is a hint of more to follow: here's the scoop E. R. Eddso who died in 1945, wrote three more otherworldly romances: "Mistress of Mistresses," "A Fish Dinner in Memison," and "The Mezentan Gate." These form a loosely linked trilogy set in a world called Zimiam- via. Their events have no connection with those of "The Worm Ouro- boros': only once, in Chapter 12, is Zimiamvia seen from a mountain peak: "'Is that true, thinkest thou, which philosophers tell us of that fortunate land: that no mortal foot may tread it, but the blessed souls do inhabit it of the dead that be departed, even they that were great upon earth and did great deeds when they were living, that scorned not earth and the delights and the glories thereof, and yet did justly and were not dastards nor yet oppressors?"' THE SETTING of "The Werm Ouroboros" is another mdd earth, though the author calls it "Mercury." When you compare with Tolkien's work, the two turn out to be as different as peas and apples. Tolkien's hobbits are ordinary people, gifted with no outstanding qualities. Yet they are chosen for a great task and must use such strength and wits' as they have. A point that Gandalf makes time and again is: when deeds must be done. it does not matter what you are, what you have become-even Gollum. In direct contrast to all moder fiction, personality is no excuse. Eddison's world is pagan and aristocrat. "Unearthly," he said of it. "Like the saga-time: there is no malaise of the soul. In that world, well fitted to their faculties and dispositions, men and women of all estates enjoy beatitude in the Aristotelian sense of . . . activity accord- ing to their highest virtue." But of the lower estates we see almost nothing. His heroes are the Lords of Demonland: Juss, GoldrL Bluszco, Spitfire, and Brandoch Daha. They are what Boromir thought himself to be. Their opponents are the King of Witchland and his lords. Everybody has his faults: theirs hapens to be being wicked. After deserting the Demons in a sea battle against the Ghouls, the King sends his jester as ambassador to ask their homage: a calculated act of defiance. "'I come before you as the Ambassador of Gorice XI., most 4 glorious King of Witchland, Lord and great Duke of Buteny and Estremerine, Commander of Shulan, Thramne, Mingos, and Permio, and High Warden of the Esamocian Marches, Great Duke of Trace, King Paramount of Beshtria and Nevria and Prince of Ar, Great Lord over the country of Ojedia, Maltraeny, and of Baltary and Toribia, and Lord of many other countries, most glorious and most great, whose power and glory is over all the world and whose name shall endure for all generations ....'" The Demons take counsel and challenge the King to unarmed single combat. He accepts and is killed. His successor by metempsy- chosis is Gorice XII, "a most crafty warlock, full of guiles and wiles, who by the might of his egromancy and the sword of Witchland shall exceed all earthly powers that be " He conjures up a spirit of the deep and sends him against the Demons. War is therewith joined Invasions, perilous journeys, battles, palace intrigues: as long as Eddison keeps his characters in motion, he is Tolkien's equal as a storyteller. But how different the flavor of his story! C. S. Lewis spoke of its blend of Renaissance luxury and Northern hardness. Very apt. Tolkien can describe trees and make me love them, but I cannot share Eddison's love for the decoration of palaces. His book is not for everybody: a taste for it must be aquire HIS STYLE, of which I have given some samples, is like nothing since the 16th century. If Tolkine is the Bach of the heroic romance, Eddison is its Berlioz. or perhaps Verdi. He was influenced most deeply by the Elizabethans, and the verses spoken or sung by his characters are borrowed from them. From John Webster ("The White Devil," "The Duchess of Malfi") he takes phrases, half lines, whole lines: most 4 his diction, in fact. It is literary theft at its best: the man believed in writing that way. This is not the phony "Ho, varlet!" style of "The White Company." It has power: almost every page is a set piece. If you try reading it aloud, you will not be able to keep your face straight. Least of all in Chapter Four, "Conjuring in the Iron Tower." But please don't laugh too loudly. It is bombastic: it is corny-but it's meant to be that way. Eddison's villains are more interesting in thei wickedness than his heroes in their heroism. Even now I cannot tell the latter apart or visualize them in- dividually. The Witches-Corund. Corinius, Corsus-are real char- acters. I have become fond of them. So did the Demons after-by their might and the overweening pride of the King-they had utterly de- feated them all. Like Boromir, they lived for their deeds and could wish for nothing better than to have their enemies back again. Did they get them? Consider the title. The ouroboros is the ancient symbol of infinity, a snake eating its tail. And instead of "The End," the story concludes with "The Worm Ouroboros." Dainis Bisenieks is a graduate student in English at the University. Mao That Roared Both this country and many of its young men stand to suffer greatly from the continuation of a compulsory military draft. In the midst of the most ques- tionable war in this nation's his- tory, the President's proposal for revamping the draft structure would make available to the mili- tary unlimited numbers of young men, obligated to wage the admin- istration's battles. Those who oppose the war in Vietnam stand to suffer most from the draft, because they cannot in good conscience serve in the arm- ed forces. For the majority of them there is no possibility of conscientious objection, because that demands complete moral op- position to all war. Thus, these young men, who care for their country but cannot yield to the demand to effect the government's foreign policy, will spend several years in prison, or go into self- imposed exile, rather than serve in the military. This probable sit- uation is a tragic waste of human potential, both for the individ- uals and for the country. WE SUGGEST the formation of an alternative - service system which would present a choice to those young men called upon to serve their country. Now is the time to act. We must not merely stand by hoping that the new draft law will not touch us. Now is the time to make the draft something more than the arbi- trary imposition of a military ob- ligation. We want service to the country to be a constructive, in- dividual act, rather than a bur- den. The creation of alternative service would fulfill this wish. Objections to alternative serv- ice have been raised by the Presi- dent's National Advisory Commis- sion on Selective Service. Our, an- sw.ers are given below: OBJECTION 1: Peaceful alter- native service does not equate with the rigors and dangers of mili- tary life. Answer : A means of equating the two might be to ask all those who choose alternative service to give three or four years, as op- posed to the two in the military. With this system, people who want to find the easiest way out of any national service, the true "draft dodgers," would think twice be- fore making the sacrifice of an additional year or two of their lives. On a more fundamental lev- el, we might question the presi- dential commission's underlying assumption that the act of killing and the danger of being killed is more inherently important to the nation than the constructive acts of alternative service. In addition, we might ask wheth- er all1who serve in the military are equally exposed to dangers and hardships. If this is not the case, why then is there such concern about equalizing hardships for those serving in alternative serv- ice and those serving in the mili- tary, if the armed forces them- selves have such an imbalance? Objection 2: A universal na- tional service, be it military or peaceful, might be unconstitution- al because it requires all to serve. Answer: The system of drafting could remain. Those classified I-A would then have the choice of the form of their service. While this would require a larger draft call, it does not obligate all to serve. Objection 3: Certain forms of service, such as the Peace Corps, require high educational standards and would be open to relatively few. Thus, discrimination exist. would Answer: Only a small portion of services need have these stand- ards. Alternative service should be broad enough so that all who wish to serve would be accommodated to their satisfaction. For example, an underprivileged youth might be trained in a skill, and then apply it and teach it to others. Both foreign and domestic projects in community development, s 1u m clearance and conservation might be undertaken. These need not be discriminatory because of high ed- ucational requirements. ALTHOUGH we recognize that the call for alternative service does dot help in ending the war in Vietnam, we must seek to be con- structive wherever possible. Ideally, we would have no draft or guns or bombs, but that day has not yet come. At present, we are faced with the reality of a draft, and we must attempt, by every means in our power, to make national service a meaning- ful part of an individual's life. We believe that the creation of an al- ternative-servicesystem would ac- complish this goal. When a young man is obligated to serve, the course he will take is a matter of individual con- science. Today, the apparent al- ternatives to military service - imprisonment or self-imposed exile -are too narrow a set of options; they will ruin many lives and ul- timately do harm to the country. Therefore, as individuals, we must do everything in our power to create options for all young Ameri- cans. -Barry Lesch, Executive Committee Indiana University Committee to End the War in Vietnam You Always Gotta Watch 'em LY AFTER STUDENT demonstrations flared did -the Wayne State adminis- tration put its confidential "dirt" files to the torch. This- typifies the order in which progressive measures are taken in colleges today-the impetus coming from the frustrated masses of students upward to the efficient bureaucracy that truns the show. Of course the destruction of the rec- ords was only one of six demands present- ed the administration by a group of WSU students-demands that have been ac- companied by sit-ins, rallies and dem- onstrations. Aside from the physical act of the file-burning, we might pause a moment to ask, just why in the world these files were ever kept in the first place. Why did the university previously deny even their existence? What business did the campus police have with the poli- tical, sex and personal lives of the stu- dents attending the university they pa- trol? THESE QUESTIONS will, no doubt, fall on deaf ears, because the adminis- tration's action was prompted by exigen- cy, not moral concern. Here in Ann Ar- bor, we are familiar with the problem, and in fact had a big brouhaha over a similar practice by our administration that went one step further-our bureauc- racy not only kept personal records, but it also was provided with an opportunity to turn them over to the House Commit- tee on Un-American Activities. In the wake of this odious deed, the debate still goes on, as witnessed by the recent rejec- tion by the Graduate Student Council of a special report on the disclosure of per- sonal information by the Office of Stu- dent Affairs. The Office of Student Organizations, a section of the OSA, assures us that no rec- ords are kept on students' organizational or political affiliation. We hope this is the case. Nonetheless, every effort must be made to limit the discretion of the vice-president for student affairs in handing out private information for vari- ous and sundry reasons. THE STUDENTS at Wayne State have acted and have obtained the desired, immediate results. Our experience at the University, however, shows that more than a pile of papers must burn. The whole set of attitudes that mold an ad- ministration's decision to maintain files on student conduct must also go up in smoke. Today and Tomorrow ... By Walter Lippmann The Honored Dead Is it really a good idea to use the ceremony of giving the Medal of Honor to the widow of a soldier killed in battle as the platform for dealing with the President's critics? The President's remarks on Tuesday while conferring the med- al posthumously on Marine Sgt. Peter S. Connor intended to stamp upon the public mind the notion that but for the dissenters Sgt. Connor would not have died. The President should realize that this is playing it rough, that to degrade debate to this level is certainly to provoke the retort that Sgt. Connor did not die be- cause Sen. J. W. Fulbright and Sen. George Aiken and the Coun- cil of Churches and some editors and some columnists and some students were against the Presi- -dent's conduct of the war. Sgt. Connor died in a military operation conducted under the or- ders of President Johnson. The obvious rebuttal to the President's use of the heroes is that if Mr. Johnson remained true to the poli- cv on which he was elected, if he sane person ever argued that the President had no right to answer his critics? What the critics want above all are candid answers to the trou- blesome questions. What is argued by some and is felt by many more is that instead of answering his critics the President is evading the issues by .stirring up a cloud of patriotic emotion. The exploitation of the dead heroes is a flagrant example of this. The exploitation of Gen. Wil- liam Westmoreland, who as a representative of the troops can- not be attacked, is another exam- ple. The President does not even pretend to argue the administra- tion case. He merely asserts it in large, hot, question-begging gener- alities. If the undeniable right to an- swer dissent is to be exercised usefully and with dignity, the an- swer must be addressed to the best-informed and most responsi- ble critics. It is, of course, a temp- tation to ignore Sen. Fulbright and Sen. George McGovern and Sen. Aiken and the staff report of the sue of the debate that Sen. Ever- ett Dirksen comes out of the hos- pital to pledge Republican sup- port to the Commander-in-Chief, for everybody knows that Sen. Dirksen will do everything in his power to prevent Mr. Johnson from being re-elected. It is most probable that this is all that Ho Chi Minh hopes for from the mounting dissent in this country. INDEED, whatever the Repub- licans may be saying now, the President is on a course which will cause the Republican Party to pre- sent itself as an alternative to an- other Johnson administration. It is reasonably certain that the President has enlarged the war and has enlarged his war aims to a point where he can no longer hold the confidence either of the hawks or the doves. The President has reached a point, as Sen. Aiken has just said, when "the present administration cannot achieve an honorable peace in Vietnam." It is a grevious predicament for the country and also for the Dem- By DAVID SMITH Collegiate Press Service PHILADELPHIA, Pa. - Chair- man Mao Tse-tung has received the ultimate insult from the West. He has become the latest fad. He is heir to the loyal admirers of hoola hoops, skate-boards and miniskirts. And he is taken just about as seriously. "Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung" has become a runaway best-sell- er, first in France and now in Britain and America. Time maga- zine reports that it is the hottest item at Columbia since Henry Miller, and that even Brentano's at the Pentagon has quickly un- loaded a thousand copies. MAO'S IDEAS are often mis- guided and unrealistic but they certainly don't deserve the label "camp." But the Mao fad can only be explained by the fact that the Western public regards him and the Cultural Revolution as the purest camp. The millions of Red Guards madly waving their little red books was a camp tableau. So the West bought the book and imi- tated the spectacle. Likewise, the poster craze sweeping the U.S. is in part attributable to the influ- ence of the Red Guards' poster side of the globe. China seems so ridiculous that the true threat she poses is all but overlooked. If this is not true, how then account for the easy acceptant' of the latest fashion from Carna- by Street, the Red Guard uniform? The London hippies wouldn't have dared to deck themselves on in Hitlerjugend khaki 30 years ago. OR CAN YOU imagine a smar alec of the 1930's standing up i. class, whipping out his pocket edi- tion of "Mein Kampf" and smirk- ingly replying to the teacher with, "Der Fuehrer says . . ?" The teacher would not have laughed. Fifteen years ago you certainly would not have been invited to Manhattan cocktail party in hon of Comrade Stalin. Why is Mao's image so danger- ously distorted in the Western mind? The blame rests with the popular press. The Cultural Revo- lution spawned a carnival of ex- citing front page news but them was little or no attempt to at! alyze and explain the Chinese tur- moil to Western readers. To report, nothing at all would have been preferable to making the Cultural Revolution look like the Mad Hat- ter's tea party. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service Summer subscription rate: $2.00 per term by car- rier; ($2.50 by mail) $4.00 for entire summer ($4.50 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session.